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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2312009
John 11 Lesson 15 Jesus raises Lazarus
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

Scripture: John 11:1-44

Scripture: Jesus said, "I Am the Resurrection and the Life."

Attribute: Omnipotent. Jesus has all power. Nothing can stop Jesus.

Main Truth: Jesus has the power to make dead people live, or Jesus Can make dead people live.

“Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. Thank you God for loving people like Benny, Alexis,” name each child, “sending Jesus to teach/help/save us. Thank you God, that nothing can stop Jesus. Amen.” Use ASL for amen. Hold up Bible. “Does anyone know what book this is?” Wait for answer. This book is the B.I. B. L. E, the Bible.” Sing The B. I. B. L. E. “Who wants to touch the Bible? Do you want to touch the Bible, Mary/Martha/Lazarus? The Bible is God’s true word. The Bible tells us about God and Jesus.” ASL for Jesus. “Today’s story is about Lazarus.”

*AsteriskB* ”Lazarus was Jesus’ friend.”

*AsteriskB* “Lazarus got very sick.” Hold belly, hold head, look in pain.”Then Lazarus died.” Frown, trace tear down face.

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus came to to be with His friends.” Walk with fingers.

*AsteriskB* “All the people were sad.”

*AsteriskB* ”But—-Jesus has all power.” Lean forward, look at each child, use breathy voice.

*AsteriskB*”Nothing can stop Jesus.” Sound excited, big smile.

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus made Lazarus alive again.” Big excitement. “Yay, Jesus!”

*AsteriskB*”Jesus has the power to make dead people live.”

*AsteriskB* Verse: To God Is So Good “I Am the resurrection and the life,” Jesus said, Jesus said.” 2x Then “John 11:25a, John 11:25a, I Am the resurrection and the Life,” Jesus said.


*AsteriskV* God Is So Good

*AsteriskV* Praise Him, Praise Him

*AsteriskV* We Thank You Loving Father

Use My God IS So Big
Two Little Apples
Itsy Bitsy Spider

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