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Starlet Actress a chance at the Big Time… perhaps too literally. |
This story is written by the amazing LBP Part 1 Courtney walked into the restaurant and tossed aside her short black hair. She approached the maitre'd and didn't hesitate to stick out her chest. "I'm meeting someone here and I was--" she started. "Ah, yes, right this way," the maitre'd answered. She thought it was strange that she hadn't even finished her sentence and that the maitre'd seemed to already know what she was going to say. He led her to a booth where a red-haired woman wearing a red skirt suit was already seated. "Courtney," the woman smiled. "Hi, how are you?" "Fine thanks," Courtney replied a little unsure. The maitre'd handed her a menu and walked back to his post. "Here," the woman said. "I ordered you a drink." "Ummm... thanks," she answered. "Aren't you..." "An agent? Why, yes, I am," the Agent smiled. "And I'm going to make you big." "Big." "Bigger than you could ever imagine," the Agent smiled and raised her glass. Courtney of course raised hers and they clinked the glasses together in a toast. Courtney took a sip of her drink, and was about to put it down, when the Agent pushed Courtney's glass back to her mouth and made her drink the whole thing. The Agent chugged her own drink down, too. After nearly choking on her drink, Courtney set the glass down. "So," Courtney said clearing her throat. "What exactly am I going to be doing? Like what movie?" "Oh, just an Intergalatic picture," the Agent said nonchalantly. "You mean like Universal," Courtney said." "Yeah. Like that... sort of," the Agent answered. "Is there anyone in particular you'd like to work with?" "Well, hiccup!" Courtney paused a moment. "Sorry." "Its all right," the Agent smiled. "I was going to--hiccup!" Courtney felt a strange sensation, she felt herself bounce up, but she didn't seem to come down. "Go on," the Agent grinned. "Well, Hic-cup!" Courtney hopped up higher, feeling her clothes strain. The Agent smiled as she watched Courtney tried to talk. "HicCup!" Courtney's eyes opened wide, she was doing it uncontrollably now. And she felt herself expanding. "HiCCup!" She swelled up bigger. "Hic-Up!" Her body stretched higher. "Hic-hic-hic-hiccup!" She watched herself bounce higher and higher. "Whats--hiccup!--happ--hiccup!--ening to me?! Hiccup!" Courtney said nervously, looking down on the Agent. Her legs were lifting the table off the ground. Her butt now filled the whole seat of the booth. The Agent smiled and slide her way out of her side of the booth. "Hey--HiCCUP!" Courtney was now fifteen feet tall, crammed into the booth. "I'll catch up with you later," the Agent said walking away. Courtney squeezed out of the booth and stumbled into some nearby tables. People scattered away from the hiccuping, growing actress and watched as she crashed and stomped everything in her path. "HICCUP! You can't leave me like this!" Courtney was now too big to stand in the restaurant, she crouched down her 50 foot body as best she could. People began running out of the restaurant and Courtney continued to grow. "Help! Hic-CUp! Help--Hic-Cup! me!" Courtney filled the room. "Ohhhh, how much bigger can I possibly get?" Courtney said, her face pressed on the opposite wall. "Hic-Hic-Hic-hic-hic-hic-CUP!" Courtney's butt crashed through the windows of the restaurant and her back busted through the ceiling. Courtney finally just stood up, the building crumbling and falling around her while her hiccups resonated through the city. Courtney stood at a towering 300 feet, her long legs clad in her dark blue jeans seemed to go up forever until they reached her tight red shirt which seemed to get further and further away as she grew. Part 2 Sharon walked into the department store. She too was an actress. She was 6 foot 3, with enormous 42D breasts and long, tustled blond hair. She had just gotten a role in a big budget picture and decided to treat herself to a shopping spree. She walked to a clothing rack and pulled out a fuzzy, taupe sweater. She walked to a mirror and squeezed the sweater on. "Too small," she said to the reflection. "Maybe," a voice said. Sharon turned around, startled, and saw a 5 foot 5 red-haired woman. "Who are you?" "I'm an Agent," she smiled. "Are you in need of representation?" "It just so happens, I've already got an Agent," Sharon smiled. "But I can make you a big star." "I am a big star," Sharon put her hands on her hips and looked down at the woman. "Oh really?" "Ahhchho!" Sharon sneezed. The Agent was gone when she opened her eyes. Sharon at first thought the sneeze was from the fuzzy sweater. But Sharon soon found herself with the uncontrollable urge to sneeze. "Ahhchoo!" Sharon felt light-headed. She was now 8 feet tall and growing. "Ahhhh...," Sharon watched her body swell. "Choo!" And then stretch higher and higher. "Ahhhchoo! Ahhchoo! Ahhchoo!Ahhchoo!Ahhchoo!Ahhchoo! AHHCHoo!" She grew larger with every sneeze until she was too large to stand in the department store. Sharon watched as people ran past her, terrified, her back was to the floor and her legs were curled out as best she could. "Ahhh.. Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhh...," Sharon watched her bust swell with every inhale. "CHOO!" She exploded from the department store, growing and growing with every sneeze after. Sharon stood, trying to guage how big she was. "Well, well, well," Courtney boomed from above. "What do we have here?" Sharon looked up to see a 900foot Courtney. Sharon was only 400 feet, but still sneezing. Jane was getting ready for a photo shoot when she was surprised by the sight of the Agent in her dressing room. "Who are you?" she asked. "An agent,' the red-head smiled. "Do you have a name?" "No," the woman shrugged. "Have you ever considered being an actress, Jane?" "Well, yes," Jane said looking into the mirror. The Agent stood next to her, brushing aside the long black, curly locks of Jane's hair, "I'll make you a big star. