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Rated: ASR · Draft · Sci-fi · #2305665
As stated above
Birthday: January 1st 2020
Place of birth: Los Angeles, California
Parents: Hans and Sarah Smith
What was important to the people who raised him: Saving the Earth with a complex plan
Siblings: Only Child
Economic/social status growing up: Rich Parents were adventurers/eco activists/ tech company owners
Ethnic background: European Descent
Places lived: World Travelers
Current address and phone number: Los Angeles, California Only reachable though company or legal means
Education: Heavy on science and theoretical thinking
Favorite subject in school: Science
Special training: Jack of all trades (master in some)
Jobs: Self sustained
Salary: N/A
Travel: Vast

Friends: Surrounding neighbors.
How do people view this character: distant, mysterious but kind and generous.
Lives with: Alone
Fights with: No one
Spends time with: Alone
Wishes to spend time with: Everyone
Who depends on him and why: Surrounding Neighbors/financial support
What people does he most admire: His parents/ eco activists
Enemies: Not Shared
Dating, marriage: Not shared
Children: Not Shared
Relationship with God: Private.

Overall outlook on life: Bleak but hopeful
Does this character like himself: No comment made
What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: Not becoming immortal.
What personal demons haunt him: The responsibility he bears and must bear on others.
Is he lying to himself about something: My quest will be worth the curse I bear.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Both.
Real/feigned: Real
Morality level: Low
Confidence level: High
Typical day: More work to do.

Physical appearance
Body type: Muscular
Posture: Professional
Head shape: Almost perfectly round.
Eyes: Hazel
Nose: Large, flaring.
Mouth: Average
Hair: White
Skin: Tan
Tattoos/piercings/scars: None
Voice: Deep, dark.
What people notice first: His muscular frame.
Clothing: Black work pants and shirt with sleeveless jacket and work boots.
How would he describe himself: Just a man bidding his time.
Health/disabilities/handicaps: Depression, insomnia, anxiety.

Personality type: phlegmatic.
Strongest/weakest character traits: Patient to a fault, soft spoken, generous./ Cryptic, Dark, Self-Isolating.
How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: His generosity can be used against him and his patience would allow for some misdeeds to go forgiven.
How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: Incredible self-control Impressive Self Discipline.
What makes him irrationally angry: Unknown, walks away when irritated.
What makes him cry: Unknown, keeps his emotions private.
Fears: Unknown, keeps his fears private.
Talents: Multi talented in many aspects.
What people like best about him: He does not hover over those who work for him, he is generous, he listens.

Interests and favorites
Political leaning: Fire all politicians
Collections: antiques
Food, drink: multi-cultural
Music: multi-cultural
Books: Archaeology, history science…
Movies: Documentaries.
Sports, recreation: Mind Games.
Did he play in school: Wrestling, Football
Color: Tan
Best way to spend a weekend: Study, play football or wrestling
A great gift for this person: Friendship
Pets: None
What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.)
and which does he like best: Antiques, Victorian homes, castle ruins… /Antiques.

Typical expressions
When happy: Kind smile and gentle eyes.
When angry: Dark expression and penetrating glare.
When frustrated: Blank expression
When sad: Broken expression

Laughs or jeers at: Life hacks that do not work
Ways to cheer up this person: Company
Ways to annoy this person: Probing for personal information.
Hopes and dreams: To finish his quest, People see the dangers of assuming we can take without giving back to the Earth.
How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams: Build the devices, keep them safe and save the Earth.
What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why: Tell him the truth of his quest. Traumatized his child for life.
Greatest success: Building the first time machine
Biggest trauma: Discovering he can’t die while in the past.
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: Walked in on who would later be his first wife.
What does he care about most in the world: Saving the Earth
Does he have a secret: He is Immortal with vast wealth
If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: Save the Earth sooner.
He is the kind of person who: Would give you the shirt off his back if asked.
What do you love most about this character: He is taking on a task that is much bigger than himself with hopes his offspring will do the same.
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: He will be struggling with the daunting task of saving the world by building the devices needed and protecting those who will watch over said devices. The emotional and physical struggle to save the Earth.
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: He is immortal with a task most would never dream of undertaking.
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary: If someone does not do it, there will be no one left to care or to blame.
Core Need:
Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions,
compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses,
behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias):
Obsession: Completing his quest no matter the cost to his wealth or sanity.
Delusion: Believing or wishfully thinking he can keep everything secret and completely safe for thousands of years.
Compulsion: To check his own work again and again. (failure is not an option)
Addiction: Alcoholic (only never gets drunk, just ‘calm’)
hysterical ailments: Random Emotional shut down due to chronic depression and anxiety.
Hypochondria: Denial of one’s mental instability.
Anecdote (defining moment): Discovering he alone must save the world from its own long denied arrogance.
Jon Smith was born on Jan 1st, 2020. His father, Hans Smith and mother, Sarah were brilliant inventors and green energy activists in their prime. They were among many who pushed the then laughable notion that the Earth was slowly dying. Jon watched as the two worked tirelessly on questionable plans, started by their own parents, to fix the Earth. Jon would not see them for several years after their untimely death upon reaching the age of twenty. The plans were impossibly complex but Jon could read them, thanks to his parents insisting upon him becoming a man of many talents.

Hans and Sarah had created plans to construct a massive time machine unlike any other in past fiction. For one to go into the past, one needed more than just the time but the location of the Earth in its rotation around the Milky Way. Otherwise, the traveler would find himself in empty space. It was one aspect of time travel Jon had never even considered. The position in space was done with six star constellations that the machine automatically selected depending upon the time and place on Earth. The only detail that eluded his parents until near the end of their lives was the power supply. The machine would require a massive energy source to open a portal for any length of time. Be it of fate or pure chance, they had discovered strange crystals within the ruins of ancient temples in isolated parts of the world such as the Amazon Rain forest, the deserts of Saudi Arabia and so on.

The machine had to be kept secret at all costs due to the potential disaster it could have on the world should it be used for political or personal gain. Hence the plans were drawn to to fit inside the family mansion. The real twist of his parent's plans was the fact he was the key that activated the machine. As fantastic as it all sounded, Jon began construction of the machine; not only as to his parents final request but the fact the Earth was indeed slowly dying.

After ten years, the machine had finally been completed and, as his parents feared, the Earth had indeed died. There were only small pockets here and there where the planet was still livable. Jon stepped into the machine and set the coordinates to begin his quest...

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