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by RDKing
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2286633
Caught by the slave traders a lesbian PI looks to escape.
An Evil Woman - Part Three.

This is not a stand-alone story, you should read the first two chapters to make sense of it all.


When I started to regain my senses, the pain in my rump was killing me, I tried screaming but the gag was still in place. A dirty flour bag had been put over my head. I knew it was a flour bag by the white dust and smell sticking in my nostrils. Breathing was difficult but not impossible.

I tried to move my arms but they were handcuffed to a railing of some sort. I lay there under some covering at least. The rough material covering me wasn’t canvas, but some rough woven blanket. I was gently rocking back and forth and it took me some while to work out I was on a ship. The thump thump thump I thought was my head, was in fact the repetitive turning of the engines, they weren’t at full speed so must either still be in either the river or not yet out into the gulf.

I heard a door open some shouting and the door being slammed. There were some shuffling noises in the room. Lay there still hoping beyond hope it wasn’t anyone looking for me, I was running out of luck. The cover was pulled from me and the bag ripped from my head. A young seaman stood admiring my naked body, his hand ran up my leg and he toyed with my hairy mound when he got to the top. His eyes didn’t leave mine as he played and then savagely inserted his index finger into me, his green teeth and stubbled chin, with a dozen black whiskers and his evil-looking eyes did remind me of something that Lisa had told me about a lecherous look a sailor has when he has been at sea too long.

He wasn’t there to make me happy, as he started to undo his jeans. I didn’t look at what he held in his hand once his jeans fell down past his knees. He muttered something, which would have translated into ‘look how big I am, or aren’t you a lucky girl’. There was a loose bandage covering the branding, he smiled and took it off. Looked at it, started chattering and grabbing at his pants and backed off at a 100 mph.

He was still doing his pants up when the door opened. My new benefactor stood in the doorway. Not a word was spoken as she looked past him at me. My steely gaze told her what she wanted to know. Her knee moved swiftly catching the sailor in his groin, the grunt and groan I heard as he clutched at his now shattered balls, even brought a brief smile to my lips. He collapsed in a screaming heap, the thug that accompanies the slim woman, picked the sailor up by the scruff of the neck, punched him twice in the stomach and threw him into the gangway. She stepped into the room and locked the door behind her.

She came over to me and looked down at my body, taking in my entire length, stopping at my now raw and inflamed womanly core. She wet her finger and stroked each lip, I closed my eyes not wanting to show her the impact she was having on me. I opened them to find her playing with her left nipple all the while looking at my core as she wet her lips and took a deep breath. She stopped as she saw me looking at her. Her smile turned to a dark look, a look of defiance. She then took hold of the dressing covering her brand on my rump she looked at the branding and gave me a smile. And told me, “I own you now.” My glare told her differently.

She sniggered at me, and said, “So you think differently do you, Corrine Myers, you will see what I mean, my white bitch.” And with that, she taped the dressing over the branding and I winced with the pain. She pulled the covers up over my body up to my chin, leaned in, kissed my lips quickly and laughed at the fierce look in my eyes. She went over to a small cabinet and took out a small package containing a syringe. She held it up to the light and flicked the container, making certain the correct dosage was to be injected into me.

“It is for the pain and will help you sleep, I don’t want you to awake for much longer.” Her smile wasn’t a warm one but one of lust if it had a description. She raised a finger at me as she approached. “You fight me and I’ll get Tung to come to hold you down. He doesn’t like you, by the way, so hurting you as he holds you down, would only bring him pleasure. Do you want him to feel pleasure in hurting you?” She said as she stood before me. She lifted the blanket and jabbed the needle into my buttock and I felt the cold sensation as the fluid entered my body. I waited slowly feeling the pain ease as I fell into a deep sleep.

I had no idea how long I was out. The continued throbbing in my head coincided with the steady thumping of the vessel’s motors, as they pushed on through the ever-increasing seas. I could feel the ship riding high up waves, then crashing down, it was a heavy swell. On occasions, I saw the top of a wave roll past the porthole. I looked around the room and saw my clothes neatly folded on the small armchair, in the corner. I was in a different room, it was bigger, lighter. I then realised I wasn’t chained to the bed.

The bed was in fact, a double bed. The pillow next to me had been used, the unmistakable scent of the oriental woman was clearly left on the pillow, along with a small indentation. The place where she had laid was cold. Fitting I thought to myself. I looked down under the covers and my mound hadn’t been touched since the sailor made his penetration sometime before, was it earlier that day, or yesterday? I had no idea.