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" "Yeah," Jane nodded. "Good," the Agent said cheerfully. "See you in a bit." Jane looked around but the Agent was gone. Jane had a nervous feeling, maybe because she wasn't sure if she had been hallucinating or not. She walked onto the set of the photo shoot and let the photographers go to work. Every camera flash made her feel light-headed. "She's growing!" an assistant shouted. "Keep shooting!" a photographer ordered. "I want to get this!" "No! Stop!" Jane shouted. But they kept taking pictures, every flash making her grow and grow and grow. She sat down to stay inside the buidling, but she soon outgrew it and her body tore it down. Her huge butt smashed the people below. She finally stood at 500 feet, still growing. "Now look what you've done!" she thundered. Jane lifted a giant foot over the head photographer, as he continued to take pictures. She let her foot down with a slam and it was his last shot. Katie was reading a romance novel when the phone rang. The actress sat up and walked to her phone, "Hello?" "Katie, hi," the Agent said. "How would you like to be a big star?" "I am big," Katie answered, knowing that she had just landed a role with Brad Pitt. "How would you like to be even bigger?" "Bigger?" "Yes. Huge. Colossal." "Well, sure. What do I have to do?" Katie asked curiously. But the line went dead. The woman had hung up. "Hello?" Katie gave up and hung up the phone not realizing that her head was only an inch from the ceiling now. She picked up the phone again and dialed the operator. "Hello? Yes, I'd like you to trace that last call again, please. What do you mean there was no call? A woman just asked me if I wanted to be a big star." Katie felt her head pressing hard against the ceiling. She dropped the phone., "Oh, god, I'm getting bigger!" She grew again, filling her apartment in a matter of seconds, "I'm huge!" With those words, she grew too large to fit in the building and broke it apart. "I'm so big! Whats happening?! Why can't I stop growing?!" The short haired blond towered over the crumbling buildings, now at 600 feet and gaining. Part 3 Gina was watching the television when her doorbell rang. She rose from the couch and walked to the door. She was surprised to see a cheery, red-headed woman standing at her doorstep. "Hi," the Agent smiled. "Hi," Gina answered uneasily, her shoulder length brown hair blowing a little in the wind. "I'm an Agent, and the people I represent would like to know if you would like to be a big star." "A big star?" Gina repeated. Now she was really uncertain as to what was going on. As far as she knew, she already had an agent. "Who the hell are you?" "Nevermind," the Agent grinned. She pulled out a red balloon from thin air and handed it to Gina. "Here. Compliments of my employers." Gina looked at the ballon, and then back at the Agent, but she was gone. Gina was now totally confused. She looked at the balloon again and it suddenly deflated, falling limp on the string. Gina felt a strange sensation, and realized she was inflating like a balloon. She could even hear the sound of herself filling with air. "What the...," Gina's head busted through the roof, rising higher and higher. She expanded to 100 feet then 200 then 300. She could see four other giantesses in the distance as the houses around her strank smaller and smaller. Sarah was eating at an outdoor cafe when the Agent suddenly sat down next to her. Sarah look at the woman with confusion, "Ummm... Hi..." "Hi, Sarah," the Agent smiled. "Do I know you?" "No, I don't think so. I'm an Agent, and thats all that matters. I think you've got potential. I think I can make you a big star." "What?" Sarah asked completely lost as to what this woman was talking about. "Oh, just say you want to be big," the Agent said with nonchalant frustration. "O.K. I want to be big. Huge. Fucking humongous." "Good," the Agent smiled. Sarah watched the red-haired woman sink lower and lower, but Sarah realized the woman wasn't shrinking but she was getting taller and taller, as the chair below her sagged with her weight. Her head ripped through the umbrella over the table as she stood, now twenty feet tall. She ripped the umbrella off her body and stumbled over the gate's of the outdoor cafe, growing and growing. She fell over, landing in the street and crushing cars with her growing 100 foot body. Sarah stood and 300 feet, pulling her short brown hair over her ears at watching in amazement as she climbed higher and higher. She soon found herself amidst the other giantesses. "Let me guess," Sarah said, reaching 900 feet. "The red-head." "Yeah," Gina answered. "This has to be a dream," Katie sniffled. "Yeah, a dream come true," Sharon said, putting her hands on her hips. "This is a nightmare," Katie sobbed. "Everything is too tiny for us!" "Will somebody please shut her up," Sharon sighed. "Alright alright," Courtney said, and she went to console Katie. "I don't know, I kind of like it," Jane said. "We're giantesses." "We're goddesses," Sharon grinned. "Do you think my butt's too big?" Jane asked, looking at her impressively rounded rump. "That all depends," Sharon smiled. "Are my tits too big?" Sharon stuck out her huge chest and the two women laughed while Gina and Sarah looked at the tiny world. "We are huge," Sarah said. "Yeah, but how did we get so big?" Gina asked. "Camera flashes," Jane answered. "Sneezing fit," Sharon added. "Hiccups," Courtney said from afar. "But how?" How did normal things make us grow like this?" Gina persisted. "Who cares?" Jane replied. "No," Sharon interrupted. "I want to know how to get bigger." "Bigger?" Sarah asked in amazement. "Look at us." Sarah gestured to her body, her long, pink and white flowered skirt that now stretched on for hundreds of feet, even though it only reached her knees. Her feet filled the streets and they could make out the people and cars fleeing from them. "I just want to get small again," Katie cried. "Oh shut up you bitch," Sharon said angrily, tired of Katie's whining. "Hey, just leave her alone," Courtney defended, she wasn't afraid to stand up to Sharon and got in her face. "What are you going to do about it?" Sharon said menacingly. "Just because you're big doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." "Try it, honey," Courtney answered. Jane was now very interested in the argument, but Gina and Sarah were inspecting their tiny surroudings once again. "Maybe if we can find this Agent," Gina said. "We can get her to make us normal again." "Yeah, but she's kind of hard to find," Sarah added. Gina knelt down, careful not to crush any buildings, "She's a red head wearing all red. It can't be that hard." "Stop it! Stop it!" Katie pleaded moving between Sharon and Courtney. "Shut up!" Sharon slapped Katie across