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Not about Horror whatsoever. Sensitive Topic warning! (Formatting is a little jank) |
- Despair / Hope + 1. INT. BAR AND RESTURANT - NIGHT INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "Tonight at 8:30?" A MAN (23) sits at the wooden counter, staring into the amber liquid inside his glass. Matthew Bellini watches as the icecubes slowly melt, diluting the brandy. To the right of his drink is his cellphone, which remains unlocked, revealing a text messages. INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "Yeah, sounds good." Matthew's hair is unkept and messy, resembling a combovergone-wrong. Stubborn strands of amber hair are sticking up and curling over his forehead. Similarly to his messy hair, Matthew's attempt at a Hollywoodian style beard is equally as pathetic, with stiff stubble replacing the facial hair. His skin is a mixture between smooth texture, mixed with soft wrinkles and healed-scars. A few rouge freckles and acne are sprinkled over his face. There is also a pale line, running parallel to his right eye, less than an inch apart. His eyes are a light gray-blue. Contradicting his miserable physical state and appearance, Matthew's clothes are considerably more elegant. He is wearing a white graphic tee-shirt, depicting a black outline of a lion roaring. Partially covering his shirt is a dark brown, leather jacket. INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "Hey, its 9:00, Are you going to make it?" The leather is filled with minuscule bumps, with small cracks and tears along the hem and sleeves. Furthermore, his jeans are black, with a slight discoloration around his knees. His pants also sport a few minor holes and partial frays, exposing the jean fabric as well as his skin. Matthew reaches into his leather jacket, RUSTLING though his POCKETS, searching desperately for something. He smiles for a brief second, retrieving a small package of cigarettes. He PEELS off the plastic WRAPPING, tossing the trash aside. He opens the box, grabbing a single cigarette. INESET ON CELLPHONE SCREEN: "I really enjoyed getting to know you. And I really appreciate your interest." He twirls the cigarette around his fingers, flipping it over so the butt is facing his mouth. He rearranges his left hand to form a shield, protecting the lighter from the cold air. IT CLICKS a few times before producing a small flame, which he uses to light the cigarette tip. As the cigarette tip continues to smolder, Matthew BREATHES HASITILY and slowly, as though he is resisting the urge to suddenly cry. INESET ON CELLPHONE SCREEN: "I know it may be hard to hear, but I don't see us as a good match. I truly hope you find your person." He closes his eyes for a split second, trying to calm his nerves. A tear drop leaks from his eye, remembering a similar situation from years ago... Matthew stands up hastily, immediately losing his balance. He simultaneously falls onto the FLOOR, KNOCKING the BARSTOOL over with him. He crawls to his feet awkwardly. The other three BAR PATRONS, turn their heads in Matthew's direction. Matthew quickly covers his face with is left arm, wiping away the tears hastily. He brushes off the dust off his clothes with his other hand. With a small smile and LAUGH, he casual strolls to the bathroom, hoping that his sudden absence would avoid any attention. INT. BAR AND RESTURANT, BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Matthew PUSH open the BATHROOM DOOR, STUMBLING into the small room. He TURNS on the light. The BULB FLICKERS as he SLAMS the door behind him, LOCKING it with a CLICK. He SIGHS in relief, looking around the bathroom. Calming down, the man redirects his gaze, looking into the bathroom mirror. He stares deeply into his reflection, BREATHING slowly and (to the best of his abilities) quietly. His left hand strokes his weak facial hair along his chin, slowly clenching into a fist. He now BREATHES SHAKILY, looking at his reflection, his eyes silently judging himself in the mirror. He closes his eyes. Within seconds, his eyes open, staring at the bathroom floor. Without looking up, his hand curls into a ball, slamming his fist into the MIRROR hard, SHATTERING it with a single blow. TINY SHARDS rain onto the hardwood floor, and some slice into his hand. And despite the fact that some of the glass shards had embedded themselves deep inside his hand, causing it to sting in pain and ooze small droplets of