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this is a short story mystery of a group of kids going into the woods |
Mystery In The Woods Once there was a group of kids that went into the forest. They have been told not to go into the forest, they were told that bad things had happened to those who didn't listen to the warning signs. They say the trail is an old trail to a closed copper mine. The copper mine was closed back in 1906 and has been closed ever since. Ryan is about 15 and has been doing anything that the group has been told NOT to do. He has short dirty-blond hair with small brown eyes. He is strong and is about five feet four. His best friend in the group is Ronald. Ronald is 14 with blue eyes, shoulder-length red hair, and is four feet seven. Rose, a brave girl, is five foot eight and has shoulder-length blond hair, with big gray eyes. Lucy is five foot two and has long brown hair with brilliant green eyes. Ryan said "why not go to the forest, even though we are not allowed to go?" while wondering why it is forbidden. "Well I don't know about going there, I have heard it's haunted, But I think it will be a fun place to check out" said Lucy being timid. Lucy doesn't want to do anything too scary. "Oh, you are not scared of an old trail with a closed mine at the end are you Lucy?". Then Rose said "Don't tease her about this, she has a point, there are stories of why the mine was closed." "Like what?" asked Ryan. "Well, I have heard of a story saying how things would go wrong when they passed a certain tree on the trail" said Lucy. "Well how does that make sense? Trees don't do anything." said Ryan. "Oh, and you said the same thing when we entered that old haunted basement. You remember what happened, the Ghost made itself known by startling us with red bloodshot eyes that were staring at us when we entered." said Rose. "Well I still think it will be fun and we will get to know more about the history of that copper mine by looking around it," said Ronald. Lucy said "I don't see any harm in that, why not? Let's go then". "Hold on, we need to get ready for the trip first, then we can go. Lucy, go get some food that we can snack on during the trip in case we get hungry. Ronald, you can go get some flashlights. Rose, you go get some hiking gear, and I will get the rest of the hiking gear. They split ways there and in a couple of hours met up at the trail to the mine. " Let's get started on this hike, I hear it's about 3 miles long." said Ryan. "Well then let's go and stop talking," said Lucy who was anxious about the hike. The group was walking about half an hour before they came to the first warning sign: "TURN BACK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE". "What does it mean by 'too late'?" asked Lucy. "It's probably just trying to keep us from going to the mine," replied Ryan. They continued walking for about 10 minutes before they saw the next warning. "It is unsafe to continue past this point, be warned" reads the sign. "As I said before, it's just to try to keep people like us from going to the mine, '' said Ryan, sounding unsure. "Why don't we just turn back?" asked Lucy "Wouldn't now be a good time to turn around?" Continued Lucy. "Yes, why don't we turn around now? We don't have to go to the copper mine" said Rose "Yeah but if we turn around now, we will all be wondering what the copper mine would be like if we had gone to the mine" said Ronald "But you girls don't have to come along if you don't want to." Not wanting to look scared Lucy said "No we can go, we aren't scared" Ryan said "If you really want to." The 4 kids continued walking down the trail. About ten minutes later they walked past an old western hemlock and felt a chill as if an icy wind had just hit them, but yet there was no wind blowing at that moment. "Did you guys feel that?"asked Rose "Yes i felt that, what was that" said Ryan "I'm not liking this" said Lucy "Don't worry, we will protect your Lucy" said Rose. "I'm Fine tho, don't worry about me" said Lucy "i'm not that scared". "Ok if you feel that way" said Ronald. Just then when Ronald sees the Boarded up mine. "Do we try to go inside?" askes Rose "Wait you actually are asking that?" askes Ryan "I never thought i would hear you say something like that" added Ryan. "Well I'm just voicing the one question we all have" said Rose "But personally I don't want to go in there, I have a feeling there is nothing in there of importance" added Rose. While everyone pondered this idea, Ryan said "Well why don't we just explore the outside, There might be something good here". While the group was standing there talking, something from the trees above was watching them as they talked about their ideas. While looking around the copper mine entrance they found a lot of old tools. Rose stated "These must have been the tools the miners used when this place was open" Ronald said "Yes these are the tools, I see a pickaxe here and 3 shovels, what about you guys?" "I see just a pickaxe here and what looks to be the remnants of 2 lanterns" said Rose. "I see 2 pickaxes and what looks like a lantern as well" said Ryan. Just then everyone realizes that Lucy is not with them anymore. "Where is lucy?" askes Ronald "last I saw Lucy was when we were talking about if we were going into the mine" states Ryan "You don't think she entered the mine do you?" askes Rose "I doubt it because she did not like the mine, so the idea of her entering the mine is crazy '' states Ronald ``Ok then let's look around and see if we can find her" says Ryan. Meanwhile while everyone is looking at the stuff around the cave entrance, Lucy had run off to get a better look at something she had seen in the area nearby. It was just a flash of silver but whenever she got close enough to it, then it would vanish again. After a while Lucy gave up searching and realized where she was at, she