the face. Katie then lunged at Sharon. Sharon smacked her away and Jane swung at Courtney. Courtney took the hit, and returned a left to Jane. Katie grabbed Sharon, "Come here you big bitch!" And threw her aside, letting her hit the ground with an earthquake. Jane and Courtney were now in a deadlock, wrestling each other and not moving either way. "Why won't you go down?" Courtney grumbled at Jane. "Maybe because you're too weak," Jane grinned. That just made Courtney madder and she pushed against jane with all her might, unable to beat her. Sharon pulled herself up, "Trust me, I'm a bigger bitch than you!" Sharon then ran right into Katie, knocking her back and making her hit the ground with an ever more violent earthshaker. "I can be a big bitch too!" Katie answered and ran right into Sharon, knocking her over Gina who was crouched down. Gina spilled forward, destroying city block under her huge body. Her green dress was now in place of all the department stores, banks, and businesses of downtown. Gina's head lay on the crumbled wreckage. She watched as people ran, unable to believe people were still in L.A. She couldn't believe how tiny the world was. Then, she saw a red-head in a red skirt and suit. Gina grabbed the woman and stood. "I got her," Gina said to Sarah. But Sarah was a bit speechless for a moment, "I don't know if that will help us now..." Gina turned around and saw that the fighting giantesses were now even bigger than before. Courtney, Jane, and Sharon stood over Gina and Sarah who now only looked to be three inches tall to them. Part 4 Sarah and Gina stood in awe of the three gigantic giantesses. They looked up at the tri-colored arrangement of jeans. There was Sharon's stone-washed jeans that led up to her overstuffed sweater. And then Jane's jeans which hugged her voluptuous hips. She looked over her bust, covered in a white T-shirt to see the smaller giantesses. And there was also Courtney's dark blue jeans, so tight on her long shapely legs they coudl have easily just been spandex on her. The three giantesses looked down at Gina and Sarah mischeiviously. "Did we shrink?" Gina asked. "No, we're still the same size," Sarah looked around at the tiny city. Sarah gasped, "They've gotten bigger." "Oh, yes we have..." Sharon smiled and reached down a long arm to pick them up. "They must've grown while they were fighting," Gina said quietly. "That's right, girls!" the Agent said. "It's auditions! Only the strong, and gigantic, survive!" Before Gina could reply, they were scooped up in Sharon's hand and saw the enormous faces of Jane, Sharon and Courtney over and around them. "Look how cute they are when they're small," Courtney cooed. "Let me keep one as a pet." "Me, too," Jane smiled. "But that leaves Sharon without a pet," Courtney said. "Don't worry, I want Katie anyway," Sharon grinned. "Go ahead take them." Courtney carefully picked up Sarah and nestled her at her finger tips while Jane picked up Gina and watched her from the palm of her hand. "Look how ittle little ittle you are," Courtney said in a babyish tone. "I just want to cuddle you all up." "Oh, god, this isn't happening," Sarah said trying to calm herself. "So, how DID we get bigger?" Jane asked Gina, finding the irony funny. "Yeah, how did we?" Gina asked the Agent. "You agreed to it," the Agent replied. "It's that simple." "Well, how do we get small?" Gina asked quickly, trying to maintain eye contact with giant Jane. "Not until it's over." "Until what's over?" Gina asked frustrated. "Auditions. I told you..." "..Only the strongest, and biggest, survive. OK, so how do I get big?" "That all depends...," the Agent answered. "Why won't you just tell me!" Gina shook the Agent around in her hand. "Alright, girls," Sharon said. "Help me find my pet. She can't be too far away, but she's probably small as they are." "What are you going to do with her once you find her?" Jane asked, handing Courtney her pet Gina so she could help Sharon look for Katie. "If she's as cute as the other two, I'll eat her up," Sharon smiled. Katie watched as the women searched across the land. She wondered what they were looking for. Then she heard Sharon talk of eating her. Katie was afraid only for a moment. "WHO'S THE BIGGEST BITCH NOW?" Katie thundered. The giantess all looked up to see Katie now incredibly titanic. Her spaghetti strap T-shirt no longer covered her belly and her white Capri pants had become short shorts. She smiled down at them "Oh my god," Sarah said looking at the massive blond. "How can I be tiny when I'm a thousand feet tall?" Sharon's eyes were wide with fright as Katie seemed to grow larger and larger. Katie reached down and picked up Sharon. "IT SEEMS I GROW WHENEVER I MENTION MY SIZE," Katie grinned. "LIKE... I'M BIG..." Katie grew taller and taller. "OR, I'M ENORMOUSLY HUGE," she smiled. Sharon watched as Katie's face spread out, and she grew larger and larger. "Is that it?!" Gina asked the Agent. "Is that how we do it?!" "No. That's how she does it. It's how she grew." Gina moved to Sarah and handed her the Agent, "Here, take her." "Where do you think you're going to go?" Sarah asked. "I'm going to try something." "SO, YOU'RE GOING TO EAT ME, HUH?" Katie smiled even bigger. "GUESS I SHOULD EAT YOU FIRST." Katie raised her hand over her open mouth as Sharon dangled above the dark cavernous rows of teeth. Gina stuck her thumb in her mouth and blew, like in the cartoons after they get hit with a steam roller. Sarah watched as Gina inflated bigger and bigger and bigger. Courtney was distracted, watching Sharon, but soon found that Gina was too heavy to hold. "Put me down," Gina demanded and Courtney gently set her down, speechlessly watching Sharon meet her doom. Gina grabbed Sarah, now that Sarah was small enough to fit in Gina's hand. "I've got to try to stop her," Gina said to Sarah. "You stay here so you don't get stepped on." Gina set Sarah down in some mountains and began blowing herself up bigger. Katie opened her fingers and let Sharon fall into her mouth. Sharon's scream was short and she disappeared into Katie's belly. "MMMMMM...," Katie said happily. She felt a strange sensation and watched in wonderment as her bust began swelling to Sharon size proportions. "HEY, I DIDN'T THINK THAT WOULD HAPPEN. I WONDER..." Katie grabbed Courtney and shoved her in her mouth. Katie's legs grew longer and shapelier, like Courtney's. Without