Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2271037-Geoclyte-The-battle-of-light-and-dark
by alexmp
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2271037
A story with just enough romance and some mythology for the PJO lovers
☽The Battle of ☾
☽Light and Dark☾
☽By Alex Martin-Park☾

Dedicated to the people I love,
And the hope of Lgbtq+
It’s time for good Lgbtq+ representative thriller written by a teen!
-Alex MP

Chapter one: Blaze- the new world

I remembered a dream of some sort where I had fallen thousands of feet into a chasm of darkness and someone had pushed me. Who had it been though? I couldn't shake the feeling it was important somehow, yet if it was all a dream I doubted it would matter much.

Nevermind that I was scaring myself (which tended to happen ). It must be time for some sort of meal so I should get out of my bed, my stomach was growling already. I shook my previous thoughts off because I felt that many people had told me about my tendency to overreact. But why was my bed as hard as a rock and not soft and cushiony and why couldn’t I quite remember anything? The dots weren’t connecting.

I opened my eyes, my mind and memory misty as if I was in a dazed state. I began to scan my surroundings with the hope of finding that I had always known the place my eyes would come to rest on. There was no such luck- I didn’t even know what my normal was it seemed. It looked like I was in a forest, with tall grass growing between trees. The trees had black bark that was glowing an eerie color of red.

Wow already off to a reassuring start!

Something told me that trees didn’t do that.

Looking down, I realized I had been lying on grass - not any kind of bed. That ruled out the theory of this being my home (unless of course, it was, and I lived alone in the wilderness). There was no question about where I wasn’t, but there were millions about where I was.

I wasn’t in my room, on my bed, not that I even remembered what they were like. I could not describe any type of life I led . I also wasn’t about to have breakfast served by whoever I lived with. I knew there were other people in my life but I had no idea who. My life was starting to seem like a fill-in-the-blank puzzle. I was certain I didn’t like infuriating puzzles. By the barbaric look of the woods, I guessed I was going to have to hunt for my food.

Imagine spinning in a circle for an hour or more, something that would make anyone so dizzy to the point of nausea. My head felt exactly like that but worse. My head was reeling, but my biggest problem was, I had no idea who I was, or why I was here. The only thing I remembered was my name and age. Everything else was a blur and so tangled up, it gave me a splitting headache to think about.

The facts- my name was Blaze and I was seventeen years old.

I needed to get back, deep down I knew this reality I was living in was off. I was a science experiment, thrown into a place that was completely unfamiliar to anything my senses of right and wrong told me.

I had no idea where I needed to be, but this couldn’t be it.

Where I came from I wondered if I suffered from amnesia. I was being hit hard by it right now, lost without a sense of direction in life.

“So be it then,” I grumbled to myself, “I guess onward it is, in whatever this is.”

My situation made me grumpy and impatient to figure out the truth- I mean this couldn’t be normal- right?? I could be going insane, not that that would be a pleasant situation.

But what was I like? Was there such a thing as a mirror here? Or at least water to check my reflection? I had lost so much memory that I was almost a stranger to myself.

Bingo, there was water, though not a hope of a mirror- but that didn't matter. I had to be handsome, right?

Yes, I must be, I thought. I knew I had some type of warship or admiration so it was only fitting-

I had spotted a small pond a couple of yards away from me. Yet, the water was nowhere near normal, of course.

Instead of clear it was murky and black on one side then the other side looked like liquid blue fire. The two opposites coexisted in one in such a transfixing way that made the water almost magnetic.

I walked to the pond's edge and stared into it. My reflection stared back at me. How am I confused? I should know where I was as easy as snapping my fingers should be!

I was starting to get mad at the world for being so cruel. The world was so horrible that my nonexistent memories had become a prison. I am trapped in a stranger's body and in a world that's not the typical one I wake up to daily.

I sighed. It was obvious I'm lost, with no hope of getting back. where “back” was, I didn’t know. But for the record, I wasn’t stupid, I was working on figuring the details out! How could I be dumb?

I laughed at the thought thinking that would make it go away. Did I detect a trace of nervousness? I solved one problem and immediately I came up with another, these seemed to be the rules of the game. Constant change.

