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Rated: 18+ · Draft · Fantasy · #2158736
Hunter disciplines his naughty bunny
The smell of stale beer, cheap perfume, leather and oil lay like a smog through the noisy bar. During the lulls in conversation the sharp crack of the pool balls could be heard. In the corner tucked away in a booth with his closest men cold green eyes watched the scene glowing with feral intent when the light hit them just right. A bike bunny dressed with little more than a few strips of cloth kept up with friction and good luck strolled towards the dark haired man and his officers. Aeron, the Huntsman, Lord of the Wild Hunt he had been known in the misty past, most feared of the Tuatha de Daanan. Hunter they called him now in this new age, president of the Hounds of Vengeance MC, and if truth be told almost as feared. Ageless and deadly his name alone had made grown hardened men piss themselves so it was with a smirk that Hunter watched the lithe big busted beauty approach the table he sat in. For a moment he had to admire her spunk, but not too much.

A rumbling voice next to him belonging to his sergeant at arms, Aod was amused as he noted.

"The little bunny approaches the lair of the big bad wolf, how brave of her. Will you reward the little bunny. my lord?"

Aeron only sighed long and gustily at his friend, he had been trying for so very long to break him of the habit of referring to him as my lord. They had been hiding among the mortals for close to fifty years now in the guise of leather clad bikers but still the habit of centuries was difficult to break. Leaning back in his chair he crossed his arms as he saw another dark haired bunny approach the blonde and attempt to whisper in her ear. Clearly this the bold blonde was new and hadn't yet grasped the rules of the club. Women did not approach the leaders of the Hunt, the men approached them when in need of some relief. The arrogance etched into the buxom whore's face told Aeron all he needed to know about what she thought of his rules.

"Yeah Prez, do you want a taste of the little bunny or can the other big bad wolves have at her?"

The voice to Aeron's left drew his attention over to his Vice President, Conall, while one eye remained on the errant girl so bold as to approach him without his leave. He narrowed his eyes as the blonde coldly rebuffed the kind warning of the tiny brunette. One of his faithful hounds in another attempt to save the girl from his displeasure grabbed her hand as she walked by and gave her a tug to pull her into his lap. Sealing her fate the arrogant little bitch pushed off Zach's lap waving him off. Two rules broken now, approaching his table and refusing the attentions of one of his hounds. Setting the blonde bitch straight was going to be a pleasure.

"If she makes it to the table you and Aod can give her a lesson in manners, I wouldn't mind a show."

Conall's eyes turned predatory as his body relaxed in the chair leaning back, the rumbling chuckle of Aod on his other side made it clear he was anticipating the lesson ahead eagerly. A wave of some heavy floral scent broke through the smell of leather, oil and beer as the leggy bitch slid up to the table leaning over to tantalize him with her cleavage. Little did the arrogant whore know, but he preferred his women tiny and delicate and her ample charms did little for him. His men however were a different story as Conall leaned forward in response to run a finger over the tops of her large round tits.

"Is there anything I can get for you gentlemen, a refill, maybe something more?"

The blonde was looking straight at him when she asked her voice husky and needy. Giving her a cold sadistic smile he asked huskily.

"Are you ready to anything to make me happy little bunny? How willing are you to serve me?"

His voice held the promise of steamy nights, multiple orgasms and pleasure beyond imagining making her eyes grow heavy, her breathing quick and her nipples hard. In a breathless voice as she leaned closer she responded.

"Anything Hunter, just tell me what I can do to make you happy and I will."

Reaching over Hunter ran a long thick finger down her cheek and along her bottom lip pulling it down and letting her suck on it for a moment. Tapping her chin to force her eyes to his he asked.

"What's your name my little naughty bunny?"

Hypnotized by the swirling green of his eyes she told him quickly her whole body tight now with anticipation.

"Amy, my name is Amy."

Tapping her chin again and giving her a contemplative look he asked casually.

"Amy, Amy, Amy, did nobody tell you my rules sweetheart?"

Blinking in confusion she asked.

"Rules? You mean not coming to your table?"

Smiling at her like she had just gave a correct answer in class he nodded.

"Yes sweetling, not coming to my table unless invited, not refusing the attentions of my men, those rules, did the little brunette remind you before you walked up here?"

Seeing perhaps that this was not going the direction she had been hoping she started to move back, her movements hindered by the bulk of Aod who had slipped unnoticed and silent behind her while she had been enthralled in Hunter's eyes.

"Melly said something but I thought you would appreciate the attention you looked lonely."

Hunter leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest and shook his head making tsking noises as if reprimanding an errant child.

"Rules are rules my naughty little bunny, so now if you want to stay in my good graces you'll make my men here happy. If you make them happy then I will be happy and you want to make me happy don't you sweetling?"

Each word he spoke held a thread of seductive power, he knew the magic of his voice, his very presence drew people to his side, bound them to his will. He was the Huntsmen, the Master of the Wild Hunt, one of the most powerful Sidhe to walk the mortal plane. It was his duty, had been his duty for thousands of years, to bring justice for the wronged and wreak vengeance on those who had broken the laws. The rules he set for those around him may be petty and he was well within his right to let such a mild indiscretion go however tonight he had no patience with such petty games as this little whore was playing. There was something in the air tonight that set him on his edge and made his temper ragged.