hesistating, she grabbed Jane and tossed her in too, Katie's butt got rounder, firmer and her hips became curvier. Katie admired her new body. "Hey, fat ass! Why don't you eat me and grow some brains!" Gina shouted, now up to Katie's knees. Katie looked down at her angrily, "YOU'RE NOT SMALL ENOUGH YET. BUT LET ME JUST GET A LITTLE BIGGER." Katie put her hands on her hips as she grew larger, "AND THEN I'LL BE ABLE TO SWALLOW YOU WHOLE." Gina began blowing herself up again, her green dress fitting tighter and tighter on her body. "FACE IT, I'M TOO BIG. I'M GIGANTIC. AND I CAN GET BIGGER, FASTER THAN YOU CAN. I'VE ALREADY GOT A AT LEAST 10 MILES ON YOU ALREADY," Katie said, her growing body turning her shorts in thong underwear and her top into a string bikini bra. Gina had begun to feel light-headed, not from growing, but blowing so much air. She stopped to catch her breath and Katie caught her off guard. Gina found herself in Katie's giant fist, unable to make herself any bigger. Part 5 Katie was now 90 miles tall, the city of L.A. had been totally decimated by her expanding feet, and so had a few others. Sarah stood on the rim of the mountain range, she was still only 900 feet tall, practically a bug to Katie. Gina, who was now five miles tall, was helpless in Katie's giant hand. Sarah couldn't bear to watch. She knew as soon as Gina was gone, Katie would remember Sarah and she'd be next. "Oh shit, what do I do?" Sarah said holding the tiny Agent up. "How am I going to get big enough to stop her?" "You can eat me," the Agent answered. "But as soon as your're big enough, you have to eat Katie before she gets too large to swallow." Sarah wasn't crazy about this idea. She really had no inclination to eat anyone, but these were desperate times. It appeared as though the Agent's body was getting too big for her clothes. Sarah just watched her slowly grow. "Hurry, before I'm too big to swallow," the Agent said, her body busting the buttons off the suit jacket. Sarah hesitated, but she slowly and surely lifted the Agent over her mouth and dropped her in. She swallowed. The effects were instantaneous. Sarah felt her body growing at an incredible rate. Her spreading, expanding body sped outward in all directions. Sarah only saw her body grow in a mere second, yet she felt her blouse shred apart and her pink skirt rip with the new immense size of her legs and hips. Sarah found herself immensely gigantic in a flash. She was naked. The world was a map that appeared one hundreth scale. Most of Sarah's body was in the coldness of space. It took her a moment to regain her bearings, and realize what had happened. She was astonished at her massive size. She peered down and saw Katie, who was mouse-sized. Katie stared at Sarah's giant toes in awe. She knew she had to outgrow Sarah, whats more, she wanted to now that she saw just big she could become. "Bigger! Bigger! Bigger! Come on, grow!" Katie shouted at her body. "You have to hurry...," voice said to Sarah. "Before she's too big..." Sarah knew what she had to do, she reached down, down, and down and picked up the tiny, growing Katie. Sarah saw that Katie's clothes were ripping. "It's no use!" Katie laughed. "Soon I'll be too huge and then I'll outgrow you comp---!" Katie's words were cut short by her being stuffed into Sarah's mouth. Sarah winced, and swallowed hard, gulping Katie down. She felt a strange sensation spread from inside her belly. She watched herself expanding even more. There was a flash and Sarah foudn heself sitting at the cafe table just as before. The city was the same as before, as though nothing had happened. The Agent was sitting across from her. "Now, let's discuss your next movie," the Agent smiled. Sarah was confused. She felt as though she was sitting higher than usual in her chair. She looked down to see her body to find her breats were huge, 44DD's, being held in her white blouse which was tied up to reveal her flat, toned tummy. Her legs were long and shapely, filling up her knee-length pink and white flowered skirt. Her butt was tighter and rounder than ever before. "What happened?" Sarah asked uneasily. "You made auditions," the Agent answered. "No, my body. This isn't my body... My god, I have a 34 inch waist!" "Well, sure it is. Same eyes. Same face. Same hair." "But, look, my legs were never this long," Sarah answered. She thought about it, "How tall am I?" "Six foot ten." "Six foot ten?! Holy shit, I'm a--" "Giant?" the Agent smiled. "What happened to the others?" "They're fine," the Agent smiled and looked to Sarah's empty plate. Sarah's eyes widened as she saw Courtney, Katie, Sharon, Jane and Gina all the size of crumbs on the plate. "Oh, no...," Sarah gasped. "They're fine." The Agent said. "They just lost. That's all." "Well, what happens to me?" Sarah asked, trying to sit comfortably in her chair. "You become a big star," the Agent grinned. "Super big. You're going to be the latest and greatest actress at Intergalactic Phantasy Philms productions." "Well, what happens to them?" Sarah pointed to the tiny women. "They stay that size until I can figure out what to do with them," the Agent shrugged. "Can't you just make them normal again?" "I could, but," the Agent grinned. "There's no fun in that." "I don't want to do this," Sarah said standing. "You don't have a choice," the Agent said, standing as well. "Oh, yes I do," the seven foot Sarah said backing away, rising higher without even knowing it. The people at the cafe and walking by watched in wonderment as Sarah grew taller and taller. "Stop it! Stop it!" Sarah shouted to the Agent. "It just isn't that simple...," the Agent said folding her arms. "It's up the Producer and Director, and they want you in." Sarah back over the gate tripping into the street. She lay on her back growing taller and wider, filling the street. She lifted her head slightly to see the Agent walk down her giant chest and to her face. Sarah tried to stand, but her hips had grown so wide they were stuck in between the buildings. "You are going to be a star? Isn't that what all actresses want?" "Yes, but... not a star who's three thousand miles tall!" Sarah protested. "I could give it to Katie," The Agent said quietly. "Of course, I don't think you'd like it much. I have a feeling if she was the bigger woman, she'd crush you all without thinking about it." Sarah thought about this, Katie had gotten power-hungry. And while Sarah