Then I remembered the whole reason I had weaved my way through the -abnormal- trees was to check my reflection.

Stop laughing!! It’s not what you think! I’m not that self-absorbed!! Whatever, I’m going to pretend like you didn’t laugh.

The whole forest seemed to be holding its breath.

I looked down for the second time because I had forgotten what I looked like after my tragic case of confusion. It may seem like a normal thing that I'm confused about, but for me, the feeling is comparable to seeing an alien.

I was a dark brown-haired, teenage guy, with electric blue eyes and freckles. My Jaw was sharp and severe, giving me a dangerous look.

Did I see a blackhead on my nose?! Oh no- that was NOT normal.

The rest of me looked like I had spent a millennium working out. I had muscles like the Rock. I could get used to that!

A memory! Wait. . . no- now it’s gone. Who was the rock?

The point was I was buff with muscles that looked like they had muscles. My looks betrayed me because I felt weak and scared inside. My body was awkward and bulky and my memory- I had none. Despite how I looked, I was no warrior, I was beginning to question my strength. The fall of the world you think you know can change you, especially when you wake up and don’t even know yourself. If I had to describe how I felt in one word, I would say I'm terrified. I was certain I was part of someone's big game, a mere lab rat of bigger forces.

But how the heck was that possible! I was Blaze that had to count for something. Yes! It counted for something, I finalized by nodding my head, satisfied with my conclusion.

Calm down, I told myself, it’s the woods making you go berserk.

“Ha! That’s what you think! No warrior! How ridiculous!”

I jumped out of my skin in surprise.

My reflection, had it - it had talked to me?

“Budge up! Be the warrior you are! We chose you for your skill, sonny!” barked my reflection.

“No, no no no no NO!” I grumbled, “You are not talking to me, I’m crazy, it's a dream.”

“You better believe it boy!” yelled my reflection, “Allow me to explain, I am not your reflection I am a split pond spirit. I only appear to those who need some guidance and you of all people could use some real guidance! Let me stand up here-”

The water then began to take the form of a lion made out of the blue fire water leaving behind the black murky liquid.

The split pond spirit was majestic and looked almost divine because of the brilliant blue the intriguing water was.

“Alright, that's better,'' said the lion, no longer imitating my voice, “You’re new here right?”

“I don't know exactly what ‘ here ’ is,” I pointed out, still shocked by the abnormality of the situation.

“Good grief!!” shouted the lion, “Nobody told you the story of geoclyte on your old planet! Crazy! It’s an- it’s an-.”

“Err, An outrage?” I offered, biting my lower lip.

“Yes!” Cried the lion, “You are a Warrior, this is Geoclyte. I can't elaborate because a certain someone is waiting to explain.” The lion winked.

“Am I supposed to know what you're talking about?” I complained. I felt like I was stuck in a hopeless situation- like skipping a grade in math when you know nothing about what you missed. I was... well- lost.

“Ughh, you are hopeless, and what a horrible attitude you have, may I add!”

“Oh I’m sorry,” I said , “I should’ve been nicer because you know I’m trapped in this weird place I don't know without memories or a way to get home, no biggie.”

“What are you talking about home, this is your home,” the lion sneered. “I’m doing a noble deed in trying to help your royal pain in the behind who has an attitude the size of an ocean.”

“Sorry you feel that way,” I snorted, “But I’m going home, so thus, there’s no use in helping me.”

“Hasn’t anyone told you that you can't leave Geoclyte until your mission's done?! It’s preposterous of you to suggest otherwise!”

“Go back to your lake, I do not need your help,” I growled , “Or else!”

“No need for or else, It’s not like I want to stick around you any longer!” laughed the lion .

“Good!” I hurumped.

The lion, head held high, stalked back to the pond and melted back into the same fiery blue water substance.

“Good thing he’s gone,” I muttered, “Now what next?”

A rumbling sound came from my stomach as if replying to my question of what to do.

Looking around again at the woods surrounding me, with- not to add, obscuring mist floating through the creepy trees, I guessed there wasn’t a grocery store anywhere on geoclyte. I sighed in exasperation.

