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A bedtime story form the distorted memory of a troubled teen |
Most traditional Moroccan families in the downside of middle class, financial troubles loomed upon them like the plague, in which Amine and Yassine were raised. Despite the challenges they were fairly getting by, getting their education, healthcare and all the love in the world provided by their parents, commanding values and respect, a typical image of a strong and decent Moroccan family. Yet stability was never felt by the hardworking parents who wanted the best and everything in the world for their kids, and that played quite a number on them, so much so that despite not wanting to show their struggle and suffering in front of their beloved sons, they could notice. That bred the motivation and aspiration in the minds of the young siblings to make the parents proud, because they never want to see their mama cry like that time they happened to eavesdrop. The youngest of the brothers, Yassine was the most motivated, looking and searching at every corner and opportunity to help out as soon as possible but alas, he was too young to work and still have an education to accomplish, as quitting that was never an option for he's family looked highly on it, so he stuck to it and use it hoping someday it will prevail and allow him to make his father and mother proud and ease up their struggle, in the meantime he prayed and persisted with everything he got. It's a part of the cycle of life of every human being, that after a period of hardship and work to reward himself with a break to unwind, and traveling was the muse of most over summer vacation, and like most Moroccans, the beach was an appealing attraction. And so, a city in the northern coast of the kingdom was the destination this summer for the family. The excitement of the kids was radiating from young Amine and Yassine, as swimming was their most appreciated escape, and spending some quality time of fun and laughter was always welcomed. Even though the temperature in coastal cities isn't all that insanely high, the humidity and sun heat can get unbearable, so nighttime was the perfect opportunity to wonder and explore its magic as the city gets lively and vibrant. While on their usual midnight stroll, Amine wanted to take a walk on the beach chilling sands, and on his little adventure he finds himself near a rocky scenery, as the tides engaging in the battle of moving those rocks that had no intention to budge while the stars held witness and cheered on by painting a mesmerizing glow on that blackest canvas. Enthralled by the orchestra of colors and sounds displayed, he laid down there to see and ponder such beaty. Young Amine decided to get his brother to see it by his side the next night, for he was feeling quite down this year and cheer him up if only by a bit. Next day come, and Amine told the story of his little endeavor to his family and managed to take the permission of his parents to take his brother with him that night. Yassine was too stunned to speak in front of this symphony of nature, as a little drop of tear found its way on his cheek, or he has seen a glimpse of hope and peace from all the thinking he was humoring all year, and thought to himself that in this world there's always hope and beauty to be find even in the darkest and hard times, for he would eventually get to make his momma happy and pleased by him and his helpful spirit, rendering her gloomy nights worthwhile just like this night made him feel, patience and persistence never goes unrewarded . The two brothers stayed for a while wondering on that beach strolling, and amidst all the fascination and ponder, Yassine heard some soothing whaling coming from a cave like structure that he decided to oblige and uncover its source. The young looked around and around, but he just could pinpoint the source of the soothing voice enchanting him to its trail and decided to leave join his brother who was waiting outside. They say fate works in mysterious ways, and presents itself in the most unexpected situations, and for young Yassine that was a slip on the smoothed-up rocks falling into the water that was very deep getting him all wet. As he was standing up, his eyes were captured a yellowish glow some gold made kitchen wear was scattered all around him. He was astonished, and as he reached to grab as much as he could, thinking could this be the turn of events he was hoping for all the time, is this really the gold at the end of the rainbow like he once read in a tale? And as his hand almost touched the gold, a cold slender hand, like the touch of a long-lost lover, beat him to his hand. Frightened, Yassine finally found the source of the smooth sound, which pulled him away into the depth of the water and into the freezing kiss of the sea that connects to it. Amine felt a thunder strike in his hear letting him know of his brother that's taking too long in that cave, and out of concern and clouded by the horrible bad omen of his heart that's hoping nothing wrong happened to his baby brother, he went in looking for him. Amine's premonition was right on the money, as that was the last time anyone heard of the two brothers ever again. Lost at sea, without ever finding a body or even a hint that the two brothers were on that shore, in that cave like place in the rocky beach. The devastation in the parents' souls and faces were more crushing than the weight of the challenging work of providing for their now forever incomplete family, broken for the rest of their days, and a dream that never had the chance to see the day of light in this life. Enthralling beauty holds in its folds a heartbreaking tragedy, for maybe that battle between the tides and rocks isn't a battle, but a desperation to hold onto the solid ground and escape the sea, and the stars aren't cheering on, but a beacon warning wonderers of the dangers of the place, and chilly sands are souls freezing from the depth and solitude of the sea, that hugs them so tightly you don't feel a thing coming from that cold hands of gold. |