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This is a short story of why I enjoy his strap on my bottom. |
Tom arrives home the same time every day. Seldom is he late. The meal is ready and his place is set. Mine isn't. I've been bad. I gave in to weakness. The doorknob turns and I look down. I can't face my lord when I must confess my shortcomings. He wouldn't mind if I looked him in the face. I just can't. I'm ashamed because I have let him down. He sees my lips quiver and my hands shake in front of my lap. The smile drops from his face. My lord was happy to be home and now I've ruined it. This alone makes my spirits drop. I have hurt the one I love. "Okay, what have you done?" I have a hard time framing my sentences. Before I became the property of my lord would have laughed and walked away. Now I can't. I love him too much to do anything that would put myself before him. "I disobeyed and broke your rules. I wore a pair of my old pants." Tom stops to think. He's strict but fair. He hates to strap my bottom. "Why did you do that? Was it just rebellion against me, or was there another reason?" Now I do start to shake a little more. I have no reason. It was what some joke about and call a blonde moment. Forgetfulness is forbidden with Tom. "I have no excuse my lord. I just wasn't thinking. I took them out of the dryer and just put them on." "Are you sure there wasn't a reason? Maybe something in the yard that needed done before I came home?" Now I have to sigh. I have let my master down and still he gives me room for an excuse. "No my lord. I just wasn't thinking." Tom walks over to a dining room chair. He looks at the meal that will have to wait until he is done punishing me. "Honey, come here. Let's get this over with. Then make your plate. You can eat with me." We've come so far. Before I became so submissive I would make excuses or fight back. That ended up with me standing in the corner with a sore butt and no meal. Now that I seldom add to my errors I don't get as much corner time and seldom miss a meal. I have to do something really bad for that. I walk over and reach up under my skirt. I detach my garters and raise my skirts before laying across his lap. Some would say "How can you do that? You're a grown woman." You see, I love my master enough to be embarrassed. I love him enough to want to please him. I love him enough to give him full control. I love him more than myself. It's not just words. Once I saw that as a woman my lot in life was to serve and obey my lord, I no longer resented dressing for him; living for him and being punished by him. Yes, the strap stings. Yes, I fight back tears. Yes, I squirm and cry and fight to avoid doubling my punishment by placing my hands over my reddened bottom. Tom never straps me lightly. He is always strict, severe and fair. He makes sure that the next time I do the laundry I won't be tempted to pick up that which he has forbidden me to wear. I guess some women would feel this is degrading. It is a little. But, it is what I need. It keeps my focus on serving and pleasing my lord. Tom rubs my bottom when he is done. He hates strapping me. He reattaches my garters. I get up and we go to the dining room. Once again we have a great conversation as we eat. I hear all about his day and he hears all about mine. The insubordination of my wearing a forbidden item is not mentioned. It is done and over with. I confessed and was punished. It is history now never to be mentioned again. Tom watches the news as I do the dishes and get his pajamas ready. It's been a good day. I am loved. |