wasn't too crazy about the idea of being a towering behemouth, she didn't want to be a speck, either. "I guess I don't have a choice," Sarah sighed. "Good," the Agent smiled. Sarah found herself sittig in the cafe chair again, as though nothing had happened. "How do you keep doing that?" Sarah asked. "They're just fantasies. Little daydreams. They aren't totally real, not unless you're in them." "So I'll be making dreams?" Sarah asked. "No, not quite. Something bigger," the Agent replied. Sarah looked to the tiny women on her plate, "What about them?" "Oh, they're really tiny," the Agent laughed. She leaned over the plate and mocked them. "Isn't that right, girls?" "Well, can they be my entourage?" Sarah asked. "And be normal-sized?" "We'll see," the Agent answered. The five tiny women trembled below the giant red-head's face. Part 6 "Look we've only got a little while before we start shooting your next feature," the Agent said looking up at Sarah. "So, I'll let you have two of them for your entourage." Sarah looked at the plate of crumb sized women and bit her lip in thought, "Gina..." Gina was suddenly normal sized, and sitting across from Sarah and the Agent. "One more," the Agent said, looking over the tiny women as if they were hors d'ouerves. "Ummmm...," Sarah couldn't decide. She knew she couldn't pick Katie, or Sharon, god forbid they found a way to get bigger again. Jane was a problem, too. That only left... "Courtney," Sarah blurted out. "But keep her small." Courtney slowly grew to seven inches in height, small but still towering over the others. "And I need a purse to keep her in," Sarah added. A purse appeared next to Sarah amd she immediately grabbed Courtney and stuff her inside. Sarah stood, "Alright, now where?" "Your dressing room," the Agent answered and the three women were instantly in a large dressing room built for Sarah's nearly seven foot proportions. Sarah looked at herself in the wall mirror, "The body I can deal with..." "Here, put this on," the Agent said, handing Sarah a black leather catsuit. "Just walk out when you're done." Sarah took the catsuit and looked at her huge body. The Agent walked out of the room. "Need some help?" Gina asked. "I think so," Sarah answered. She handed Gina the catsuit and began untying the knot in her blouse. Sarah's giant breasts were released, yet remarkably, remained upright. They were firm and buoyant. Sarah smiled at the high quality of her body. Gina watched as Sarah carefully unzipped her skirt. "What did they do to you?" Gina asked Sarah. "Well, I think what happened was, I got all the best attributes from you guys, when I ate you... sort of," Sarah explained, sliding off the skirt. "Like these are Sharon's breasts." She shook them in front of Gina's face. "And these are Courtney's legs, and I got Jane's hips and butt. And... Katie's flat belly," Sarah examined herself. "So what did you get from me?" "Probably another foot or two taller," Sarah smiled, taking off her shoes. "Now, how am I going to get into this thing?" "Try this," Gina said, unzipping the zipper as far as it would go (to the abdomen of the catsuit). "Legs first." Sarah sat down in the dressing room on her chair in front of the vanity mirror, it creaked with her weight. Gina helped Sarah get one leg through, looking up at her. Sarah smiled at Gina. Gina just smiled back as best she could. There was something strange about the whole situation. Gina couldn't help but stare at Sarah's body longingly. Sarah slid the other leg through. Even though it was only pulled as far as her calves, the suit fit tight. "Alright I should be able to squeeze the rest of the way," Sarah said standing. Gina was left on her knees looking up at Sarah's panties. She watched as Sarah pulled the legs of the suit higher, it clung tight on her thighs. She pulled her arms through the long sleeves and pulled the zipper up, trying as best she could to get her huge bosoms inside. Sarah managed to pull the zipper all the way up to her neck and the catsuit stretched even tighter, fitting like saran wrap on her body. Sarah slid her hands over her curves, admiring her body. "Oooh, nice," she cooed. Gina watched captivated as Sarah caressed her own body. "You know," Sarah said, running her hands down her hips. "I think so many women wear tight clothing because it makes them feel big, like they're going to bust right out of them any second." Gina nodded, standing up from her knelt position. She hoped Sarah wouldn't see that her nipples were erect through her dress. Sarah sat down and put on a pair of black boots, "But that's silly... don't you think?" "Yeah," Gina answered without thinking. "Well, I guess I have to go," Sarah sighed. She picked her purse and handed it to Gina. "Here, maybe you and Courtney can find something to do." Gina smirked, "Yeah, sure, sounds like loads of fun." Sarah laughed and walked out of the dressing room. Gina pulled Courtney out of the purse. Courtney found herself looking into Gina's huge, panting face. "I wish I were the small one," Gina panted. By the time Gina finished blinking she was the one in Courtney's hand and Courtney was now normal sized. "Oh, yes!" Gina shouted. Courtney was flustered, unsure what was happening but she felt a heavy arousal in her. Her jeans busted open, unzipping halfway. The illusion of growth excited Courtney and she tore down her panties and the rest of her jeans, shoving Gina right into her crotch with a moan. Sarah stepped out of the doorway and was suddenly in a room with a desk and some chair surrounding it. "Ah, good timing," a voice said. Sarah turned to see a flat television screen hovering around her. "We're just about ready to begin." “Max Headroom?" Sarah said to the digital image of man's face. "Ahhh, and great sense of humor," the director smiled. "Let me give a quick story synopsis. You are secret industrial spy, Alice Sizemore, and your mission is to steal the top secret Pandora's Box project from the evil, and mysterious Dr.Quay." "OK, wheres the script?" Sarah smiled putting her hands on her hips. "We don't use scripts here," the Director said quickly. "It makes it more real." "All righty," Sarah said with uncertainty. "Ready?" "Ummm... sure." "Action!" the Director shouted and disappeared. Part 7 The Director screen disappeared and Sarah was alone for only a moment when a man and a woman walked into the room. "Ms. Sizemore," the man said. "So glad you