Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2305499-Megan-in-the-Morning
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2305499
An unknown woman shows up on his doorstep and she knows his secret. Why is she here?
Chapter One

The doorbell rang. Kyle switched to the outside cameras. Who could be calling at 11:43 in the morning? Solicitors usually came by in the afternoon.

From several views he saw a woman standing at is door with something in her hand. Wait, she didn’t have anything. Wringing them. She was nervous.

“Relax Milo, you won’t have to defend the house from interlopers this time. I don’t expect she’ll come inside.”

Milo cocked his head, not entirely convinced of my judgment. He wasn’t wrong. She was dressed more formally than most door-to-door solicitors.

Her perfume pleasantly announced her presence when he opened the door. Since he had last viewed her, she had unwrung her hands and put a couple of fingers in her mouth which she quickly removed when she saw him.

She held up her hands palms toward him as if afraid he was going to tell her to get off his porch.

“Hello, I’m Megan Bradley. I work at Dynazine like you do. I came over to ask you if you’d like to have lunch, my treat.”

She went back to her hand wringing posture and looked at him expectantly. He glanced down at Milo who appeared to be taking in large amounts of her perfume.

“Uh, won’t you come in Megan, you said your name was? Do you like coffee? I’ll make some coffee and we can discuss this.”

She looked confused. Had she expected him to put on his figurative hat and go with her?

“Uh, sure, coffee is fine. I drink it every day more or less.”

He stood aside to let her come in. When she was close to him, she took a deep breath. Then he realized why she was here, but why? Most women, knowing the truth about him, keep their distance.

When they do have to interact with him, they sometimes wear masks and stay about six feet away. Neither of those strategies work, but it would be useless to tell them.

He was intrigued by her behavior, but he was also concerned.

“Pardon the mess. I don’t get many female visitors, and the males don’t seem to notice.”

She looked around nodding.

“I’ve seen worse. A lot of women are hiding a dirty secret. They’ve become adept at doing major cleaning in a short amount of time.”

That took the conversation on a new tangent, but he didn’t want to be distracted from the issue at hand.

A woman wanted to take him somewhere in public and buy him lunch. To actually sit at a table with him for nominally an hour. She wanted something, but what?

The only thing she could want, coming dressed as she had and smelling as she had, was what most other women didn’t. Unless she was a trans female.

“If you had called, messaged, or emailed me, I could have done something similar.”

She turned to him. Several buttons were undone, he noticed. Odd that he hadn’t noticed that before. He must be getting old.

“I didn’t do any of those things because I was afraid you’d say no, given your unique history.”

So, she did know.

“Look, going to a public place and staying for an hour or so doesn’t appeal to me. It’s clear that you know why. Now, an hour doesn’t produce any noticeable effect, but I’m concerned that there will be women from work there. Do you understand what I mean?”

She looked disappointed, but she nodded her understanding.

“But what we can do is order takeout. You can pay for it if you want to, and we can eat here.”

Her eyes brightened at the suggestion, and it was soon implemented. He thought about gauging her commitment by asking her if she would have sex him while they waited, but he knew that would be rude.

“So, you’ve figured out why I’m here, haven’t you?”

“Right. I know why you’re here, but I don’t know ‘why’ you’re here.”

“Why I would want to be, uh, infected by you, you mean?”


“I’ll tell you, and you make think I’m shallow. Hell, I may be, but here it is. I want to do this instead of breast augmentation.”

“You do realize the side effects? I mean, other than having to pump milk every day and being around me on a regular basis.”

“I can’t get pregnant. I know, but if I decide the larger breast thing is working for me, I can stop and get the augmentation.”

“So, you’re doing this, so you won’t regret the augmentation if you decide to do it?”

“Right.” She held out her hands. “Shallow Megan. Pleased to meet you.”

They continued to talk while they ate.

“How did you find that you had this, uh, ‘power’?”

“My mother and older sister lactated all the time, but when my sister went off to college, she stopped. Then, when I went off to college, my mother stopped. On top of that, she got pregnant again. They had been trying to have another child for years after I was born but they finally gave up.”

“Did your mother start again whenever you came home?”

“Not until we went on a family vacation. You know, one of those rental properties on a lake kind of thing. My parents had rented it for a month and my sister and I came to visit.

After the first week, they both had symptoms that they were going to start lactating again. My sister left and reported that the symptoms subsided. I said I was going to leave, but my mother said she didn’t mind putting up with it for another week.

Fortunately, my younger sister didn’t start. She hadn’t reached puberty yet, so that might have been a factor.”

“How does it work? Is it a pheromone?”

“I don’t know. I never went to a doctor about it because what could you say? Anyway, whatever it is didn’t show up in any tests that I took. These days I try to stay out of peoples’ way.”

“Yeah, I gathered that several women at work had this issue.”

“Fortunately, the company valued my work enough to let me work from home.”

She leaned back in her chair.

