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Following the previous events, the Havar residence gets an unexpected visitor |
It has been a couple of days since the night Caleb was chased out of the woods. Following the incident, he learns about his heritage and the secret world around him. Apparently, there are tens of thousands of pokeians who hide in plain sight amongst the human populace. That also meant whoever had chased Caleb down was also hiding amongst humans as well. His parents didn’t press the matter anymore than what they explained a couple of nights ago. If their son wished to know more, then all he had to to was ask. May was worried about how her son would react to a female who acts on their primal urges. Havar wasn’t too concerned, but his son wasn’t a fighter and knew that others might see that as weakness. Both parents worried deeply for their son, however; it was their son who wasn’t concerned as much as his parents. Caleb was well aware of the trials ahead of him. He understands that since he’s technically a Zoroark by blood, his human DNA is what keeps his physical appearance. He can easily blend in with humans, but if another Zoroark or species like his parents encounter him, then there’s no fooling them. I wonder if father knows more about who or what I might run into. Caleb thought. After a moments pause, Caleb makes his way downstairs to ask his father. Upon reaching the living room; Caleb found his father sitting on the couch watching television. Before Caleb could even utter a word his father spoke, “Your footsteps are getting quieter and quieter. I almost didn’t hear you come up behind me.” Havar smiles as he turns to his son. “I’m guessing that you have more questions then hm?” Havar asks as he motions for Caleb to sit. Unfazed at his father’s unnatural hearing, Caleb sits beside his father and gets his thoughts together. “Is it about your mother and I?” Havar inquired as Caleb gave his father a nod. “So what would you like to know.” His father asks turning the television off. “A few days ago you and mom were different. What exactly are you two?” Caleb asked seeing his father’s face lighten. ”Well, if I’m being frank son. We’re Pokéian; meaning our kind have human characteristics, but our blood and genetic code are of Pokémon decent.” His father explains as he tries to think of an easier way to explain this to his son. “What your father is trying to say is that he isn’t human. I was human at one point in my life, but gave up my humanity willingly.” May says wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck. “By Arceus, please don’t scare me like that. I’m still not use to you skulking around in the shadows yet.” Havar says as his wife lightly kissed his neck. “Apologies love, so what’s our son curious about now?” May asks turning her gaze to Caleb. “You and father said there were others like you two. What exactly did you mean?” Caleb asks seeing May smile. “Well for starters there are close to a thousand other species of Pokéians hiding amongst humans. Some can conjure illusions like your father and I, and others have other ways.” May explains. “Some are able to craft devices that mask their appearance, while others can shape shift to avoid detection.” ”However; because of your mixed heritage, you don’t need to hide as the others do.” Havar added. “You blend in perfectly, but that doesn’t hide your scent from them. Once they know you can understand them and see them then it’ll be impossible to deny what you are.” He added emphasizing the last couple of words of warning. Just as Caleb went to ask another question; there were three knocks on the front door. Havar sighed as he knew who it was, but there was no point in stalling for time anymore. Havar got up and got to the door and pulled it open to see an old friend standing in his doorway. ”Long time, Nakito. How’s everything been?” Havar asked the figure. ”It’s been a while Havar, glad to see you in good health. How’s your mate?” Nakito asks. As he stepped into the house. Nakito was a Zoroarkian much like Havar, but was one of the few that accepted May as part of the pack. Nakito stood about Havar’s height had similar features as Havar, but his mane was shorter. “Doing just fine Nakito so I take it that since you’re here the pack wants us to return?” May says crossing her arms. ”Yes unfortunately that’s the news that I bring. A messenger from our sister pack has informed the elders that the youngest daughter of Kyota has requested the son of Havar. The thing is that no one knows why.” Nakito says pulling a cigarette out from his jacket pocket. “I can tell you why. A female had pursued my son from the trail outside our home. She claimed to be my son’s mate, however I have my doubts as to her true intentions.” Havar says as Nakito lit the cigarette and took a small puff. “None of this makes any damn sense, why