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Rated: E · Short Story · Holiday · #2326092
Finding love while on vacation.
"I have booked us into the Ice hotel in Quebec City."
"You what?"
"Hotel de Glace. It's my turn to pick the hotel this year so this is my choice."
"For our girls trip?"
Donna kept nodding. Her grin was radiant. Ashely and Rayna just stared at her. Their jaws hung open.
"Come on, ladies. This will be an adventure. Once in a lifetime. Maybe we'll meet our special someones."
"You don't mean our own personal Yeti?" Rayna said when she was able to find her voice.
"Don't be silly. Check this out." Donna turned the computer so they could see the pictures of the place. "I'd be like our own ice castle. You'd find your prince."
"He'd be frozen, no doubt."
"Oh, come on ladies. Give it a chance. If anything we'll be able to explore Quebec City. It's supposed to be lovely in the winter."
"Couldn't be any worse than the camping trip we took to Algonquin -"
"And almost got carried away by the black flies."
"There will be no bugs. I promise." Donna said as she held up her Boy Scout fingers.
The other two laughed.
"Fine." They both agreed and could not help smiling as Donna did her brand of happy dance in front of them.
"When is this frozen trip?"
"We go during holiday break, after New Years. Imagine drinking out of mugs made of ice."
"Chilling thought." Rayna said, giving a body shudder.
Ashely laughed.
The train pulled into the station on a crisply cold January 3.
Donna, bundled in snow gear from head to toe, led the way onto the platform. Rayna followed after making sure her scarf was secure and her mittens donned. She was not taking any chances with the weather.
Ashley was the last to step out onto the icey platform. Her heeled leather boots slid for purchase until Rayna grabbed her to keep her from going down.

“Tell me why you insisted on going for stylish over practical,” Rayna said as she let go of Ashley, but kept a wary glance on her just in case she needed to catch her again.

Ashley dusted herself off as she said, “After 20 years of knowing me, you’d even think to ask that question?”

Rayna laughed and shook her head. Ashley would be dressed to the nines underneath her fashionable leather coat. She’d die before she bundle herself up in layers.

“Would you look at this ladies.” Donna said as she took in the view before them.
Old Quebec City looked like a winter wonderland. “Can you feel the magic?”

“All I feel is the cold,” Ashley muttered. Rayna smirked.

“Can we explore or -”

“Yes, I’ve booked us in to a hotel closeby for the night. We will take a shuttle to the Ice Castle tomorrow.”

“Do we really need to stay there?”

“One night Ashley. That’s all I’m asking for. It will be a chance of a lifetime.”

“You’re daft.”

“Ah, maybe, but you love me.”

“It’ll be fun.” Rayna linked her arms with her best friends. “Let’s get our bags and get going. I hear Quebec City is wonderful this time of year.”

“Suck up.” Ashley muttered and Rayna laughed.

“I’m surprised you didn’t book us into the Chateau Frontenac.” Rayna said as she rolled her suitcase to a stop in the lobby or their tiny boutique hotel.

“Oh, I considered it, but not not all of us are made of money.”

“Speak for yourselves,” Ashley said as she maneuvered herself to a safer patch while maintaining her grace.

“Well, I'd say we’re all worth it. The Ice hotel and its partnering hotel are enough for this weekend. We can all afford to give ourselves a gift once in a while. Let’s just say we’re celebrating your publishing contract.”

Rayna smiled at that. “Shouldn’t I be working on my next book?”

“All in good time. You must remember to take pleasure where you can -”

“Or those beastly fourth graders will eat you alive.” Ashley muttered. “Besides I have plans for some Carribean flare on your next break.”

“This room is wonderful,” Donna said as she flopped down on the first bed in the room.

Rayna walked to the second Queen sized bed taking a moment to turn the lock to open the adjoining door between their rooms. Ashley materialized, waving a bottle of champagne she’d had arranged to be in her room.

“So tell us more about this new guy you met?” she said when she came back with three champagne flutes.

Rayna flushed. “There isn’t much to tell. I just met him briefly at the Open Mic Poetry night at a little cafe I love. We talked, but I didn’t have the nerve,,,,”

“New Years resolution for you my friend. Grow some and ask the guy out next time you see him.”

“I might never -

“Stop right there, my friend. You said this was a monthly event and he said he goes every month.”

