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The story about Amy, your average fatty. She's looking to be HUGE! |
(AT SUNNY'S) Amy: Hello! Waitress: Hi! I'm your waitress today. What can I get you? Amy: Can you bring me 50 plates of your most delicious calorie-containing dish, please? Waitress: Woahh. Ok! What's with all the food? Amy: Gaining weight is my hobby. I'm only at 269 lbs though. Last year I weighed 367 lbs. This year, I am trying to get up to 500 lbs. Waitress: I see... Well, I am assuming you would like a lot of desserts to go with your meal? Amy: You read my Mind! Waitress: Alright! Thank you for eating at Sunny's! Amy: Thank You! Waitress: Oh, and by the way... Amy: Yeah? Waitress: Two things: One, I'm Kim and two, I'll give this "weight gain" thing a try. I could put on a couple of pounds myself! Amy: Ohh, Nice to meet you, Kim. Here's my number. Call me if you have any questions or if you just wanna hang out. You know what I'm saying? Kim: Ok! Sounds Great! See you later, I guess. Amy: Ok! See Ya! (AT AMY'S HOME) Amy: Whew… Man! I'm tired. I was at that AMAZING restaurant, at that buffet, that hot dog stand at the park, Just EVERYWHERE! Hmm… Time to check my weight. 384 Lbs. Amy: ONLY 384 POUNDS!?!??!?! I thought I would be at LEAST 400. Ughhh… Just then, the phone rang… Amy: Hello? Kim: Hey Amy! Amy: Oh Hi! How are you doing? Kim: Me? I'm doing fine, no, better than fine, good, no, better than good, AMAZING!!! Amy: You ok? Kim: Oh Sorry. It's just that, well, I tried the weight gain thing, and… Amy: And What? Do you like It? Kim: I LOVE IT!!! I'm So Curvy! But, Hey I've been meaning to ask you if I can go back fast. Amy: Yes you can. Just think about yourself as skinny. Some people don't even need to eat to gain weight. (Yes you can technically project your weight in this world. I know, it's strange.) Kim: REALLY!? Amy: Yep! So do you want to come over to my place? Kim: Yeah, sounds good. Amy: Ok! Kim: Wait! One more thing I need to tell you! Amy: Go on. I'm listening. Kim: I found another weight gainer! Amy: Ohh! Who are they? Kim: Her name's Katie. Amy: Katie, huh? Anyways I'll see you later. Ohh, and feel free to invite Katie over! I'd love to meet her. Kim: Will Do! See Ya! (Amy who is the semi-narrator): I might as well describe what I and Kim look like: Me: Redhead, 29, Cute, 5,6” and Australian. You know my weight already. Kim: Black Hair, Looks 28, 5,7”, 294 Lbs. and American Ok Back to the story! (AT AMY’S HOME) Amy is lying on her bed just daydreaming about anything. A Knock on the door snaps Amy back to reality. She opens the door. Amy: Hii! Kim & Katie: Heyy! Amy: Hey Kim and Nice to meet you, Katie! Katie: Blonde, Scottish, 5,5”, 300 Lbs. and Looks 27 Katie: Hello! Nice to meet you too! You must be Amy. (A STRANGER WALKS BY) ???: Hello? Is this the Chub Club? I'm Cassidy Amy: Oh yeah, I kinda decided to make a club named the Chub Club. It's not really a club, more like a hangout area. Cassidy: 5,8”, Black hair, Korean, 376 Lbs. and looks 30 Amy: Yes! This is ze Chub Club! Welcome! I'm Amy, this is Kim and Katie! Come on in! Make yourself at home. Katie: WOW! THIS PLACE IS SO BIG! Kim whispers into Me and Cassidy's ears: Like us soon. We three burst out laughing. Katie: What's so funny? Cassidy: Oh just a joke. Katie: Oh OK. Amy: Ya'll want a tour? Kim, Katie and Cassidy: Yes. Amy: Alright then. Follow me! I gave them a tour of my house (except for the attic cuz it's really messy) Amy: And our final destination, the Living room. Or as I like to call it, “The Binge Room”. Katie: This is a good place to binge. Not gonna lie. Cassidy: Speaking of Bingeing, do you guys wanna? Kim: I'm down for it. Katie: Me too! Cassidy: Amy? Amy: Yeah? Cassidy: You in? Amy: Of Course! Always have, Always will. Cassidy: Alright then! Who's got ze clicker? Kim: First of all, what's a clicker and why do you and Amy say "The” like "Ze”? Cassidy: I dunno? Less effort? Katie: I'll get the food! Amy: That won't be necessary. Kim: Why? You're a witch who can make food from thin air? Amy: Watch this. Computer? YES, MASTER? Amy: Initiate Binge Mode. INITIATING BINGE MODE. Suddenly, all sunlight in the house disappears as metal walls block the windows. The coffee table folds into two and is pulled into the ground by mechanical arms. It is then replaced with a huge table with plates of the most calorie-containing food in your entire life. The three girls stare in amazement as the meal is prepared. Cassidy: WHAT THE FU-?!?! Katie: How is this possible? Kim: Amy! You've got some explaining to do. Amy: Ok. So, My Great-Grandparents were mega rich and so my grandparents inherited their money when they died, and now I have inherited the money. Kim: Inheritance. I see… Cassidy: Well, I don't know 'bout you guys, but I'm hungry. Amy: Yeah! Let's Eat! We go to sit on ze couch. The springs, old and rusty, struggle to survive as us four fatsos plop our dumptrucks onto ze couch. We put something on the TV as we gorge ourselves. Amy: I'm surprised this couch hasn't given way yet with all four of us on it. Katie: Yeah. This is a supercouch if I were to say it. We continue to stuff our obese faces with Bacon Cheeseburgers, Fries, Fried Chicken, Pizza, Tacos, etc. The “Good” stuff, if you will. We eat and eat and eat until 11:00 PM Kim: Oh shit it's late! I better head home. I got work tomorrow. Amy, Katie and Cassidy: Bye! See ya later! Katie: So? What about us? Amy: Perhaps a sleepover? Cassidy: Amy, I see two things wrong there. 