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From innocent sisterly love to a dangerous obsession, a girl has her brother at her mercy. |
Note: This story was not written by me originally. It was commissioned by me, but the writer wishes to remain anonymous due to the extreme themes. I simply cleaned up some things and translated it into Spanish. The story deals with assault, so please don't continue if you're uncomfortable. Versión en espãnol ![]() ------------ “But I don’t wanna go to bed!” “Well, you’re gonna! Don’t be so bratty, it isn’t cute.” May matched Max’s huffy pout with her own. Max scoffed, settling grumpily into the bed. A twang of guilt struck May. She hated to send him off to bed like this. Luckily, she always knew the best way to cheer him up before bedtime. “Goodnight kissy?” Max nodded so quickly, his head felt like it would fall off. “Goodnight kissy!” Smiling, May leaned in close. She aimed for his forehead like always, but her position led to a small slip—just small enough to fall onto Max, not on his forehead, but his lips. It lingered just long enough that his tongue brushed against her mouth. She pulled back with a squeal, sputtering and wiping her lips as she bloomed red. Max, instead, impishly giggled and said, “Tasty,” which only made May blush deeper. “Oh, shush!” she shot back, giving him a proper forehead kiss and scurrying out as Max snuggled beneath his blankets. May hopped into her bed, and after a few minutes, her blush began to fade. But the memory of what happened replayed again and again in her mind like a film reel. Barely, just barely, she could taste Max on her lips. Just like that, her blush returned. Two Years Later Family trips were a regular thing in the family, and Dewford Beach was always a popular spot. The sprawling ocean, the sandy beach, and plenty of sunshine. Max and May’s parents were always content to sunbathe, soaking up the rays and sipping fruity drinks, while May and Max would occupy themselves by playing in the sand, or with stray Pokémon that came up from the sea. This year, however, things were different. Once May was sure her parents were well-distracted and their attention lax, she took Max by the arm and told him they were going someplace fun. ‘Someplace fun’ turned out to be a hidden section of the beach, just by the water that May had discovered the year prior. No people or Pokémon came by, giving them all the seclusion they could ask for. “What’re we doing here?” asked Max, tilting his head in that way May found adorable. “I just wanted to be alone with you,” May replied, cupping her brother’s cheek. “My cute little brother.” Max blushed and shyly leaned into May’s touch. “I-I’m not that cute…” “Sure, you are!” May moved her hand up to gently tickle behind Max’s ear, smiling as he giggled. “So cute and smart, even when you’re so young. And…” May let her eyes fall, down past her brother’s slim, hairless legs, to the treasures below his ankles. “You’ve got…super cute feet…” “Eh? I do?” asked Max. “Yeah! They’re so tiny and soft, I wanna gobble ‘em up!” May quickly grabbed Max’s feet and made exaggerated munching noises around his toes, earning a round of giggles from her brother. “I think you’re cute, too!” Max replied. “Your boobies are especially cute!” May bit back a squeak but couldn’t hide her blush. ‘Where did he learn that?’ Shaking the thought from her head, she crawled over Max, gripped his cheeks, and planted her lips on his. “Grooooss!” Max exclaimed while laughing, his innocence shining through. “It’s fine, it’s fine!” May replied, just barely coming up for air. Sweat that had nothing to do with the heat dripped down her body as a manic gleam shone in her eyes. “This is just normal brother-sister stuff, it’s alright!” Though unsure, Max felt safe with his sister. After all, she was older and knew better, right? He had little time to ponder that as May kissed him again, longer than she had that one fateful night before, softly moaning into his mouth as she straddled him. “Max…” May breathed as she finally broke the kiss. “I wanna kiss you all over. From head to toe… Can I?” While he didn’t know what she meant, Max knew the kiss felt good. And if May was offering to make him feel like that all over…he looked at her and nodded. May nearly leapt for joy, going right for his lips again. After giving him enough smooches to last a lifetime, she moved down, peppering his bare chest with kisses. She smiled as kisses on his navel made him giggle, and she lingered at the forming bulge in his swim trunks before moving down to his feet. While having grown slightly as the years passed, they were still cute and sweet to the taste, with short toes just perfect for popping in her mouth like candies. Another part of him was growing steadily, if the tent in his trunks was anything to go by. She