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Barely surviving a giant Pantheon, Talon's situation gets worse... (Giant/tiny fetish) |
God of War - Part 2: The digit was simply too wide for Talon to ever run out of its way, and there was no way he was going to outrun it. Even at his slow perception of time the approaching steamroller of a finger was simply too massive to even conceive avoiding it. With only one option left, Talon struggled against the last remnants of sweat binding him to musky scrotum of Pantheon. As the God of Destruction that was Pantheon's nail came closer his struggles became more and more desperate, until the slightest shift of Pantheon's ball allowed the last strand of sweat to break, leaving Talon to begin free-falling towards the ground. As Talon began his descent, he looked around for anything to land on. All he could see for miles was the hard tile of the shower floor, where landing would turn him into a tiny, bloody stain right before he was washed away with the flow from the showers. All around him the titanic God Pantheon finished itching, and Talon looked on in horror as Pantheon's slow movements continued as he grabbed two massive objects in his hands, which just seconds ago had threatened to end his existence. A meteor appeared, falling from the sky onto the ground, it was a yellow object that seemed to contain many holes in it. Talon was reminded of the sweat pores he saw on Pantheon, but these holes were much larger and Talon could probably live in a single one of the holes. Talon realised what he was staring at, an ordinary sponge that Pantheon carelessly dropped to the floor. With 30 seconds till he hit the floor, Talon knew what he had to do. Angling himself towards the mountain sized cleaning instrument, Talon closed his eyes five seconds before landing and braced himself. He felt himself slam into the sponge and thanked the Gods that he had relentlessly practiced how to handle falls before. He felt all the air leave his body as he ended his fall face first in the sponge. Looking up he opened his eyes to find himself lying in one of the many holes in the sponge. All around him walls that were 10ft high made of light spongy material surrounded him. He needed to get out of this sponge right now, before Pantheon inevitably began to scrub himself down. Talon tried to scramble up the walls of the sponge, he was a master assassin, he had climbed tougher walls before, this was nothing! But four feet up he put too much weight on his dislocated arm and groaned in pain as he lost his grip, letting out a yelp as he fell off the wall and back into the sponge surface. As he landed on the floor a sharp pain struck his foot and he looked at it to find he had twisted his ankle. He was in no condition to climb! Talon was never one to panic, his "career" if one could call it that often lead him to spend most of his times behind enemy lines, where a single mistake could lead to him being captured and tortured. Over time he steeled himself, strength is power in Noxus after all and Talon was the strongest person he knew. But now as he looked up to see this immense being - this God standing at full height he knew that any delusions he had of him having any control over this situation was gone. This God, who was so tall that Talon couldn't even see his helmet as it was simply too high, would decide his fate, and would do so without even knowing of Talon's existence. With a single flex of his muscles, the Deity turned on the shower. A massive BOOM sounded as oceans of water poured out of the single shower head. Talon watched as the God wet the soap bar and by lifting his foot up, the shower began. Talon saw the soap bar be rubbed forward and backwards through Pantheon's toes, a lather forming up as the friction increased. Talon watched as Pantheon's muscles flexed, biceps curled as the soap bar was rubbed across his body, abs flexed as Pantheon reached around and pecs were on display as Pantheon leaned to gain leverage. The very definition of masculinity loomed over him, and Talon could not help but be reminded of various dancers, putting on a show for their audience, but this was no dance. Talon was just some speck, something less than a bug that gazed upon this omnipotent being who could crush him and not care in the slightest. Even now the specks of dirt Pantheon washed off him had more value than Talon, at least Pantheon acknowledged their existence and took steps to remove them, Talon would likely die to Pantheon and never be found. Perhaps his speck of a body would stay stuck on Pantheon until