1. We are not 8 anymore. A different name to accommodate our age and 2. We have no sleepwear. Amy: That's ok. I have LOTS of spare clothing. Like a LOT. You guys can wear them. Katie: That is really nice of you Amy. I'd love to stay. I got nothing to do tomorrow. Amy: Cassidy? You in? Cassidy: Ahh What the hell? Why not eh? Nothin’ planned ‘morrow. I don't know why I went southern. Weird… Amy: Awesome! Also, yeah you aren't a Southern type. Katie: *yawns* Well, I'm off. I'm deadass tired. Amy and Cassidy: Goodnight! See you in the morning. So there we were, sitting in my living room. Me and Cass (I called her Cass cuz that’s her nickname) sat there talking about life and watching our bodies slowly plump up like bread in an oven as we continue to feed. Eventually, Cassidy got up (Her spot was now engraved into the cushion) and staggered off to bed. Shortly after, I followed suit, after I nabbed some night snacks. The Next Day, I woke up and weighed myself. (Amy: 684 Lbs. Kim: 428 Lbs. Katie: 560 Lbs. and Cassidy 600 Lbs.) Amy: 684 POUNDS? I-I just crushed my Goal! WooHoo! Yeah! After that plop my obese ass down onto ze cushion, and scroll on Reddit. Katie and Cass are still asleep. Amy: Damn. If I sat on someone, I'd kill them. I hear the stairs creak and groan as someone walks downstairs. Katie: Mornin’ Amy! How did ya sleep? Amy: Good. How 'bout you? Katie: Slept like a baby. Do you want me to make breakfast for us? Amy: We've got The Table.™ We don't need the kitchen. Plus, why waste time making it when you can have it in front of your eyes in seconds? Katie: That's fair. Katie joins me on ze couch. Katie: Hey, I have a question for you. Amy: What is it? Katie: How can you afford all of this? Amy: You mean like pay taxes and that stuff? Katie: Yes Exactly! Amy: Since I first moved into this house, not a single bill has come. Katie: What? Amy: Yeah! No water bill, No Power Bill, Not even the IRS. Katie: So you just live life without paying a single cent? Amy: No, I pay the bills at restaurants and the grocery store. But, that's it. My life is Money-Free. Katie: Wow! Imagine living life free. Amy: Yeah! *streches* Ugghh! It's great. Katie: What about clothes? Amy: Clothes? The computer makes me clothing my everchanging size. If I suddenly become thin and have no clothes to wear, the computer makes me some. If I balloon up, the computer will make some. I never worry about clothing. Katie: Wow! Your computer can clothe you, stuff you. What else can it do? Amy: Literally anything you want! Katie: Can it fatten someone up? Amy: Yes it can. It can make you fat, thin, clean the house, vacuum, wash dishes, make the bed, Anything! Katie: How though? Amy: Don't ask me cuz I don't know how. The stairs groan again as Cass descends the stairs. Cass: Hey guys! How'd you two sleep? Amy: Go- Katie: Did you know that her computer can do anything you want Cass? Cass: Yes. She told me last night. In fact, didn't we pump ourselves with water last night? Katie: Did you? Amy: Oh yeah we did! We were HUGE when we stopped! Katie: How big? Cass: Oh Yeah! I remember now, to the point of immobility. We weighed to be I think a 1000 Lbs. Katie: But how did you guys get to your bedrooms if you couldn't even walk? Amy: Obviously we deflated back to normal after we had fun. Katie: Huh. Interesting. Amy: Anyways, you guys want breakfast? Katie and Cass: Yes! Amy: Computer! YES, MASTER? Breakfast, please. OF COURSE, MASTER. Just like last night, the coffee table folded up and into the ground. The same table emerged but with different food. Instead of Fast food, Breakfast food was on the plates. Cass: Man, I could get used to this. Food appears in front of our eyes whenever we want. Katie: Me too. We finish our food, the table returns to normal, and we sit there, satisfied with our meal. Cass: Damn Amy, that computer sure knows how to cook! Amy: I know. It's amazing Katie: So what now? I mean I have no clothes to throw on. Cass: Neither do I. Amy: Don't worry. Remember? The Computer. Cass and Katie: Oh Yeah! Katie and Cass giggle. Amy: Meet you down in the living room. Cass and Katie: ‘K. All three of us head upstairs and get dressed for the day. Well, more like making the computer dress us up for the day. It was October so I figured a nice pumpkin shirt along with some comfy jeans and I was done. I meet both girls in the living room. Katie is wearing a pink shirt with pink flowers (My guess is that her favourite colour is pink. Mine is Orange) and white pants. Cass was wearing a vintage NASA t-shirt and starry jeans. Katie: You two look so Cute! Amy: Thanks. You Too. Katie: Aww! You're welcome. