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by RDKing
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2286634
The lesbian PI finds the young ones.
An Evil Woman - Part Four.

This is not a stand-alone story; you should read the first three chapters to make sense of it all.


I washed her back and then her front, giving just enough attention to that area that made her close her eyes and sigh. I smiled to myself.

She in turn repaid me twice over. I took a deep breath and laid back against the cold bulkhead, I shivered briefly.

I came back to the land of the living when the water stopped flowing. She was there looking at me. She started to brush the excess water from her body before wiping her lips with her tongue. All the while her gaze never left my eyes.

“Come on,” I told her, “time to eat some food and not me.” As I playfully slapped her arm.

As we walked through the robe, she stopped in front of me, turned and picked out a charcoal grey three-piece suit. Started to look at the blouses and shook her head. “NO,” she said, you need something stronger looking. She stepped into the cabin and made a call, spoke swiftly and demanded something, before hanging up. She stood at the door, naked, looking at me and told me “red is your colour, put those red French knickers back on, let me see how they look on you,”

I smiled, folded my arms in defiance and returned her stare. She smiled back at me and took a step forward. I was ready this time, in case a karate kick came my way. It didn’t, for as soon as she moved closer to me, there was a knock on the cabin door. She raised her finger at me and wagged it. “You will keep, Corrine Myers,” she said with a smile on her lips.

Still naked, she opened the cabin door and let an older Chinese woman into the room. I was standing there watching the interaction between the two women. The older woman was dressed in a smart casual outfit. Very modern looking for an older woman. Her hair was jet black, cut short, not styled in any way, a short fringe finishing just above her eyes. As older women held no appeal to me I didn’t take in much more. She held out an armful of neatly folded crisp white cotton shirts. Which unsurprisingly fitted me perfectly. I put on a freshly made-to-fit, white shirt. It felt good.

The younger woman spoke softer to her, kissed her cheek, and stepped aside as she placed the remaining shirts into a spare drawer in the walk-in robe. All the time I watched her movements, she moved silently, but swiftly, with both grace and a certain warrior style, cat-like, as if ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. She didn’t smile or look into my eyes at all. She scared the crap out of me, to be truthful.

“This is Grace Kai Soo Lin, she will be your escort when I am not around, and while you can have free movement around the ship, don’t take any liberties.” She told me and then said, “Corrine, she will kill you if you try to escape, help anyone else to escape or try some other sort of misbehaviour.”

I looked at the woman, who had her head bowed. I had no doubt she was capable of such a deed.

The younger woman again spoke softly to her, smiled, and opened the door for her, Grace turned to me, bowed and stepped out of the cabin.

I looked ridiculous standing in the middle of the cabin in a white fitted shirt and red knickers. My benefactor stood with her back to the door, her hands behind her, her tongue wetting her lips. Still naked. I turned my back on her and walked back into the robe to put on my suit. She followed me but stopped at the door. Watching me button up my pants, then the waistcoat. It fitted me to perfection, I felt stylish, suave even, all I needed now were some comfortable shoes or boots and I was ready to dazzle.

She looked me up and down, smiling as she nodded, “Yes, Corrine Myers, you do look the part.” She stepped into the room, brushed my lips with a kiss, and walked back into the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind her.

I went back into the cabin and looked at the dining setting and wondered where the food went. I could still smell it in the room. I picked up the receiver and waited for a voice on the other end, again in a fresh clear English voice a male answered, “Yes Miss,”

“The food, seems to have gone missing?” I told him politely.

“Is Mistress Lai not with you miss?” He asked.

“No, she is still getting herself ready,” I replied.

“Your Mistress knows where everything is stored miss,” he replied.

“Listen, mate, she isn’t my fucking Mistress OK,” I said in a sharp tone.

“If you say so miss, can I help you with anything else miss?” he asked even more politely

“No thanks, mate,” I answered.

I looked around the room and wondered where on earth would the food be. I went to the cabin door and tried the handle. It was unlocked. I opened the door slowly. Only to find Grace standing in the gangway, hands clasped in front of her. I opened the door and looked down at her. She kept looking straight ahead. Not acknowledging my presence at all. I spoke to her in a cautious tone.

“Grace, do you understand English?” I asked.

She moved her head ever so slightly towards me, her eyes catching mine.

“I’ll take that as a yes then,” I told her, “Be a darling and run on down to the bar and get me a bottle of Fireball preferably. If they don’t have any, whiskey is fine. Run along now,” I told her and closed the door promptly.

I turned around and I saw a vision of stunning beauty before me. She was exquisite that was the only way to describe her. In a see-through lemon blouse, her nipples had been highlighted to stand out, to match it she wore a high-waisted flowing pair of pants, also see-through, her womanly parts protected by some undergarment. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, set with a ribbon.

Even I did a double take. Took a deep breath and told her, “You scrub up all right princess,” She smiled at me. I walked towards her and went to put my hands on her hips. She swatted them away, then grabbed my hand and applied her thumb to the back of my hand rendering me immobile immediately. My knees went weak and I started to fall, she held me up and whispered into my ear.

“Grace is not your personal slave, if you want food or drink, you ask nicely and Robert will take care of your dietary and alcohol needs, understood,” And she pressed a little harder, and I began to collapse and scream.

“Yes, Yes, I understand,” I shouted at her. She released my hand, let me stand up and then kissed me.

“Good, I was hoping you would learn fast. Let’s eat shall we, then I will introduce you to some people.” She smiled at me. She walked over to the bulkhead, where a large plate was bolted. She knocked three times, waited a few moments and a hatch opened. She spoke rapidly, hesitated, then added a few more words smiled at me and closed the hatch. Two minutes later there was a knock at the door, it opened and a small band of waiters waltzed in and started resetting the table.

