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Rated: 18+ · Draft · Fantasy · #2158737
Jesse meets the Hounds
Jesse heard the pounding rhythm of Led Zepplin as the smell of leather, testosterone and stale sex hit her nose.  Wrinkling her face at the smell she looked quickly around seeing an entire MC had made itself at home around the pool tables.  Scanning the walls she looked for the colors of the MC to be hanging on the wall declaring this claimed property. Jess had no interest in playing hang around to an MC tonight and would have turned back around if she was infringing on territory.  She had been raised in an MC, her father the sergeant of arms for as long as she had been with him and when she left the Wicked Vixens had become her new sisterhood. She knew the rules, she knew the etiquette, she was comfortable in the lifestyle and messing with a bunch of alpha male badass bikers wasn't on her list of things to do tonight.

A pair of hard green eyes that showed far more years then his face would be believed caught her eye as she scanned the room.  Eager to avoid any notice she turned quickly away and walked to the bar for a drink. Still in that one moment of eye contact some dark secret part of her like a darkened room had brightened as if like recognized light.  Or as if that one moment of connection had unlocked a door and flipped on a switch in a part of her she had had never know lived inside her.
She could feel Nats cold presence behind her and hoped the bikers attention would move on quickly.  All she wanted was a cold beer, and twenty minutes with the free wifi in the bar and she would be on her way.  What she was not looking for was some existential realization or life changing moment. The whispery voice of the dead girl reached her ear as Natalie pointed out.

"The green eyed warrior is still watching you Jess, maybe we should move on.  I'm not sure I like the look of that one."

Jess kept silent though inside she could do nothing but agree with her friend.  She hadn't caught a look at his cut but she had no doubt the president patch would be displayed prominently he had the look of a leader.  Power and control hung from his shoulders like a second leather cut only felt instead of seen. She hadn't seen any colors hanging from the walls so this was likely neutral territory still she would keep her colors hidden along with her nomad patch.  These boys didn't need to know one of the Sisterhood stood among them, the Vixens were well known among the 1% clubs as mercenary bitches but they had earned no small amount of respect among the biggest clubs.

Sliding a twenty to the barkeep she ordered her beer and made a beeline for a booth near the windows so she could keep an eye on her bike and watch for anyone approaching.  Checking her phone she looked to see if the wifi was available before sliding her sleek black custom built laptop from its carefully padded back pack. Smiling she slid her fingers over the artfully rendered half naked pixie with long black hair that was formed into the top of her gear backlight by purple LEDs.  Maddie had created this design for her and it was one that she had tattooed on her back with all of her considerable skill. PsychoTink they called her and she had taken it on as her hacker handle and road name. In some circles that name was enough to make grown men cry and start shoring up their firewalls in a vain attempt to keep her out.

Flipping open the laptop she quickly tapped into the local wifi and began running the special software and evasion programs that would scrub and bounce her real IP through a dozen different proxy servers before accessing the darknet.  She was looking for a specific site she had flagged to monitor. The dark web was the home for hackers, assassins, arms dealers and flesh traders, the modern day digital black market. Anything that you shouldn't be buying if you're any kind of moral human being, you can buy on the darknet.  

In this dark, seedy underbelly of the World Wide Web, PsychoTink was queen.  With no pride or arrogance Jess knew she was one of the top ten hackers in the world, she got paid very well for her skills both in the legal and not so legal sector.  It was these skills she was bringing into play now to strike a blow at the network who had kidnapped and forced her beloved Nats into white slavery that led to her death at the hands of a sadistic freak.  After months of searching she had finally tracked down the site that the slavers had used to sell her friend off on and was using it to track its source and the buyers who use it. One by one she would bring them down, she had already sent enough information anonymously to an FBI contact in the Cyber Crimes division to bring down two pedophile rings who had been selling off toddlers on the dark web.  Unfortunately her efforts seemed to have drawn attention and the network she was after had some talent of their own. So far she was staying ahead of them but that was why she was traveling, a moving target is harder to hit.

Absorbed in her work she failed to notice the tall handsome biker who had strolled up to her table until a bottle of beer and a shot glass of what looked like Jack Daniels was placed at her elbow.

"Looks like your beer is warm, here's a fresh compliments of Hunter."

The dark eyed biker whose cut held a patch with the name Raider pointed off into the corner where the green eyed man pinned her with his gaze compelling her attention.  He was hands down the most beautiful man she had ever seen, sharp cheekbones, long black flowing hair held back with a simple tie against his neck, and a body made for sin and sex.  Yeah Jess had little doubt that a few hours in his bed would be no hardship however she had things to do, places to be, criminal empires to pull down in hail of cyber fury. She just didn't have the time to get side tracked, not even by sexy as sin, badass, tattooed bikers.  Which she had no shame admitting were a personal weakness of hers. Not allowing any of her emotions to show Jess nodded politely towards Hunter downed her shot of Jack and thank Raider for bringing it over before turning back towards her laptop and sipping at her beer. Jess studiously ignored the ongoing presence of the MC president's lackey clearly here to usher her into his boss' presence.  Raider tapped the table a couple of times to draw her attention back to him before pointing out the obvious.

"I think he would like it if you came on over and thanked him in person little bunny."

Narrowing her amethyst eyes Jess turned towards the towering leather clad biker and bit out coldly.

"One, I'm no fucking bunny, twinkie, mouse, or sweetbutt.  Two I couldn't give a shit what your boss wants, I'm busy and not interested.  Pass that along like a good dog."

Raider gave her a cocky grin and shook his head ignoring her taunts only replying calmly.

"Probably not your wisest move, cookie if you wanted to avoid his attention." Raider gave her a smirk  "Hunter is exactly that, a hunter and by running you've become prey."

Raider tapped her on the nose twice before strolling back to the president's table with a predatory walk.  Jess took a moment to admire his fine ass and spared a glance at the Grade A porn show taking place over the pool table involving two good looking bikers and a half naked big busted blonde.  Shaking her head at the scene she smiled at the sight of another huge barbarian looking biker snuggling a tiny sweetbutt in his lap tenderly before turning her attention back to her monitor. She had caught the colors on the back of Raider's cut and shot off a quick email to Mama Rae asking for everything she knew about the Hounds of Vengeance before banishing them to the back of her mind.  She had revenge to plan, coordinate and execute right now she just didn't have the time to be messing with hot as fuck bikers at the moment. Her hormones would just need to wait for a more opportune time.

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