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by Tslar
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2237581
A shrunken people vore story, a shrunken school student is being eaten by a teacher.

World of Shrunks - Coffee flavored

By Tslar


This is a shrunken people vore story. In this story, a shrunken school student is being eaten by a teacher.

Pleas notice: In this story, the shrunken person is younger than 16, however THERE IS NOT ANYTHING RELATED TO SEX OR ANY SEXUAL CONTENT in this story. Apart from the Vore point of view, for anyone who doesn't know what vore is, the story is nothing but a horror story, not containing any sexual content. It contains mild cruelty and humiliation, but not in a sexual orientation.

Contains: Vore, shrunken people, teacher, school, swallow whole, digestion, coffee, food.


Not everyone, or every Norm to be precise, were comfortable with the new situation. Sure, shrunken people were not considered as humans anymore, and among other uses, their main use was to be food. Tinies could be purchased and eaten almost everywhere, from restaurants, to groceries stores, to food stalls and what not. Usually, unless cooked and embedded with some other food items, the Tinies were served naked and alive, that was the most enjoyable way of eating them.

However, the situation got a bit complicated when there was no age limit for when people could find themselves being shrunk. Only deliberate shrinkage was allowed to be applied for people at least 18 years old, but natural reasons like genetic or viral shrinking could happen to almost anyone at any given time. When a boy or a girl under the age of 16 were shrunk, their fate could be decided by their family if they were to be shrunk at home, or be collected by some shrunken people collection service. The latter was more problematic, because it meant that the young shrunken person would most likely end naked somewhere, waiting for someone Norm to buy and eat them.

Although their value and legal status were as same as bugs, the resemblance for Norms as well as their actual origin, the situation of finding them naked in clear plastic bags right there on the store's shelf didn't sat well in the mind of some Norms. First, their own Norm kids could see them, which led to some awkward situations. Second, some Norms didn't feel right to have minors, or even adults, standing there naked, even if they were only Tinies and not actual Norm people. The food industries came with a brilliant solution for this inconvenient situation.

If the tinies were stripped out of all of their cloths in sorting factories, because cloths were not edible, why not manufacture some edible cloths, or a least some coverage? The Norms who buy the Tinies to eat can then decide whether they want to strip their food naked in a same matter when pealing an apple, or they would just eat them as they are with the edible cloths. Furthermore, if already bothering making edible cloths, why not make them flavored?


It happened on the middle of the school day. It was a boring literature class, and the squeaky teacher's voice did not make it any easier. Trying to act as if paying attention, I noticed that my pencil felt somehow larger in my hand. I lifted it up in front of my eyes and became dizzy. Few seconds of my head spinning later, the entire class looked huge and I was sitting in the middle of my chair, which looked to me at the size of a room. Immediately hysterical laughter could be heard as other students pointed at me laughing and mocking.

Mrs. Brown, the literature teacher rushed over to my desk. Quickly, before any other student will have a nasty idea of what to do with me, she picked me up and brought me in front of her huge face. Mrs. Brown is one of the teachers that I don't like. Not only she teaches that boring stuff in literature, but she also has a loud squeaky voice that make it hard to ignore her and daydream. Every now and then she scolds me for not paying attention or gives me low grades for my ill prepared homework. She has a long dyed blonde hair, with dark brown spots near the roots. I don't know her age, but she's older than mom's age but younger than grandma's. She likes to use some dark red lipstick and that black line around her eyes.

The teacher examined me for a second, confirming who I am, and walked back to her desk in the front of the classroom. Without wasting any time, Mrs. Brown put me inside an inner chamber of her purse, and zipped it closed. I heard her muffled squeaky voice continue the lesson.

I was afraid. I knew what Tinies are, and what usually happened to them. The thought of being eaten scared me senseless. Why did Mrs. Brown put me in her purse? Did she shrink me as sort of punishment? Is she gonna return me to my parents? I'm sure they'll take care of me. I hope she doesn't leave me for herself, I'd hate to become her food. Tears starts to drip down my face, maybe I should have had more respect for this class, I'm terrified now.


"Hey Angela, how was your morning period?" I heard the muffled voice of Mrs. Cole, my math teacher. They must be sitting together in lunch break.

"Not bad, I got one Tiny who shrunk during a lesson."

"Nice, I got two shrunks earlier this week, a boy and a girl. The boy I sent to the authorities as needed, but the girl I've managed to sneak out and take home for myself. That little brat gave me a lot of trouble throughout the year, she was delicious hehe."

"Hmm nice! The one I got this morning is a one that I'm dying to take to myself and eat too, but too many students were witness so I have to make a formal handover."

The conversation between the two teachers only made me scared even more. But who knows, my parents can still find me that way and save me, there is still hope.


"Hey there Tiny!" Mrs. Brown picked me out of the purse and started talking to me. Judging by the sound of bells ringing, it was the end of the day.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but you have been shrunk by natural cause on school's premises. I'm obligated by law to collect you, document, and hand you over the council's Shrunken People Collection Services. Shame, I really wanted to have you for myself, I bet you would taste great in a BLTT (bacon, lettuce, Tiny, tomato) sandwich! Oh well, I guess someone else would enjoy your taste." When she spoke, a small gust of her warm breath washed on me, it didn't smell pleasant.