Rayna nodded. “But the weather is not always cooperative and there are a lot of open fields between Ktichener and Paris. We are talking about Canadian winters. Besides, tomorrow is the open mic night and I’m not going to be there.”

“There is always the first Friday in February.”

“Maybe he’s thinking about you. That’s so romantic.” Donna rolled over onto her stomach and held out her glass for a refill.

Ashley refilled their glasses then made her way back to sit beside Rayna. “You need to put yourself out there. Not every guy is going to be an unsupportive asshole like your ex. Give the guy a chance at least.”

Rayna pursed her lips. It was true this guy had stirred butterflies and sent her body into awareness hyperdrive like no other. But could she trust herself?

“You never know unless you try?” Ashley pushed.

“But I like this place. If I embarrass myself….”

“You won’t. Take the chance. If you get shot down, just take it in stride. I doubt he’d be an asshole about it.”

After a moment, Rayna nodded then raised her glass to be clinked by her friends.

“So I have a plan for tonight,” Donna said.

Rayna’s eyes widened as her brows rose, “What kind of plan?”

“I found a cool bar not far from here that does open mic nights. I called and they told me tonight is one of those nights. So I reserved a spot and told him there would be a couple of us reading.”

“You better not expect me - “

“Not you, silly. Rayna and I. What do you say?”

“My poems are in English so I don’t - “

“Oh, I asked about that and was told the more the merrier. They’ll be French and English poets. They even have musicians doing original stuff. I wanted to give you a chance to shine…. And we’ll be there to cheer you on.”

“But, I’ don’t - ” Her words fell away as Donna presented her with a file folder.

“I took the liberty of copying out some of your poems. There’s bound to be something in there you’d be willing to read.”

“Besides, you won’t know anyone but us.”

“I don’t’ know….”

“You can do this Rayna. Put on your kick ass boots and go for it.”

“I don’t have -”

“You can borrow mine.” Ashley wiggled her boots at her.

They all laughed. There was no way Rayna’s size nine feet would fit in Ashley’s compact pair of ass kickers.”

“It’s the thought that counts.” Ashley added.

“Do I have to?”

“Well, no. But I’m challenging you to at least read one. I’ll read something too.”

“Did you bring anything?” Rayna asked knowing it had been a long while since Donna had tried to write any poetry.

“I’ll read one of yours.”

“Oh, God.”

“They’re brilliant, Rayna.”

Rayna blew out a calming breath, then nodded, “I guess I might as well go for it. How awful could it be.”

“Think positive, Rayn.”

Rayna shrugged, then wiggled her shoulders to ease the tension that was already starting to build.

The little cafe they went to was quaint and comfortable. The owner came over to reassure them the crowd of poetry buffs was kind and welcoming.

When she was introduced as a first time reader the crowd gave a welcoming roar of applause that had Rayna’s butterflies doing somersaults in her belly. She had chosen three poems to read. She had even taken time in the bathroom to practice and read them aloud to herself before they headed out for dinner.

Standing there she felt a wave of terror flow over her, but the thumbs up from Donna and Ashley had her smiling and relaxing enough to take in a couple of calming breaths before beginning. Her voice was steady and confident despite the nerves.

Once she began she felt herself sink into the words and be enveloped by the emotions of the poems. She was no poetry slam artist like some of the poets, but she managed well enough. The applause and cheers made her smile as her confidence swelled.

“Those were even more brilliant than the last ones I heard.” a rather handsome man at the next table said as she slid back into her chair.

Rayna’s mouth had dropped open at the shock of seeing him there. “Oh my god. It’s you.”

He grinned over at her. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing. For me, my buddy moved here this fall and I promised we’d do the New Year together and he promised we’d check out the ice hotel this weekend.”

Oh, my. That’s what my girlfriends and I are doing.

“It’s kismet.”

There was no fighting the smile that blossomed. She noticed the pages he was holding, “Are you reading too?”

“Gonna give it a shot. You inspired me. My buddies have been egging me on.”

“Are they poets too?”

He laughed, shaking his head. “Not even close, but they dared me to read some of mine. I’m more of a closet poet.” He winked at her and her heart did some flips.

She wished him good luck as he got up to read. His velvet voice curled around the words. Rayna was caught up in the lyrical poignancy. She was impressed.

“Wow. Those belong in a book, not locked in a closet.” She told him when he returned to his seat.

