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Rated: XGC · Novel · Romance/Love · #2176635
Norah and Autumn have their attire, now time to focus on the upcoming event.
          Norah was in the process of slipping jeans on when she heard someone knock on the door. She grabbed her tank top and walked over to the door.
          "Who is it?"
          "It's me, my darling." Matt responded.

          Norah opened the door to let him in. He was wearing dark washed jeans and a graphic tee that clung to his muscular torso. Norah quickly shut the door and jumped into his arms to kiss his lips passionately. He returned her kiss while he pressed her against the wall then nipped at her bottom lip.
          "My my, someone missed me.." He said in a playful tone with a hint of mischievousness.
          "Well that and you just look damn sexy right now." She retorted before she nuzzled against his neck and inhaled his cologne.

          The door opening jolted both of them as Autumn waltzed into the room wearing nothing but a bright pink fuzzy towel with her hair twisted into another pink towel. She yelped before laughing as she was startled herself to see Matt in the room.
          "Holy shit guys, give a girl a warning!" She shrieked out as she set her shower caddy on her desk.
          "Sorry about that Autumn." Matt responded as he set Norah down on her feet. "Are you guys going out today?"
          "Yeah, we have to go get Autumn a dress for this weekend, so we're going shopping." Norah explained as Matt faced her to let Autumn get changed. She threw her favorite thick cream colored sweater over her tank top and clasped the middle button.
          "This is yours, I'm guessing." Matt reached out for Norah's long white dress bag and almost came close to the zipper before Norah slapped his hand away.
          "Yes that's mine! You have to wait to see it."
          "That's fair. I have to go my darling. I'll see you later tonight for dinner." He leaned down and gave Norah a quick peck on her lips before walking out of the room, calling out a goodbye to Autumn.

          They slipped into Autumn's silver Audi and started off towards the downtown area. Their first stop was at the coffee shop down the road from the school. Autumn carefully navigated up the drive-thru menu.
          "Welcome to Sweet Beans, what can I get you today?" The perky voice asked.
          "Yes ma'am, I need two medium iced hazelnut coffees please." Autumn ordered.
          "That'll be $9.36, please drive forward!"

          "So are you excited for this weekend?" Norah asked as they pulled forward in the line.
          "Yeah I'm pretty excited. I can't wait to tell my mom that I'm going to the Corrigan's fundraiser."
          "You're family really isn't ever invited to this?" Norah asked as Autumn handed Norah her coffee.
          "I think my mom had a really bad falling out with Mrs. Corrigan at the last one they attended. I don't think I've ever asked what happened. I guess I just thought I was never going to get to go to one so I never really got that curious." Autumn responded as she shrugged and reached for her own coffee.

          Autumn pulled up to one of the few upscale dress shops in town. As they got out, Autumn looked over the car at Norah, "If we can't find anything here in town, we may have to travel to a bigger city."
          "Don't worry so much Autumn. We'll find you something." Norah responded as she walked over and looped her arm into Autumn's before walking up to the door.

          The small bell chimed as Norah swung the glass door open. A middle aged woman came out from behind a curtain and greeted them.
          "Welcome ladies! I'm Janelle How can I help you?" She asked cheerfully.
          "We're looking for a dress for my friend. It's for a formal fundraiser." Norah responded as Autumn walked over to the rack of dresses.
          "The Corrigan fundraiser?"
          "Yes, that one!"
          "Let me go pull a couple. Is there a design you have in mind?" She asked Autumn.
          "Not really. Something classy but with a dash of sexy, maybe. No sequins, I don't wanna look like a disco ball."

