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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Fantasy · #2306067
My initial thoughts regarding how my 2023 NaNo Novel will unfold
I. Icerna is teaching and receives a note that says “it has started.”
II. She needs to mobilize the mages and calls upon Ignatius to help
III. Lord Shadowbane learns of their plan to rebel and ups his game, sending out more forces immediately
IV. Icerna finds some of Shadowbane’s men are working against their own will but to save their lives and the lives of their families
V. Icerna and Ignatius are imprisoned
VI. Icerna confides in her niece Lysandra about the plans
VII. Lysandra is not on the side of the rebellion, instead believing the oppressive regime has her best interests at heart.
VIII. Icerna finds some of the dungeon guards are also their against their will and befriends a few of them.
IX. Icerna and Ignatius lead the escape from prison
X. The mages rise up against the regime
XI. Lysandra learns the error in her ways and changes sides, bringing her friends with her
XII. The evil regime of Lord Shadowbane is eventually overthrown (and possibly the relationship between Icerna and Lysandra salvaged).
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