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Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2279440
Kai's having fun with his new size. Hopefully this boat ride would be smooth sailing?
As his oversized feet lay on top of the scales, I couldn't take my eyes off them. Their size and power are completely unparalleled. Multiple veins ran across his instep, circulating blood across the massive appendage. His hands were on his hips as he stood proudly on the scales. The light from the ceiling bounced off his gleaming sculpted chest. I could see the definition of his chest, packed and bulging more than mine would ever be. My eyes level with his lower ribs. His deep blue eyes stared down at me with a tinge of mockery, he knows the effect his size has on me. I mean of course, at this current size difference, anybody would have such a reaction. Kai was elated and ecstatic. It was then that his stomach growled, prompting him to go over to the dining table. The scales heaved a sigh of relief as he stepped off of them, being alleviated off close to 900 pounds.

Heading over to the dining table, he was still unaccustomed to his new size. He pulled the chair from the table and proceeded to sit on it, which to nobody's surprise, it was unable to bear the brunt of his weight. The hinges of the steel folding chair snapped immediately as the remaining supports failed simultaneously, sending Kai crashing onto the floor. Compared to last time, when he was stillI 445 pounds, this crash was much more impactful, him being close to twice his former weight. The vibrations sent throughout the floor was felt through your body as his mass slammed into the floor.

'Whoops! I keep on forgetting that I'm too big!"
He chuckled while rubbing his head. I went to the kitchen counter to grab the packets upon packets of food I ordered from the food court when we were at the mall. Chicken rice, steak, fried rice, there were at least 6 packs of different food, sprawled out on the table. Kai spared no time getting into the food. Holding the packet in his left hand, he spooned the contents into his gaping maw with his right. Both the packet and the spoon were tiny on his large hands and fingers. As he transitioned to the next packet, I could see that where he held the spoon was slightly crushed, even the styrofoam box was slightly deformed as he exerted slightly too much effort in holding it. I imagine that if he palmed my head and tried to crush it, it'll be as easy as crushing an egg...

It was frightening to picture an egg being crushed in his large palm, except that it was my head. Kai's my brother, he wouldn't do that... Right? I shook my head, banishing that thought. Soon, all the rations had been consumed and he then chugged a gallon of milk easily. Kai leaned back against the wall patting his stomach, satisfied with his feast. After clearing up his feast, I gave him a bag of clothes and footwear I picked up from the mall. He quickly tried them on. The shirt fit him to the tee. Standing up, his cock was at my chest and it reached till my abs. He put on the boxers, stretching them over his well-built thighs and his firm butt. They fit, but I could clearly see the outline of his cock, which was also slightly hanging out of his left boxer leg. I diverted my eyes from his member and passed him the shorts, which helped make the outline of his member not as obvious. The length was also just right. Kai was elated thus far that the clothes fit. Next, he put on his socks, which are slightly small on him. He raised his foot into my face and I could see some parts of his socks are stretched thin enough to see his soles. I helped him with his other foot, before helping to unlace the shoes and put them on his feet. I bought him size 46 shoes. Once he got his feet in, I pressed on the end of his shoes. There was wiggle room for his toes. I marvelled at the sheer size of the shoes needed to cover 24.5 inches of feet. My hands were so small on them! Coincidentally, I had gotten Kai the same shoes as mine, Nike Air Force 1s (AF1s) . I got my shoes over to compare with his and the difference was astounding. His shoes had more eyelets and much longer laces compared to mine. My shoe was also almost small enough to be able to completely fit within the opening of the shoe. He moved over to step on my feet, and just with a small portion of his shoes he covered more than half of my feet underneath his strong soles.
"Wow bro, look how tiny you are!" he exclaimed while ruffling my hair with his large hands. Immediately the thoughts of him crushing my head returned as his palm covered the top of my head while his fingers were draped on my face.

"Let's go somewhere, shall we? I'm thinking fishing bro."

I agreed with him. Given how things have been so far, it'll be nice to do something relaxing. Fishing was something the two of us enjoyed doing since young. Our parents would bring the two of us on a rental boat and we'd all go out to fish at the nearby beach. It was one of the only times where I'd set aside my size differences and enjoy myself with Kai, competing to see who'd fish the biggest or most fish.

Grabbing our fishing gears, we loaded it into my car and started it. Like before, it was a delight trying to watch Kai enter the car. At his current size, he's almost double his previous weight and 1'2" taller. The car is as tall as I was at 5'4". As he stood by the car, the roof of the car reached up to his lower ribs. The front seat was already pushed back all the way. Kai tried to get in, but no matter how he squeezed, he just couldn't get in no matter what. He tried sitting down on the seat before trying to bring his legs in, but it couldn't fit. The car sank and was leaning towards his side heavily as well. Flustered, he tried another way. He shifted the seat forward and went in from the back. He curled himself up and hoisted his bulk into the car. The car shook immensely with every jerk he made squeezing in. Once he reached the other door, he huddled his legs, hugging into them as they pressed on the front two seats. The rear of the car was very much lower than the front. As I was driving, Kai took pride in knowing that his weight was causing the handling of the car to be much heavier and the acceleration to be slower. Throughout the 30-minute drive, Kai repeatedly bounced in the car, just to mess with the suspension. He seemed to enjoy it tremendously knowing that he was getting too big and heavy for the car. I too enjoyed it as well. I was really getting used to his larger size and demeanor. Once we all were finally there, Kai opened the door and exited head first. The suspension of the car heaved a sigh of relief once he exited.

'Feels good to stretch again!" No longer having to curl up into a ball, he stretched his hands above his head, making him look taller than he was. Scary.

Heading to the wooden pier, I could hear the planks threatening to snap in half as Kai's large shoes pounded them. The boat attendant reluctantly loaned the both of us a boat after looking at his size. I got on the boat first with the gear followed by Kai. Going down the wooden steps, his feet were also hanging off the steps significantly. I watched as Kai stepped into the boat. He had to be careful: As he placed his weight onto the boat, it rocked and tilted significantly. If it wasn't for the rope to the pier, the boat would have floated away with the weight he was placing on it. I scooted over to the back to make space for him in the middle. His large foot positioned in the centre, he placed his foot onto the boat. As he placed more of his weight onto the boat, I could feel the boat sinking into the water. I watched with trepidation fearing that his weight was too much for the boat and might sink it. However, it was still floating above the water by a few inches so it'll be alright. Lifting his other foot, he stretched his legs and sat up, his legs sprawled at the bow of the boat. I went to untie the rope connecting the boat to the pier and saw the rental store attendant, who was just staring dumbstruck at the whole scene. Throwing the rope onto the boat, I boarded and started the engine.

Throttling it, I started accelerating, which was significantly slower than usual due to the heavier weight. I had to turn slowly as well, as any sudden turns could very well capsize the boat with Kai's huge mass. Heading out into the ocean, I warned Kai to be careful about shifting his weight, as any wrong placement of his weight could cause the boat to take in water. But Kai largely brushed me off, as he occasionally jerked about on the boat, causing it to swerve and rock. With excitement in Kai's eyes, he turned to me and said,

'I hope we'll have a great catch!'

I was hopeful as well, perhaps this was the outing I needed to help bring more normalcy to my life, somewhat.
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