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Rated: E · Fiction · Inspirational · #2300184
A baby robin and a lesson about our Heavenly Father. 299 words
”What is that supposed to be?” She got up off her kneeling pad by the rose bush and stared at the sad little creature the young boy was holding.

“It’s a baby bird, Mom. It fell out of the maple tree.” She examined the dirt encrusted avian infant and saw one eye open slowly, looking up at her.

“Goodness, let’s try to save the poor thing.” They brought it into the kitchen and gently gave it a warm bath.

“Look Mom, I think it’s a robin.”

“What does it eat?”

"Pureed worms?"

"Now isn't the time to be funny. I need to know."

"Maybe milk?" They warmed milk, put it in an eyedropper and fed the baby bird.

"We'll have to keep it now, neither of us is climbing the maple tree to see if the mother will take it back."

Seasons rolled by. Now the robin was fully grown and trying its wings.

"Time to let Rob go out into the world, son."

"Will we ever see him again?"

"Of course. He'll always be our robin. He'll move right into the maple tree outside and sing by your window."

They brought Rob out into the yard, set him free and watched as he inspected the property and laid claim to his new territory with song.

"You know, Mom, God cares about us and rescues us just like we rescued Rob, doesn't He?"

"Yes, of course He does."

"We may get knocked down, muddy, hard to recognize, but He's always there waiting to pick us up and clean us off and give us another chance."

"Indeed." A new light shone in her eyes.

Aren't two sparrows sold for a cent? Yet not one is forgotten by our Father…So don't fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31
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