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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2173099
Gotta get dressed for the Halloween Party
All Hallow's Eve, better known to the general populace as Halloween. That wonderful nights of spooks and spirits, of ghouls and ghosts, of sweets and candy. The moon, full, hung high in the air, illuminating the darkened world below with naught a cloud in sight to hide its light. Children dressed as everything from horror movie monsters to pop culture icons scurried between houses, bags full of candy fit to burst as their parents followed behind them. The ambient noises of nature were drowned out by laughter and talking as everyone allowed themselves to simply let loose and enjoy themselves on this most sacred of nights.

Of course, it's not like any of this mattered to a certain Tiffany May, nor did it even come close to crossing her mind. The short (4' even) young woman saw Halloween the same as she did any other holiday: simply a chance to get with her friends so they could all drink themselves into a mind-numbing stupor and do things together that they all ended up regretting in the morning. Which isn't to say she wasn't in the holiday spirit, far from it in fact. She had spent the better part of the month working on her costume, after all. And now said costume adorned her curvy frame, showing her body off while technically covering everything important. A pair of scarlet booty shorts hugged her bubbly butt tightly, while her enormous breasts threatened to spill out of her equally-scarlet halter top. High-heeled boots ran up her legs, stopping about midway on her scrumptious thighs, while a red plastic tail with a spaded tip was tied just above her rear. And to top it all off, a pair of small plastic devil horns rested in her golden locks while her hands clutched tightly to a large pitchfork, easily twice as tall as she was.

Yes, Tiffany had embraced Halloween just as much as, if not moreso, than the children wandering the streets. And part of embracing Halloween of course involved that time-honored tradition of trick-or-treating. A smirk graced her lips as she looked down to the plastic, jack o'lantern-shaped bucket she was holding onto, already about halfway filled with candy. The Halloween party she was heading for wasn't set to start for another hour at least, which meant she would have plenty of time to load up on candy before loading up on alcohol, too.

"Now then..." She hummed lightly to herself as she eyed up the next building on the block, a small, squat townhouse with red brick walls and a white-shingled roof. Unlike everywhere else on the block, there wasn't a single decoration or other festive item to be seen on it. There wasn't even a lazy "Take One" bowl of candy set on the porch! At first, Tiffany thought maybe there wasn't even anyone home, but then she saw the lights on through one of the windows. Well, if this person thought they could get through Halloween without giving out any candy, they had another thing coming! With a slight huff, Tiffany strutted up to the door, her hips swaying gently, before finally mashing the door bell. Multiple times, of course; had to make sure they heard, after all.

Tiffany could hear rustling sounds behind the door, even a brief yell, as though whoever lived here had suddenly been taken by surprise. Eventually, though, the door swung open with a slight creak, revealing a tall, unshaven man standing in a pair of pajama pants, a dirty white t-shirt, and a bathrobe. He looked around, scratching his cheek idly, before he finally caught sight of Tiffany, his eyes widening slightly as he saw her costume. "Oh, uh, hey there little... lady? Uh, w-what's with the costume, there a parade going on or something?"

The young woman growled lightly. "Uh, it's Halloween, genius? Everyone's in costume?" She waved her pitchfork behind her to emphasize the point, smirking as the man's mouth formed a small 'o' in understanding. "Now, if you don't mind-" She raised her candy bucket up towards the man, shaking it a few times. "Trick or treat!"

The man swore under his breath as he ducked to the side, seemingly looking for something. "Fuck, shit, hold on here..." After a minute, he finally returned to the doorway, a single piece of wrapped candy in his hand which he lightly tossed to Tiffany, who caught it easily. "Sorry, this is all I got right here. Uh, I know I bought some more like a week ago, if you want you can just kinda... take a seat on the couch while I go look for it?" All of a sudden, he raised his hands up defensively. "I-I know that sounds weird, but I swear I'm just kind of a dumbass! Y-You can even keep the door a bit open, so you can make a run for it or call for help if you want or need!" Then, without waiting for her answer, the man turned and retreated into his home.

Tiffany's brow furrowed as she looked down at the piece of candy she had been given. "Costume Caramel?" The wrapper was purple, and beneath the name was a cartoonish ghost waving its 'arms' out towards her, as if trying to scare her. It wasn't a brand she recognized, not at all, but she considered that a good thing. It was always nice to get something to break up the usual torrent of Hershey's, Snickers, Milky Ways, and other standard Halloween chocolates. Shrugging her shoulders, she stepped into the house, bumping the door closed with her hip as she wandered into the man's living room. As she did, she unwrapped the candy, revealing (as the name suggested) it was a small square of caramel with 'CC' engraved into it. Tossing the wrapper to the floor, Tiffany popped the caramel in her mouth, moaning lightly at the sweet taste that flooded her taste buds.

Hopping up onto the man's couch, Tiffany wasted no time in making herself comfortable in a stranger's home, chewing lightly on the candy. She wasn't exactly worried. The thought the man could do something to her never even crossed her mind. Anyone else would worry about that, but not her. She just laid there on the couch, chewing her caramel until eventually swallowing it. And as she did so, she felt a strange tingling sensation as it fell into her stomach. Maybe one of the ingredients? Yeah, probably. No point worrying about it, in that case. Not like the company would put something dangerous in their candy, right?