          "Alrighty ladies, I've pulled a few that I believe will fit your tastes!" Janelle said as she rounded the corner into Autumn's dressing room. She hung up 4 different dresses, one that Autumn already turned down.
          "I'll try on every one but this one. I do not look good in orange." The dress was a light orange mermaid style dress. She closed the door and quickly slipped into a solid black long-sleeved flair dress. The outside was lace, but the inside was a satin type material. She pulled the zipper up along her side and walked out to show Norah.
          "Well damn, hitting it out the park with the first one." Norah said as Autumn stepped out of the room in the dress. It clung to her hips before the fabric fell elegantly around her legs.
          "I don't know. I like it but is it truly a 'Corrigan fundraiser' dress? Don't get me wrong, if things take off with Matt for you and you get invited to an event I'm definitely crashing it in this dress.
          "Well then try on the next one!"

          Autumn returned to the dressing room, slid the dress off and hung it up. The next one she tried on was a navy blue silk slip dress. She looked into the mirror and looked herself over. She definitely let her fitness regimen drop and she could tell by the way the fabric caught on certain parts of her torso. Disgusted, she slipped that dress off and reached for the last dress.
          "Autumn, what are you doing in there?" Norah called out, laughing a bit.
          "I didn't like the second dress on me at all. I'm about to come out."

          "Okay, so it's between this one and that black long-sleeved one.. " Autumn said as she walked out of the dressing room clad in a floor length beige lace dress. It had a wide black lace belt that had a nice sized red rose on the hip and it was snug in her chest and hips. "We're definitely going to need corsets with these necklines." She chuckled as she used the 360 view mirrors.
          "I honestly love this one more. It feels more classy like you wanted but it's form fitting enough to have that sexy edge you want!" Norah gave a giddy squeal and two thumbs up at her best friend. "Now, go get changed so we can go get the accessories!"
          Autumn clapped her hands together excitedly before shuffling back into the dressing room to get back into her jeans and t-shirt. She carefully hung up each dress back onto the hangers and hung them on the bar outside the dressing room.

          As they walked back up to their dorm, Autumn noticed a package in front of the door. It was a small box wrapped in deep navy wrapping paper with a delicate white ribbon tied around it.
          "Someone has a package!" She exclaimed as she picked it up and noticed a small ivory card tucked into the ribbon. It had Norah's name inscribed on the front in graceful calligraphy.
          Norah grasped the present from Autumn as they walked into their room. She sat on her bed and began to open it as Autumn hung her dress up.
A gift for you to arrive like royalty. -Matthew

          Norah flashed the card towards Autumn with her brow raised. "Arrive like royalty?" Autumn asked after reading the card. Norah shrugged her shoulders as she carefully opened the box to reveal a car remote. She audibly heard her breath catch as she held it up to Autumn, causing her jaw to drop.
          "Norah. Is that a key to a Lambo?? Don't play with my heart."
          "I am definitely holding a lambo key."
          "Holy shit, there is a lambo outside. Let's go!"
          Autumn grabbed Norah's hand and practically drug her out to the parking lot. "Click the button." She said as they reached the parking lot. Norah clicked the unlock button, a pair of headlights lit up next to Autumn's Audi. They squealed as they rushed up to the jet black car. Autumn opened up the door and slid into the drivers seat.
          "Holy fuck Norah, you get to drive this amazing piece of machinery."
          "Royalty indeed..." Norah replied as she slipped into the passenger seat. "I'm gonna have to drive this in heels!"
          "It's actually not that hard. You got this dude."

          There was a quick rasps of knocks on Matt's door, causing him to smile knowing it was Norah. He walked over and opened it up to Norah holding the key fob he dropped off for her. She was wearing a plum colored sweater and dark jeans that clung to her legs, causing a reacting in Matt's own jeans. Her hair was pulled up into her normal ponytail and she was wearing her glasses.
          "How did you manage to set this up?" She asked as she swept by him into his dorm. Her usual scent of rose filled his nose as she passed him. He closed the door and joined her on the couch, where he noticed she removed her sweater and was now in a jade green blouse that gave him a great view of her cleavage.
          "The car? Oh that's not a big deal, we have a couple exotic cars up at my parent's place. I just borrowed one for you." He winked as he started to kiss on her neck.
          "Won't some body realize that I'm not exactly the owner of that car because, oh I don't know, the owners are inside?" She asked as her pulse increased when his lips touched her skin.
          "Will it make you feel better if I told the valets to be expecting you in my car?"
          "That's your car??" Norah squeaked as she pushed him back to face her.
          "Well of course. I keep it up there because it doesn't look well to drive Beauty around campus."
          "And of course you named her Beauty." She snorted before crawling over to straddle Matt's lap. His hands rested on her hips, his finger tips digging slightly into her skin.
          "She's no where as beautiful as you.." He trailed off as she leaned forward to connect their lips.