“Great,” I said aloud, “Guess it’s the old-fashioned way- whatever that is.”

The tall golden grass rustled and out stepped a bright silver deer. It walked with grace but caution and looked up at me with every step it took, then its eyes darted around as if calculating possible ways to escape.

It was a sight for sore eyes which made me sorry for what I was about to do next. I needed to eat, no matter how beautiful the deer was looking at it would not keep me from starving.

Grabbing my weapon off my back, the instincts of hunting kicked in and I began the hunt of survival. Without even noticing I shifted shape from a human to a large glowing blue wolf with huge teeth and monstrous claws.

A vicious snarl coming from within me broke the silence in the air. The fragile grazing silver deer looked at me with huge eyes. It had begun to trust that I wasn't going to hunt it and had been about to lower its head and graze.

Now I realized my intentions and was terrified. Somewhere inside my wolf's appearance, more in the human part of me, I saw the fear in the creature's eyes.

I wanted to let it go and live its life, but nature is never forgiving. A split second later it bolted and I lunged to join the chase for food regardless of my small guilt.

The deer, frightened, was in such a hurry to get away it didn't look and slammed into a tree. Without enough time to get up, my sharp claws were sinking into its soft skin in seconds. It bleated as if calling for help and out of pain. Then as if surrendering to death the deer lay its head down and stared into my eyes. I cut its windpipe to end its suffering.

When I was sure the deer was dead, I dug into it, eating like a starving teenager (which is exactly what I was.)

When I was done there was hardly any meat on the bones and my stomach was filled and content, I morphed from the wolf back to my normal self. Or at least my normal self...How could I be sure if all I knew was my name and age?! ANYWAY-

I stared at the bony frame that used to be a magnificent creature. a tear grazed my cheek and fell onto the deer's bones. A soft light surrounded the bones as they began to morph into something new. The bones swirled around and danced in the glow of soft light. Fur and muscles began to form around a small skeleton.

Then it stopped and in front of me was a small silver wolf puppy. It has the big eyes of the deer and the same color silver coat. It looked up at me and smiled, tongue hanging sideways out of its mouth. It sneezed and shook its head , tongue lolling out the whole time. Somehow, my tears had created life. As I said, I knew for a fact I wasn't a normal human being.

It hit me , the feeling that my legs could no longer hold me. Exhausted, I collapsed on the ground.

The small puppy lumbered over to me and licked my face. “I’m gonna call you Luna,” I laughed weakly.

The puppy yipped excitedly in reply.

As I lay where I had fallen in the grass happily with my new companion I noticed that the sun was slowly going down. The night was approaching fast, and I realized that I needed to set up a safe camp for me and Luna, quickly, if we were to survive the night.

My problem was solved when I caught sight of a nearby cave.

It was made of gray rock and its entrance was outlined with black crystals that were glimmering spookily in the sunset.

“What do you think, Luna? Should we stay there for the night?” I asked the dog involuntarily. She cocked her head at me.

“I take that as a yes,” I laughed.

As I began to regain my energy, I decided I should go explore the cave while there was still a bit of light. But, when I stood up my legs were suddenly bound together and I fell back to the ground. For the second time, there was rustling in the grass and a girl emerged.

She was tall and had dark skin, she also had black silky hair and stunning blue eyes. If I had to describe her with only one word, a warrior would fit her best.

“Drat!” She cursed, sounding highly annoyed, a hand resting on a dagger she had in a sheath attached to her belt loops. “Kalob! Get over here! We may have a problem!”

A boy who looked about my age stepped out from behind a tree. He was lean and looked nimble. He was Hispanic and was stunningly gorgeous, like a movie star or model.

“Uhhhh…., “ Was all I could manage to say on my first try. I was shocked. I hadn’t expected meeting anyone else at all, let alone so quickly.

Clearing my throat and trying again, I said, “I'm Blaze,” carefully deciding I didn't want to tell them that I had no idea who I was, or where I was.

“So... Blaze, are you like the others I have come across? Do you know anything about your past or where we are right now?” The girl questioned me somehow picking up on my omission.

