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by alexmp
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2271039
A second part of what I hope is to be an amazing book
Chapter 3: Gisselle- My Greatest Weakness

I bet you’ve all been waiting to hear from a darksider, so here I am ready to convince you why you should join us. Evil is magnetic and a force that keeps good going just like good keeps Evil going. We sustain each other in the most peculiar ways and in a way are one anothers best friend and at the same time are each other's worst enemy.
Someday, like me, you will be called forwarth on a quest of light and dark on a distant planet. We are the trailblazers of a new Era and you are sure to follow in our footsteps, or to be the rise or fall of a world.
My name is Gisselle and I’m a mess, one typical superpower on the darkside. Messes lead to valuable ideas that can change the rules of the game and fate itself. Though my type of mess is less than desirable, as I’ve figured out through the two months I’ve spent on geoclyte. Speaking of a fall of a world, that was constantly all mine did; fall apart in front of my eyes in ways where I would be the only one to blame for it.
“Sup, Gisselle!” Said a voice from right behind me. Warm but small arms dressed in a black sweater wrapped around my waist in a hug from behind. It was my boyfriend, Rain, coming to say his usual morning hello.
I flinched at his touch and he quickly withdrew his arms. I slapped him in the face out of pure reflex, a reason why no one messed with me when I was in a bad mood, which I was.
“Don’t touch me!” I shouted.
My heart was beating a million miles an hour from the surprise and I was in panic mode, or what some would call the point of no return for my victims. I was shaking violently and quite resembled a leaf in the rough wind.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he said cowering slightly, “I won’t do it again, I promise! Are we ok?”
I was still uncomfortable in relationships for some reason I couldn't quite put my finger on, but still I was completely blinded with rage. The rage was my way of ignoring the fact at hand; that there was something wrong with me that I was responsible to change.
How dare he surprise me like that! Who’s to say I even wanted him to touch me . . . ever? That little menace was going to get what he deserved!
“No where, not ok,” I snorted, “I can’t do this, we have to be just friends if you’re going to act like that!”
I was so scared, I felt like a deer in headlights.
“But it was just a hug!” Shouted Rain, “Yesterday you were completely fine with it when I hugged you, and you said you liked it!”
“Yeah, well I’m sorry,” I whispered, “But things change and you can't always control them.”
My anger drained away and I was on the verge of tears again because I couldn’t let myself be happy, I had forbidden it for as long as I could remember.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, “I would do anything to stay together . . . I could-”
“No,” I choked out, “Please leave me alone, I want to be alone right now, I’m- I’m not ready, ok?”
“Ok,” Rain said respectfully, “I’ll leave.”
I turned my back as he sadly trudged off, tears filling my eyes before silently spilling out. When he was far enough that I was sure he wouldn’t look back, I slowly turned around to melancholily watch him leave. He was all I wanted but I couldn’t let myself have him, so instead I stood watching my utopia walk away.
Would I ever be enough for the world to accept me and a kind fate to befall me? Then again how could I ever be enough for the world if I could never be enough for myself?
We currently live in a small camp of six other people and myself where everyday we would pick up camp and move in hopes of finding other darksiders.
I still remembered the day we found Rain and his little sister rose; they had put up a big fight because they were true lightsiders. When Rain realized Rose had no chance against us and he couldn’t hold his own against us all for Rose he forfeit and they joined us quietly.
Rain was a special boy driven by love and the morals to do anything to keep his little sister safe. The same morals I selfishly wanted for myself, to be loved that way by someone, anyone, no matter who they were.
I had felt guilty for the two so I quickly introduced myself to Rain and we struck up a friendship. I had been unsatisfied with being just friends though, I wanted more no matter how it came about. We got to the point where everyday we would talk for hours on end until one day Rain confessed his love for me, exactly what I had longed for.
Sadly this is the point where everything went wrong because I was still unsure whether what I felt for him was friendship or love. I knew I wanted love but somewhere deep down I wasn’t sure if when I said yes it would be because I loved him or I just wanted to be loved to prove that I was lovable. Despite that I said yes when he asked me out and kept a happy face for the first couple days because technically I had gotten my wish.
We were happy until my relationship problems started to increase and take over that harmony. I began to flinch at his touch and have anger outbursts that made him slightly draw back from me. Even though our relationship kept going I could always see him cower and shake slightly when he asked me questions because that was a typical cause of my outbursts. No matter how much he tried to deny it I could tell he was kind of scared of me and it shattered my heart.
I called things off for the first time when he leaned in for a kiss and I completely freaked out, beat him up, and ran off. When he came back to ask me about why I had done that I could see how tense he was next to me and how he flinched when I moved closer to him.