his next shower, before it was washed away and sunk into the sewers. A horrific noise emerged from all around Talon, an almost chanting like noise that was so deep it caused almost unnoticeable vibrations around Talon. The noise was so loud Talon had to clutch his ears to try and quieten it. Talon had no idea what this horrific noise that had such an effect on him was, and would be embarrassed had he realised it was simply Pantheon quietly humming under his breath. Talon knew he should be trying to escape but at this point with a dislocated shoulder and twisted ankle, he knew any further attempts would only hurt him further, better to bide his time. Talon realised at this point there was no point in trying to contact Pantheon, he was simply too small and Pantheon would never notice a miniscule being such as him. No, better to escape and find somewhere safe to hide until the potion's effects wore off. With a SLAM Talon regained his focus and looked up to see the soap bar had been dropped onto the floor. Looking back to the God, Talon saw Pantheon staring directly at him! Hope blossomed in his chest, and as Pantheon's hand reached down making a direct course for him. Never had Pantheon looked more like a God than now, crouched down with muscles flexed, water running down his bare chest highlighting his contours and tanned skin, his very "masculinity" looming over this tiny speck, with Pantheon's very "spear" now being skyscraper sized to the millimetre Talon. But Pantheon's hand did not move to pick up Talon. Darkness covered Talon as Pantheon's hand grasped all around him. Suddenly he felt himself lifted upwards at great speed. For Talon miles of distance were covered in a mere three seconds as Pantheon lifted the sponge up. It was at this point Talon realised that Pantheon had not seen him, but had seen merely the sponge. Suddenly Talon was swimming, as Pantheon held the sponge under the shower head, Talon was completely soaked and struggled to breathe as literally a sea's worth of ocean from his perspective was dumped all around him. After a terrifying ten seconds Talon was pulled away and he gasped for breath. Out of nowhere the walls closed in, and Talon felt an agonising burst of pressure forced onto him. Had it not been for the fact he was surrounded by soft walls that contained many air pockets he would have been a small stain on the inside of the sponge. As Pantheon squeezed excess water out of the sponge Talon struggled to tell which way was up as the sponge was twisted and turned. Once again a rapid movement occurred and Talon was flung downwards (at least where he thought down was), opening his eyes Talon saw an approaching wall of flesh, it took him seconds to recognise the surface of Pantheon's sole, his previous captor and a being with immense power that had nearly killed him twice. With suds and lather covering it, Talon realised his position far too late to even let out a scream as he was pressed into the musky flesh of Pantheon's foot. Talon lets out a yelp as the sponge with him on is roughly rubbed into the foot, Talon is scrubbed between the toes, small pieces of lint that are full-sized people to Talon are smushed and washed away by the sponge. Talon can't help but shudder, just over ten minutes ago he was exactly where the lint was now, it could have been him being crushed and washed away. Rough patches of calluses cover parts of Pantheon's feet, showing just how much use his feet had seen. The sponge was rubbed very attentively onto these parts, and as far back as Talon tried to lean rough patches of skin scratched him, giving him scratches from where direct contact was made. After Pantheon was done with the feet, he moved onto the legs. Once again Talon was dunked under the shower head, but by then he had expected it and emerged unscathed except for a few splutters. Talon was scrubbed all over Pantheon's calves and knees, feeling the sheer mass of muscle he was rubbed onto, Pantheon moved his legs to get a better angle and Talon could feel the muscle contort around him, the warm flesh almost embracing him as they shifted. When Talon was scrubbed against the Deity's inner thighs, he could immediately smell a strong, potent smell which he had already encountered far too often today, musk was wiped off from Pantheon's body and instead coated Talon. Unbeknownst to Pantheon, he was marking Talon with his musk, designating him as his property. As Talon was moved upwards, he looked on in horror as he approached Pantheon's most sensitive body part and the very statement of his masculinity, Pantheon's spear flew