Man what would I give to not be tied up on the ground, then I could run-

Her expression was icy as if daring me to lie to her. I got the feeling if I made up stories, she would be so unhappy, the result of her rage would be terrifying.

“Well, you see….,” I started nervously, then cleared my throat and went on, “I don't know anything about my past or where we are right now, Is that a bad thing?”

“Just what I thought,” She muttered under her breath, “No Blaze it's not a bad thing.”

“Well that’s good,” I grinned.

She gave me a dangerous look before going on.

“As I was saying, it’s only fair that I tell you my name now that you've told me yours. My name is Zelda, and I, like you, don't know why I'm here or anything about my past either, I just know that we must be here for a reason. The others I’ve met in these woods have all chosen to fight me or run, thus my theory that we must form teams and ally with one another. So are we going to be friends…. Or foe?”

I was silent for a minute and the question hung in the air. Friend or foe?

“I want to be part of your team, so no, we are not enemies,” I said slowly, finalizing my decision.

Another bit of silence.

“Great, so time to set up camp for the night, right? Unless you want to freeze to death instead or get eaten by whatever lives out here,” Kalob laughed in a teasing way as he untied the bindings on my legs, breaking the awkward silence.

I was so relieved I laughed nervously, and for a bit too long-

Kalob stared at me, eyebrows raised.

Clearing my throat and becoming serious again and said, “Thanks.”

“No problem,” he laughed, “I see how it is Blaze.”

Kalob playfully swatted my shoulder.

I laughed along, happy to have such an awesome companion.

Looking in the direction of the cave, I noticed Zelda was already walking away and was showing me no sign of kindness, or even bothering to respond to the answer I had given her. I guessed that she was one of those tough people, the ones you have to work to earn a friendship with. Somewhere inside me knowing I was socially awkward I could only guess how bad this was going to go.

Great! Another WONDERFUL situation that I’m stuck in! I wonder how much better it could get here because it was already SO amazing!

I made a mental note to keep my sarcasm in check. I mean really- I wanted to make friends, and showing them how moody I was wasn't the way.

I quickly regained my composure.

“Setting up camp sounds a lot better,” I agreed, despite my annoyance at Zelda. But don’t get me wrong, I was grateful I wasn't alone anymore (Or tied up on the ground).

Getting up I walked with them to the cave to make camp for the night.


After the fire was made Zelda produced an enormous hunk of bloody meat from her pack, a very unappetizing sight.

“I thought we would eat this for dinner, we could use it for the journey tomorrow,” She announced, eyeing the meat hungrily as she spoke.

“No thanks, it's fine,” I said quickly while almost gagging, “I ate a deer a while ago and think I’ve had my fill for the night.”

I promptly stared at the fire, trying to seem transfixed by its beauty, just so I wouldn’t have to look at the meat. And no, I am not a wimp, it was just gross.

“Seems like someone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth,” Zelda snapped, “Don't complain when we don't stop for breakfast tomorrow and you’re hungry.”

Zelda continued to grumble, not sounding sorry for me before eventually asking, “Has anything interesting or weird happened to you since you’ve gotten here?”

The question seemed so out of the blue, and...well- odd.

She passed the meat to Kalob, then turned her gaze back to me.

Kalob was now ignoring our conversation and to my great surprise, had summoned fire to his hands and was grilling the meat. His gaze was fixated on it, and beads of sweat slipped down his face, obviously due to his unwavering concentration.

Realizing I was stalling I began to tell my story, “Well now that you mention it something did happen.”

Trying not to look at Kalob, I paused before speaking again while faintly tracing a weird symbol on the rock that was next to me. I could vividly remember the hunt from earlier today.

“I have no idea how it happened,” I said, at last, sighing, “but I spotted a deer and was hungry, so somehow I just morphed into a glowing blue wolf. It was quite helpful though, not to mention it made hunting so much easier.”

I nodded thoughtfully pausing before going on, then my expression darkened, “But that's the good stuff I remember otherwise it's all like a nightmare now.”

Just thinking about what had happened made my head hurt, it was too much to comprehend even a while after the event. I knew I was going to need to get used to my new life, strange powers, and concepts.

