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A young human finds out that his life isn’t as it seems |
“God- why did today have to suck so much…first the boss blows his top; then Mom and Dad both started acting weird.” Caleb said out loud as he walked through the worn path through the woods near his family home. His day had been stressful and long, so he retreated down to the woods to clear his head and calm his nerves. The cool night air helped to cool off his rising temper as he recalled his boss’s outburst. He had just got done with helping a coworker with getting a brand new freezer unit put into the store as a family of four stood at the register. The mother was clearly perturbed about no one being at the register, but the husband kept her from saying anything as he saw what they were doing. Just as Caleb finished- his boss came from the office and that’s when the wife caused a scene. She blatantly lied through her teeth about her wait and what both Caleb and the coworker had told her, and before the husband could interject the damage had been done. Caleb spent nearly the rest of his shift doing whatever the boss demanded without question- it wasn’t until just a few minutes ago that is. “God sometimes I just want to strangle that bastard. Regardless; at least the husband vouched for us and apologized for his wife’s behavior.” Caleb said to himself after exhaling. Even with that situation resolved it didn’t help much that his parents were starting to act weirder than usual. Normally they didn’t talk much about their past as it was their business, but now it seemed as if they wanted to clear their conscience. They started going on about their past lives and a pack of some sort, and to make matters that much more far fetched- they both claimed to not be human. “Anyways… I’m nearly at the post to turn back to the house in a couple of minutes.” He said looking ahead and seeing the guidepost in the distance. As he made his way to the post he felt a cold tingle go down his spine- as if to warn him of something nearby. Then it dawned on him that the woods were eerily quiet with even the sounds of crickets not being heard. ‘Something is off- there isn’t a sound to be heard out here. Something has the whole woods spooked, and that’s not good.’ Caleb thought to himself. He took a moment to check around as the moon was full and giving enough light to see around just enough to see movement. Nothing- there wasn’t the slightest bit of movement that Caleb could discern, but it couldn’t shake the sensation that something out here had the whole woods completely silent. After a few tense seconds of looking and listening he came to the conclusion that his mind was just messing with him as it had been a rough day. Sighing in relief- Caleb took a few steps from the guidepost- then heard the sound of a woman chuckling softly behind him. Caleb turned around to see a figure standing just outside the edge of the worn out path, and only could make out the piercing teal eyes that bore through him. Then as he made eye contact there was a glint of white as this figure smiled, almost as if finding a long sought after prize. Just catching glimpse of those fangs brought Caleb back to reality incredibly fast as he turned tail and sprinted back up the path. Due to the dead silence of the woods it made listening for movement much easier, but all Caleb could hear was the sounds of something gaining on him and the eager sounds of a predator closing in on him. Just as he made it to the edge of the woods, the sound of his pursuer was just a mere feet behind him. With his body fueled on adrenaline- something clicked subconsciously as he gained a burst of inhuman speed to dive out the wood line and into his backyard. The noise of him grunting in pain and exhaustion as he dove into the yard only brought his parents outside. The first to call out to him was his mother “HONEY!!” As she ran to her son’s side. His father quickly came outside- his eyes a different shade than the normal light green he was known to have. Caleb was spent- his body ached and his legs hurt when he tried to move them. “May take our son inside- I’ll check out here for anything that may have followed him.” Caleb’s father said without looking back at them. With his face obscured from his son’s view- his father’s teal eyes could see anything out in the endless blackness that permeated the woods. May gave a nod and gently helped Caleb up to his feet. “Come on my child- your father and I will deal with whatever is out there.” May reassured, as she helped her son back to the house. While May was inside tending to their son, Havar; had to control his emotions so he wouldn’t revert to his old body. Then something made a noise that pulled his gaze to the right, lo and behold before his very eyes was a female Zoroark from the neighboring area. “My my, it’s an honor to meet the famous guardian Havar out here. So tell me, that boy is your offspring?” She said coming to the edge of the wood line and smiling. “Because if he was then you should consider my arrival a great honor. I’ve been hunting these woods for months fruitlessly trying to find a suitable mate to claim as my own, but it just so happens to be fate that brings me here before you.” The female grins, scanning the area for any sign of the young man from earlier. “Whatever it is you want forget it. There isn’t anything here for you.” Havar growled as the female noticed his hair slowly start to revert to its natural color. I see…so he hasn’t revealed his true nature to his own child…pity. thought the female Zoroark that stood at the wood line. “Tell me Havar- why do you hide your true heritage from your own flesh and blood? Even your mate who was once human, has given herself fully to you and embraced our blood. Yet you deny your own son that choice!” She growled as she realized what Havar meant earlier. “You and I both know that his blood will pull him to me- his rightful mate- all you are doing is delaying what fate has determined for us.” She says turning her back to Havar. “It won’t be long- you can sense it too can’t you…his Zoroarkian blood is changing him. How else could I sense him in the woods while I was miles away?” She grinned seeing Havar’s eyes narrow as his illusion faded away revealing his natural