blood, he did not make a single noise. Matthew moves his head from the bathroom floor, looking into the dented, broken mirror. His eyes widen as he sees the broken reflection, noticing the other versions of himself in the broken shards. The reflections are mimicking his action of place his hands onto the metal sink. He CRIES softly. BEING FLASHBACK: INT. MATTHEW'S HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT A teenage MATTHEW BELLINI (17), lays on a couch, stretched out and watching television. He is wearing a gray-scaled flannel jacket, with a white hoodie tucked beneath it. He is also wearing black pants and a red skater shoes. Matthew's hair is wild, messily tucked inside a black beanie, which is partially covering his ears and his head. His face is covered in pale scars and his right eye is partially swollen and discolored. On floor next to the couch is a notebook, displaying notes for an English class. Beside the pillow Matthew's head is resting on, a black cell phone lays face down. It VIBRATES, startling him. INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "Hey. Want to hang out soon? Please, I really want you over to talk to- well I guess its really more like a rant." He looks at the text message, his eyes contemplating whether or not he should leave to meet up with Emma. He ultimately decides to stay home, typing a quick lie. INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "Sorry, I have Film Comp and AP California History homework to complete :( , Maybe tomorrow." He places his phone back on the couch (screen side down). He SIGHS, reaching over the couch and grabbing his notebook, picking it up. Matthew FLIPS to an open page, SCRIBBLING a few notes while watching the movie on the screen. MATTHEW BELLINIFuck that... ["The last time I came over, you punched me..."] His CELLPHONE BUZZES again. Matthew flips over the phone, looking at the message on the lock screen. INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "You are still working on those assignments? Its been literally a week since we were last face to face :( . Please Matt?" Matthew SIGHS. With minor hesitation, his hands shift from their idle position on the notebook to the onscreen keyboard, quickly TYPING a new message. The words on the document appear as he continues TYPING fast INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "I can come over to your place for a little while. Maybe 30 minutes, okay? I have other homework to do you know." EXT. EMMA'S HOUSE, PORCH - NIGHT Matthew carefully steps onto the porch, instantly regretting his decision. He slowly (and awkwardly) treads across the wooden boards, which CREAK under his feet as he inches closer to the front door. He KNOCKS the DOOR twice. While waiting for Emma to open the front door, he shoves his shivering hands into his flannel jacket pockets. Each BREATH results in a small COUGH, releasing a small, misty cloud. As he waits, he looks around at the shrubbery that surround the house and front yard. As he examines the dark vegetation, the front door suddenly CLICKS, unlocking and opening slightly. EMMA FORBES (17) peeks through the small gap between the door and the frame, scanning for her boyfriend. She spots him standing on the porch. Emma reaches out her hand, grabbing his jacket. She carefully tugs, attracting his attention. Matthew turns around, grabbing the door. He opens it wider, slipping inside the house. He carefully closes the door behind him. INT. EMMA'S HOUSE, PARLOR - CONTINUOUS Emma spins around to see face to face with Matthew, her dark brown hair (with streaks of red) flowing in the air as she turns around. She flicks her hair out of the way of her left eye, tucking it into her black beanie. Her eyes are lighthazel-ish brown. Although when she stands next to Matthew, she appears short, she is actually taller than other girls, standing five-foot seven. She wears a blue, flannel jacket over her orange teeshirt, which is decorated with a skeleton skull. Additionally, she wears black jeans, which are artistically torn and ripped around her upper knee and lower thigh. The black pants are tucked into her brown boots, which are lined with tan fur. MATTHEW BELLINI So... what is the thing you wanted to talk about? ["Let's get this over with."] Matthew paces the parlor, refusing to make any form of eye contact with Emma. He walks back and forth, passing by pictures of Emma's family, all depicting a happy, smiling