“That sounds cool,” Zelda teased, then became deadly serious, “Although I must admit something along the same line happened to me too. A savage bear came out of the woods, and let's just say when it spotted me it thought I looked like its next meal.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed, “Without even realizing it, I turned into a panther and took it down. Ate most of its meat but what I'm eating now is pretty much the only rest of the hunt,” she said, like reliving a bitter moment.

“While trying to kill the huge bear, I got this.”

Lifting one side of her jeans, she revealed a long deep gash in her calf.

Little footsteps echoed in the cave. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I jumped to my feet, frantically looking around. “What is that?!”

Then Luna came into view and jumped, putting her front paws on my leg and wined.

My breathing was still going fast, and my heartbeat was racing. Letting out a huge breath, I laughed.

“Oh my god! Luna! You scared me!”

Somehow, in recounting my story, I had left out the little dog. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten!

The two of them were now giving me funny looks. Kalob was the first to speak. “Did you bring your dog? You know, from wherever you come from?”

Realizing how it must have seemed to them I laughed again and explained.

“No! I forgot to say, after the hunt the bones from the deer morphed into something new. Meet Luna!!”

“You're saying-” Zelda began. But before she finished- surprise, something unfortunate happened. What's new?

A deep growling sound rose from behind us and all three of us, including me, slowly turned around to face the place it was coming from. A bear with glowing red eyes stared back into my eyes with an immeasurable hatred. Speaking of the devil, I mean really!

“I think... We should… run,” Said Zelda in a startled tone that I never thought a warrior like her would speak in. But we all have our moments, so I quickly empathized with her.

As I turned to bolt away, the bear pounced on top of Zelda, burying its huge knife-like claws into her arms. Torn between my new friend and escaping alive, I stood frozen to the spot.

“Go!” Her scream echoed through the bleak cave, the pain evident in her voice. More than anything in the world I didn't want to leave but I also didn't want to face my fear and fight the beast.

Kalob had been inching his way toward me and now was standing right next to me. He grabbed my arm and lunged out the mouth of the cave, towing me along, and so, Shocked, I did the only thing I could think of doing and ran with him.


As I ran, the reality of the situation began to hit me.

“No, no no no,” I sobbed. Once I had made a friend, I never forgot them and always deeply cared about them no matter what.

Although her tragic demise made me sad I was glad that at least she died with honor. She died with honor because she saved me and put my life before hers. I would mourn her forever.

“Hey, it's ok,” Said Kalob softly, “We’re safe now.”

I slowed down now to a walk and trudged through the forest heart heavy with sadness next to Kalob. The cold night air made all the past events of tonight even more daunting, or worse than before.

At last, I turned to him and said, “No, it's not ok because-,” I faltered, “She’s dead, nothing is ok. We watched her die! We couldn't save her!!”

My sadness was quickly turning to anger.

“Why didn’t you do anything?! How could you just run away and tow me along?!! We let her die!!! WE ARE MURDERERS!!”

“Calm down, you don’t understand!” yelled Kalob.

“Yeah? What don't I understand? You ran away and now she’s- now she’s,” I said through heavy tears.

“I was trying to say-,” Kalob began to explain.

“No! No saying anything!” I yelled.

That shut him up and we walked in grudging silence.

Just when I felt like I would never be happy again, there came a clearing in the woods. Walking closer to it, a homely light seemed to grow bigger and bigger on the mountain the clearing was on. When we made it to the top I saw a hut at the summit that looked inviting on such a cold night.

It was simple and modest, just a small log cabin with candles in the windows and a white welcome rug out front with a dog paw print.

Snow began to fall illuminated by the candlelight in an almost cozy way for such a cold and harsh element. I drank in the sight and warmth for a long while before I walked closer, mesmerized by the tiny hut, Kalob at my side the whole time, though I ignored him.

I walked silently up to the front porch and stood there in awe of all the homeliness that this one house held. As I stood I began to get cold though so I quickly remembered to knock on the door.

The door swung open and a blanket of hazy mist swept over me infused with the smell of vanilla. A soft comforting voice that could have been the voice of fate itself rang out putting me in a trance, like sleeping by a fire on a cold night but somehow I was wide awake at the same time, “Welcome Blaze and Kalob, you are finally here. Come in and relax, I have much to tell you.”