form. He was much taller than her and seeing the glare of a male of their kind sent chills down her spine. Havar had enough- his human illusion dissipated as he stood towering over the impudent female, “You have the nerve to speak about MY son as if you know what he’s been through because of his mixed blood- my son won’t be a victim to your salacious desires!” Roared Havar, as the female Zoroark could only laugh hysterically. ”My how touching that a father would go as far as threaten his son’s mate. You won’t be able stop his metamorphosis Havar- soon he’ll seek me out and when he does I’ll be ready to happily receive him.” She said licking her lips in anticipation for that day, “For now I can settle for observing him from a distance- I’m in no rush to have my mate in my embrace.” as she gently ran a claw down her midsection towards her nethers; smiling carnally as she gently stroked her folds. Havar was disgusted at the depravity of this female; he knew that females had no qualms of pleasuring themselves wherever they were, but to do it in the presence of another was appalling. “Well I’ll be heading back home now- do take care in breaking in the reality of his predicament, as I will be keeping a close eye on my darling. Farewell Havar.” She says bounding back into the woods and vanishing from view. Havar’s mind raced as he knew that conniving wench was right about the fact that he was going to have to explain to Caleb about his coming changes. Damn that woman…hrrrgghh…she knows where we live now and soon the council will send a messenger to our home to call us back to the pack… Havar seethed as he composed himself to bring up his illusion again before he entered the house. Inside; May had tended to her son as she did her best to keep him calm. Keep calm May…Havar dealt with whoever went after your baby. Everything is going to be alright May thought as Havar came back inside with a concerned look. “Is everything okay dear?” May asked her husband. Havar sighed and looked at May and without saying a word made the color drain from her face. Their greatest fear has come to pass as now both parents now had no choice but to reveal the truth to their son. Caleb had calmed down a bit after that ordeal, but caught the color draining from his mother’s face and realized something else was wrong. Then both of them looked over to him and sat down, “Son- there is something your mother and I have to tell you, and it’ll be a bit much for you to take in.” His father said calmly as his mother gave the same serious look. “Come on now- I’ve been through worse and extremely stressful situations before…” Caleb went on as he caught a quick glance at his father’s torso. Fur…his father had black fur on his chest, but just a moment ago he was wearing his thick outdoor jacket. As Caleb looked to his mother she too looked starkly different as her hair started to become longer and change color from ash brown to a crimson red and black at the tips. By the time Caleb could blink both his parents had changed, who sat before him were his parents, but they weren’t human anymore. “What’s going on?? Why do you two look like creatures from the game I have?! This doesn’t make sense!” Caleb exclaimed looking between the two. ”That’s because we are. Your mother and I aren’t human and we haven’t been for some time now. I’m a full blood and your mother has been one for a decade now.” Havar said calmly as May slid her hand into Havar’s and squeezed. “I was human when I met your father- it was taboo for us to see each other let alone love. We spent many a night blissfully enjoying each other’s company.” May said giving her husband a small smile. “However- when his pack discovered us they gave him an ultimatum- either kill me and return home or convince myself to give up my humanity and stay with him.” She says remembering that day vividly. His father’s body tensed up just from hearing about that day, but his wife’s soft hands eased his tension as she continued. ”I willingly gave myself to him, giving up my humanity to be by his side, however; a few months after that I discovered I was pregnant.” May continued, “At first your father and I were elated, but when we realized what all had transpired we grew fearful- you were still growing inside me as a human, neither me nor your father would be able to know what damage my new blood would do to you. Havar made it clear to his pack that my situation could be dire and urged them to enlist whoever could give you the best chance to survive. In the end they begrudgingly agreed since Havar was the guardian of the pack, they saw it as ensuring the safety of his young as repayment for his duties. Then sometime later you came into our lives and Havar decided it best for you to grow up as a normal human should. That is until today.” May growled knowing what was coming. ”That woman who pursued you is from a neighboring pack…now since she knows exactly where we live it’s only a matter of time until the pack sends their messenger.” Havar sighed as Caleb’s face was just blank. Caleb had a hard time grasping at what all he just heard, from his parents to who or exactly what was he as a matter of fact. His father got up and placed his hands against his son’s shoulders, as Caleb looked up he noticed the same look of reassurance he was always know to give. Caleb relaxed as he knew his father and mother would do their best explain everything that was going to happen, but upon hearing that there was a female that has declared herself his mate only brought up more questions. Miles away from the Havar residence was the female Zoroark who stood upon a branch overlooking the woods. She could sense her mate even from the edge of her home, and soon she’d have that young man here. Down below there was a voice that called out to her, “Angel! The elders want to see you! Don’t keep them waiting!” The voice exclaimed as Angel looked down. She knew why the elders summoned her and she happily looked out in the direction of her lover’s home, ’Wait patiently- soon we’ll be together soon and I’ll be all you need. She thought as she outstretched her arm as if she would be able to grab him. “Darling- I won’t be long, so please be patient with me..” Angel said before she dropped down and followed her pack mate to the elder’s residence. |