The sounds of the man walking around in the deeper parts of the house could be faintly heard, occasionally accompanied by thuds or swears as he presumably moved things around. Honestly, what was taking him so long? How hard could it be to find a bag of candy in this place? Tiffany yawned, her eyelids all at once feeling a little heavy. One bright side to this: the guy's couch was soft, almost feeling more like a bed than anything else. And his house was warm, too, which felt amazing compared to the brisk night air outside. Another yawn, this one accompanied by a great stretch as Tiffany shifted in her seat, getting that extra little bit more comfortable. Maybe... Maybe she should take a nap here. If she was this tired, there was no way she could really enjoy herself at the party. Plus, she was a light sleeper; if the guy tried anything funny while she was asleep, she would wake right up. Yeah, totally. And with that final thought, so confident in her own ability to wake up, Tiffany closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Moments later, the man finally returned to the living room, noticeably lacking the candy he had supposedly been looking for. His eyes passed over Tiffany's knocked out form, nodding slowly to himself. "About damn time. Jeez, lady, you come knocking for candy and then take this long to eat the piece I give ya?" A sleezy smirk spreads across his face. "'Course, I'd be willing to wait however long it took. Forgot to plan out my costume this year, would've been SOL if you hadn't shown up!" Licking his lips eagerly, he stepped closer to the passed out girl, taking a seat on the couch next to her. "Now, let's try ya on for size, yeah?"

Grinning malevolently, the man reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders, roughly pulling and twisting her around until he was staring at her mostly-exposed back. Surprisingly, despite the manhandling, Tiffany didn't so much as stir. In fact, she wasn't even snoring, her chest being oddly still, though it didn't really seem like she was dead either. The man moved one of his hands on to her back, noting how soft her skin was. Soft, and strangely squishy. He pressed his hand harder, and harder, until finally the limb seemed to sink straight into the woman's back. His grin grew even wider as he continued pressing, the rest of his arm sinking into Tiffany's back like it was a puddle of water. A strange, numbing sensation, almost like ants walking under his skin, overtook him, and when it passed, the man could feel his arm once more. Flexing his fingers, he saw Tiffany's hand move exactly as he had commanded. "Perfect!"

He wasted no time, raising his other hand and pressing it against and into Tiffany's back as well. Again, that strange sensation flowed over his limb, and when it passed, he was in control of both of Tiffany's arms. Shuffling around, he began pressing his foot against the woman's back as well. Like his hands, it began sinking slowly into her body, his leg (pants leg and all) following up to the knee. The soft cotton of his pajamas disappeared, replaced by the sensation of tight, form fitting leather. He kicked out a few times, watching Tiffany's leg obey his command, and even wiggled his stolen toes inside the boot. His heart was racing and his breathing had quickened. He needed to speed this up, otherwise he would go crazy! Fast as he could, he repeated the process with his other leg, and he giggled wildly as he felt her other leg become his. With all four of Tiffany's limbs now under his control, he pushed off the couch and stood up. It was a strange sight, Tiffany's small body with his own sticking out of her back like some sort of parasitic growth. "Let's fix that, shall we~?"

The man placed 'his' hands on Tiffany's stomach, using it as a brace as he began pushing the rest of his body further and further into the woman's. His waist sunk into hers, and he could suddenly feel the tight booty shorts she was wearing- as well as the noticeable lack of any panties. As his chest was absorbed, he gasped as he suddenly felt a mammoth-size pair of tits become his. Finally, there was just one thing left. The man could hardly contain his excitement as he reached up and grabbed Tiffany's face, pushing her head backwards while his own head moved forwards. His vision was filled with her golden blonde hair for a moment before becoming completely enveloped in darkness. Slowly, almost painfully so, his head sunk into Tiffany's until it was all in, leaving no evidence of the wicked deed that had transpired.

Second's passed, and Tiffany's body simply stood there, unmoving. Finally, there was a sign of life, a gasp as her eyes shot open. Looking around wildly, her eyes eventually fell down to her body, upon which a wicked grin split her lips, exactly the same as the man who had just invaded her body. Her hands began exploring, gliding over her exposed navel, cupping and briefly squeezing her massive breasts before going south, pinching her well-rounded rear. A low moan escaped her as she craned her head, drinking in the sight of her own body. "God, she's so tight! Been years since I had a costume like this one!" Giggling wickedly, 'she' brought her hand down hard on her behind, slapping her ass hard enough to send it jiggling. "Oh yes, I certainly did luck out with you, miss~." Her voice came out as a sensual purr as she made her way back to the home's entrance, leaving behind her pitchfork and candy bucket. Stepping outside, she took a deep breath as she looked around. Nobody offered her so much as a glance. Nobody knew exactly what had gone on inside the house for the past while.

Perfect. 'Tiffany' giggled wildly as she began walking across her lawn, her hips swaying seductively as she thought about all the fun she was going to have. The night was young, and there were oh-so-many parties for her to attend! Sure, she wasn't exactly invited to most of them, but... Her eyes trailed down to her breasts, barely contained in her top and threatening to spill out at a moment's notice. She was sure she wouldn't have any trouble getting in. She waved as she passed by a group of teenagers, apparently out for a night of fun of their own. Oh yes, tonight certainly would be a happy Halloween!
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