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Rated: GC · Short Story · Comedy · #2263441
In which part, things get a little steamier.
In fact a moment or two later, the car glided to a smooth stop. They were outside a brightly lit, palatial looking house. Ella hugged Caspar as the doors flipped open.

“Out you get Sweetie. We have lots to do.” Commanded Rowan.

Ella quickly got out, still holding the kitten tightly. Miss Moone held out her hand, and Ella found herself taking it, and being led up the stairs to the front door, which was already open. A grey haired rather stately lady, in what looked like a butler's clothes, stood ramrod straight by the entrance.

“Good evening Miss Rowan.” she murmured,

“Good evening Jayne.” Rowan Moone's greeting was warm and friendly. Jayne gave a respectful nod, and glancing at Ella, she smiled.

At that moment there was a burst of frantic yapping, as three small dogs rushed into the hall. Caspar dug his claws into Ella in fright.

“Hello my darlings. Now, now. Dmitri, Ivan, Alexi, do be quiet, you're frightening the kitty.”

The dogs were instantly silent, and sat looking adoringly at Rowan, their tails whisking back and forth enthusiastically.

“Good dogs. Now this is Caspar,” Rowan plucked Caspar from Cinderella and set him down in front of the trio. “and you had better be nice to him.”

The little dogs each came forwards and sniffed Caspar's nose, tails still wagging. Caspar looked surprised, but stood his ground. Suddenly, they were all friends it seemed.

Turning to Ella, Miss Moone said,

“They'll be alright now, so lets get started on you Little Birdie. I believe I mentioned a shower.”

Taking Ella's hand unresisting hand, she lead the way up the stairs and along a corridor to a bathroom. (Well, I call it a bathroom. It had arches, a large pool with running water and a fountain, surrounded by lots of greenery. Actually there were lots of plants about. There were also several baths tucked here and there, and not a few showers. Miss Rowan Moone liked things on a grand scale, as you probably gathered.)

Leading Ella over to an open tiled area, which boasted a shower head as large as a dinner plate, Rowan turned suddenly and ordered,

“Clothes off now Ella.”

Startled, Ella looked around, anyone could see her if she undressed.

“Oh dear. Alright as you are new I will explain, but just this once. When I tell you to do something Ella, I expect you to do it, straight away. I don't expect any hesitation, and certainly no arguments. Understand? Good, now we don't have a a lot of time, so clothes off now please.”

Ella felt her heart hammering as she put Caspar down, and began to strip off. It wasn't just from embarrassment. She was surprised to realise that though she was used to taking orders all day long from her step mother, from her step sisters and even from Ethelberta, that when Miss Moone gave her an order, she had felt a thrill of excitement in the very center of her being.

Rowan watched her with satisfaction, as Ella's slim body was revealed. I expect you'd like to know what she looked like wouldn't you. Ella's hair is long and chestnut brown, and reaches the small of her back. She has liquid brown eyes, wide set under her fringe. Her mouth is also wide and smiles more often than you'd imagine given the life she has lead up till now. She has a delicate chin, prominent cheeks and a nicely shaped, straight nose.

Miss Moone had meanwhile scooped up Caspar, and carried a short distance to a door, which opened into an atrium, filled with yet more plants, (Miss Moone has a thing for greenery).

“Now then young tom, make yourself useful and go get me three mice. Intact and unmolested mind! I do not want any accidental tooth or claw marks, do I make myself clear?”

Caspar gave her a look that clearly said perish the thought, and shot off into the atrium.

Ella meanwhile had finished and was standing naked and nervous next to the shower. Rowan Moone looked Ella up and down and smiled brightly. Then she pressed a few buttons on a nearby panel, that would not have looked out of place on an episode of Star Trek. The shower burst into life.

“In you hop little Birdie.” Miss Moone seemed to like the pet name she had assigned Ella.

Ella stepped under the shower and gasped as the hot water stung her skin. But the water was not scaldingly so, and after the initial surprise Ella found the shower was perfect. Miss Moone looked admiringly at the younger woman's body, and muttered to herself,

“Aw! What the hell.”

Taking her wand, she spun it around herself, and in a moment was quite naked. Ella's eyes widened as she took in Miss Moone's curves, proud nipples and dark full but neatly trimmed pubic bush.

Miss Moone meanwhile had given her wand a little flick in the direction of the shower radio. It immediately burst into life.

I made it through the wilderness. Somehow I made it through.

Miss Moone frowned a moment and then laughed out loud.

“Oh you naughty thing. And I am quite sure that there is no 'like' about it.”

Ella was momentarily distracted by the radio. Suddenly recognising the song, and realising the import of Miss Moone's comment, she felt herself flushing, as her whole body seemed to blush. She wished fervently that the radio would change its tune. Abruptly, it did. Clarinet joined strings, in the unmistakeable introduction to Paul Dumas' The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

“Not bad.” Said Rowan Moone as she stepped into the shower and reached for a bottle of shower gel.

“Not bad at all Ella”

Squirting a handful of strawberry scented gel into her hand she began to lather up Ella's breasts and tummy. Ella gasped in surprise, and pleasure.

“and almost spot on.” she added, but Ella wasn't listening, as Miss Moone's hands and fingers began to weave a magic of their own on her very responsive body. Ella's nipples were expertly teased and toyed into expectant erection. She closed her eyes as Miss Moone turned her around and washed her back and bottom, giving a small yelp of surprise as she received a playful swat.