I was hurt so much by this simple action and my own disgust at what I had done to him, that I called things off and claimed that I was too broken to keep going.
We avoided each other for a couple days until the full moon when he brought me red roses and apologized for going too fast and scaring me. He assured me I didn’t scare him . . . even though I knew I did, he asked for a second chance.
I reluctantly said yes.
The tension built from there up until the present day, I couldn’t hold it back. At least this time I didn’t beat him up but the slap was still weighing heavily on my conscience.
Somedays I just wanted to run away from reality like it didn’t exist and live a life concealed from all pain in a somewhat sleeplike state. Death was never an option because I was immortal but an eternal slumber might be just within reach, and I knew I would get it somehow.
“Flag pole!” Shouted Joshua from about a hundred yards away directly under a portable flagpole.
Every morning he would call and we would all go and eat while discussing the day's plan. Then after that we would disperse to pack up camp and leave carrying everything in our magical backpacks.
I shook slightly, yet not from cold but from emotion and the depression trying desperately to grip me with its icy fingers.
I gathered myself and stood tall with a bold face, ready to face another day of this long life that had only just begun.
I quickly rushed over to the flag pole where Advik, Chu Hua, Ah lam, and rose already stood. Rain was not present though and that only made it more hard to stand there knowing I had hurt him.
“Rain!” Rose shouted, “Hurry up, you’re late!!”
“Coming!” Shouted a distant voice that distinctly belonged to Rain. I could only hope he was ok while I falsely smiled and waited for him to join us. When he did I would surely feel the knifelike presence of heartbreak again because I couldn’t go long without it defining my mood.
Chapter 3 continued: Rain- Sparks
As I walked away from Gisselle my heart hurt with such intensity that made me want to crumple to the ground in silent tears. Through the pain I kept walking because I knew I would only feel worse if I watched Gisselle from afar like I did when I was infatuated with her, but instead of my current sadness, with wistful longing.
I had walked quite aways away from our camp when I first took in my surroundings. I was at the edge of a meadow where a group of three people stood talking and laughing, no doubt other warriors like me. They were all cut like athletes, the two boys and a girl.
The girl stood out to me though because even from how far away I stood I could see her kind leadership and bravery. She was stunning and her interactions with the others seemed to flow with a certain type of grace you would expect from only the finest ballerina.
She had a breathtaking way about her style of being that made me temporarily forget my own struggles and wonder who this mystery girl was. She was like a diamond in the rough and a daydream girl I had always thought of without even knowing it.
I knew she was a lightsider somewhere deep in my soul and wondered if she would accept me even if I was imprisoned as a darksider.
All I could think about was what it would feel like to be loved by such a divine being like herself. Gisselle was far from my mind at the time being.
The early morning light danced around through the trees lining the meadow and a light breeze ruffled my hair.
Time seemed to have forgotten how to work and everything just existed in harmony for however long of time had slipped away.
And so reader there is only one way I could describe what I felt; sparks, sparks of a new beginning for me and maybe someday for her.
“Rain!” Rose’s voice shouted from a distance away, “Hurry up, you’re late!!”
Quickly tearing my eyes away from the most beautiful girl ever, I whirled around and shouted, “Coming!”
I began to run with a new passion in my heart and it was like my feet had wings. I was in heaven and I was ready to do anything for this new and perfect girl.
The feeling slightly dimmed though leaving me with two questions; what about Gisselle, and would a light sider ever love me, a person trapped on the dark side? I had to hope each answer was a good one and that true good would prevail.
Slowing down as I reached the group, I accidentally made eye contact with Gisselle and she almost smiled before painfully looking away and avoiding me.
We weren’t used to being separate yet and it would take time for me to get used to being just friends. My eyes began to mist up and all I could do was stare at her sadly as Joshua gave his morning announcements and Gisselle ignored me.
After we all ate and Joshua gave the orders for us to disperse, Gisselle walked over to me and said, “Sup?” Her hand outstretched for a handshake.
I quickly grasped it and held it there before awkwardly letting go, remembering we were just friends. Then I pulled her in for a hug, tears escaping from my eyes and pushed her away so as not to be tempted to hold on too long.
Backing away I stuttered, “I’m sorry, I- I’m not ready to talk yet I’ll let you know when I’m ready to see you.”
“Wait!” She said as I turned away, “Am I hurting you by being near you? I’m sorry if I am.”
I turned around and replied, “Yes, you are, but don’t worry about it. Just go now and I’ll be- I’ll be fine.”