I looked around the room, taking it all in. The room had a small side door, which I assumed was a bathroom, a writing desk, a small TV and even a phone. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, the floor was carpeted and there were some slippers and a red silk gown hanging from a hook next to the small door. I was still naked. I went over to the phone and picked up the receiver, a distinctly Chinese voice answered immediately, in pretty good English, he asked how he could be of service.

“Can I get some coffee and some food?” I asked abruptly and before I could hang up he answered.

“Of course, would a traditional Australian dinner be suitable?” came his reply,

“That would be great,” I told him.

“Roast lamb, mint sauce, boiled potatoes and steamed vegetables, twenty minutes madam.” He told me.

This time my reply was a little more cordial, “thank you.”

I hung up the phone, not sure what to make of that. I tried to open the cabin door, but unsurprisingly it was locked. I smiled. I looked around the room once more and steadied myself as the ship came crashing down the other side of a big wave. I went over to the porthole and looked out, not much to see except huge rolling waves. My stomach churned. I sat back down on the bed. Now feeling every movement of the vessel.

I stood up and edged my way to what I thought was the bathroom, I opened the door. I was confronted by a large walk-in wardrobe, obviously, the Chinese woman enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle. The labels were all Chinese, but these were all high-end fashion garments. Business suits, some ball gowns, casual and sportswear. She had good taste that was for certain. I run my fingers over some of them, they felt expensive. I opened the drawer and took out some underwear, silk French knickers, various colours and tiny string thongs. I laughed to myself and thought, how the fuck are these comfortable? Some cotton briefs, all dark colours for that time of the month.

I looked around the large room and found what I was looking for, another door. Narrow, it led the way into a bathroom, a very large bathroom. Complete with a spa bath in one corner, meant for more than 2 or even 3 people and a two-person shower cubicle. A makeup table. I went searching through the drawers looking for anything I might be able to use to get me out of here. My gilded cage. It came to mind that maybe this sexy-kinky oriental woman was looking for something more than just a workhorse. Why me, I’m no raving beauty, why would she put me up in this very top-end cabin and where were those other youngsters I witnessed being harvested back in that run-down house in Seaton? And where the fuck were the AFP and Harry and the fucking cavalry I had asked for?

So many questions and so few answers.

Well, it was obvious by the sleeping arrangements why I was here, as I let my hand feel down to the not-so-painful burn mark on my rump. I went to the full-length mirror and peeled off the dressing to reveal the raised very pinkish mark on my pale skin, a circle with a rampart dragon in the middle, how very original I thought. There were some Chinese symbols on the top and bottom. Whatever it meant scared the crap out of the sailor, who had paid me a visit.

I took another long look around the room, the vessel seemed to be riding smoother now than just moments ago. I took off the silk dressing gown and stepped into the shower, I high step to ensure the main floor area didn’t get covered in water. I adjusted the water flow and the heat. It surprised me with how good the flow was and the slightest touch of the tap gave the flow an immediate response. The hot water bouncing off my body felt good until it reached the branding mark on my rump. That made me jump from under the stream and I reached for the tap to take the heat out of the water. I was breathing hard, when I saw her standing in the small doorway.

She was smiling at me. “Want some company?” She asked.

“Not particularly, besides I prefer my pussy to have more meat on the bone,” I told her with a straight, cold, icy stare.

She just smiled at me, “Finish up in there and I’ll redress my mark for you”

“It’s fine, I can manage it,” I yelled at her as she closed the door behind her.

I washed, getting 3 days’ worth of grime and sex off of me. All the soaps and shampoo were of the same scent as the perfume she was wearing. Fresh, but a little goes a long way. I stepped out of the shower and felt good, apart from the stinging burning feeling that had returned to my rump. The bitch I thought.

I walked through the wardrobe and up to the door leading into the cabin. I heard voices, so stopped. There were noises of cutlery and crockery being put into place, hurried chatter as, from the sounds of it, several people were putting my food out for me. I waited until I heard the outside cabin door close and there were no longer any noises. I was about to open the door when it opened in front of me. There she stood, my dressing gown was open so I casually pulled it around me, tying it up. She didn’t look me up and down any longer but stood fixed to the spot, staring into my eyes. She stepped back and waved her hand and slightly bowed. I didn’t respond, other than to hold her gaze.

“Come on Corrine Myers, you can put off the tough girl image. Your clothes are on the bed, get yourself dressed and we can talk,” She said in her direct tone. Her smile had faded. The room had been set up for dinner for two. Not quite a candlelit setting but close enough for a cargo vessel I thought.