family. Conspicuously, one picture frame is lying face down. EMMA FORBES I want to talk about the- er... incident last week... (Notices he is mad) I am sorry! (Crying softly) I really am! Just please["I am not myself anymore- I don't fully understand why!"] Matthew moves closer to Emma, almost face-to-face. His hands are shaking in rage at his sides. MATTHEW BELLINI "Sorry?" That's it? You slashed my fucking face with you nails! (He points to her hand) I am sure lucky I didn't lose my fucking eye! (Points to his left eye) ["Really? Wasting my time over this-"] EMMA FORBES Matt, do you really think I enjoy hurting you? (Her jaw twitches) Because guess what? I fucking don't... ["Jesus Christ Matt! How many ways am I suppose to rephrase 'I am sorry' to you?"] Emma weakly pushes Matthew away, turning around, desperately wanting to avoid his face. His cheeks are lightly scarred and one eyes is bruised. She crosses her arms, her foot TAPPING the floor rapidly and aggressively. MATTHEW BELLINII still have a fucking black eye- (Points to his right eye.) I am sorry, Emma, was that also an "accident" too? Punching me in the face? (He SCOFFS) Because I am starting to feel like a fucking punching bag whenever I'm around you! ["Fuck off-"] Matthew looks over his shoulder, eyeing the front door. He turns around, angrily walking towards the door. Emma notices his sudden move through the corner of her eye. She spins around quickly, beating him to the door. EMMA FORBES Please don't leave Matt... You know the er- situation that I am part of, well... unwillingly a part of- (Grabs the door handle firmly) The point is- I was never like this until a few months ago... Matthew, you know me- you know Henry's... (Looks into his eyes) ["His fucking death was sudden... I still miss him- I am still in grieving!"] However, Matthew ignores her desperate plea to stay with her. Instead, he decides to quickly (and carefully) move her hand away from the door handle. But, he resorts to individually moving her fingers up- her grip was too strong. MATTHEW BELLINI I have no idea who you are... The Emma I know left a long time ago... ["I want the old Emma- the one who loved me back..."] He OPENS the DOOR and walks onto the porch, BREATHING in the fresh air. Matthew stands on the porch, looking out into the dark neighborhood. His right hand is wedged deeply inside his jacket pocket. Emma watches from inside the house, looking at the silhouette of her boyfriend, standing on the porch. He exhales small clouds of mist into the cold air. She SIGHS, follow him outside. She immediately begins to shiver. EXT. EMMA'S HOUSE, PORCH - CONTINUOUS Emma walks beside Matthew, standing next to him. Her BREATH is shaky. Matthew notices her presence. MATTHEW BELLINI You don't understand, I-I do truly love you E-Emma... (His right hand clenches in his pocket) But I- just fucking hate you so much! ["I don't understand you at all- I don't get it..."] His left runs his fingers through his hair, staring at the floor. He is still unable to look at Emma. MATTHEW BELLINI (CONT'D) I feel like you are using dirty fucking magic- playing with my thoughts and feelings... (His eyes close tightly) You are casually distorting them to what you want to hear and think- ["You were never a manipulative bitch before- but Goddamn..."] Emma Forbes places her hand on Matthew's face, moving her hand down his cheek and chin slowly. Matthew BREATHES shakily, shifting his feet back awkwardly. EMMA FORBESI honestly don't know how to phrase this- but I really am sorry for what I have put you through... (She SIGHS) Like Matthew, Emma stands awkwardly beside him, however, silent tears are streaming down her face. EMMA FORBES (CONT'D) Never in a million years would I ever think of hurting you like that... (SHIVERS at the thought) I don't understand w-what happened to me... ["I know I am not myself half the time around you... but I do not know why-"] MATTHEW BELLINI Emma, I honestly do feel horrible for you... no one knew that would happen to Henry, with the "Sudden Cardiac Arrest thing-" you two were close... But- (Looking at the ground.) Like you mentioned earlier... you have changed. (Half-suppressed LAUGH) Emma, I r-remember the sweet you... from almost a year ago... ["I care for you, but I do not know if you care for me..."] Matthew closes his eyes, sniffing and breathing shakily. His left hand twitches, his fingers oscillating up and down rapidly in jacket pocket. He opens his eyes, fighting