Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312576-What-does-Dera-learn-from-Lady-Quan
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2312576
Queen Marissa had returned to the kingdom
         Meek Trubual herald
Queen Marissa
Dera Fin Watch commander
Lady Quan owner of the hungry ork
Ger Sia member of the watch
Terrance Gose watch

         Dera grasped Lady Quan's wrist to drag her to the place on the floor inches from it.

         She struggled and fought like a hellion to stop him from doing this/ "Stop damn you I will talk!"

         Dera stopped pulling and Quan fell to the floor. She looked into his eyes tears spilled from her

eyes. Dera said, "Talk?"

          "All right. He was talking with a foreigner here at the tavern, the figure showed him a few gold

coins if he was going to take a carriage through the woods/ There were a few riders that he needed

as well, could Tabius identify who he would recommend to do this on his behalf."

         "And?" Dera said as he reached out to grab her hand again.

         "He was a Torn Talon." Quan supplied tears ran down her cheeks as she lay there looking into

the face of the rat. She brought her hand to lift her body from where it lay.

         "I see. Did you hear anything more from Tabius or Torn Talon while they were talking about this

matter." Dera asked as he smiled.

         "Please No! Can you get me off the floor!" Lady Quan said, as she looked into his face, tears

spilled and ran from her eyes. Her face was contorted into a grimace that was most pronounced.

"You can go?" Dera said as he reached down to draw her up to her feet. Dera heard the door to

the watch open, seeing Sir Grey entered the establishment. Dera bit his lip drawing some blood from

his lip. He said, "Where were you?"

         "What do you mean, where was I? I went to sleep. I was tired as I think you would be as well,"
Sir Grey said as he shot Dera a look. He looked at Lady Quan and said, "Who is she?"

         "Lady Quan is the owner of the drunken Ork. She saw Tabius in her tavern when Talon talked

to him. That was who hired him."

         "Hired him for what?" Sir Grey said as he looked at her.

         "To drive the carriage through the rear gate, is what he was asked to do as we saw him there. On the

carriage as it rode through the castle," Dera said as he looked at the woman as she was now on her


         Sir Grey approached her, he looked at her as he blocked her path. She glared at him.


         Ger woke he saw the carriage begin to move, that they were in search of. Ger woke the other

members with him as they barrelled out the door in pursuit of the carriage. They raced toward their

horses vaulting onto their horses.

         The carriage was on the road by the time they got to their horses. The riders tore off after the

carriage, They had caught up with it. The carriage could not move very fast. Its escort tried to stop

the riders.

         Terrance said,"Stop, we are the watch! If not we will fire upon you as he drew up his

blunderbuss to point it at them.

         The riders looked grim and determined to stop them from getting to the carriage, Ger leapt off

of his horse to drag another rider to the ground. The other rider wore a coat and on his hip was a

broadsword. He was strong and fast with his hands.

         Ger cold cocked him, he stopped struggling.

         The way that the riders blocked the path of the carriage. The driver snapped the whip to cause

the horse to ride past the riders. The riders were forced backwards as the carriage continued.


         Sir Grey Arm was awakened by his wife, she looked at him in disbelief. She asked,"When did

you arrive, Why didn't you wake me?"

         "You were asleep. I didn't want to wake you?" Grey Arm said as he smiled at her as he bent

down to hug her.

         "I have to speak with the viceroy." he said as he headed out the door.

         "The viceroy. You're important aren't you?" She said and laughed at the end of it.

         He was out the door, by the end of her saying this to him.

         The member of the watch was standing there as he emerged from the house.

"What they learn of the Viceroy's actions
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