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Rated: E · Article · Sci-fi · #2287457
Martin Torterolo | August 9th, 2092
Landmark Case Protects Rights of Simulated Individuals

Martin Torterolo | August 9th, 2092

A Federal Court on Tuesday, August 8th charged Dr. Matthew Abbot with first-degree murder, for killing a simulated individual in the Genesis Simulation Project, or GSP for short. The verdict comes amidst controversy on the topic, as the country grapples with the rights of SI’s.

The incident in question happened almost a year ago, when Dr. Abbot interfered with the GSP, against company policy. He reportedly altered conditions in the simulation, causing a recorded series of events which killed Louis Fray in a car-accident within the simulation.

Jurors were carefully selected in April, using a Supplemental Written Questionnaire mailed out to citizens, and later interviews with small groups of selected participants. This cautious methodology is rightly placed, as the public continues to protest for the rights of SI’s, which they say, should not be company property.

Whistle-blower Anna Freedman, computer scientist at Rvidia, brought the incident to light, bringing into question the greater role of the government in these digital worlds. So far, there is no other process to investigate similar murders. Rvidia maintains that

“In light of this case, we will seek further guidance and cooperation with government officials as we develop our legal relationship with our Simulated Intelligences. We will say, however, that there is strong company policy meant to enforce their well-being and safety.”

Matthew Abbot reportedly rejected a plea for 2 years, and was visibly shaken by the verdict. He is now set to serve 5 years in one of the country’s few remaining rehabilitation centers, the role of which might change in the coming years in the wake of this verdict.

However uncertain the future may be, the pain the family of Louis Fray feels is not. Although they don’t know it, justice for their son and brother has been doled.

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