No matter how comforting the voice was, I still felt a tad bit suspicious.

“Who are you,” I wondered aloud, “I would love to come in, it's really cold outside, but I don't know, doesn't it seem a bit strange for me to walk into the home of someone I don't know?” As I waited for her reply the seconds felt like hours in the cold night air.

“Come on Blaze! I’m cold, can we just go in?” Complained Kalob rolling his eyes.

“Don't talk to me!” I yelled.

A light laugh that reminded me of a distant memory I couldn't quite get a grasp on met my ears. “Don't be alarmed, we are allies. I know you are suffering from not knowing why you're here. I can answer that simple question, but in time, all good things take time,” chuckled the lovely silky voice again, sounding even more inviting.

I don't know how or why but for some reason I felt safe so taking a deep breath, I walked in. A girl that looked about sixteen years old with white-blond hair and green eyes looked up at me from her deathbed. I could tell she was dying because every second the glow around her body got weaker and weaker. Two more reasons that were easy to spot were that as I stood before her she was slowly fading away and in her gut, she had a wound that was bleeding heavily.

“My name is Grace and as you might have guessed we don't have much time before I die,” she said sighing, looking at me with her eyes full of both misery and longing. “If I'm right your name is Blaze. This is true, correct?”

“Y-y-yes, I’m Blaze,” I stuttered badly, having trouble looking at her.

“Your name is Kalob, right young man?” she asked, turning her head slowly to face him.

“Yes, yes it is,” Kalob said in a polite whisper.

“Good, now let's get down to business,” she said matter of factly, “I used to be a goddess, an immortal goddess. Now that there are horrible things about this land and the whole civilization was wiped out about a month before today, we old gods and goddesses are fading.

The beasts and demons that live in this forest found a way to make a weapon that could kill my brothers and sisters as well as all the magical beings that used to inhabit this world.

You guys do not come from this world or any world close to here but one thing is for certain, where you came from you were outstanding warriors, with plenty of courage I'm guessing. Now that my siblings and I can no longer hold this dying world we choose you two and twenty-two others to be the new gods and goddesses of this world. Take warning though that twelve among the twenty-four warriors are not kind or friendly people. When the warriors from a far land came here twelve were destined to be evil and take the place of the twelve wicked gods and the other twelve were destined to make this place rise out of the dust if they held the power. You guys are, like the others, a crossbreed of sorts. Blaze, you are the son of Loki and Nyx and Kalob, you are the son of Thor and Isis. Be the warriors you are, and if you stay true to yourselves all may go well. But if not, well let's hope that doesn't happen. Farewell, familiar may your journey hold happiness but also important lessons of life.”

Now she was very transparent, and almost not even there.

30 seconds later she faded completely leaving me and Kalob to survive in this treacherous world.

Now that she was gone reflecting on what had happened I realized that as she had grown weaker I felt as if I was filling up with power or newfound energy. Now I looked down at my own hands and almost screamed. I was glowing blue just as I had been before I turned into a werewolf.

Slowly my muscles began to grow and I became even more buff than I had been before. On my back, I could feel the sheath holding my sword loosen as my sword floated into the air and out the door of the cabin. Looking around at the luxurious bedroom of Grace I took a deep breath and said, “I won't disappoint you,” and walked out the door.

“Wait!” shouted Kalob and ran after me, “I’m coming with you!”

The sun was rising- the night had gone by fast.

Finally, outside I saw my sword hovering here on the mountaintop. It slowly transformed from its dull silver color to look like it was made of the night sky pressed into precious metal.

Then Suddenly It crashed into the earth and became impaled in solid rock. Instinctually I walked forward and easily tugged the sword from the stone. A blinding flash from above my head occurred and a second later a glowing blue crystal crown was placed atop my head.

“Congratulations Blaze, from here on you are forever the king of this land, protect it and raise it out of the dust, remember you are always worth it,” Said the voice of grace somewhere skyward.

Even though I wanted to believe she was still alive I knew inside my very soul that she was dead and gone. Then the crown faded as if it was made of light, yet I knew it was always there whether invisible or not.