          The moment their lips touched, the fire burning deep inside Norah came alive again. He slipped his hands under the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head. He used one of his hands to explore her torso as he reached the other up to release her long hair out of the ponytail holder, causing it to cascade around her shoulders. She reconnected their lips as she slowly started to unbutton his shirt and open it to where she could feel the warmth of his skin on her palms. To feel his muscles ripple and tense with the touch of her delicate hands.
          He grasped her wrists before pinning her underneath him on the couch causing Norah to gasp aloud. Matt looked down at the angel beneath him. He grey eyes were filled with desire, pleading him to take her, her lips were full from the intense kissing. A growl type noise escaped his throat as he ravished her mouth once more. With her wrists still confined in his hands, she raised her hips up to his, feeling his excitement match hers. Matt led kisses along her jaw to her ear, nipping her lobe slightly.
          "You make it so hard to tease, you know that?" He growled in her ear as she rubbed her hips against his again.
          Norah's laugh was soft and mischievous before responding, "Oh I absolutely know."

          Unable to control himself anymore, Matt stood up, taking Norah into his arms, and made his way to the bed. He laid her on the bed then started to unfasten her jeans. As he cast them aside, he took the time to truly appreciate her body. She was his angel. Her black lace bra and thong accentuated her creamy skin, the curves of her body drove him wild with lust. He started to outline her bust tattoo with kisses as he reached behind her to unclasp her bra and slide it off her shoulders. She took a sharp intake of breath as his warm mouth covered one of her aching nipples. As he showered adoration on her breasts, he slowly slid his hand in her thong and started to excite her even more than she already was.
          After letting her orgasm a couple times by his hand, he stood up, grasped her left leg and started kissing teasingly upwards towards her thigh. As he reached the hem of her thong, he could hear her breathing increase, causing him to smile up at her playfully as he started kissing back up her leg towards her foot. Grasping her right leg, he repeated the kissing until he reached the hem again. He locked eyes with her as he kissed her pantie clad love garden before slipping her thong off her hips and tossing it aside.

          "I need you so bad.." Norah pleaded breathlessly before Matt grabbed a condom from his bedside drawer and slipped it on as he gave her love garden a few more laps with his tongue, earning him soft moans from Norah's lips. He crawled up into the bed with her, spread her legs, and buried the length of himself inside her. Norah dug her nails into his shoulders as a deep moan escaped her lips. Matt crashed his lips on hers as he thrust into her again, picking up his pace. Norah cried out his name as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
          He rolled over to where she was straddling his him, causing him to go deeper inside of her. Norah threw her head back in pleasure as he grasped her breasts while she rode him. She could feel her orgasm building immensely and once he covered her nipple with his mouth again, it felt like a wave crashing into her as she climaxed. Feeling his own orgasm building, he rolled Norah onto her back again and started to thrust quickly.
          "I love you so much." Norah whispered in his ear before nipping his earlobe.
          "Fuck I love you so much too Norah!" Matt exclaimed before having his own orgasm and crashing his lips onto Norah's.

          Matt crawled into the bed after cleaning up, pulled Norah close to him and kissed her forehead. She curled up into his arms, clad in one of his tshirts, and kissed his neck.
          "I'm so happy I met you." She whispered before falling asleep.
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