Mrs. Brown spotted the miniature tears in my face and smiled. She put me in a small, capped plastic container, and put a label on it. She proceeded to type my details into the computer in the teacher's office. On the way back to her home, she stopped at a Shrunken People Depository ant threw my small container in without saying a word. I'm terrified, I want to go home.


I don't remember all of the process that happened next, probably I was out of conscious for most of the time. All I know is that I went through some sort of factory, like literally into the processing line. I emerged from the other side covered and wrapped in some tight blanket from my thighs and up to my chest line, tying my hands to shut to my sides. Strong strange smells of burned sugar and coffee filled the air. Before long, my entire body was wrapped with some sort of metallic foil, and it all went dark, I am alone. From then on, all I could feel was movement, as my package was moved around, and hear the muffled noises around me.

I don't know how long it took, but eventually I had a feeling that I'm laying on a shelf in some store or something. I can't know for sure, all I hear is people talking around, and some random store music. From time to time I feel movement, as if hands are coming to pick one or several packs from the shelf I'm on. I hear people saying things like "Hmm, these are delicious!" or "Look, those ones are on sale!". Couple of times a hand picked me, I heard a unsatisfied "Hmm.." before I was thrown back down. On one hand, I don't want to be picked by someone who'll eat me. On the other hand, I don't want to stay and rot in my dark prison either.

A familiar voice is close to me. Is this my aunt? If she buys me, there's a chance she might recognize me and save me! Maybe I'm being too nae, because she likes eating Tinies very much, but this is still my best chance. I feel giant fingers on my side, but it seems like she picked the one right next to me. I try to cry and find out that I can't. The next Norm to come finally picked me. All I felt was movement and being thrown from here to there.


Strong light is blinding my eyes. I feel chilled air rushing all over me. My small package has been opened. I feel the pressure of two hands holding me, but still can't see much in my blurred vision.

"Is that? No... it can't be... HA! It is you! what are the coincidences?"

I know that voice, that squeakiness. I blink my eyes several times, I know that hair... Ho no! please no!

"Oh my god! I cannot believe it is actually you! Out of all the flavored Tinies in the store, I'm picking the one who shrunk in my class two weeks ago! Well, I guess that having you in a BLTT sandwich is no longer an option now that you are a coffee flavored Tiny treat. Some days at school I desperately need something to pick me up, specially after lunch, and I don't always have the time to make and drink a decant cup of coffee. You guys, coffee flavored Tinies is exactly what I need!"

I remember back when I was norm, sitting in the Livingroom with my parent's watching TV. I didn't like watching news so much, but some commercials were funny. Now that Mrs. Brown mentioned it, I do remember the commercial showing a woman in business suit inserting a shrunken man wrapped in some brown sheet, similar to the one I'm wearing, into her mouth. the advert narrator then said "Coffee Tinies! Will blow your mind!" and the woman closing her mouth, widening her eyes in delight. I never understood it, coffee was that bitter thing with strange smell that somehow only grown ups liked. I hated it.

Without any delay, Mrs. Brown brought me close to her lips and spoke. "Bye little one! Enjoy my lunch!". Her dark red lips parted, and her pink wet tongue came out a bit. Strands of saliva run in her mouth from top to bottom. Her stale warm breath rushed all over me. My face and entire front side came in contact with her salivating tongue, as she placed me on it. Being candy sized, her tongue surface was bigger than my whole body. The tongue pulled me inside and her lips shut behind me, leaving me in wet stinky darkness.

Immediately with coming to contact with so much saliva, my flavoring wrap reacted and a highly strong smell of coffee filled the air of Mrs. Brown's mouth. Trying heard to breath and stay alive, I unintentionally tasted and swallowed her coffee flavored saliva. It tasted awful and reeked badly. Her saliva sipped through my flavored cover, but it still stood in place. The effect was that I felt the wetness and stickiness of her disgusting saliva all over me, but felt her tongue only on my head and lower legs as she sloshed me around.

Mrs. Brown took a moment to slosh me around and savor the taste, both the coffee and my own. I heard a loud GULP and realized that the last one wasn't just a slosh around, and that she swallowed me down. I slide face down through her esophagus and held for few seconds by some fleshy thing.

That fleshy thing opened, and I plumped down into her stomach. First, I noticed the strong fouls smells. The chamber reeked of vomit and rotten food, something with vegetables, maybe salad, maybe some chicken, and coffee. Then, I was drenched I a pool of digestive juices as well as the remains of Mrs. Brown's lunch. The slippery curvy walls were constantly moving, making sure to slosh all the food inside, preparing it for digestion.

Again, trying as hard as I can to breath and stay alive, I accidently swallowed some of the disgusting mush. The stomach acids felt tingling on mu skin, and burning on my sensitive parts like eyes, mouth, ears, and nose. Having involuntary swallowing Mrs. Brown's chewed and mushed lunch together with her stomach acids, made my insides burn as well. I heard loud gulping noises, and some liquid sloshed all over me. I couldn't tell for sure what Mrs. Brown drank on me, because the mixture of disgusting smells and tastes was too strong.

Before long, I couldn't help but succumb to Mrs. Brown's stomach, and drowned in the mixture of digestive juices and food. Died by one of my most hated teachers, solely to the purpose of giving her something little to replace her coffee. By the next time she ate Tinies as part of her dinner, I was long dead and gone somewhere in her intestines.

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