A howl pierced the air behind me, turning my blood as cold as ice.

Now I was being hunted, that was clear, like the deer I had killed earlier. The mere thought turned my blood to ice- my proudness evaporating and being replaced by fear.

I turned around and there it was a giant wolf. Drool dripped from its mouth at least twenty feet up creating a small river that ran down the mountain creating a new slick stream.

“I know who he is,” Gasped Kalob, “That's Fenrir! The giant among wolves, even a threat to the gods!”

“Geez! You're talking like that thing is a person, it’s ugly! I suppose it’s some kind of a test right?” I asked, frantic and gasping for breath.

“Yeah,” agreed Kalob is a mere whisper, “Looks like a test to me.”

Kalob seemed beyond trying to breathe, he sounded like he was trying to make it off the one small breath stuck in his throat. In our ways, we were both petrified.

Remembering my duty to protect the land and holding the sword with slightly more courage, I said, “We’d need an army to defeat that thing.”

As if on command my sword glowed so intensely I yelped in pain, shielding my eyes.

Then it stopped.

Slowly shadows peeled from trees, rocks, and everything with a shadow and began to form into shadow people holding swords made from pure shadow as well. There were twelve in all who then turned their heads to look at me as if waiting for something-

Then it hit me, they needed my command to fight. Surprised that Fenrir had stayed still this whole time, I quickly ordered the army to attack in case that changed. As soon as I gave the order Fenrir lunged right into battle along with my comrades.

I stayed back for a couple of minutes and let the shadows battle but it seemed to send the wrong signal to the shadow warriors. One by one they came and stood at attention in front of me. It was clear now that I would have to fight with them.

“What are you waiting for stupid?!” called Kalob amongst the din and chaos, “You have to fight!”

I desperately tried to better grip on my new weapon, then charged head-on into battle with what little courage I could muster. Fenrir made an attempt to squish me under an enormous paw but one of my shadow warriors shoved me out of the way, gave me a last salute, and was dissolved.

Now inches away from the giant wolf's enormous hairy paw I stabbed my sword down to the hilt. Glittery red blood rushed from the wound and Fenrir howled in pain, then kicked his paw up, trying to dislodge me and I flew from the paw onto hard rock.


Now was no time to give up.


About a hundred yards away, Kalob was being squished by my Fenrir's giant front paw. Sweat beaded his face from his effort, not to blackout and give up. “Blaze! Help!” he rasped with the little breath he had.

Groaning in pain from the impact of slamming into a rock I tried to convince myself to get up. Breathing hard I got to my feet because I, Blaze, was not and would never be a quitter.

“I’m coming!” I yelled. I began to run, my head throbbing painfully with every step I took and now I too was struggling not to blackout.

My legs gave out. Kalob was only fifty feet away but I lay shaken and tense on the ground, unable to move forward.

“I’m sorry,” I cried softly, “I can't do it.”

I was a quitter. I had failed one of my first friends because I didn't have the strength to just do what was needed.

“It’s ok Blaze, it's not your fault,” Kalob said in a pained whisper and forced a smile. Then he blacked out.

“No,” I said in a barely audible whisper, but it was no use. I couldn't move from my spot on the ground. Then Fenrir Put his other paw down on me, with much effort I stabbed him meekly with my sword. Fenrir yipped and withdrew his paw from me leaving a huge deep cut down my bicep and I fainted from the sheer pain.


“Blaze!” shouted a familiar voice. Could it be….Zelda?

“Zelda?” I said in a weak voice but filled with hope. I opened my eyes. Even though the girl staring down at me looked like Zelda, I was skeptical because I truly believed she had died in the cave with the bear.

I must be dreaming- I must still be unconscious from my injury, I thought.

“Yes, of course, it's me you idiot, we’re immortal haven't you figured that out yet?” she snapped. Just the sight of her caused me to have butterflies in my stomach.

Her image was blurred and my head was swimming- yet she couldn’t have been more beautiful.

“Well yeah actually,” I mumbled, closing my eyes, feeling very humiliated.

