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A school trip. A sweet girl. A bloody incident. An unknown threat. |
"I don't know what to do,"I thought to myself as I watched the morning news. Nothing about the night incident or anything that happened in the last few weeks, this world is going crazy. I ironed my shirt as if I was hoping to go to school, but I don't think il be there anytime soon. Gotta pack up, huh? My bag was ready, but I stopped to grab some toast and coffee before I go. This apartment was nice, but I guess until all of this is solved, I won't have a moment in peace. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The floor under my foot started creaking and making lots of noise. "Shit,"I thought to myself, "this isn't helping at all.". The noise first came from the second floor. A loud screech, a scream and a thud. That's the 5th this week. I don't even want to know what type it is this time. I opened the door and looked around the corridor. Clear. I ran to the stairway and went straight down. I don't know how, but I passed 4 stories in 10 seconds. Guess fear really does do its job. The screeching continued, but it seems it wasn't after me yet. Or at least I thought so. It came so fast, I was barely able to dodge. 8 feet tall thing looking like a human. Or at least what could be left of a human, after being shot, stabbed and thrown around. Its left hand was so massive, that it was unbalanced, leaving it standing like the Pisa tower. Two antennas instead of ears and a huge set of legs. I was terrified. It was one I haven't seen around and so I didn't even know what to expect. The entrance was blocked by the THING, so my only option was back up the stairs. The roof. Maybe there's some ladder I can use. But what if there isn't? What's next? How do I survive? 5 weeks back Dear diary, today I'm going on a school trip with my classmates to an old railway station located south-east of town. Who knows, maybe today is just the day to talk with Samantha. I feel really nervous, but something tells me we might have a good time together if I just try. Kevin is convinced that she's too good for me. Uh, screw him. I closed my diary and looked in the mirror. I tried smiling, but it came out strange. "Everything I do looks so creepy," I thought to myself. - honey, breakfast is ready - kay, mom, I'm coming I walked down the stairs. My mom glanced at me and said: -Looking sharp! Have a date later today? -oh, c'mon mom, we've been through this, stop teasing me -*chuckles* Samantha's a great girl you know, I just hope you finally get the guts to do something -there you go again, it's not as easy as you say, so just stop with the pressure -of course, but you know, lots of things happen in life, you don't know if you will have that chance tomorrow or the next day -*sigh* Lung cancer. Or so they say. Since my dad passed away, my mom has been way too sentimental. I don't blame her, he passed just 2 months after finding out about his diagnose. Yeah, he smoked a lot, but that was way too fast. I guess stuff happens. I've always been a bit on the edge with my father, but his death hit me... like a truck running at full speed on a highway. I guess you only understand the importance of something after you lose it. Or it's just me. Scrambled eggs with some bacon and tomatoes along with a coffee, a nice start to the day. I finished my breakfast and went straight to the hallway to get my sneakers on. "Today's outfit is actually not bad,"-flashed in my head as I was looking in the mirror-"maybe it'll help me muster up some courage". My mom looked at me and smiled. -have a good day -you too, mom, I love you -love you She went in for a kiss on the cheek, but I dodged. Maybe I shouldn't have. The bus was crowded. 40 sweaty and hot bodies in a cramped space made this summer morning pretty miserable. God, sometimes I just wish they would fall over and die, so they don't take up so much space. The bell rung as I walked into school. I looked around and saw Kevin and Cole talking to some girls. Among them, I saw Samantha. "What the hell are they doing?". I didn't want to get close, so I just stood and watched them from afar. Cole saw me. He pushed Kevin a bit and he saw me as well. Moments later they came up to me. Kevin looked pretty excited. -hey, you won't believe what just happened -what's up? -so you know Samantha's best friend Lindsey? -yeah -so I asked her if I and she could walk around the railway station together and she said yes. -nice, but what does Cole have to do with that? -yeah, well I kinda asked Kate out, but anyways you know what that means? (Cole) -what? -it means that Samantha's going to be alone for the trip, man, you should ask her out -that ain't happening -oh,c'mon man, we've pretty much just cleared the way for you, go ask her out! -I'm not going to -stop being such a pussy, otherwise, somebody else will beat you to it -I never asked for you to help me, so just piss off! -yeah, whatever, screw this poor sport And just like that, they left. I don't know why I got so angry, but I just felt like they were making fun of me by doing that. Maybe I'm just that kind of person. Word got around that Samantha's alone for the trip, so she got swarmed with boys. Figures, she's pretty popular. The first period was math. The day before I was too lazy to do anything, so my homework wasn't ready. I kinda wish I don't get asked, but for some wicked reason, I always get asked, when I'm not ready. As always, Mrs.Brunghild started the lesson with a roll call. When my turn came for my name to be called she said: -ah, here he is. Willson -here, ma'am -we're going to start revising the homework, get to the board -but Mrs.Brunghild, you asked me yesterday -it doesn't matter, get to the board, NOW I sighed and started getting up when I saw Samantha looking at me. She was smiling. "She must be laughing at me," I thought. I lowered my head and started walking towards the board, I was embarrassed. Someone put out their foot and I tripped. I fell to the floor. It hurts. I looked around to see who it was and saw Dylan laughing. Dylan is an asshole. His dad is a businessman and his mom works in the government. Ideal pair. Just another overly spoiled child. He's fat. Really fat. I guess maybe that's why he has some issues with other people.He doesn't have any friends but has people sucking up to him. Money does indeed rule the world. I was hoping the teacher would do something about this, but she was too busy writing the equation on the board to notice anything. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die right about now. Someone touched me. I looked up to see Samantha smiling and offering her hand for me to get up. "Oh, it seems that I've already died and gone to heaven," I thought to myself. I took her hand and it was real. Soft and tender, but at the same time pretty strong. I was so surprised, that I couldn't even get a word out of myself. -are you okay? -... -you didn't hit your head, did you? -... -Mrs. Brunghild, I think he hit his head when he fell, I should take him to the infirmary. -please do, and now, Wood will solve this equation Karma. Fuck you, Dylan Wood. Please do criticise, as this is the first thing I have ever written. If you've got any ideas on how to make this better or advice, I'm more than up for it, thanks:). This is based on a dream a had. I will try to update it a few times a week, writing new chapters. |