He smiled gratefully.

At intermission, while his buddies and her friends wandered off to get more drinks, he shifted his chair closer to hers.

“So Rayna, why Quebec City at this time of year?”

“My friends and I take turns picking places to visit. This is Donna’s choice. She wants us to spend a night in the Hotel de Glace.”

“I’ve heard it’s a once in a lifetime kind of thing.”

“Really. We’re doing that too. We’re going up for the opening.”

“I’ve heard.”

“And so you’re exploring Quebec City before you go?”

“Yeah, Donna knows how much our friend Ashley likes to shop. So we’re here to give her that time before we freeze her to death in the hotel.”

Bryon laughed. “I take it she’s not a big fan.”

Rayna shook her head. “She usually picks Caribbean islands.”

“And you? Where would you pick?”

“I’m open. I love the sunny climates, but I also enjoy a good history adventure. When we went to Paris, I dragged us all down into the catacombs. Ashley hated it.”

“I can imagine. Was that the best thing about Paris?”

“Oh, I really enjoyed it, but my favourite thing was sitting in cafes where Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Callaghan sat and wrote. I could have done that the whole time. That and checking out the bookstores. I know, I'm a bit of a nerd.”

Bryon smiled. “That sounds like my kind of thing, too.”


“It’s good to get out of the closet and write in an interesting cafe. My buddies think I’m nuts, but what do they know?”

“You do look more like the sports bar kind of guy.”

“By the sound of that I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”

Rayna chuckled, “It goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Byron smiled as he said, “My buddies are sports bar guys. I get razed a lot for writing, but we’ve been through a lot over the years. They bug me about it, but they secretly love it.”
Rayna laughed as he whispered the last part.

“They’ll be happy so long as there’s booze and besides the open mic is eclectic here. A bit of poetry to start, then they switch to music. My buddy Carl is the guitar player. He'll sing one of my songs later.”

Rayna raised her brows, “A song writer too?”

“It’s not a huge stretch, besides I told him I’d do the poems if he sang.”

Byron said his hellos and introduced his buddies as they dropped back into their seats. “Rayna tells me you are heading up to the Hotel de Glace.”

“We are,” Donna said, “I got it all planned out.”

“Yes, she’s planning to kill us and freeze us in our sleep.”

“Oh, you will love it. You just need the right outerwear and you’ll be all set. Besides, you can’t do tube sliding in designer boots.”

“She’s determined to dress me like a Yeti.”

“But you’ll be so much warmer.”

“And who doesn’t like a good fast tube ride.” James said, giving her a wink.

“I’m sure I can find far warmer activities to amuse myself with.”

“I hear the saunas and hot tubs are divine.” Rayna told them. “Especially after a day out in the cold.”

“Now that’s more like it.” Byron had to agree.

Donna glanced at Rayna and smiled at her flushed cheeks. They smiled at each other and Donna chuckled as Rayna’s flush intensified.

“Well, this is unexpected, but lovely.” she says softly.

It’s been a long while since Rayna has shown any interest in someone. Her last guy left a devastating hole with his constant criticism. His lack of support had cut her deeply.

The two groups shifted their tables together.

When Carl got up to play, Rayna leaned in to Donna to tell her the songs were Byron’s words.

As the evening began to wind down Byron leaned closer to Rayna and asked if he could see her again. Her mouth opened and a smile played at her mouth, then she paused and glanced at her friends for a moment.

“I’d like too, but we’re on a girl’s vacay -”

“Not to worry.” Donna waved off her concerns, “Carl gave the address of a great outer gear shop we can go to tomorrow before we catch the shuttle after lunch. We’ll all be on the same shuttle.”

Rayna bit her bottom lip as she studied Donna’s face.

“I mean it.” Turning to the guys she added, “I have a feeling this is going to be a very good weekend.”

“I agree.” Byron said when Rayna eased into a smile.

Donna leaned in to add in a whisper, “We may need help convincing Ashley to join us… besides she’s getting kinda cozy with James over there.”

Rayna chuckled as she glanced at her other friend. Ashley could be stubborn, but with male enticement she would step up to the task.

With the guys joining them at the outer gear shop, they managed to convince Ashley to outfit herself in designer gear worthy of the goddess she was.

Before the shuttle, they grabbed lunch at a little bistro Carl told them was perfect. They had to agree.