I dressed with my back to her and I heard her pick up the phone and talk quietly to whoever was on the other end. No boots only slippers, my undies, a T-shirt and jeans. Very basic attire. The leg band of my boi shorts rode right across the branding, and it hurt. I tried not to let on, my disguise was seen through the moment I moved.

“Why not get out of those things, go and find something that suits you and wear those, rather than the ‘butch’ set up you think suits your image,” she told me. Now I know a Domme when I meet one, no matter what their appearance might be. This woman was a first-class Mistress, she gives directions and orders. She doesn’t ask, she tells.

At last a weak spot.

“Find something loose fitting, it will be better for your ‘wound’,” she said raising two fingers on each hand by way of indicating italics for the word wound.

I could see in her eyes she was enjoying my discomfort.

I had found a weakness in her make-up and played it out. “I think you’re right, you know,” I responded. Not smiling but letting her know I was resigned to my fate.

This time I took everything off facing her. I kept watching her facial expressions, if she was happy to see me disrobing in front of her, she didn’t let on. I left the clothes on the floor. I knew they would be there when I returned.

I went back into the wardrobe, sighed, and pulled out a red pair of French knickers, silk, of course, they fitted comfortably, and the elasticised waist helped. I started to go through the blouses that were hanging there, I lost count of the exact number after I got to thirty. What does she need so many for? Nothing suited me. I put on a navy blue pinned stripped business suit, and high-waisted pants, but just held onto the jacket. It was going to be a tight-fitting arrangement but it did make my butt feel snug. Which I was certain she would enjoy.

I called out to her. “Oi, what’s ya name?” Knowing full well this would not go down well. I turned around and she was watching me from the doorway. Her glare confirmed my suspicions.

So I told her straight. “Look you know who I am, you are obviously keen on me, and I couldn’t give two shits about you,” No sooner had the words left my lips when her left foot caught me flush on my chin, and sat me on my backside, splitting the pants. Blood flowed from a busted lip and tears watered my eyes. She stood over me.

“You will call me Mistress,” She said.

I wiped the blood from my broken lip on my forearm, glared back up at her and in a defiant tone told her, “And you can kiss my ass,”

She laughed loudly, “You I like, you have spirit. But your mouth will get you into some deep trouble one day Corrine Myers.” She told me.

She reached down with her hand out to me, I took hold and yanked her down into my lap. Looking into her eyes I kissed her, blood and spittle mixing, our tongues danced the tango in each other’s mouths, I started ripping off her clothes, buttons snapped off on her blouse, as I pulled at it. She didn’t waste any time either. She wrapped her leg around my left thigh and pulled it into her crutch. She moaned out loud. I kept on kissing her, violently, our lips pushing up hard against each other. Her hips started to hump on my leg. I ripped open her blouse and took one of her sweet little buds in my mouth, she arched her back and groaned, so I bit on it, none too softly. She screamed and grabbed my hair. And started sucking on my neck and throat. The heat between us was intense.

Her bud grew so quickly, as she left two then a third mark on my neck. I groaned at the sensations going through my body I could feel a welling, deep inside of me starting to rise. I sent my hand down to her pants and undid a button and a small zipper her pants flew open, so my hand dived in. Her mound had a landing strip leading me to my desired destination. Not that I needed any directions. She was aroused, she was very aroused as a finger run up and down her folds. Her back arched again, so I inserted a single digit, the sound she made was one of pure delight. Like a woman on heat that needed a thoroughly good shagging. This I could do.

Her hips were moving back and forth on my finger as my other hand undid my now totally ruined pants, as it tried to ease them down. She helped. All the while her hips were working on my finger in her womanly core. Her moaning and her body were telling me she was closing in on her orgasm. She gritted her teeth as her back reached a zenith point high off the floor. She froze, her scream, come groaning, was music to my ears as I felt her juices flow from her. She sighed. Then laughed as her hands held my head and she pulled me down into a kiss. She was looking deeply into my eyes. Not sure what she was looking for, but I was pretty certain she wouldn’t see any signs of affection in them.

She kissed me again. Then told me, “You know this blouse cost me two hundred dollars U.S. and you’ve ruined it along with those pants.

I reminded her abruptly, “You ruined the pants with that Karate kick,” It was said with a smile on my face. She wiggled her ass and quickly rolled me over onto my back. She pinned my shoulders down with her hands. “Now my sweet little Corrine, what am I going to do with you?” She asked not expecting an answer.

“Well, where I come from one good deed deserves another,” As she was taking in my naked chest and the pants that were now opened and revealing the top part of the red silk French knickers.

