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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2315350
The Queen wants to find out who has brought this their attention and how to stop it.
Jules laughed as he has heard a tale of the death of the Bishop. He is having a meal with his lady. They are seated at a restaurant with the

serving staff catering to their very desire. The place was without anything a miss, The table had on it a huge mass of food there. There

were two bottles of wine to drink.

The room was filled with wondrous smells, and decadent pastries. There was a good turn out tonight. There were harem girls dancing

about, dressed in vales of purple silk, these moved to show beautiful physiques of their bodies, some had castanets in their hands to

create a wondrous rhythm with which to dance to.

A herald had told the patrons of the demise of the bishop in Marissa's kingdom.

Lady Oliva took a peeled grape from a tray as the serving girl walked passed them. She opened her mouth to allow the grape to fall into her

mouth. Her lips were a deep crimson, her lips were sensuos and tantatlizing. Her skilled tongue drew the grape in. She drew it down her

throat. after she took it in she said, "I wonder what the pope will decide to do with the kingdom."

"No doubt arrest the king while they fight the barbarians. Won;t that eb good. The king;s own soldiers will witness this happening to him,"

Jules said,

"I wonder what they will do? They have said an oath to the pope didn't they?" Oliva said as she looked at the serving girl as she left their

table. Oliva sipped her wine in a relaxed fashion,


The sunlght began to show through the bottom of the thick red curtain to reveal the floor with its pristine marble floor. There were two large

huge high backed chairs, there was a huge bed with its curtian drawn. The Pope and the woman he had in his bed were asleep. There was

a knock at the door.

The Pope eased himself from the bed where his woman was laying, she wore a corset that was ribbed with floral cups, she wore black

stockings with reinforced toes. She looked at him as he began to walk toward the window, his dresser put on his dress shirt and then put

on his black cloak with a red sash about his neck hung an amulet with a circle to hold the jade stone there, there were words on the circle

that gave the pope some of his powers.

The Pope approached the window to look out the window to see his troops standing at attention. They looked as if they were one, not the

number that was there. what he had as divisions of troops he nodded at his contingency of troops. He knew he had enough of them their to

protect him and his people. He swore that he knew the information that he had been given.was true. He began to look about tosee what

else he may need to attack the kingdom .He wanted them to pay dearly for this to have occurred.

He envisioned the cities being attacked by his people, he laughed. He did not wish to do this, but was he supposed to do. They

murdered his son. HIS SON, How dare
they do this.

He slammed his fist into the table, it shuddered and shook. Spilling the fluid from his wine glass onto the surface of the table. He glanced

down at the table as it shook, he quickly looked at his wife. The blood drained from her face, she stepped back as she looked at him, there

were tears in her eyes. She fell into his arms. He lifted her up and carried her to the bed.

He muttered under his breath, "They will pay!"

He snarled as he looked at the window to see small flakes of snow beginning to fall. they looked so bright as the sun light began to strike

the flakes. He rang a bell to summon his general to him.

The woman in his bed rose from where she lay. She silently slipped out of bed to walk toward the door, that the dresser usually uses to get

into his room The woman had elven features, but her ears were not pointed. The Pope knew she was a half breed of their race and his

own, She did not know her parents.

They had been killed in a raid.


The kingdom where Marissa was seemed at ease at the moment as Sir Grey tried to figure out what had happened to the emissary,

whom they knew was slain by someone wanting to gain a bounty offered for his death.

They also knew winter was on its way, there was a chill in the air. They shivered as they felt it fall upon their kingdom. fear lay nestled in

their bosom. They were afraid of what they would face if the kingdom that was now posed for war over them.

The Queen was facing Sir Grey the blood ran cold in her veins like the chill of the wind on her skin. It took her breath away. She lifted her

hand toward Sir Grey's own. Sir grey frowned solemnly, he knew the plight of war and what it would mean. His king was still on his crusade

with the other members of the church to defend the church from these barbarians.

The people did not know the answer to this problem before them. This death occurred only a week ago. The queen knew of what had

happened to the Pope's son. She was now, aware. They would have to find the bastard that had arranged for this to have happened.. They

would have to try to appease the pope's desire to stop them from doing this.

"What can we say to stop the Pope from doing this?' Marissa asked, as she thought about what they should do to appease the Pope. They

were afraid of what the Pope could do. He could moblize an army to make them feel his wraith as he had long ago when someone else

choose to disagree with him.

The Pope almost broke the kingdoms control it had over its people, the people joined the Pope's army as it5250 attacked the castle;s and the

cities over which they ruled.

"The Bishop's wrath
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