Looking straight into the whore's blue eyes now growing darker with dismay as she realized the position she had placed herself in he waited patiently for an answer as he signaled the little brunette over towards him.
"I'm sorry Hunter, I won't do it again." the leggy blonde squeaked as Melly slipped over to his side waiting patiently to be told why she had been summoned. Ignoring the blonde's pleas he wrapped an arm around the small woman and tugged her into his lap running his nose along her ear and whispering.

"Melly, you were a good bunny, what did our friend here tell you when you were kind enough to warn her about the rules."

He could feel the woman in his arms tense up, not willing to lie but knowing whatever she said would bring nothing good too the blonde. Scared and turned on he could feel her squirming in his lap as he slid a large hand up the inside of her thigh urging her in a heated whisper to answer him quickly.

"She seemed to think you wanted to see her, that's all Hunter."

Hunter smiled at the little brunette's attempts to soften the situation and he could feel the sweetness in her soul. This little Melly may be here to play among his men but her heart was not hardened by their rough play and he softened to her. He admired sweetness, innocence and loyalty and this little bunny had all of those in abundance. Sliding his hand a bit high pushing her legs apart he rumbled in her throat as he watched his two closest men flank the blonde and start play with her roughly.

"Little Melly, you've been such a good girl, following my rules, trying to protect your friend without lying to me, would you like my reward?"

Hunter saw the small woman bite her lip and her brown eyes grow languid with arousal, as her body grew heated and flushed. Grinning down at her he slid his fingers around her wet panties and ran his fingers over her creaming slit.

"Why don't we show your friend Amy what happens when you're a good bunny, follow my rules and try and be kind to those around you. Would you like to help your friend out sweetling?"

Sliding one finger deep into Melly's tight cunt Hunter circled her sensitive nub with his thumb so only moans were his answer. Taking that as a yes he plunged another finger stretching her out as he nibbled along her neck. He glanced up to see the blonde's blue eyes narrow in hate and grinned evilly at her as he worked the little brunette harder making her pant and moan her small body hot and responsive to his voice and touch.

"Now my naughty bunny Amy, you have a choice to make, you can do your best to make my two men there very happy, or you can leave here and never come back. Decide quickly before my little pet here has her orgasm or I'll assume you're decision is to no longer grace our presence."

Finished now with his punishment, leaving the rest to his men he turned his attention back to the small bundle of warm willing woman in his lap and used all of his considerable skills to draw out her orgasm enjoying the feel of her pleasure bathing his senses. His magic soaked it up like a sponge renewing and refreshing it as nothing else could on this mortal plane. The little mortal positively vibrated with need. The sweet mortal's cries grew louder and more frantic as she clutched at his shoulders her bottom rubbing against his growing erection. With a final flick against her clit he felt her fall apart her nails digging into him as she collapsed against his chest. Kissing her neck gently he ran his fingers through her hair and asked.

"How many of my men have enjoyed your little body sweet Melly?"

Melly could only blink as her endorphin overloaded brain took time to process his question.

"Only a few Hunter, I haven't been here that long."

Nodding he smiled gently at the girl kissing her on her nose and stroking her cheek.

"Do you have any favorites, any of my men that you have found the most pleasure with?"

Melly cuddled against his chest thinking about his question before answering her voice quiet as she responded.

"Umm.... Rock, he was sweet to me and even let me stay for a cuddle after."

Her small heart shaped face flushed red as her gaze drifted from his towards the bar. He didn't bother to hide his surprise as he followed her eyes out towards one of his largest and fiercest hounds. Halvar or "Rock" was a huge bear of a man with a wild mane of dark brown hair a flaming red beard. Many things he would name the deadly berserker but sweet was not among them, and sweet was not anything he had heard from any of the other women who had graced his bed.

Waving his man over he looked up at the warrior who had ridden in his pack near 800 year now.

"Rock, this little bunny here says she found you satisfying in bed and I find myself inclined to reward her for good behavior. Take her along now, and show her another pleasurable night and when we leave here put her on the back of your bike. Put your patch on her back if you should feel so inclined and make her yours. If not she will still belong to the pack and ride with us."

The big man's steel blue eyes looked down at the tiny brunette and a grin split his face as he reached for her. It was a rare thing for Hunter to sanction the addition of a female to the pack and rarer still to allow one of his men to take one exclusively. Pulling her up into his large arms he cuddled her close and rumbled in her ear nibbling at it softly as he asked.

"Would you like that little Melly, ride on my bike and wear my patch."

Hunter stacked his hands on his head losing track of the conversation between the massive biker and his tiny mate as the pair wandered off into the crowd to find a spot alone. The threesome being conducted at the pool table between his officers and relcairant bunny held his focus for only a moment before he became bored of the scene. Ennui had set in, too many nights, too many to count of loud music, far too willing women and strong drink had hardened his soul. Like lightning to a rod the heat of some strange power traveled down his spine made him turn his eyes to the door his body taut with tension now.

Rain preceded the leather clad body that stumbled through the door into the dimly lit bar. Dozens of tiny black braids ending in silver bells framed a face straight out of a children's book of pixie kind. A sharp chin, high cheeks, and eyes the color of amethysts met his briefly before looking away as she strolled towards the bar shaking the water from her hair. Mist and moonlight followed in her wake and it took him a moment to recognize the hazy figure of a ghost trailing at the heels of the Sidhe female. Few things could compare to the compelling power of a full grown female Fae and every man in his pack turned to look, drawn to her magic. She was mystery and magic, starlight through raindrops and now she would be his.

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