“Oh really, and what good deed have you done that deserves to be repaid?” She also said with a smile, as she allowed one of her hands to cup a boob and her tongue was sitting out on her bottom lip, as her hand made its way down over my stomach, she circled my belly button and my breathing started to become slower, erratic almost. I was in need also.

“Tell me, why do you Aussie girls love those men’s shorts for some insane reason?” As her hand found its way under the waistband. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “They are so crude, which sums up your whole Western culture.” She went on as her fingers found what they were looking for. I couldn’t help but moan.

She pushed her hand in fully capturing my whole mound as she leaned down and kissed me tenderly. I opened my eyes looking into hers, not sure what I saw there. Lust for certain but something more. I felt her fingers play with my ever increasing moisture in my folds. My back arched automatically. As I held my breath.

She stopped.

She slipped down my legs and off. She smiled up at me. Grabbed the waist of my pants and yanked them down, off of my hips, I lifted my bum and she dragged them all the way down and off. She lifted a leg and took my big toe into her mouth. I sighed. She then brought her foot up to my mound and using the ball of her foot started to rub the little button which had now grown into a small pebble at the top of my womanly core.

I pushed my hips upwards to greet her foot. As she massaged mine. She continued to rub my clit and then rubbed my whole mound, not concentrating on any one part, her whole foot was running over the whole wet area in my groin. My groaning grew.

Oh My God, she was good. She took the toe from her mouth and beckoned the other leg to be given to her. I did so without hesitating. She smiled as she bent my knees and walked in between them pushing them back into my chest, as she knelt down to my now very exposed and highly sensitive area. She started on my core. Blowing on my wet lips, cooling the moisture as it settled on my tangled matted hairy mound. She let go of my legs and I let them rest on her shoulders as she pried open my folds using fingers from either hand. I felt so exposed and vulnerable at the moment. She used her tongue along each side, not stopping anywhere in particular and it felt good.

She gently inserted two fingers inside of me, and immediately curled them upwards seeking out that rough spot. She found it and quickly worked it gently. My breathing now started to become even more erratic. She was in no hurry and I loved the feelings she sent through my body enticing my much needed orgasm to come bubbling forth. I had my eyes closed, as she continued to encourage my hips to meet her fingers, to join in with her rhythm. They did, we were in sync automatically, my body and mind with her fingers. The tide was rising fast as I felt it moving along the deep channels towards the opening, towards the light. My back arched, then went a little higher as she touched the spot and capture my button in her lips, her tongue flicking, and sucking at it. I screamed, then caught my breath and screamed again.

I came in a torrential flow of womanly juices, her hand and mouth covered in a slick sheen. She kept me there a little longer by placing a finger at my back door. I begged her to stop, so she continued and eased her finger into me. They were well lubricated, I sighed, as it felt so good. She wiggled her finger inside of my rectum and I moaned some more. She blew on my pearl, I jumped a little, so she pushed her finger into me a little deeper. My sphincter muscle grabbed at her finger and held it in place as another smaller orgasm rumbled through my body.

I collapsed back onto the floor, as her finger was removed. My breathing was coming in smaller quicker panting motions now. She laid down on top of me, listening to my heart race, as it pushed my blood around my body at a quickened pace. She put her hand up to my face, resting it on my cheek. She tapped it a couple of times then told me, “Hope you enjoyed that, because I did and want some more of you.”

I laughed, “Yes I enjoyed it, who wouldn’t,” I replied. I shuddered one more time and she laughed.

“Aren’t you finished yet? Ready for round two?” She enquired but not really enthusiastically. “Let’s eat, then we should dress, I want you to meet some people.”

“Not sure your friends would want to meet with me, I tend to be a bit blunt when I am with people I don’t like,” I told her.

“Who said they were my friends?” she said as she stood up, she offered me her hand I took it and she pulled me to my feet. “We both need a shower, or a quick rinse-off to get some of the aromas off of us, what do you say?”

“I say, you are right, besides I think washing your back and front might be fun,” I answered with a smile. All the while so many thoughts were running through my mind. The sex was both wild and very enjoyable. BUT why?

The cabin was spacious and comfortable. Did she really think I could be bought off so quickly and cheaply?

Who were these people and where the fuck are we? All those thoughts came to me as I walked her into the bathroom, holding onto her hand and I turned on the shower. The temperature was just right. I stepped aside to let her enter before me. She smiled at me nodded and stepped in under the cascading warm water.
© Copyright 2022 RDKing (author-rdking at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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