Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2308810-A-Superhero-Thanksgiving
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2308810
Superboy Jamie meets a family which had just lost everything on Thanksgiving Day.
Jamie loved to fly. He loved feeling the wind in his hair, the sun on his face, and the freedom in his heart. He also loved helping people. He knew he was lucky to have superpowers, and he wanted to use them for good. That's why he decided to volunteer for the Superhero Relief Fund, a charity organization that delivered food and supplies to remote areas that had been affected by natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

The teen superhero had grown tremendously over the past year. He had grown only an inch in height, but he had become significantly more muscular. He had gained an insane amount of strength and all his powers had increased in intensity. Wearing the familiar Superman suit as he flew across the sky, many people already started to mistake the teen hero for the Man of Steel himself, until they saw Jamie up close. Still, Jamie devoted his spare time to studying, fighting crime, and volunteering for the relief fund as much as possible.

He had been doing this for a few months now, and he enjoyed it immensely. He met many grateful and kind people along the way, and he felt like he was making a difference. He also learned a lot about the world and its problems, and he realized how fortunate he was to have a loving family and a comfortable home.

One day, he received a call from the Superhero Relief Fund on his cell phone. They told him that there was a large fire in a small town in Kansas, and that many people had lost their homes and belongings. They asked him if he could fly there and deliver some donations. He agreed without hesitation and packed many large boxes and bags with clothes, blankets, food, water, and toys. He put on his familiar blue superhero suit with his long, red cape, and took off into the sky while pulling a large full-size storage container with a thick, steel chain.

He flew for a few hours, enjoying the scenery and the music in his earphones. He reached Kansas and followed the directions to the town. He saw a thick cloud of smoke rising from the ground, and he felt a pang of sadness. He landed near a shelter, where he saw a group of people waiting for him. They cheered and clapped when they saw him, and he smiled and waved. He lowered the large container to the parking lot before landing near the entrance to the shelter so he could greet the people.

He introduced himself as Superboy and told them that he was there to help. He unloaded his boxes and bags from the container and handed everything to the volunteers. These included articles of clothing, toys, non-perishable food, books, small furniture, blankets, pet food, and much more. They thanked him profusely and told him how much they appreciated his generosity. He told them that it was his pleasure, and that he hoped they would recover soon.

He was about to leave when he noticed a family sitting on a bench. They looked sad and tired, and he felt a surge of compassion. He walked over to them and asked them if they were okay. They looked up at him, and he saw that they were a mother, a father, and two children, a boy, and a girl. The mother spoke first.

"Hello, Superboy. We're fine, thank you. We're just... trying to cope. We lost everything in the fire. Our house, our car, our clothes, our photos... everything. We have nowhere to go, and nothing to call our own."

Jamie felt a lump in his throat. He couldn't imagine what they were going through. He wanted to do something to help them, but he didn't know what.

“Oh, no! That is horrible!” Jamie shouted, as he quietly sat down next to the boy and the girl. “I-I wish there were something I could do to help you. I mean… I wonder… Uhh… So, what are your names?”

He asked them their names, and they told him. The mother was Lisa, the father was Tom, the boy was Jake, and the girl was Amy. They were a nice family, and they didn't deserve this.

“This is Tom, my husband. Jake is my fourteen-year-old son and Amy is eleven. We’re all so pleased to meet you, Superboy!” Lisa continued.

Superboy decided to ask them a question. He couldn’t bear to just leave the family behind like this, on Thanksgiving, with no home.

"Would you like me to help you rebuild your house?"

They looked at him in surprise. They didn't know what to say. They didn't know if he was serious, or if he was joking.

“Are you serious?” Tom asked him. “But… That would take months!”

He assured them that he was serious, and that he had super strength and could lift heavy materials. He told them that he had some spare time, and that he wanted to do something nice for them. He told them that it was Thanksgiving, and that he wanted to give them something to be thankful for.

“Nope! I can do it! I can rebuild your house! Right now!” Jamie said as he stood up and looked up at the debris. “I got the strength and the power to do it. I’m going to give you your house back!”

They were touched by his offer. They couldn't believe that a stranger would do such a thing for them. They thanked him sincerely and accepted his offer. They told him where their house used to be, and he followed them. He saw a pile of ashes and rubble, and he felt a twinge of anger. He vowed to make it better.

“I’m gonna find more food and pieces of metal. I’ll get nails and other items. I just need a hammer and a saw to get started.” Superboy said.

“I still have some tools which survived the fire.” Tom pointed out, showing Superboy his old tool box.

The Boy of Steel got to work and used his super strength to clear the debris. He found some wood, metal, bricks, and nails, and used them to build a new house. He worked fast and efficiently, and in a few minutes, he had finished. He had built a simple but cozy house, with a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a basement, a garage, a bathroom, and four bedrooms. He had also painted it with bright colors and added some windows and doors to every room. He stepped back and admired his work. He was proud of himself.

He called the family and showed them their new house.

“Okay, everyone! Come check out your new house! I used my heat vision to reconnect the plumbing and electricity. You should be all good to go!”

They were speechless. They couldn't believe their eyes. They ran to the house and hugged him.

“Wow, Superboy! You are amazing!” Jake sobbed as he hugged the teen superhero. “I will never forget you!”

“Thank you so much, Superboy! I love you!” Amy whispered, as she hugged the caped hero as well, after her older brother. “Please don’t leave!”

They thanked him over and over and told him that he was their hero. He blushed and told them that it was nothing. He told them that he was happy to help, and that he hoped they would enjoy their new home.

“Superboy, please stay for our Thanksgiving dinner. We have you to think for this. We can’t have you fly off without being a part of our dinner. You… You’re part of our family now!” both Tom and Lisa pleaded with the young superhero.

They invited him to join them for a Thanksgiving dinner at their home. They told him that they had some food and supplies that they had received from the Superhero Relief Fund, and that they wanted to share them with him.

He accepted their invitation and followed them inside. They set the table and prepared the food. They had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, stuffing, corn, green beans, and pumpkin pie. They also had some water and juice. They sat down and held hands. They said a prayer, and thanked God for their blessings. They thanked Jamie for his kindness and told him that he was part of their family. He smiled and thanked them for their hospitality. He told them that they were his friends, and that he was glad to meet them.

They ate, and talked, and laughed. They shared stories, jokes, and memories. They had a wonderful time, and they felt a bond of love and gratitude. They forgot about their troubles and focused on their happiness. They celebrated Thanksgiving, and they celebrated life.

The end.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Day 2023
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