could join us." He was elderly, with a British accent, wearing a black suit and tie. The woman was younger, about 36, and dressed in a dark blue dress. "Glad to be here," Sarah answered. "Your mission, Ms. Sizemore," the woman began, "is to steal the Pandora's Box project." "If such a project exists," the man added. "What is it, exactly?" Sarah asked, pacing. "We believe Dr.Quay is planning to shrink the world's population," the woman answered. Sarah nodded. "He must be stopped," the man added. "For this mission, we are outfitting you with this," the woman handed Sarah a black belt with a large round dial for a buckle. Sarah took the belt and examined it briefly, it the dial had three settings; a large circle, a medium circle and a small circle all connected by a line. "Wear it around your waist," the woman explained. Sarah put the belt on. "Turning the dial to the smaller circle will reduce your body to two percent its normal size, turning it to the larger circle will exponentially expand your normal size. The middle circle will return you to normal. Each setting can be used twice in a row to make yourself even smaller or larger, but I'm afraid thats the extent of it." "Why will I be needing this?" Sarah asked, looking at her waist. The man pushed a button on the underside of the desk and out of one of the bookcases rolled a table with an adroid body on it similar to that of the Terminators. "This is one of Dr. Quay's android minions," the woman explained. "We managed to capture it, at the expense of several agents and shut it down temporarily." "The android has a automatic messenger pigeon program. It will immediately return to Quay for re-programming," the man added. "And how do I fit into all this?" Sarah asked. The woman walked to the android and pushed a small button, a tiny ledge slide out, "Right here." Sarah approached the andoird to see the ledge. It had a nearly microscopic chair. The woman paced a bit, "You shrink yourself twice, and you will become a fortieth of an inch tall. You will be able to infiltrate the compound without being detected." "Are you up to it, Ms. Sizemore?" the man asked. "What about my gun?" Sarah asked. "A small amount of matter is capable of being reduced or enlarged with you," the woman added. The elderly man took out Sarah's shiny, black gun and belt holster, "Here." Sarah took it and wrapped the belt holster around her waist, too, "How about getting out?" "Thats the second part of the mission," the man interjected. "You are to use the belt enlargement dial twice once the disk is in your possession," the woman answered, leaning on the desk. "One turn of the dial will make you seven hundred feet tall. The second turn will make you seventy thousand feet tall. In other words, you will destroy the building and all inside it." "Including Quay," Sarah replied. "Precisely," the elderly man nodded. "Are you willing to take the mission?" Sarah hopped up onto the desk, standing even higher than them, "Consider it done." She turned the dial and found herelf, her clothes, and her gun, shrinking while the man and woman watched her shrink. Sarah stood at two inches tall. The woman took up a a small metal spoon-like instrument, who's spoon-like tip was still too small for Sarah. Sarah turned the dial again and found the world around her becoming too immense to comprehend. Sarah was a fortieth of an inch high, and stepped onto the spoon-like instrument. The woman carefully raised the spoon to the android's slot and lowered Sarah near it. Sarah hopped off, and onto the chair which was sideways to her. She sat in it, strapping herself in like an astronaut. "Good luck, agent," the woman said and hit the button, locking the slot back into place. The man took out a remote control and hit the top button. The furthest wall opened up to the outside world. He nodded to the woman. She hit the activation switch on the android. It sat up immediately, and the man and woman backed away. The andoird was frozen for a moment, it then stood up on the table and walked off of it. It ran to the opening in the wall and turned on the rocket boosters on its legs, flying into the sky. The ride was rather comfortable for Sarah and the android was soon at Dr.Quay's secret compound hidden in the far reaches of the mountains of Montana. The android entered the compoud through a secret entrance and walked in, heading toward the repair lab. Sarah knew the robot was walking again and so hit the normal dial. The android began sparking and fidgeting, and Sarah burst out standing at her normal height of seven feet. She drew her gun and rounded the corner of the metallic hall. Three android guards began walking toward her. She knew she was spotted. "We have an intruder," the android spoke. A human voice over a speaker answered, "Stop her immediately." Lasers began firing at Sarah and she dodged them, slipping behind a corner. Sarah crouched down, panting. She raised her gun and peered over the corner firing. She hit each android, making them inoperable and ineffective. "Now where's this lab?" Sarah said, marching down the now cleared hall. The sound of metal feet hitting the metal floor echoed down the hall. Five androids began marching toward her, lasers firing. Sarah ducked behind a corner where five more androids were marhcing toward her. More and more androids appeared. "Do you really think I'd let you escape that easily?" the voice laughed. A blanket of lasers filled the hall, Sarah turned the dial and shrank to two inches in height. The laser fire stopped. "The intruder is no longer present," an adroid spoke. "Impossible!" the voice shouted. "Check the ventilation ducts and the floor below!" Sarah smiled and ran down the hall looking for the door to the Pandora's Box project. It woudl be rather hard to get in though, seeing as how all the doors were locked electronically. "What if I make myself smaller," she wondered. "Then I can crawl under the door." Sarah hit the dial just in time as a beautiful, giant Spanish woman thundered down the hall. Her black boots stretched high above Sarah. The woman was clad in tight fitting camouflage pants and a white wife-beater T-shirt which showed off her huge bust. "Jade," the voice over the speaker said. "Guard the project personally. We're too close now to let it fall to pieces." "Yes, sir," Jade nodded and walked through the electric doors across the way. Sarah ran after Jade, but the doors