buried her face in his bulge, taking in the delicate, musky scent and letting out a shuddering moan. She perked up immediately at the sound of other kids’ voices approaching them. The secret must’ve been out. Quickly, she shoved Max into the water and immediately followed him. “What’s wrong?” he asked, just as a small group of kids appeared, zooming down the beach. “Max,” May said, her voice low and serious. As serious as an eleven-year old could muster. “Listen. When we do…stuff like that, it needs to be secret, okay? It has to stay between you and me.” “Why?” “Listen, promise me you’ll keep it secret. Even from mom and dad—especially from mom and dad. If you don’t…we’ll get in trouble. And you’ll get it worse since you’re younger. I don’t want you in trouble.” “Okay.” To May’s surprise, Max pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Thanks for looking out for me, May. I love you.” Letting out a small squeak, May returned the hug. “I love you, too, Max.” Two More Years Later Meeting Ash and Brock had turned out to be a wonderful experience for the siblings. Traveling felt less lonely, and if two made a party, four made a bash, or something like that. Plus, another person made a good buffer. At least, that’s what Max thought and hoped as he stuck close to Brock, fingers crossed in his pockets, holding tight to the idea of May leaving him alone. While May was quiet as they walked, making their way to Verdanturf, she was observant, her eyes locked onto the hypnotic way Max’s ass swayed as he moved. Almost like a girl’s. And he was wearing flip-flops again, giving her a great view of his cute feet. She wondered if he was doing it on purpose, to seduce her. He was always such a mischievous kid… “Why do you look like that?” asked Ash in a low whisper, jolting May from her staring. May waved her hand dismissively and returned to ogling. “You wouldn’t understand.” There was a brief moment of silence and May thought the matter settled, when Ash surprised her by saying “Max is really pretty, isn’t he?” May let out a sound that someone could’ve confused as a Pokémon, facing Ash with a heavy blush. “W-What!?” “Well, it’s not just him.” Ash smiled wide. “You’re pretty, too. His eyes lowered, and May quickly realized where he was staring. “Especially your huge feet.” “‘H-Huge?’” May was caught between surprise, flattery, and mild insult. “No, no, it’s a good thing! I like them big.” A question entered May’s mind, one she couldn’t help but voice: “What do you think about Max’s feet? Do you feel the same way?” “Eh, they’re okay.” Ash replied with a shrug. “But no, yours are better. The best!” For the briefest moment, May thought of telling him. The darkest secret that lied in her heart, the thing she swore she’d never reveal. She glanced at Max, then at Ash. Nope, he’d never understand. The instant the party arrived in town, May was on Max, practically yanking him away by the arm. “Hey, guys, Max and I are gonna hang out in the woods for a bit. We’ll meet up at the hotel later, okay? And we, uh…we really need our privacy, so…” Without waiting for a proper response, she was off, Max in tow. Quirking an eyebrow, Ash faced Brock. “Is it me, or has she done this a lot during our trip? Like…at least a dozen times.” Meanwhile, May brought Max to a secluded section of forest just outside the town, manic lust in her eyes as she practically shoved Max to the ground. “M-May?” he squeaked. “You really didn’t know what you were doing to me in those shorts and flip-flops, did you.” she breathed. “I need my fix. I need you.” May didn’t give Max time to respond as she pulled off her brother’s flip-flops, licking the tops of his feet. She moaned at the familiar, salty taste and light, earthen smell. “Heels.” she rasped, Max quickly complying and raising his heels. Practically squealing in glee, she licked his heels, pleasurable chills coursing throughout her body. Even for a boy’s they were butter-soft, in spite of all the walking they did. Satisfied with her warmup, she gripped Max’s shorts, yanking them down. She admired her brother’s briefs for a moment before pulling those down, too. She was on Max’s crotch in seconds, taking his length into her mouth. She hefted him up, gripping his butt cheeks as she went down on him, Max letting out frightened squeals as his sister’s lips and tongue had their way with him. He did his best to force a smile, not wanting May to be upset with him. It wasn’t long before he came, the salty-sweet taste of his semen making its way down her throat. God, I missed that taste… Pulling herself off Max, she told him to clean himself up and get back to the group. “W-What’re you gonna do?” asked Max. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” Once Max left and she was all but sure she was alone, she lay back on the forest floor. Eagerly, she pulled down her skirt and spats, her fingers moving to her dribbling slit, when… May perked up, suddenly having the feeling that she wasn’t as alone as she thought. She looked around, noticing a very familiar (and surprised) shape of yellow, and the Trainer it belonged to. Ash stared. Pikachu stared. May stared. Then smiled awkwardly. “S-So…Max is a cutie, huh?” From an early age, Max learned to cry silently, letting his shirt absorb the tears. It became a powerful sort of skill, one no one knew of, and came in especially handy on nights like this. He couldn’t believe May was still subjecting him to this years later. He was hoping, praying somewhat, that she’d eventually get bored, or move onto Ash, or even Brock, but he seemed to be her exclusive target. He flinched at the sound of the door opening, shutting his eyes and stilling his cries. He hoped May hadn’t heard him. He became steadily more aware of a presence nearing him, then a voice spoke. “Max?” Max sighed in relief. It’s just Ash. He pulled the covers off himself, smiling at his friend. “Sleeping well?” asked Ash as he lifted the boy into a sitting position. Max noted that Ash’s touch lingered on his bare chest, and even in the dim light, he could see a heavy blush on the older boy’s face. “K-Kind of…” Max replied. Ash reached out a hand to cup Max’s cheek, and another slowly began moving towards his waist. He paused for a moment, before touching him in earnest, lightly squeezing his hip. “It’s okay.” Ash whispered, his voice soft and gentle in the darkness. “Max, I know what May’s been doing to you.” There was a flutter of hope in Max’s heart. Was this an out? Escape that he’d been searching for for so long? “I…can’t believe it. Someone else gets it!” The words were tumbling out before Max could stop himself. “She’s been getting worse and worse, and I’m just so scared, and I don’t know why she keeps doing this and I just wish she stop, and—” “Y’know…” Ash cut in with a smile. He leaned in close, until their faces were nearly touching. “May’s got the right idea. I think you’re cute, too.” Max felt his heart sink, along with the little sliver of hope he had left. “W-What?” Ash stood, pulling down his pants and underwear, his throbbing erection exposed to the stunned Max. Even without a frame of reference, the younger boy knew Ash’s length was impressive. He moved towards Max, putting a firm hand on his shoulder. “Keep in mind, Max, I’m twice as strong as May could ever be.” He moved his cock towards Max’s mouth, letting it bob. “I think you should suck this now.” With the door far out of reach and too scared to do much of anything else, Max complied. He slowly opened his mouth, letting his lips slide over Ash’s length. He gagged slightly, finding the salty taste of precum vile, and fought back tears. “Yeah…” Ash moaned. He arched his back slightly as Max sucked, the feel of the younger boy’s lips feeling like velvet. A forbidden pleasure he didn’t think he’d ever get to experience in this world. He patted Max’s head, whispering “Good boy.” as he continued to suck. Ash let the boy suck a few moments more before pulling himself out and gently pushing him back onto the bed. Ash knelt down, bringing his face to Max’s feet. He’d always admired how they looked, so soft and chubby. They didn’t compare to May’s, but they certainly had their own allure. Slowly, Ash dragged his tongue up Max’s feet, letting out a shuddering moan at the taste. He allowed himself a deep sniff of the younger boy’s feet, the sweaty, stinky smell invading his nostrils. In that moment, Ash was thankful his group always took such long walks. “I love how your feet smell, Max…” Max, too shocked to speak, let Ash have his way. The older boy finished licking and smelling, standing to press his throbbing cock against his saliva-soaked feet. Max, having never been on the receiving end of a footjob, had no idea what was going on and could only tremble in panic. It was only a few moments of fucking Max’s feet but that’s all it took; Ash quickly covered his mouth as he released, letting out a throaty, muffled moan as he ejaculated. Globs of sticky, white seed covered Max’s feet, practically coating his soles and toes. Ash, satisfied, cleaned himself up and pulled back up his pants. “You’d better bathe before May comes back, cutie,” was all he said. Max nearly slipped twice on his cum-coated feet on his way to the bath. He could barely see through the mist of tears in his eyes but managed to find his way to the bathroom and make it into the bathtub. In no time at all, he had a steaming hot bath running and he felt his aches and eases slowly fade. He took the moment of quiet to reflect, noting that today felt like a year with everything that had happened to him. He sighed, rubbed the tears from his eyes, and screamed. May had been standing behind