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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2301888
Inspired from Ratchet and Clank, I had this fantasy for since childhood. comments welcome
Planet Oozla Day 0
Blared on the intercom, you never heard that before, maybe it's maintenance fixing against the bloody planet, Megacorp gave a Bogonite an opportunity to work on this swamp because Megacorp has monopolized every planet in the Bogon galaxy. Even the most dangerous ones, which you work on... they barely paid you above minimum wage. Every Bogonite has this problem, but now you're in deep crap, as the creatures start flooding in. Roots are growing at an abnormal rate, perhaps due to the dumpage of fusion cells in the murky water. Heavy rain down poured. Your best instinct was to run towards the nearest shelter, which was the Megacorp supermarket you lived and worked at. Starships took off past the green clouds towards space as alarms continued to go on, shining flashes of red through the foggy trail. You come to the bridge covered in vines, the safety railing groaned under its weight, you needed to run across there fast before the monsters catch up to you. The floor started to sink in the mucky waters. Giant fireflies with big pincers started to swarm around you as you touched water with your shoes. You swatted blindly, out of breath in the smelly humid air. You managed to make to make it across the bridge, but there was still more ground to cover. Some stairs leading up towards the store was all that was between you and safety, well, and also giant snails with two big snappers, the usual. They slithered toward you surprisingly fast. You stalled and a firefly snapped at your antennae, "Ack! Get away!" Is all you could say. Weapons were out of the picture since employees aren't allowed to have firearms, so you were hosed. Wait what's that? In the distance past the snails, you see a prototype gadget on display in front of the store, as if the rain hasn't affected its appearance at all. You tried to swat the flies away giving you a few nips here and there; you make a mad dash towards the gadget. A big snail took a snap at you, but you dodged in a nick of time, but also slipped, and are now on your back. The snail grabbed at your arms with both pincers lifting you up, your arms were being pulled and crunched. Another snail tried to grab you, but you were tugged away by the other, causing you to fall into the mucky yellow ooze below. You groaned and tried to swim with your sore arms, you think one of your arms might be broken, but you could still move it with all your adrenaline. The "water" felt more like custard, you seem to be sinking more than swimming. Oh No! Gurgle.... Buzzz Snap... Gurgle "Help!" You spat out ooze trying to splash your way up. Then... DROIING. A flash of green came from a distant small figure, one of your coworkers? You couldn't seem to recognize him even when you... you realized you weren't in the ooze anymore, somehow, you're floating on this transparent green platform. Saved! "Th-thank you!" You sputtered only to celebrate for a moment, when you felt something attached to your legs. Why can't you move them? It felt big, getting tighter and tighter... before you knew it you were dragged into the mucky water again. You tried to cry for help, but more water entered your mouth and nostrils. You were being dragged incredibly fast more and more. You didn't know how long you were going to last in the water before you needed to breathe. Uh oh! It's been a minute! Hold on... you didn't train for this... this torture, why are you even trying? You're going to die anyway from your captor. You're being dragged through the water to await your death. 2 minutes... times up, as ooze fills your lungs. You're suffocating... you feel like passing out, to escape the agony, but you don't. Now? Aghhhh it hurts so bad. Pain! You're dying and drowning. Slowly. SPLOOSH *cough* *cough* You spew out what seems like gallons of ooze, until your lungs are empty, then GASP for a huge breath. Your vision is blurry, you attempt to breathe only to spew out more. GASP. Finally, a gratefully needed deep inhale! Your lungs feel like they're on fire and are fatigued. Dazed, you look up to be greeted by a giant yellow eye! You tried to get up but slipped and fell with a squish, the 'ground' you were on was actually a giant lily pad, surrounded by hundreds of similar lily pads floating over a huge pool of ooze in a big glowing green cavern. But there are bigger issues at hand... suddenly a big gargled beastly voice, "Oh dear, I am terribly sorry, are you hurt? I forgot your kind can't breathe in water."
Where did that voice come from? You weekly balance on the lily pad to see what was behind the yellow eye. You regretted immediately. It had the same eyestalk as the mutant snap-snails did. You see eye to mouth of a massive toothy maw; each individual tooth was twice your size. and its mouth was twenty times more. It stood slumped in the water with two huge claws held high on its back almost like its being by cranes for each claw. The water moved and a green tentacle emerged from the depths, lunging for you. You cower on the lily pad looking for your options of escape. "Did you hear me? Are you okay?"
Fear turned to anger, "Does it look like I'm okay? I don't know what to do! I lost my job; my clothes are soaked and -GAAH."
You were stopped when a tentacle wrapped around your face or almost half your upper body.
"I beg your pardon. I asked if you were okay, and I'm not going to let a little creature like you talk me down."
It slides its tentacle arm down your waist and pinning your arms lifting you to see eye to eye. The eye was as large as you and its claws hung high side by side. "I've lived in the swamps for centuries and your kind drove me away from my nest, well, one of my nests, see my home? They threw me in here and trapped me here, but now that the weapons are offline, I can swim anywhere I want now, but land? It's all blocked off by your 'mega store' so I'm still stuck. Not as free as I want to be." Its voice echoed along the cavern.
"I know how you feel." you say with irritation under your breath. Your feet dangled, dripping, you hold on with your three-digit hands along the beast's slimy muscle. "Sorry I'm just a janitor... I have nothing to do with your suffering, you got the wrong person, now can you let me go?"