closed too quickly. Sarah was still able to walk right through the tiny crack and appear in the room. Sarah couldn't believe how huge Jade was, then again, Sarah was barely flea-sized. Too small to feel safe, Sarah turned the dial and grew to two inches. Now all she had to do was get the disk from the computer and she was home free. Jade sat down at the desk's chair, it creaked with her weight. Sarah looked up at the desk. She wrapped her legs around the steel legs of the desk and began climbing up whil eJade watched the variosu wall-sized screens in the room. Sarah made it to the desk top and carefully moved to the disk drive. She was almost there. Sarah hit the disk release and the disk popped out. "Hold it right there!" Jade thundred, her hand raised over Sarah, about to squish her. She grabbed the tiny Sarah instead, Sarah struggled but couldn't break free from the giantesses hand. "Dr.Quay, I have your intruder." "Excellent, Jade," the voice answered. "Bring her to me alive." Part 8 Jade marched down the hall with Sarah clenched in her fist. Sarah knew she was in for it now. Jade walked through a set of automatic titanium doors and into a large room filled with works on art on the walls and sculptures on pedastals. The walls were solid black, and shiny, like obsidian. "If it were up to me, I'd just crush you," Jade said to Sarah. Dr.Quay stood from his chair as he turned aroudn to see Jade. He wasn't the usual villian. Sarah thought he coudl easily play James Bond. "Where is she?!" Quay asked. "Right here," Jade said nonchalantly and rolled Sarah out onto the top of Quay's desk. "So that's how she escaped our sensors," the villian smiled. Sarah turned the dial and grew back to normal size. Sarah jumped off the desk. "So," Dr.Quay laughed, "you're a size changer, eh?" He sat down again and leaned back in his chair. He looked to Jade, "Maybe you and Jade should have a little talk." Sarah turned around and saw a smirk on Jade's face. She watched as Jade's already bulging muscles swelled larger and she grew taller. "Jade has been genetically and chemically altered to be an all-aroudn amazon," Quay said. "She quite enjoys it, too." Jade clothing ripped in parts, she became a hulking, massive fifteen foot juggernaut. "Holy shit," Sarah muttered. "Tell you what," Quay said happily. "The winner gets the belt." "Fine by me," Jade bellowed. She stomped toward Sarah. Sarah decided to attack, against her better judgement and bum-rushed Jade. She was stopped immediately. It felt as though Sarah had hit a brick wall. Sarah groaned in pain. Jade just laughed at her, "I'm not even trying yet." Jade picked Sarah up and threw her at the opposite wall, knocking over a row of sculptures. Quay sat up, seeing the destruction of his valuables. Sarah sat up in the wreckage, and dizzily stood as Jade walked toward her. Sarah knew she had to grow. She put her hand on the dial, but Jade spotted her move and quickly rushed Sarah, knocking her intot he wall. The belt was fine but the dial was broken. Sarah sat up against the wall momentarily and found herself growing without end. Dr.Quay stood from his chair and Jade backed away in horror as Sarah quickly became fifty feet tall. in a few seconds. Her body became too heavy to remain on the floor and she crashed through several more, growing large enough to fill the room. Jade fell down into the crumbling building as Sarah expanded larger and larger. She was soon 1000 feet tall then ten thousand feet, her leather clad butt flattened the building. Sarah looked out at the end of her huge, ski slope nose and saw Dr.Quay holding on for dear life. She continued to grow, the intense speed threw Quay off into the air, and his demise. And still Sarah grew. And grew. And grew. And grew. She became hundreds miles wide and hundreds more tall. She stopped growing, once again in shock of her gigantic size. "I THINK I'M EVEN BIGGER THAN LAST TIME," she said quietly. "You are," the Director's voice said. "And there's no way to make you small again." "WHAT?!" "The Pandora's Box project, that was supposed to shrink the worlds population? Well, if you remember you were supposed to get the disk and bring it back then grow to an enormous size and crush the compound. Well, you crushed the compound, but you also destroyed the project. There's no way to shrink you now." "NO!" Sarah boomed. "THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT." In a fit of anger, the titaness stomped a giant boot onto hundreds of cities and towns. "I'M TOO GIGANTIC FOR ANYTHING NOW! WHERE WILL I GO? WHAT CAN I EAT?!" she thundered. "GRRRRRR!!!!" She slammed her huge weight down on the countless more cities and smashed trough the continent. The titaness was about to slam her foot down again when she saw several tiny rockets zooming toward her. The first one's impact didn't do much. In fact, Sarah even watched it hit her and explode with no reaction. But the others started to burn and sting. Sarah was weakening. The colussus slowly rocked back and forth, and fell hopelessly to the North American continent and into the Pacific, sinking the land mass. Sarah awoke in her dressing room. "That was great," the Director shouted. Sarah was confused. She was sitting on a bench, her body now twenty feet tall, too heavy for the chair. She was wearing a black tank top and black shorts. "What was that?" Sarah asked. "That! Was one of the best fantasies ever shot!" the Director laughed. "You were great. We'll add all the other parts later, you know, with the president and all that army stuff..." "But.. it was all real...," Sarah said dazed. "And thats why it came out so good!" the Director explained. "They're just fantasies." Sarah saw that her head was at the ceiling and the dressing room was like a little girl's room to her. "Have I gotten bigger?" Sarah wondered. "Oh sorry," the Director answered. The room automatically grew to meet Sarah's proportions. "I've got to get to the editting room. Bye -bye!" The Director screen zipped out of the room. Sarah spotted Courtney, much smaller than her, but bigger than Gina. "What happened to Gina?" Sarah asked confused. "She got small," Courtney answered, holdign out Gina. "No! You're supposed to be small and she's supposed to be big!" Sarah sighed. Courtney shrank down to seven inches and Gina grew to her normal height of six feet. Gina quickly picked up the little Courtney and smiled at her. "Whats going