It was a full meal, a combination of French and Asian culinary delights, finished off with a lemon sorbet ice cream, strong coffee and a liqueur. It was a big meal and the waif-like Asian woman put it away with ease. I was amazed by her healthy appetite. I struggled to keep up but I made sure I did.

She eased herself back in her chair and eyed me up once again. Then stated, “Let us take in some fresh air. A good walk after a big meal does you the world of good.”

I smiled, it was a weak smile, but it seemed like forever since I had seen daylight, let alone took in some fresh air. She opened the cabin door for me and waved me through, Grace was standing in the gangway. Her steely stare still sent a chill through me. Her eyes never left me, like a wild cat stalking her prey. I felt like I was about to be preyed upon.

A hand on my shoulder alerted me to the fact I was about to turn the wrong way. My benefactor walked in front of me, I tried as hard as I could not to watch her tight little backside move from side to side. She was such a temptation. We walked along the internal corridor until we came upon a watertight door, she tapped twice and the two handles, one top and one bottom moved 90 degrees, and the door opened inwards. We stepped through into what I would call a second skin. The cabins were in fact built inside an outer shell-like structure. An armer guard had opened the door. She stepped through it and walked to the end of the corridor then turned left and stepped out into the fresh air. The door had been opened by a Chinese naval person, I say person because I couldn’t tell if she was in fact a she or a he. I nodded to them as is my way of saying thank you, without saying a word.

Once outside the first thing that caught my attention was the noise, the wind was loud as it swept around the vessel. The seas were still increasing in size, the bow of the ship was burying itself into each oncoming wave. Send a spray up high into the wind, even back here I could feel the cold seasprey hitting my face. The salt water stinging my eyes. I tried to get my baring’s, but the clouds covered the sky and the sun wasn’t to be seen, so I had no idea of the direction we were heading or the time of day it might have been.

I knew the prevailing winds came in from the west, I also vaguely remembered the seas came up out of the Southern Ocean, nothing stopping them rolling in from Antarctica until they hit the southern coastline of Australia. That at least gave me some indication we were heading away from the Australian coast. The occasional strong gust of wind also had a hint of ice on its tips, which made us all shiver.

“Let’s get inside,” she said as she headed off along the deck. Another naval person, this one all rugged up, complete with wet weather gear and a machine pistol greeted us as we went down two flights of stairs, almost to the lower deck where a group of seamen were sitting, smoking, looking surly as only Chinese seamen can do.

We stepped inside and I played follow the leader, as she lead us this way, then down another corridor, down a flight of stairs and along another seemingly endless array of corridor’s, deep in the inner workings of the ship.

We turned one last corner to be confronted with a small group of armed men, not in uniform but obviously military trained. Their casual demeanour changed as soon as we approached, their chatter stopped and they stood straight up, erect. Some males, but mostly females. One opened a door and stood aside as we walked straight through into a darkened area. I say area because it was more like a dormitory than a cabin. There were bunks, six sets down either side of the room. On each bunk lay a person. It was too dim for me to make out anyone in particular.

The room hadn’t seen fresh air in some time, as the human stench made me cover my mouth. On the end of each bed was a clip board, much like you would see in an older type hospital. She went to each bunk while Grace’s hand on my shoulder and held me in place.

I casually looked down at the hand on my shoulder, then looked up at Grace, she smiled faintly as her fingers dug into my shoulder. I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of letting her know it was painful. Her smile grew as her fingers dug deeper into me and I gave in to her fingers and let my should collapse against her hand. Out of the dimness at the other end of the room, her voice boomed giving instructions. Grace squeezed once more, firmly, then released me.

When she came back towards us, she wasn’t smiling but she was amused.

“That was just my Grace’s way of telling you who was in charge, isn’t that right Graces?” She said to me. She stopped and looked around to the twenty four people on their bunks. “Soon you will be fed and cleaned up, so please, do as you are told and no harm will come to you.” It wasn’t said to anyone in particular but to them all.

I stood back as the door was opened and the light from the corridor lit the first few rows of beds. The young eyes that looked back at me were those with a lost soul, empty, thin white bodies all cried out, tear stains etched into those cheeks. My heart started to pound, the fear I saw in those eyes I had seen before, that emptiness, lost souls, no fight left in them. Broken. And so young.

Grace turned me around and pushed me through the doorway, I stumbled into the arms of one of the females in the corridor. She picked me up, licked her lips and pushed me up the corridor and said something to the rest of her group, they all laughed. But stopped abruptly when my benefactor stepped into the passageway.

There was something about the way she commanded, how everyone knew how to act in her presence. She hadn’t said a word, but commanded respect. It was more than just a rank she held, or a chain of command. She had a presence about her. In a small way I too respected her. It was a very small piece of respect.

We stepped aside and let her pass and I followed her on to wherever she was going, at a brisk pace. This ship was a virtual rabbit warren. We went around and around, it seemed to me, up two flights of stairs. The area we came upon was well lit, carpeted and had guards on every corner, or so it seemed. For a cargo vessel it sure had a lot of naval personnel on board.

We stopped at a door that had a red light above it, much like an exit sign, but in red. She pushed her shoulders back straightened her blouse, then opened the door and strode in. The hand in my back told me to follow.

The room was also well lit, warm from all the lights, much like a TV studio. On the far wall were a bank of TV monitors, above each one was the name of a city, and a clock showing the time. In the center of the room was a long table with chairs placed down both sides. At the head of the table was a large armchair. We were greeted by a large woman of colour, she smiled at us all as we entered the door.

She looked at me with a sneer on her face, when she saw me, then bowed to my benefactor before greeting her, “Good Afternoon Madam Lai,”

© Copyright 2022 RDKing (author-rdking at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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