realized she was lost. "Where are the others?" wonders Lucy. Just then, A goblin with a silver helmet jumps out and scares Lucy. "Hi my name is Lilith, Are you trying to hunt me?". "Wait i'm not trying to hunt you, what are you?" askes Lucy "haven't you heard of my kind? Afteral you humans hunted our kind for a long time, i'm a goblin you fool." "wait your a goblin? I have never heard of goblins before, thats cool." "why are you even in the forest to begin with?" asks lilith "I'm here because I was following my friends and we heard about a haunted tree new this copper mine" says Lucy "haunted tree? You mean the elder wood tree that the Mountain troll hunts around?" asks Lilith. "Wait what? I didn't know about any troll, all I know is that people always vanish around the area" "Well the troll is the reason that copper mine was closed, and if your friends are still there, they will be in danger" stated Lilith "how do you know?" asks Lucy "because the troll starts to head around the mine at this time of day" says Lilith "What??? Is there anything we can do to help them if the troll beats us there?" asks Lucy "I'm not one for helping others but I will lead you to the one who is" says lilith "Oh yes please, I don't want my friends dying" says Lucy "Ok then follow me, we are going to go say hello to Drucilla" says Lilith "is Drucilla another goblin?" asks Lucy "Nope, in fact she is a Dwarf." says Lilith "A Dwarf? That is cool, How can she help tho?" asks Lucy. As Lilith and Lucy starts heading, The others have been looking for Lucy for about 10 minutes but it feels like forever. "Where is she" asks Ronald "I don't know where she is at" says Rose "We have to find her soon, I saw something big nearby and it does not look human" states Ryan "Wait what??? What if that thing you saw has gotten Lucy?" asks Ronald "I hope not, but we can't rule it out" replies Ryan Just then a huge BANG rattles the ground "What was that" whispers Rose to Ryan "Those Bangs sound like Huge footprints, We all better hide now while we can" says Ryan. Everyone hides behind the trees just when the Troll comes out from behind some large trees nearby. "I SMELL FOOD." bellows the Troll. While all the troll is looking around, suddenly, the giant uproots a while tree. Just then Rose screams, The tree she was hiding behind was the one the giant just uprooted, Ryan runs and pushes Rose to Ronald. Just then the troll reaches down to pick up Ryan where Rose was. To Ryan it looks like the Whole world has turn upside-down. As the troll starts to pick him up Ryan Bites the troll's dirty finger as hard as he can to no effect. Then Ronald gets an idea and as the troll slowly rises Ryan up to eye level Ronald throws a pickaxe up to Ryan. But Ryan is unable to grab the pickaxe it gets just barley close to his fingers but because he is too high up into the air by the time Ronald throws it. As the troll brings Ryan closer to his mouth Ryan shuts his eyes and prays in his head "Please don't let it end like this" Just as a copper arrow comes out of nowhere and strikes through the Trolls wrist. Ryan is dropped 7 feet onto his back and is severely winded while the Troll stumbles back 2 feet and shouts out in agony. "What just happened." asks Rose and Ronald thinks "that sounded like a bomb exploding the way that Troll shouts out" "Where did that arrow come from?" asks Ryan. Just then, it seems like a copper dagger comes out of the trolls ankle. "Wait where did that dagger come from?" asks Rose. Just then Drucilla comes out of the forest area with a copper sword in her hand and goes in for the attack just as another arrow comes out of the troll's eye. Just then the troll Shouts out again, but not in agony this time, but in Anger and Frustration that his food has gotten away. Then Ronald shouts "Wait Lucy? Where you get that crossbow" Lucy then says "No questions now, Go Check on Ryan ''. Ronald obeys and runs to Ryan while Drucilla starts stabbing the troll using her sword and a knife that was concealed in her sleeve to climb up the troll's back. Ryan says to Ronald ``I'm fine just help me away from the battle, I just have to catch my breath". When Drucilla gets to the back of the Troll's head she strikes the sword into the back of the troll's head and Then with one last scream from the Troll, The Troll starts to fall onto his back. Drucilla has seconds to move or she will be crushed beneath the troll. Everything looks like Drucilla has no way to survive when just then, right before the Troll is on her, she jumps off and rolls to the right away from the giant but only 1 foot off the ground. No one sees this tho and thinks that Drucilla is dead, Lucy then says "no why did Drucilla have to be crushed under that Troll" and she starts crying. Just as everyone starts to stop crying over Drucilla's sacrifice. Drucilla appears behind them and says "I thank you for caring about me, but i'm just fine" Everyone suddenly happy, jumps up and goes and hugs her. When the group stops hugging, Lucy thanks Drucilla for helping them. Then Ronald realizes he does not know the way back home and asks "how do we get back home?" "Oh that's easy, I can lead you to the edge of the forest" says Drucilla. Drucilla leads them to the edge of the forest just as she said she would do and everyone is sad to depart. "Well it was nice meeting you Drucilla, when do you think we can meet again? We love to explore the forest more and find out more about mysteries here" says Ryan. Just then Drucilla starts laughing "I just knew you would say something like that, yes maybe sometime in the future you can explore the hidden temple in this forest that i heard a civilization of fairies built" says Drucilla. "Really? That would be cool" says Rose "Yes, but for now you should go home" says Drucilla. After that everyone goes home and thinks about everything that has happened. THE END |