“Oh really Mr.Buff guy?” she said with a slight sparkle in her eye. For some reason, I couldn't respond.

When I tried to speak, the only thing that came out was “ymeahs,” but what I tried to say was somewhere between yeah and yes.

I knew I wasn’t dreaming now because in my dreams I always got things right. I never in a million years would have embarrassed myself like that.

I started to try and get up but Zelda ran to me and forced me to lay down again. I was dizzy and seeing double. Her voice was also slightly muffled.

“No, you can't move right now, you're not in a state where you can stand. I have to find a way to heal you,” she smiled sadly, “Not like you deserve it or anything, but now I have to go and find you something to eat. You could use it.”

She rolled her eyes, got up, and walked away.

As she walked away from the hut she shook her head in a disbelieving way. For a second I thought she might be warming up to me but after she gave me the smile she turned icy again going back to the normal way she treated me and the last sentence she spoke to me was cold and made me feel bad. What had I done to her to deserve this treatment? Or to not deserve healing? But I had to keep hoping that she would warm up to me, she had too right?

“Hey,” said Kalob, walking over to me, apparently in better shape than I was, “You know I was trying to tell you we were immortal before, I knew Zelda wasn't dead.”

“I’m still mad at you,” I snapped.

“Oh yeah,” he laughed, “Sure you are.”

“It’s not funny,” I protested weakly.

“As funny as it is, you have a little visitor that's been missing you.”

My face was being licked, I opened my eyes.

“Luna!” I shouted, “Thank goodness you’re ok.”

I hugged the small dog to my chest while laying down and began to cry. “I’m so sorry I left you behind in that horrid cave, I love you so much, don't ever scare me like that again.”

“I think you have something to say to me,” said Kalob and gestured to me to do something.

“I don't have anything to say to you,” I sniffed.

“I think you mean to say-,” He started.

“I was Joking man! I’m sorry I was a jerk, please forgive me,” I said laughing but then got serious because I needed a good friend as much as I needed to be a good friend.

“Thanks for apologizing, It’s cool we're ok now so no need to worry.”

“Does it look like I’m worrying,” I snorted?

“Whatever Blaze,” said Kalob, laughing and swatting my arm.

I could tell we were going to be good friends.


Zelda returned after about an hour, all the time she was gone me and Kalob talked. I learned Kalob was a son of Thor and Isis and that he missed them terribly. He said he remembered bits and pieces of his old life like what Isis used to cook and what sort of things made Thor moody.

When Zelda came she sniffed, displeased to see that I and Kalob were getting on so well. “I see you two have been having the time of your lives here,” she remarked stiffly.

“Can’t you be a little nicer,” complained Kalob, “You're kind of ruining the mood.”

“Says the one who didn’t have to go hunting and find some medicine for Blaze and get us something to drink as well!” snapped Zelda.

“Girls,” Kalob whispered to me, rolling his eyes sarcastically, at which I broke out in laughter.

“You guys are so rude,” sighed Zelda, “Next time I’ll let you guys hunt for yourselves and heal your injuries.”

Then she bent down to inspect my bicep and opened a small jar filled with a red rub.

“What’s that?” I asked, trying to hide my panic.

“Something you need,” replied Zelda.

“I mean what is it?” I asked.

“Just something to help your bicep and that's all you need to know,” Zelda said, now annoyed.

“It was just a question,” I mumbled.

Zelda ignored me and began to rub the salve on my wound. I flinched, my eyes watering.

“Stay still please,” murmured Zelda unconsciously.

Slowly the pain faded leaving my bicep feeling brand new and stronger than before. Looking down I was shocked to see that my cut was gone without even a trace of a scar.

“Thank you,” I said quietly, “I’m so sorry I was rude to you.”

“Took you long enough,” snorted Zelda, but then she softened, “But thank you.”

“Well, it's the least I could say to someone who helped me as much as you just did,” I said gratefully.

“Come on let's go, we have to find a good place to set up camp,” she said motioning for Kalob and me to follow her in a direction that I had never been before. But before we could go, a TV screen appeared in front of our possy of three.

On it, a silhouetted figure of a man with a sunset behind him was being broadcasted.

to be continued
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