the door, and she quickly shut it with a manic look in her eyes and a twisted smile as sweat dripped down her naked body. Max scrambled to the back of the tub as much as he could, his eyes falling to May’s waist, where he saw some strange object affixed to her. He had just enough time to recognize it was phallus-shaped before his sister pounced on him. “You were a naughty little brat, revealing secrets!” snapped May as she gripped his arm. Max tried to scamper out of the tub, splashing water everywhere in his bid for freedom, but she pushed him back, climbing into the tub with him. “I can’t believe you told him! Does the bond between siblings not exist anymore!?” She snarled and pushed Max back into the tub, spinning him around so his ass was facing her. “Don’t you fight me, Max. Don’t you fight me!” Max was sobbing as he tried to throw off his sister, only to shriek a second later when pain blossomed in his rear. He felt his hole expand as something, no doubt the thing hanging around May’s waist, was shoved into him. The strap-on was driven all the way up to the hilt, pressing right against his prostate. May gripped his hips, slowly getting into a rhythm as she thrust in and out of him. As she did, she took the time to fondle her brother’s ass between thrusts, smiling as he whimpered and begged. “That’s right…” May whispered, going harder and faster. “Make a lot of noise for me, your dear, darling sister.” Max tried as best as he could to keep quiet, but between the thrusts getting more painful by the second and her whispering in his ear, he was fighting to keep conscious. Tears streamed down his reddened cheeks as May violated his ass, and between the spasms of pain, he felt a pleasure he couldn’t describe. She was hitting a spot he didn’t even know was a weakness for him, and he didn’t know what he hated more; what she was doing to him, or how much he was liking it. “Your ass is mine,” May whispered into his ear, giving it a gentle lick and a tiny smooch. “No one else’s, you got that?” Max barely had time to mod before he shuddered, releasing his seed into the water. “This is all for you.” May whispered, giving his ear another lick. “I’m doing this all for you.” It was the last thing Max heard before he passed out, his strength finally having left him. Later Max, wearing nothing, and with the light gone from his eyes, sat at the foot of May’s bed. He moved almost robotically as he licked the feet of Ash and May. He had to kneel; sitting was too painful after what May did in the bathroom. May’s feet were worse for wear, still sweaty and grimy from all the walking. Even in his state, Max could taste just how salty and damp her feet were, especially from the jam between her toes. She’d switched to her pajamas but refused to wash her feet. “You need a hard lesson.” was her reasoning, and Max knew better than to argue. Ash’s feet, thankfully, were cleaner thanks to him having properly washed. And while Max licked away, the two older trainers took care of themselves. May’s hand was within her panties, working away at her womanhood with vigor. Ash had his cock out, eagerly pumping away, his pace quickening whenever Max tended to his feet. “Don’t worry, Max,” May said, her voice sweet, her tone icy. “This is love, true love. You know it, and I know it. And I’ll never stop loving you. You might think it hurts, but this. Is. Love. And if you can't accept it, that’s fine. But if you tell anyone, well…there’s another world that will accept us. Where our love will last forever. And I’ll take you there with me. By force if I have to. Understand?” Slowly, numbly, Max nodded. Ash had paused, staring at May in a mix of shock and lust. He knew the implication behind May’s words, and they terrified him, but this side of her, while scary, was arousing. After resuming masturbating, he replayed her words in his head, and he came not long after. May followed suit seconds later, letting out a loud, satisfied moan. As she came down from her post-orgasm high, she snapped her fingers, pointed at Max, then pointed at them. “Clean us up.” Nodding, Max crawled into bed and got to work, licking up the spilled juices of the two trainers and swallowing it all down. He nestled between the two, both holding onto him. Ash was the first to go to sleep, but the siblings were awake still. Max’s sniffles eventually faded, a broken smile appearing on his face as he clung to May. Without even really knowing what he was doing, he lifted up May’s shirt and began sucking on her breast. The taste and sensation were so familiar, and he didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing. He held hard onto her, as if he’d float away and disappear if he let go. “Max…” she spoke, gently stroking his hair. “Do you love me?” A moment of silence, then slowly, he nodded. “Good boy. I love you, too.” |