“I’m having liquor in my coffee. A little alcohol mixed with my blood will make this blasted cold a bit more bearable.” Ashley ordered an Irish Coffee and chuckled when everyone else followed her example.

By the time they made the shuffle they were feeling warm and a little fuzzy around the edges.
Rayna smiled warmly up at Byron when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to keep her upright or just stay close, but either way it felt good. It had been a long while since a guy had held her so protectively.

They sat together on the shuttle. Donna sat with Carl and Ashley with James.

“I say we all meet back at the bar for our celebratory iced mug after we check in and locate our surroundings.” James suggested as he helped to organize all their bags.

“I got us a themed room with two beds because I figured Rayna and I could share a bed and you could have the other. When we get to the other hotel for Friday and Saturday nights we can do like with did in Quebec City.” Donna told them as they approached the check in counter.

“That sounds fine to me. We can stay warmer that way.”

“It also means we get a fireplace in our room. We still have to venture out to the sauna and hot tub under the stars, but this way we can hang with the guys a little more…. If that’s okay?” Donna glanced at Rayna to see her smile of acceptance of that idea.

“I’ll trust your judgment on this, Donna, but you know I’ll tell you what I think -”

“Yes, I know Ashley. But I think you;ill enjoy it.”

The time at the Ice hotel was magical. Rayna enjoyed drinking her fancy drink out of the ice glass. They had all been so careful not to smash them into each other as they did cheers.

“To a wonderfully fabulous new year full of adventure,” James began.

“And may all your dreams come true.” Donna added tapping her glass to his.

“I’m for all of that,” Byron tapped his glass to Rayna’s. “I was wondering if you were interested in checking out the skating trail before dinner?”

Rayna smiled. “Did you bring your skates?”

“Of course. What Canadian boy doesn’t bring his skates to a winter wonderland?”
“James didn’t.” Carl says grinning at his buddy who only scowled.

“I can rent them if I am so inclined, but unless you guys are playing on playing a grueling hockey game I’m not all that intrigued by a kilometer stretch of flat ice. Besides there are other warmer adventures I’d much rather take part in.” James glanced over at Ashley and winked.

Ashley raised her glass in agreement.

“Well, the four of us can go if Donna and Carl are up for it?”

Both of them agreed.

“I’m not too steady on my feet, but I will certainly try to keep up.”

“I got you.” Carl said, making Donna smile.

So while James and Ashley headed off to find a warmer bar to continue their conversation, the others got into their coziest outerwear and located the skate rental shop for Rayna and Donna to get some skates.

The afternoon was perfect as they glided out onto the ice. At first they all stayed together, but it wasn’t long before Rayna and Byron skated off to explore the trail. Both of them were well matched. Once her body memory for skating kicked in Rayna was trying some of the skills she had been able to do. Byron was there to encourage her and help her up when things didn’t go so well.

By the time they returned to the rental shop the sun was beginning to slip behind the hills giving the place an iridescent, otherworldly glow.

“Isn’t it beautiful.”

Byron glanced at the area around them, then back at Rayna. He smiled at her open, awestruck expression. “Just beautiful.”

She glanced over at him then and blushed. Even with her rosy cheeks she felt the warmth of his words.

“I say we get inside and find the others. I am starving.”

Dinner was a lovely experience. Rayna was pleased that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and the conversation flowed. James and Ashley were feeling no pain having enjoyed several cocktails at the bar. Carl and Donna were enjoying some laughs along with her and Byron.
She liked that Byron kept using any excuse to touch her or stay close.She hoped he was as smitten as she was.

“So before we head off to bed, let’s enjoy the starry view from the hot tub.” James said winking over at Ashley.

“I want to explore the hotel a little more. I haven’t seen all the sculptures.” Rayna glanced over at Byron hoping he’d join her. She was not disappointed when he smiled and nodded.

“I’d love come with you. Maybe share another drink at the ice bar?”

“That sounds fun.”

As they exited the restaurant Byron reached over to take her mittened hand before leading her along the pathways they had not ventured. They found the slide and took a few opportunities to enjoy the glacial flow that they found surprisingly quick.

“We probably shouldn’t be squealing like little children.” Rayna said as she bent over to laugh.

“I don’t think they mind. Besides it’s still the holiday break. Any children around will be enjoying the fun or be so exhausted they’ll sleep through it.”