towards him. The sponge was delicately wiped along Pantheon's dick, if the scent of musk was strong before it was overwhelming now, Talon could barely breathe due to the extremely strong odour. Talon was forced to press against the appendage, shuddering as it made contact with him. He couldn't help but compare this massive serpent to that Baron Nashor, though at his current size Pantheons "Spear" was triple the size of the Baron and unlike on the Rift, if this monster killed him there would be no second chances. Talon could feel Pantheon's thumb right behind him and he let out a shout as the head of the beast approached, he shuddered as he was pressed right into the slit, a horrible slime that Talon could only guess the contents of. The gentle ministrations on the head caused blood to rush to the area, Talon gasped as the beast seemingly rose as if from a deep sleep, looking for the tiny speck that dared disturb it. Luckily the sponge pulled away and after another dunk that washed off whatever the slime that coated Talon was, Talon was sent towards the abs. The massive abs looked like a group of fleshy hills from afar, as Talon was sent careening towards them his small stature only became more apparent; the valleys in between the abs was so wide that Talon could trek them for several days. As Talon was rubbed into them he felt the sheer power beneath him as the abs flexed with Pantheon's breathing. The sponge moved upwards, and Talon was faced with the mighty pecs of Pantheon. The sheer size of the slabs of muscles shocked Talon and as he was pressed deep into them he felt the firmness of the muscle that threatened to squish him between them. The nipples were taut from the water, and as Talon was pressed into them he desperately tried to struggle back into the sponge but as his hand was pressed against the hard nipple an audible CRACK could be heard as Talon's hand snapped against the pressure. Talon let out a cry of agony as he clutched his broken hand, he couldn't take this anymore, "Might of Noxus" be damned he wanted out! Finally, the sponge made its final stop. Looking ahead all Talon could make out was a forest of hair was rapidly approaching, steeling himself for the final test of endurance, the forest of hair grabbed Talon within its vines. Talon felt himself tugged from the sponge as the strands of hair stuck to him, sweat forming new bonds as it tied him to his new prison. The sponge continued to soak the armpit, causing Talon's world to shake as the armpits were wiped "clean". Looking forward Talon was horrified to see the sponge leave without him, he was trapped in these pits! The aroma of sweat was by no means gone and he founded himself coated in the pungent smell. Suddenly the world began to get dark and Talon looks up to see Pantheon's underarm rapidly approaching. Talon lets out a scream that is cut off as the arm lowers sealing Talon in darkness. Talon can't breathe, the pressure is too much, the sweat is practically drowning him. In desperation he struggles, he kicks and as a last resort he bites down, his mouth fills with sweat and he chokes, being forced to swallow it down. Suddenly light returns to Talon's world and he opens his eyes to see his previous doombringers return, the giant flesh obelisks that are Pantheon's fingers. Combing through the armpits they seem to be searching for something, realising this might be his salvation, Talon struggles to free himself from the hairs, but their grip is like iron. The fingers push through the hairs, like a machete through tall grass as the fingers move his way. A mixture of fear and adrenaline enables Talon to desperately struggle and pull himself an inch off the hairs, which is just enough to grab onto the passing finger. The sheer strength of the finger easily pulled Talon off the hairs, like a hot knife through butter. Once again massive g-forces leave Talon reeling, stuck to the finger. Eyes scrunched shut, Talon gasped for breath. Opening his eyes, Talon was faced with a terrifying sight, two red orbs, hidden in a pitch-black opening within a mask, staring directly at him. "WHAT THE..." A voice, emerged from the heavens as Pantheon murmured underneath his breath. Talon's eyes widened, as the winds from Pantheon's speech buffered against him. He was saved, Talon had never been happier in his life, his voice quivered, but he yelled as loud as he could: "Pantheon thank God! It's Talon, I know this is weird but please hear me out!" But suddenly the two red eyes seemed to shrink, and a chill went down Talon's back as Pantheon seemed to glare at him, suddenly