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True story of man who gets caught up with seexaddict/dominatrix/cougar. How they survive |
Living With a Dominatrix: True story of a man who is captured and against his will to be a slave for this Cougar/Dominatrix. A 35 year old man just moved in his little cottage in South Sacramento, Ca. It's a gated community. This Lorenzo already knew half of the complex. He had a girlfriend who used to reside in that complex but she had passed away before he moved in. At the while with his girlfriend before her passing, a neighbor who lived across the way 55 year old Jonni K. She became really neighborly and friendly with Sharon. Lorenzo kinda noticed a sinister look in her eyes but didn't think much of it. Jonni is 5'10 near 200 lbs, muscle toned. Lorenzo did notice she has great legs, he likes her leg structure. Almost every day Jonni would have an excuse to go to Sharon's just to see Lorenzo almost as if she wanted to take him from her. Lorenzo always gave Sharon foot massage and back massage. Sharon told Jonni about it and Jonni would always complain about her back and neck hurting just so Lorenzo can massage her and Sharon didn't seem to mind because she trusted him and believed he was doing a job. Little did Lorenzo it was much more that. It started out with Jonni getting her back and massaged then restless leg syndrome. Shortly after becoming Jonni's free personal reflexologist Sharon had passed and Lorenzo was homeless. It wasn't too long he would be off the streets, he moved in that same gated community. Jonni would every day in the morning and every night asking Lorenzo to massage her legs and feet. It didn't if Jonni was laying down, sitting up, etc. She would stroke his cock with her foot. Lorenzo was eerie about it but it felt good to him. As time went on Jonni figured she can get him to listen to her and do anything for her. She was certainly aiming for him to become her slave. Lorenzo had already knew people in this gated community. Whenever anyone wanted to talk to him she either say he not here, even when he really was there or she would say he busy helping me and closes the door on their faces. Lorenzo never knew people wanted to talk to him. Sometimes Jonni would drug him, spike his soda sometimes put strongest liquor in a cup but put alot of soda in it so he can barely taste it but it did put him out. Jonni didn't have Lorenzo captive 24/7 she would send him out to stores or errands so it didn't look too obvious. Lorenzo most days wouldn't feel like doing anything except be with Jonni, and it's because the way she drugged him. He would talk with some people but not long, not even socialize. Just enough talk for him to say he is fine. It was amazing how Lorenzo and Jonni didn't display red flags. Some people thought they were boyfriend/girlfriend, she would say no just my help. Lorenzo was never asked about the relationship. On few or more occasions Lorenzo would go to store or run an errand and along the way he would socialize with someone and would not be back at a certain time. When he did that Jonni would get mad. Furious. When he got back first thing she did back hand him when he got focused she kick him in the groin, he falls to the ground she steps on his throat hard enough to he can't be heard moaning in pain. She warned not to be late like that again. Lorenzo say ok, but he did few more times, the last couple times he was late, Jonni caught him socializing with two females on seperate occasions, after the last one she grabs Lorenzo by the throat with 2 hands and throws him to a wall, stomps on his lower back pressing his bladder on the ground which caused some minor pain and again demanding to stop being late, don't socialize with other women, then she picks him throws to the ground, takes her left size 9 foot steps on his face and says you belong to me, you will listen only to me, you are my slave i got 20 years on you and I own you understand. Lorenzo says ok. As he begins to apologize she steps her foot on his throat, and demands don't apologize you talked about this many times, so just don't it and don't be doing anything else anywhere else or...as she slowly slides her foot to his groin and says I will hurt you really bad, as she presses her foot on his groin pushing it in and turning her foot on him causing him to wet his pants and bleed. Now Lorenzo going to bathroom to urinate would be more painful than before, when she puts her feet on him he will feel alot of pressure and has to hold it until she is ready to get up. When Lorenzo goes to urinate and sounding in pain all Jonni could do and would is laugh at him. When he massage her feet and he needed to use bathroom she would have him finish when she said. One early morning Lorenzo sees opportunity to escape then Jonni swing around a chain link wrapping around his neck or waste squeezing him bringing him to his knees groveling forcing him to kiss her feet. After about a full year of that bit of torture it became the final battle. If Lorenzo can get through Jonni then he would be free to go. Jonni 60 years old, size 9 foot, 175 lbs 5'10 and Lorenzo 5'8 145 lbs both athletic build. Lorenzo immediately charges Jonni swings her foot up going to his groin right between his legs. You can hear something shattering. He wets his pants immediately. When staggering back up Jonni throws few punches dazing him. She pulls Lorenzo back up slamming him to some windows. When Lorenzo tries to resist she rams her knee into his groin multiple times. He is coughing up blood he is pissing blood it's already obvious he is damaged and in pain. She then puts him upside down on some kind of rail she takes one foot pressing hard into his groin, then stands on his groin bouncing up and down and then does again with her other foot. Lorenzo falls off rail rocking side to side on laying on his back and she laughs hysterically. Then she stomps on his groin. Screaming in pain wetting pants. Jonni steps on his face saying you now have a Mistress, you are now owned by me with an evil smirk on her face. She picks him up by the throat with 2 hands picks him tosses him to a window, then she grabs him controlling his wrists rams her knee into his groin few times and demanded you will wash my dishes, rams her knee again, then demands you will massage my feet and legs 3 times a day rams her knee again, she demands you will not talk to other women you will not massage other women. You are my bitch and you will sleep under my feet. Then rams her knee several more times then grabs his throat lifts him off the ground grabs his groin for better lift and lifts over her head and throws him across the air and Lorenzo lands on his back knocking the air out of his lungs. Slowly in a sinister moti,aon walking to Lorenzo with an evil grin on her face Jonni stands over him slips on foot out of her 2 inch thick soled shoe and forces her toes in his mouth making him suck on them and kissing her foot and then switches other foot then after10 minutes of forcing him to suck her toes kissing her feet she walks around him slowly stands over him between his legs with an evil look and smirk and then takes one foot places on his chest giggling slowly slides down to his groin crushes his groin pushes in hard he can literally feel her foot onto his pelvic bone and can hear loud noise of snap crackle and pop, she begins laughing loud and turns her foot causing a loud popping noise saying you better meet my demands or my foot will go through your pelvic bone. From this day on he has been obeying her demands and still from time to time she still tortures him and whips him. |