“You’re probably right.”

As they explored some more Rayna felt the tingles of something more than frostbite. She longed to take off her mitts and feel his hand without all the layers, but even at -5 Celsius it was still too chilly.

“I’ve never tried a hot tub in the winter.”

“Nor have I, but if we have a night cap it may help ward off some of the cold.”

“You may be right.”

They found Carl and Donna in the bar. They were sipping from iced glasses over by the fireplace.

“It really is exquisite. I can’t really say which sculpture is my favourite. Just as I find one I really like, I see another even more intricate.”

After comparing notes on what they had seen around the hotel Rayna asked, “Any idea where Ashley is?”

Donna shrugged, but gave a small knowing smile. “I expect she and James decided to explore some other venue. I made her promise to come back to join us in the hot tub. She said she’ld stay with us in the ‘freezer for the night.”

“What about James?”

“Oh I expect he’ll do what Ashley does.” Carl chuckled.

“Ashley likes to move fast. Go after what she wants… that sort of thing.” Donna took another sip of her drink.

“Nothing wrong with burning fast and hot.”

“But some of us are slow burners.”

“That’s more my style.”

Rayna smiled over at Byron who had removed his mitten to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear. The contact sent an avalanche of awareness over her skin. Still, she resisted the urge to lean into the warmth of his hand.

“So how’s up for the sauna and hot tub. It’s supposed to be the perfect night for stargazing.

The rest agreed.

“See you in there.”

They guys were already in the hot tub when Rayna and Donna emerged wrapped snugly in their cozy robes.

“We put our robes in the sauna to stay warm while we indulge in here.”

“Great idea.”

The water was divine. Rayna slid into the frothy water. She could feel Byron’s gaze on her as she emerged from the sauna dressed only in her red one piece bathing suit.

Later as the girls gathered cozied down in their sleeping bags, Rayna fought the need to sleep. Her eyes were heavy from all the fresh air and day’s excitement.
“Byron is really into you.” Donna grinned over at her.

“You think so?”

“I know so. Carl even said he’s never seen him so taken with anyone so quickly.”

The next day was filled with tubing and exploring and more skating. The whole group ventured out after a hearty breakfast. Ashley had promised to do each of the three big tube rides and then she was done. She and James had other plans so she took charge of moving them all into the Val… hotel for the next two nights.

Rayna and Donna were having too much fun enjoying the outdoor activities with the guys.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never tubed before. Not even at Chicopee?”

“Nope. Donna has, but there again she’s fearless.”

“I have a feeling you’re more fearless than you realize.”

“I don’t know.”

“You’ve read poetry in public. You’re about to have a book published. That takes guts.”

Rayna nodded considering his words.

“You also teach fourth graders.”

That got her laughing. “It’s not as scary as middle school.”

True. But we each have our levels of fearless.”

Rayna watched as Carl and Donna climbed into their two person tube. She grinned as she heard Donna let out a scream of delight. Donna through her arms up into the air and let the world whoosh past.


Rayna pulled in a calming breath then let Byron hand her off to the attendant steadying the next tube. When they were both sitting, he gave her mitten a squeeze before they were released down the hill.

At first she was silent letting the frigid air cascade over her face. But as they picked up speed a bubble of delight lifted and like Donna she let out a whoop. Byron joined her and the two of them cheered and screamed their way down to the bottom.

“That was amazing. I thought it would be terrifying… and it was… at first. But then… wow! What a ride.”

Byron could only grin and admire the twinkle in her eyes and the rosiness of her cheeks. “Want to do it again.”

“Yes.” There was no hesitation, just delight.

He grabbed her mittened hand in his and the two of them sprinted for the line to climb back up to the starting gate.

They lost sight of Donna and Carl who had gone on to try the next slide. It was not until they took a break for lunch that they found them heading for the restaurant.

“Man, that kicks up an appetite. I need some serious calories if I am going to keep up to Donna this afternoon.”

Byron grinned his agreement.

In the afternoon they did more tubing coming in to warm up before taking another skating tour along the trial. This time they held hands.

“Do you think I can see you when we get back home?” Byron asked.

“Most definitely.”

Byron let out the breath he’d been holding.

Words = 4,442.

Notes: this story is so not done. Please forgive me.....I will continue to work on it but after the contest is done.
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