a booming voice emerged as Pantheon's voice raised to a normal volume for the Deity: "DISGUSTING LITTLE PEST, YOUR KIND ARE PRIVILEGED TO DIE AT MY FEET" Talon shrieked in agony as his eardrums burst, it was too loud, he fell to his knees writhing in pain and as he looked up he saw A: A fast approaching finger.... "SO INSTEAD, YOU SHALL DIE BY MY HANDS..." Talon only had time to let out a tiny, unintelligible plea before the finger approaching him connected with him. First it knocked out all the air from his lungs, cutting off his plea, then Talon felt the most pain he had ever felt in his life as his entire body was forcibly compressed downwards. First his ribs cracked and pierced his inner organs and soon his legs and upper body were pressed into a single layer of flesh, blood escaping and coating the area around Pantheon's thumb. The last thing to go was Talon's head, which had a brief moment to recognise his death, before it was squished between two fingers. The last thing Talon would ever hear would be his killer's disdain: "EUGH, THEY REALLY NEED PEST CONTROL IN THE INSTITUTE..." Pantheon grimaced slightly as he killed the tiny insect, flicking its body onto the floor. The drains would handle it, he had more pressing matters. Walking back to the changing room he got dressed, and by the time he left the changing room he had already forgotten about that tiny insect. No evidence would be left behind, Talon's remains would be sent down into the sewers and the bloodstains on Pantheon's thumb washed away within the hour as fresh sweat droplets cleaned up any gore on the thumb. B: Nothing... for now "LET'S TEST YOUR "METAL" LITTLE INSECT!" Talon had finally been tormented enough, he broke down into sobs and desperately tried to contact Pantheon, "Pantheon please! You have to see it's me! I was going to duel you and prove my strength, please see me!". Pantheon merely walked to the changing room, not caring for the whiplash the tiny Talon was undergoing. Suddenly Talon flew down as Pantheon's finger lowered to the ground level, just ahead he could see a very familiar sight, two sandals with a strong scent of sweat emanating from them. This was, surely Pantheon wasn't... "HERE'S A CHALLENGE, SURVIVE FOR FIVE MINUTES AND YOU'RE FREE TO GO!" Talon was flying as Pantheon pushed the supposed "insect" into the sandal's toe post, the sheer pressure the fingers exerted on him was unbearable and if he survived this he'd be left with heavy bruising... if... "GOOD LUCK LITTLE VERMIN!" Pantheon gave a short laugh then shoved his feet into the sandals, not a single care given for the tiny insect inside. Talon was at least somewhat protected in the toe post, but with his face up position he stared at the approaching foot, and though he tried to move he found he could not, with horror he realised that Pantheon had stuck him to the sandal with sweat! The foot stopped just short of his feet, with only a centimeter between Pantheon's toe arch and Talon's lower body, Talon thanked the Gods for their mercy. Without a warning Pantheon began walking and to Talon's horror the sheer force of Pantheon's steps caused Talon to slowly side down, down to the crusher that was Pantheon's foot. Talon desperately struggled he looked up trying to see if Pantheon was looking at him but Pantheon was completely focused on something else and his helmet was distant and blurry from its great height. It happened when he was four minutes in, he slid one micrometer too far and Talon screamed in pain as his feet disappeared under Pantheon's foot, and when the foot rose to take another step Talon saw what remained, two bloody layers of gore, he would never walk again. The next step took his legs, those same legs that Talon jumped over walls with, gone under Pantheon's feet with bloody shreds remaining. Five minutes passed and Talon was sobbing in pain, he had won, but with nothing below his waist intact. Any second now Pantheon would stop. But he didn't. Talon was confused, Pantheon had promised! But a tiny insect was the last thing on Pantheon's mind right now, he had more pressing concerns, like the fact the sun was particularly bright today which irritated his eyes. Walking to his room Pantheon completely forget about that disgusting little bug, and why shouldn't he? Who would care about some pathetic vermin? He was doing the world a favour by getting rid of it. Talon could laugh, all of this just to prove his "Noxian might" and for what? Talon never did complete that thought, as just before he could he slipped down again and was pulverised beneath Pantheon's foot. |