“Play something pleasant.” Miss Moone instructed the radio. Its response was to play Je t'aime... moi non plus. Raising her eyes heavenward, Miss Moone muttered,

“You're incorrigible.” and turned her full attention to Ella.

Ella meanwhile was fervently wishing that Miss Moone's fingers would touch her there. Fortunately for her, that was Miss Moone's desire too. Soon Ella's knees were buckled slightly, as she felt everything focus into a singularity of pleasure. She pressed urgently against Miss Moone's fingers, helplessly surrendered to their unique magic.

Leaning close Rowan Moone said quietly,

“Since its your first time, I'll let you off, but next time you have to ask. Understand?”

Ella did.

“Yes Miss Moone.” She replied breathlessly, knowing that with the way Miss Moone was stroking her swollen clit, it wouldn't be long at all before she was begging to be allowed to cum.

“Good girl.”

Ella left the shower after three excited and increasingly desperate pleadings and one period of very urgent begging. Her body was radiant and her excited face was full of adoration for Miss Moone. She should have been exhausted, but somehow she felt charged up instead.

Rowan Moone was very happy. She thought that Ella had made a very encouraging start as her apprentice. The fact that she was naturally submissive was just icing on the cake. But now she had to get moving.

Passing Ella a huge bath sheet to wrap around her, Miss Moone gave a wave of her hand and was dressed in a white lace blouse, sleeveless and low cut. Over this she wore a black jacket and matching pants. Her hair was quite dry, and curled in a neat bun, and on her nose were perched a pair of gold framed spectacles. She looked like the leading soprano in a church choir.

Ella gave a mischievous little smile and looked hard at the radio.

Captured effortlessly, That's the way it was...

Miss Moone tilted her head slightly, clearly listening.

“That is so sweet, you clever little Little Birdie.”

She kissed Ella's cheek.

“Now lets get you dressed, and then we'll sort out your hair.”

Rubbing her chin thoughtfully, Rowan then clicked her fingers together. Her wand appeared in her hand, and she waved it in Ella's direction. Pleasingly it produced one of those bright wriggles of light, such as a child might make with a sparkler on bonfire night.

Ella expressed an involuntary gasp, as she felt herself suddenly dressed. The sensation of clothes being very quickly put on, was unmistakeable and unexpected. Shrugging off the towel she looked down. She was wearing a strapless little black dress and matching sandals. As she looked up Miss Rowan stepped forwards and put a lace choker around her neck,and fastened it.

“Just a finishing touch.” Miss Rowan smiled, “Shows you're mine.”

Before Ella had a chance to digest that Rowan had turned and was walking across to the door.

“Now let's see what the cat's dragged in.”

As the door was opened Caspar slipped back in. Amazingly he managed to convey how pleased he was with himself, despite his mouth dangling the tails of three small mice. He placed them at Miss Rowan's feet. Ella was surprised that somehow the three mice seemed bored, not in the least scared.

“Very good pussy boy. Now let's see what we can do about Ella's hair.”

(Do bear with me as I explain that last remark!)

With that she took her wand and waved it over Caspar. With a shower of sparks, (such effects are de rigueur for fairy wands by the way, Walt Disney knew his stuff), Caspar changed into a slim young man with beautiful ebony skin and a huge grin. Which faded as he looked down at himself.

“You changed me into a hair dresser?” He exclaimed in a camp voice. Looking puzzled at the sound then indignant, “A gay hairdresser? Of all the things you could change me into you picked a gay hairdresser!!”

“Oh hush.” Miss Moone commanded, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, or great with hair. Ella's hair needs styling and we don't have time to make an appointment. You'll find all you need through here, so get busy.”

Caspar opened his mouth to protest, saw the look on Miss Moone's face, which was a cocked on one side “go ahead, I dare you” look, and closed it.

"And if you are a really good boy, I may change you into someone even more interesting later."

Ella followed as they went into a part of the huge room that was quite obviously a salon. She sat down and looked at herself in the mirror, and was surprised to see herself wink and smile. As she turned her head to comment on this Caspar instructed her to face forwards and keep still. Thankfully the mirror behaved itself as he got busy.

Miss Moone smiled at them both, then disappeared for a while. When she returned Caspar had just finished. The new style was much shorter and a style that seemed softly spiked. Ella decided she liked it, Miss Moone thought she looked adorable.

“Very nice Ella. Caspar, well done.”

She looked at her watch. “We need to get going.” With a wave of her wand Caspar was a kitten again. Another wave and Ella suddenly was wearing expertly applied make up, the sort that makes you look like you aren't wearing any, whilst emphasising how nice your lips are and that your eyes are bewitchingly beautiful.

“Come along she said.”

Ella scooped up Caspar and hurried after Miss Moone, who paused and picked up the three mice. Popping them into a small box she turned and handed it to Ella.

“Darlings. Come on.” Miss Moone shouted, and three small dogs raced out to follow her.

Before she knew it Ella was being bundled into a car, this time an old and very well kept Jaguar. The dogs piled in with her and she had Caspar and the mice on either side of her.

“And off we jolly well.” said Miss Rowan Moone.

Word Count: 2,062.
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