“I’m full. You?”


She started to close the takeout boxes.

“I’ll put these in the refrigerator so you can have it later.”

“You paid for it. You should take it.”

She shrugged.

“I’m not good with leftovers. Best you keep it.”

“Thanks for the meal and the leftovers then.” I leaned forward. “To business. What can you offer me as incentive for me to do this?”

Her surprised look made him think that she hadn’t believed that she would get this far.

“Uh, suggestions? Sex is off the table, of course.”

“Right. The table isn’t that sturdy.”

She looked surprised again.

“You’d accept sex as payment?”

“No, but I couldn’t resist the joke.”

“I’ll be straight with you then. I didn’t think we’d get this far today. I’ve got some money in the bank. I could give you that.”

“How would this work? We’d have to be together on a daily basis for a while for this to take effect, and on a somewhat lesser basis to maintain the change. Will you move in here, or shall I live with you for a while?

I have a guest bedroom, but it will take some furnishing.”

“Can I take these questions home and sleep on them? I’ll get back in contact tomorrow.”

“Take your time. You’re driving the deal.”

“Right. I guess I am. One question though. Why are you considering this?”

“Honestly? The company. I have friends but they are mostly male. Even Milo is male. If I spend time around a woman, she will eventually start lactating. This works on animals too. Far warning if you have a female pet.”

Chapter Two

When she rang the doorbell the next day, Kyle had mixed feelings.

“Should I let her in, Milo?”

But Milo wasn’t there. He was already dancing at the door.


I opened the door. She was dressed in jeans, blouse, and heels today, but the same wonderful aroma still preceded her. Milo must have keyed off of that. Had she put a piece of steak in her purse to tempt him over to the dark side?

She didn’t offer to come in. Instead, she raised a hand to display a phone screen.

“Your comment yesterday about a cottage on a lake stuck with me. Thinking that a neutral location might be better for this transaction, I did a search and found a beautiful place and did a quick reserve on it. I have an hour to finalize the deal.

How’s this? We take a two-week vacation at this place. I’ll pay for everything. I won’t cook unless I feel like it. We can order in every day if you want. It’s a three-hour drive. What do you think?”


“Next week to get the off-season rates. Hey, why spend money that I could use to wine and dine you?”

That was tight, but I could take my computer up there and do some work. I nodded.

“I’m in with the proviso that nothing is guaranteed.”

He thought she was going to squeal, but she didn’t. She turned to her phone and tapped some icons.

“Done. I have to run. I’ll come back tomorrow with more details. Deal?”


“Great.” She looked down. “And Milo can come too.”

He went to his computer and opened a chat window with Callie.

“I want to take PTO with two weeks starting next Monday. I was offered a good deal on a cottage on a lake. I’ll be taking my laptop along and will work about thirty hours each week.”

“We’ll adjust the time when you get back. Decompress a little.”


Callie sounded good. Sounds like she’s forgiven me for that lactation issue. Laura hadn’t taken it as well, which was awkward since she’s in QA and is responsible for checking my code.

He had wanted to ask if she knew anything about Megan but thought better of it.

He settled back in his chair. Milo settled into his bed. Now that he had made a commitment, a thousand reasons why he shouldn’t have rounded a corner and ambushed him.

What if Megan was a psycho? How had she found out about his ‘power’? Her explanation now sounded paper thin. Granted, spending a thousand dollars give or take to determine if she liked large breasts wasn’t much compared to get augmentation, but still…

Would he have consented if she had offered him a couple of hundred dollars? Probably not, and she had no doubt assumed that.

What if she drugged him and tied him up when they were up there? What if she hated men and had picked him to sacrifice to her heathen gods?

“Stop me any time, Milo.”

Milo snorted, but he could see that the dog was asleep.

She messaged him later to say everything was set. Would he mind if they went in separate cars? She needed to get there early to make sure everything was set. What kind of beer, wine, and liquor did he like?

He had messaged answers to her questions and said to let him know when he should arrive.

She messaged him the map coordinates of the cottage. It was on an inlet that opened out into a larger lake. The satellite picture showed a ring of cottages dotted around an almost semicircular lagoon. The apex of the semicircle had a smaller semicircle that made him think of fractals, though in truth he had thought about a nipple on a breast first.

Their cottage was close to the southwestern end of the inlet, so the larger lake wasn’t that far away. Given the cooler weather, he didn’t expect they’d be on the lake that much.

Which brought up the point of what they would actually be doing. He had told Callie that he intended to work most of the time, and that’s what he intended to do. He had deliverables he needed to make. She could come and go as she pleased, but she knew she had to be in his presence a good percentage of the day in order for the effect to manifest itself.

When he had stayed with his parents, the effect had manifested a week, but they had been spending a lot of time together. He hoped she wouldn’t try dragging him out to go boating and exploring.

She made a face, which, honestly, I couldn’t fault her for and stood up.

“I’ll be in touch.”
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