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzzz. BZZZZZZZZ. Katie: Hello? *inaudible* Ok I'll be there. Bye! Cass: Who was that? Katie: My dad. He wants my help with some housework since they are on vacation. Amy: I thought you were 27? Katie: I am. My one and only brother lives in Minneapolis. Cass: Well, you shouldn't keep your dad waiting around. In fact, mind if I help you? Katie: Not at all! You can tag along. Cass: Sweet! Well, Amy, we'll see ya later. Amy: Wait! Katie and Cass: Yes? Amy: Let's exchange numbers. That way we can contact each other anytime. Cass and Katie: Ok! We exchange phone numbers Amy: I don't wanna keep you guys any longer. I'll see you two later! Katie and Cass: See you later! The door shuts. I am alone. Amy: Computer! YES, MASTER? Amy: Thin me up! OF COURSE, MASTER. I watch as I lose all my weight til I am about 168 Lbs. I leave the living room and head into my “Sphere Chamber”. It is an extremely large room that is modelled after a living room, similar to mine. Amy: Computer! YES, MASTER? Amy: I'm in the mood to Weightlink. COMMENCING WEIGHTLINK. CONNECTED. I have weightlinked. Weightlink is being able to think about yourself at a certain size and then expand or shrink to that size. I imagine myself as a sphere. Then, it happened. I watch as my fingertip balloons up, then my index finger, then all my fingers, then my whole hand. It spreads to my wrist, that spreads to my arms, that spreads to my chest. My entire body grows spherical by a second. Eventually, I stop, therefore stopping the growth. I. Am. HUGE! Literally, I am 8ft tall and 500 square feet. I am "THE” definition of obesity, 20 chins, 40 rolls, neck fat that is impossible to maneuver and tree trunks of limbs. I can't walk nor stand up. I am round, round like a ball. I roll myself around the room to get a feel for it. I stop at the perfect position, on my spherical tummy, limbs hanging in mid-air. I relax and rest there. I think of my limbs extended just a tad bit, and they extend slightly, but, just enough to stand up, walk, and weirdly, bend over to pick things up. The computer was nice enough to basically just size up the house. All the food, furniture and everything else is bigger, like me. I leave the room, make myself lunch, (Bacon cheeseburger. Classic.) and eat it out in my backyard. I come back in, desphere myself (My house's size is normal again.) and head to my Test Room where I experiment with various things. Today I thin myself up and Heliumify myself up. I float around my house and return to normal. I hear a knock at the door… Amy: Can I He- Kim, Katie and Cassidy: Hey!!! Amy: Oh Hi guys! Come on in! They enter Amy: So ya'll finished with work? Kim: Tell me about it. They all turn towards me. We all realize that I am skinny, Not Fat. Cassidy: AMY? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!?!? YOUR SKINNY! Amy: Well, not really. A moment passes. Katie: Care to share with the rest of the class? Amy: Remember that the computer can do anything? Kim: No. Amy: Well, I told you. But, Anyways, I can make myself any weight, height, anything really, with my computer. Even Fly. Kim, Katie and Cass: WHAT!??! Amy: Yeah! Follow me! I lead them to my test room. Kim: So how do we fly? Amy: With the Heliuminator! Fills you up with Helium! Katie: What else is in here? Amy: Take a look. Try something. Cass: Found this. What is it? Amy: That's a Rapid Sphere Pill. Cass: Mind if I test it? Amy: Go ahead! Cass swallows the pill. She instantly swells so large we get knocked to the wall. She deflate as quickly as she swelled. Kim: Alright then, never take red pills here again, Check! Cass: Huh? Weird. Katie: What else is there? Amy: That reminds me of something. All: What? I pulled out my phone and send them an app with the power of my computer. Their phones go off. Kim: The hell is this? Amy: It's an app that's basically the mobile version of my computer. All: WOW! Amy: Anyways, do you guys wanna go somewhere? Kim: The Park, perhaps? Kaite: That's a good idea Cass: Yeah I'm down. Amy: Don't forget about me. I'm in. Kim: Then it's settled. To the park! All 4 of us grab our varsity jackets from college and we head off. To be continued in Blimping Out 2: Bigger is Better! |