on?!" Sarah asked her reflection. "I want to talk to my Agent!!" Part 9 "Yes, dear, I'm here," the Agent said, instantly appearing behind Sarah. Sarah spun around, "Whats going on?! Why am I even taller than before?" "It’s the effects of the fantasies. I told you you'll be a big star," the Agent said pacing. "That was a very good flick. So, you got bigger." "So, this is real?" "This part is." "I don't want to do this any more!" Sarah demanded. "I don't know what going on! I have no sense of reality any more!" "You can't get out," the Agent stopped pacing and folded her arms. Sarah stood from her chair and looked down at the red-head, "Change it all back or I'll smush you." The Agent got a vengeful look in her eyes. She started to grow right before Sarah's eyes, until she was eye to eye with Sarah, "I made you and I can break you." Sarah was too desperate to care, "Then make me normal again!" "Do you really want that?" the Agent said. "Why don't we see what would have happened if Katie won, hmmm?" Sarah was her normal proportions again, she sighed in relief but then realized she was standing on a huge plate. She looked up to see Katie and the Agent seated at the gigantic table, the both of them enormous compared to her. Katie's body was now the super-busty, ultra-leggy, curvy one. Katie's spaghetti strap top was pulled to its max by her chest and her white Capri pants stuck to her as though they were painted on. "And now dessert," Katie smiled. She picked up the plate and and licked her tongue down it. Sarah screamed as she slide down onto Katie's tongue, was forced into her giant mouth and disappeared into Katie's belly. "Mmmm... delectable," Katie said patting her tummy. Sarah thought that the fantasy should end now that she was gone, but it didn't. "Ready?" the Agent grinned. "I was born ready," Katie smiled. In an instant, they were on the set of a new picture. The Director screen buzzed around Katie, examining her, "Very nice..." "Thank you," Katie said, standing with her chest stuck out proudly. "Alright Katie," the Director started, "you are a beautiful college girl who accidentally stumbles upon an inventors growth ray." Katie began examining the props as the Director screen spoke. "This thing?" she asked, pointing to a large laser device. "Yes. Now, you grow to a gigantic size and are, at first, scared, but then..." Katie stood in front of the growth ray and hit the heavy switch back, turning it on. A bright blue beam shot out at her and covered her body. Katie started to grow. "What are you doing?" the Director shouted. "Just getting into character," the fifty foot Katie laughed, she continued to grow to the ceiling. "Turn that thing off!!" the Director ordered. The laser stopped. Katie stopped growing at 400 feet tall. Then, she grew again. "No!" Katie thundered. "This is my fantasy now!" She wanted to grow bigger and faster, and did. She busted through the ceiling and grew. Katie became 1000 feet tall, and grew. She put her hands on her hips, and smiled as she grew and grew and grew. Katie became too huge for the Earth and lifted right off it. She continued expanding in space until she was big enough to fill the solar system. Then she filled the galaxy. Then the universe. The only thing that could be seen in the skies in millions of planets was the white of her Capri pants. Katie was laughing, hands still on her hips, but no one could see those hands, they were too far away. She was billons of miles wide and trillions more tall. "THIS IS PHENOMENAL!" Katie bellowed. "I CAN'T EVEN SEE MY FEET! OR MY HIPS! THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET EVEN BIGGER!" She laughed again, watching as her body spread out in all directions. The feeling of immeasurableness made Katie more and more excited. "BUT BEFORE I GROW ANY MORE," she smiled. "I HAVE TO STOP THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN STOP ME." Katie reached an immense finger down, down, down, down to the Earth. The underside of her fingernail destroyed the Southern hemisphere. The speed at which she raised her finger back up to her mouth caused the tiny globe to ignite. By the time the orb had reached her titanic mouth, most of it was already burnt up. Katie's massive jaws shut. She smiled. Katie filled all of space, too huge to move and destroying everything under her body. Sarah found herself staring at the Agent again. Except Sarah was on her knees and still eye level with the Agent. Sarah was even taller than before. The Agent smiled and the dressing room grew to meet Sarah's size needs. "Now do you still want to chicken out?" the Agent grinned. Part 10 Sarah stood in the new, larger room now at fifty feet in height. The Agent grew to meet Sarah's size. "Are you ready to work on the next fantasy?" the Agent asked. "I don't have to now," Sarah grinned devilishly. Sarah's chest pushed further out, hitting the agent in the face and pulling her head slightly up as Sarah got taller. She loomed over the Agent. Sarah watched her hips widen. She couldn't believe it was working. Sarah's head busted through the ceiling. "No you don't!" the Agent screamed. "Yes I do!" Sarah shouted, she expanded in seconds to thousands of miles in height, growing larger and larger still. She quickly picked up the Agent and stuck her in her mouth. Sarah swallowed. Sarah's body inflated instantly to immense proportions, outgrowing her clothes. She became 10,000 then 100,000 then a million miles tall. Sarah made a fist, watching as it grew right before her eyes. "THIS FANTASY IS OVER," Sarah said, and thrust her clenched hand onto the Earth. Sarah opened her eyes. She was sitting in the outdoor cafe. She turned around quickly, zipping her head back and forth looking for anything out of the ordinary. No giantesses. No red-head in a red skirt and suit. Just a regular day. Her body was normal again. She sighed in relief and awaited the creepy Twilight Zone twist. But there was none. She looked at her plate... no tiny women. She turned to the sky... no, she wasn't in a glass jar. Everything was the same as before. Sarah took a sip from the water glass on the table. "Is this seat taken?" a voice asked. Sarah looked up quickly, startled to see a handsome man that looked vaguely familiar. "Dr. Quay?" Sarah whispered to herself. The man smiled, "Actually, my name's Michael. I think I'd remember you, if we ever met.” "I think so, too," Sarah smiled. THE END |