Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2180239-Character-Sketch-Stephanie-James
Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Educational · #2180239
Week 2 Practical Exercise 1 for EWW
Character Sketch Template

Name: Stephanie James
Age: 25
Location: Where ever there is a rumor of a haunted place
Family History: Unknown
Career aspirations: Travel the country and host a successful YouTube channel for haunted locations.
Race: Caucasian Human
Features: Organized, Resourceful, Logical, Grounded in the physical world.
Appearance: Medium height, blond hair braided in a rope down her back, expressive blue eyes, aquiline nose.
Likes: Travel, Exploration, and the old Scooby-Doo cartoons where it was always a man in a mask.
Dislikes: Staying in one place
Physical condition: Healthy and athletic
Ailments: None
Education: High School Diploma
Socioeconomic background: Lower Middle Class
Parents: Biological parents unknown. Lived in various foster homes until she graduated high school.
Siblings: None
Ambition: Making a living off YouTube
Hobbies: Seeing small tourist attractions such as the largest..., exploring supposed haunted areas, and researching location histories.
Significant Others: Lee Han, has been her best friend since high school. He drug her to every social event claiming she needed to live in the now. He was her first everything.
Intelligence: High School Education, and knowledge of the continental U. S. through her travels and researching various supposed haunted locations.
Emotional Stability: Hard exterior with soft insecure inside
Flaws: Tendency to push people away to avoid being hurt when they do the same to her.
Pivotal events in life: Each time she was moved from one foster home to another. Graduating high school.
Favorite foods: Twenty-Four Hour Diner food
Favorite music: Hard Rock
Favorite reading material: Historical documents, mysteries, and horror
Religion: Atheist
Personality: Self-Centered
Habits: Maps out routes for each location, drags Lee on a run after parking the RV, takes a nap during the day before exploring a haunted location at night
Favorite thing to do: Disprove a suspected haunting
Comfort level with opposite sex: Though they are not in a serious committed relationship she and Lee engage in sex for the purposes of pleasure and release.
Things he/she takes pride in: The YouTube channel
Things that bother him/her: People who pretend they know her because they watch her channel. Lee's attempts to make their relationship more than what it is.
Things that make him/her laugh: Humorous videos

Prose Synopsis

Stephanie spent most of her young life moving from one foster home to another. After graduating high school, she used the money she saved to purchase a used RV big enough for two. She and her best friend, Lee Han, from high school travel to supposed haunted locations through out the United States. After researching the locations' history, they take a private and not always legal tour. Lee records while she goes through explaining how each place may or may not be haunted. As they travel to the next location, Lee uses his AV equipment to edit the recording. Once he feels it's worthy of public viewing, it's posted to their You Tube channel. Though Stephanie doesn't believe in the supernatural, she leaves it to her audience to decide whether or not what they are seeing is real.
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