Turning my back again and listening as she ran away and I crumpled to the ground like I had wanted to earlier. This time I could hold it back, this was the true way I felt deep down in every bone.
“Is everything alright, Rain?” said Joshua, coming to sit by my side.
Composing myself before speaking, I said, “I’m fine, it’s just girl drama all the time, you know?”
“Yeah,” Joshua chuckled, “I had a girlfriend before we got landed here and it was pretty much the same way. Don’t feel too bad about it though, girls are overrated anyway.”
We both laughed at that, because it was true, for so much pain what was this love worth in the end?
But then I thought of the girl from the field and what I had seen in her. The protective and graceful energy that had radiated off of her had me captivated, the spark was alive.
Our laughter died away and I cleared my throat to ask a question.
“Would you mind if I took a little walk, to collect my thoughts and all?”
Joshua sighed, “I don’t mind, that would be of use to all of us right now it seems.” He laughed, “Take me with you in spirit, I could sure use the break it would provide me with.”
“Thank you,” I smiled, “I’ll do that for you.”
As I walked away I had only one thing on my mind; seeing the mysterious beauty again, gracing the field with her presence.
I started out on a walk but the pace was too slow for my gnawing need to see her, so I picked my pace up to a jog. As the field came into view through the last bit of tree’s I began to sprint before coming to an abrupt stop at the edge.
There she was, sitting alone this time, as if waiting for someone. So I just sat and watched her, a content sigh escaping my body.

Alexandria: The Outsider Boy
I was a natural leader- and actor. The term “fake it until you make it” always applied to me because for the most part I moved through my life acting with confidence that wasn’t fully there. Most people were followers, but out of all those types of people have to be some leaders. From pretty much the beginning of my life I had made it a point to be one of the leaders and provide others with everything they needed.
“But why?” Was a question I often asked myself when I was feeling unstable. To tell the truth though, I had always known why but just wouldn’t admit it sometimes. I had always had this driving force in my life to please my father, I had to make him proud.
The more talents I picked up, the more leadership I showed, the more I thought he’d have reason to pay attention to me. It was stupid and proved inefective but I couldn’t stop after having done the same things for years.
I used to- and still do- cry alone sometimes. I would always wonder what was wrong with me and why I had to be so weak on the inside. I made friends with Hekate’s daughter Karla and told her all about my troubles.
One day she turned to me and said, “Look at me, Alexandria.”
“Ok,” I mumbled blushing.
I looked her in the eye and she whispered the most powerful words ever, “Alexandria, when people become ‘weak’ as you put it, it doesn’t mean they are weak, It simply means that they’ve been strong for too long, you are the strongest girl I’ve ever met.”
At the time I had a crush on her and I admitted it right then and there, we kissed and I’ll never forget it. We were together for two years after that before she decided I wasn’t enough and got a boyfriend that was a couple years older than her.
I frequently reached out to her asking to hang out as friends and she turned down my request every time saying she had other stuff to do or some other excuse. I never got to see her again before she died.
Goddesses aren't supposed to die but she was charged for a large crime where thousands of mortals died. She was brought before a court of some of the most powerful deities who all decided she was to be put to death. They erased all mortals' memories of her permanently to weaken her power and they killed her.
Only later we learned her boyfriend had framed her for his wrongdoings. It was too late though, she was already dead and I never got to make up with her. During this time was when I perfected putting on a bold face, saying I was ok when I wasn’t.
Today I had been laughing and talking with my friends about how hopeless this quest to find the others was when I had seen a boy at the edge of the field watching us.
I was startled but made sure it seemed like I hadn’t seen anything and I pretended he wasn’t there so he didn’t know I saw him.
He was handsome and had sent waves of butterflies to my stomach that I couldn’t explain. My mind was working overtime; between talking with my friends, hiding the fact I had seen the boy, and trying to find any possible reason he could be a lightsider we could recruit to our team, I was very busy mentaly.
When a girl's voice called him off saying he was late that my friends didn’t hear over their own laughter I excused myself, saying I’d be back soon.
I followed him back to an amazing campsite with lots of people, maybe six or seven. I couldn’t say exactly though because I was distracted by the boy I had followed here. They all gathered around a flagpole and the leader of the group gave the instructions for the day and I learned to my disappointment that this was a darksider group.
Before they were finished and they found me hiding behind some bushes I had found I quietly began to pick my way back through the woods back to the field. I was quickly falling for this boy but my hopes had been slightly doused by the fact he was a darksider. Surely I would find someone else, though I didn’t want to give up on him quite yet.
I pushed all thoughts aside and ran back to meet my friends. I would see him again over the next few months but I would never forget today.
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