back tears, which are forming beneath his eyes. MATTHEW BELLINI (CONT'D)(Hesitant) Er... I am sorry, but I am breaking up with you, Emma ["I do not want to do this"] EMMA FORBES What? ["Fuck..."] (She silently nods; shifting uncomfortably) MATTHEW BELLINI I am sorry- but I cannot be with you anymore, Emma.... (Shakes his head slowly) You are lost in your head with his memories... ["You need to move on..."] The ex-couple stand awkwardly together in the darkness. As they stand in silence, a soft breeze builds, blowing leaves in their direction. Emma picks up a leaf from the ground, twirling it around in her hand- thinking. EMMA FORBES But Matt... how exactly can I move on? ["You are right... But I am stuck in a void with my memories- I feel abandoned and lonely..."] MATTHEW BELLININo one can recover right away... You need time- In fact, we both need time... (He looks her in the eyes. They are both crying) I will still keep in touch with you- just text me if you need me. ["You can move on- you just need time."] As he walks away, Emma grabs his hand, stopping him for a second. Matthew finches, quickly shifting his hands out of his pockets into a defensive position, for a split-second, expecting to be hit. However, Matthew's reaction was pointless. Emma's hand grab turns into a quick hug. Trying to play off his over-reaction, he pats her back awkwardly. EMMA FORBES Er- Matt... I just want to say- thank you for all you have done... ["I truly am sorry for what I have put your through..."] Not knowing how to respond to Emma, Matthew decides nods his head silently. He EXHALES a breath of air. Without removing the keys from his jacket pocket, he unlocks his car. The sport car's headlights flash, illuminating the dark street for a split second. He awkwardly marches through the front yard, walking towards the black sports car. He opens the driver side door, and sits down. He BUCKLES into his seatbelt, turning on the ignition. His right hand moves to the gear stick, shifting the car into "drive." Matthew lightly presses his foot on the accelerator, REVING the CAR ENGINE. After checking his mirrors and blind spots, he carefully pulls the car out into the neighborhood street, which were deserted. He turns his head over to Emma, who was still standing by the front door. He DRIVES away. END FLASHBACK: INT. BAR AND RESTURANT, BATHROOM - NIGHT Matthew blinks, redirecting his attention from the dripping water inside the metal sink to the broken mirror. He stares into the shards that remain attached to the brick wall. In the reflection, he notices tears streaming down his face. He BREATHES SHAKILY through his nose, wiping away the tears roughly with his jacket sleeve. He moves his hands to faucet handles. His hands are twitching wildly, unable to firmly grab the handles. However, he manages, turning the faucet. The WATER RUNS. The man slowly shifts his hands from the handles, moving them into the stream of RUNNING WATER. He closes his eyes as his hand forms a small cup, holding the water. He SPLASHES the water into his face, washing away the tried tears. His BREATHING becomes more calm and relaxed. Similarly, his twitchy hands also relax, his fingers calming into a relax state. He stands by the sink, BREATHING SLOWLY IN and OUT for a moment. Some water trickles down his face. Through this moment, he soothes his anxiety, making it more manageable. The man DRIES his hand with a nearby PAPER TOWEL. When finished, he also dabs his face. He tosses the used PAPER TOWEL into the wire-metal TRASH CAN. The light in the room flickers for a moment. Matthew reaches his right hand into his pocket, retrieving his cellphone. He uses his thumb to unlock it, scrolling through the past text messages with the woman he met on the dating app. He SIGHS. His fingers move to the keypad, quickly typing a response to the girl. INSERT on CELLPHONE SCREEN: "I'm grateful for all the small moments that we had together- with the conversation and in person meetings. And I wish you the best." Matthew stares at the text message he is writing, quietly MOUTHING the message back to himself. When satisfied with his blatant lie, he clicks send. He immediately locks his phone, placing it back snugly in his leather jacket. The man turns towards the bathroom door, staring at himself in the mirror one last time. He SIGHS, unlocking the bathroom door without taking his eyes of his mangles refection. He pushes the door open, leaving the bathroom. |