would a female from a neighboring pack suddenly be out this far? Even if she is Kyota’s youngest, she would need permission from her elders and ours to even be in the area.” He continued as Nakito rummaged in his jacket pocket. What Nakito pulled out his pocket made Havar’s blood run cold, as it was a records book of all approved individuals from the area who could freely traverse the territories. “All the answers you need are in here. However; I doubt you’ll like what you find. The girl who you told me about is Angel Vain, Kyota Vain’s youngest daughter.” Nakito said tossing the approval record to Havar. “By the way, how’s your son? Last I saw him he was bout the size a kit.” Nakito turned to May. Caleb sat in the living room as he contemplated what was going to happen next. As he reached for the remote, he could hear his mother walk towards the living room. “He’s grown so much since you saw him as a baby. Just don’t be surprised by how he looks, he’s still mine and Havar’s child.” May says as she and the visitor stepped into the room. Caleb could sense that he knew this visitor from somewhere, but couldn’t place his face. Nakito however, couldn’t believe his eyes. The young pup he saw nearly 18 years ago has grown up to be a strong and upstanding young man. “My how you’ve grown over the years Caleb. You’re starting to make this Zoroark feel old ya know.” Nakito says smiling like a prideful grandfather. Before Caleb could even ask the question, his mother spoke up. “Caleb this is Nakito Einhearth. He’s a friend of the family and part of the pack your father and I are apart of.” May explained. “May; can I have a moment to speak with him privately?” Nakito asks turning his head to May. “Sure. I’ll check on my husband in the meantime.” May replied walking back to her husband. As Caleb noticed his mother turn the corner, Nakito got straight to the point. “Sorry to drag you and your folks back to the village Caleb. You’ve made quite the impression on Kyota’s daughter a few weeks ago.” Nakito says as he takes a long drag from his cigarette. “The elders are quite intrigued to say the least, and they’ve requested that your family return immediately. There is something I need to know before I answer your questions.” He says putting out the cigarette. In the other room Havar carefully read through the record book to see if he could find the name Nakito mentioned. He slowly read through each name as he recognized a good portion of those that had been approved. Then he found the name he was looking for, Angel Vain; along with the date she was approved. According to the records, she had been approved nearly 4 years ago around the same time Caleb turned 15. What didn’t sit right was the timing of her approval by the elders. Around the late teenage years of a human is when a Zoroark matures and according to the records Angel was also at that point of maturity as well. “This doesn’t make sense. Why would the elders allow her approval when she can’t control her baser instincts?” Havar said quietly to himself. No one in the pack knew of Caleb’s mixed heritage, but couldn’t figure how all this seemed to line up. “Everything alright dear? Did you find what you needed?” May asked as she came to her husband’s side. “Yes but finding her name and the date she was approved doesn’t feel right.” Havar says showing his wife the book. “Does this date seem familiar to you?” He asks as May read over the date as her eyes went wide. ”That’s Caleb’s birthday! How was is that possible??!” She quietly exclaimed. This didn’t make any sense, but the date of this girl was the same as their son’s birthday. This didn’t feel right, but a coincidence is just a coincidence. “At the moment there’s nothing we can prove. We’ll just have to be cautious around Kyota if she visits while we are at the village.” Havar says closing the book. “Also we can’t interfere if a female approaches our son, since he’s of age to be a mate we have to let him handle everything.” As he made his way back to the living room. As both parents entered and got the attention of Nakito and Caleb they spoke. “So when do we have to leave Nakito?” Havar asks as May grips his arm. “The sooner the better. I would be more than happy to assist you in any capacity that I can.” Nakito responds. In about an hour they had packed and were ready to make the trek. As Havar and his family waited at the trail there was a thickness to the air in the forest. Nakito took the lead as Havar took rear guard with May and Caleb in the middle. “So dad, the village we’re going to is where you’re originally from? If so then wouldn’t it stand to reason that they might not take to-“ as Caleb gestured to himself. ”There is no need to worry. There isn’t a soul who would dare have the intent to harm you with your mother and I are around.” Havar says as they started the trek into the deeper parts of the woods. |