You look at its eye and its large, horrible maw as it spoke. "You're not going anywhere I'm afraid. I think I've come to a decision."
"W-wait maybe I-I-I can talk to Megacorp and tell them to move away from your territory. And you'll be free! And I'll be free. Deal?" You know deep down you can't do any of this, but it may be a way out.
"Well... I could let you go, and you can talk to them, it's not guaranteed they will listen, but I was wondering if I could taste you?"
"W-wha?" you stuttered; your beady eyes widened.
"Your Megacorp messages always shout out the best deals, so I know as a businessman that I'm getting a good deal with a little hors d'oeuvres such as yourself. Starting with..."
"No! I don't want to be food! I'll... I'm going to tell Megacorp to leave. I promise!" You begged, but it wouldn't make a difference, its tongue protruded through its colossal teeth. It sighed, "I think this is a fair price to me, a requirement if you will. Now, let's do business, shall we?"
You thought quick to maybe get out of this. "Well may I compliment on how bright you are? And you're so strong, please just don't..."
"Seems to me you want to stay here with me, I'm flattered, it's been so long since I had a tasty buddy."
"Wait! That's not what I meant!" too late. It lowered you to its lips, pushing you against them, "Muahhh." Heat washed over you as slime stuck to your face. The large gateway of a mouth slowly opened; its slimy tongue oozed on your head, all you saw was a dark purple cone-shaped tongue spring out to lick you slowly, like a conveyor of soft slimy muscle. It wasn't what you wanted at all, you try to say, "Please, no more."
"Please more, you say? Well, I can just give you another big kiss right now." Here it goes again, its lips were huge, as thick as tree trunks. It closed its mouth, puckering its lips. It positioned your face right in the middle of the rims of its lips... In the middle was a hole opening and closing welcoming your face. Your whole head was practically consumed with a heavy suckle. If it weren't for the tentacle holding you right now, you would've been sucked right in. All your breath, though, was being sucked out, like a vacuum sucking out all your innards. You struggled putting your hands on the lips as your head was inside. "Muahhh!" A large cloud of steam burst your head out of its mouth, as you tried to catch your breath once more, it seemed whatever water you still had in your lungs has been siphoned out.
It groaned, "Oh, your little flavors here and there are so..." It says it when your right in front of its maw, bursts of musty breath hit your little brown button nose. It continued lustfully, "So... Savor able! I wonder what all of you tastes like right now." It elongated its mouth making a smile, but to you it looked like a white jagged stone wall. You look up to see its large mutant eye. You were suddenly raised high in the air, feeling dazed, your torso numb, the whole galaxy isn't being fair at all, you thought. You looked down to see an endless abyss of its jaws wide open, tongue on the side, awaiting you to join its welcoming dark green gullet. The tentacle holding you starts to loosen.
"No!" You screamed, but the swamp beast didn't care one bit, its hungry eyes on you. You fall, flailing your arms indignantly falling past the teeth, past the gums, as its tongue catches you pushing you against the side of its the walls of its mouth with a SQUISH, and all light disappears when it chomps down. You could barely move, breath was limited as your new environment reeked, you were covered in thick slime, and you didn't know which way was up. You were being pressed down to the mouth floor, getting wrapped up by its tentacle-like tongue with a firm grip, you tried pushing away but your hands just slipped off, you just wanted a sense of control, but the monster has you in its tongue grasp as the fleshy prison ungulated around you. After about ten minutes of it savoring your flavor making moans and rumbles, you were exhausted as its tongue explored every part of your body in almost a relaxing kind of way. It seemed to become easier and more rhythmic, while also becoming more and more delirious. You gave your body up, now your spirits been taken as well, probably for the best. The shaft-like tongue eventually tired out and let you go; you slid further back away from the horrendous teeth, towards the back of its throat, face first, but the throat was as big as you are enough to consume your entire body. With one GULP you were squeezed tightly with a quick SWOOSH from head to toe. It almost sounded like the weird holographic platform that saved you, but maybe not. You think of that mysterious figure who saved you from the waters, albeit ending abruptly leading to your concurrent capture. As you quickly descended down the throat, you were wondering if it was too late to be saved. You attempted to paw and try to stop yourself, but the fleshy slide was too slippery with zero grip letting you fall further until, PLOP. Your earholes tried to pop but there was a lot of pressure in your head. You were now in your new prison; you were assuming the stomach. At least it was roomy enough for you to sit upright compared to the throat and the violent maw. You started to wonder and compare if it was better to be in the mouth or to be drowned, you shutter, bringing yourself back to reality, a bizarre one without a doubt. Then from inside you hear the massive slug burp, "Aaaauuck, you were surely delectable, hope maybe someday I'll spit you out and we can do this all over again, I can't even remember the adorable little talks we had but, I just want to keep you forever, I haven't decided yet. It's never the same after the first. *Sigh*"
Almost simultaneously you also let out a sigh, defeated, its massive heart beat and pulsed around you, at least you could breathe somewhat. The juices around you kind of concerned you, it had a slight tingling sensation when your skin touched it. You can also hear the mighty beast's breathing, but squelches and burbles overpower most of the other sounds around you simultaneously sounding like you're under water with a slight pressure. The lower pressure and constant rhythmic pulses lulled you to sleep in this hot and moist hammock fluctuating here and there, as the beast swam around. The whole area vibrated around you and heard, "You don't have to worry anymore, just relax if you can my little treat. I enjoyed our time together. *Burble burble*"
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