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a Witch Queen struggles with her darkness, will she give into temptation |
I The Coronation January 1525 On the first day of January 1525, Lucille was sat in her chariot on her way to her coronation, which was of the beautiful deep shade of mauve that sparkled in the sunlight and as Lucille sat in the silky black cushioned seats of the chariot with her ladies in waiting, she was adjusting her royal purple coronation gown, which was made from the finest of material of purple brocade, silk and velvet, she had a low neck line where she wore a diamond amethyst necklace, matching earings and a ring, pinned to her gown she wore a silver brooch in the design of a panther, on her feet she wore black leather shoes with silver diamond buckles and over her head she wore a black veil. Her six ladies in waiting with her all wore matching gowns of white satin with panther embroidery, white gloves and silver cross necklaces. The chauffer sat in the front of the chariot where it was being driven by two vast size black panthers witch were Lucille’s pet companions Shadow and Midnight. The chariot came to a stop outside the Villamorte Cathédrale and the chauffer opened the chariot doors for her majesty and her ladies in waiting along side her guards who wore blood red coats with the panther insignia embroidery, Lucille pulled her veil down and made the entrance to the Cathédrale ready to take back her crown, she worked so hard to reclaim her crown for her house had lost it to the de Fortis house in a bid for power. Lucille's coronation robes came down to the ground so her ladies held it from the back as she then walked into the grand Cathédrale, the great arched doors opened as she walked the moasic aisle in procession and looked every much a queen, as her ladies in waiting trailed behind her and she smiled as she past the great lords and ladies, her acquaintance Alessandro gave her a nod as if to say you deserve this day. She had claimed back her birthright with the help from her acquaintance Alessandro Maledizion da Fortis the High King of Oakencrest in the kingdom of Terra Fortis, after his father died of the sweatiness sicknesses he gave back her birthright for he knew in his heart that the Kingdom of La Mortis was in safe hands so he thought. Lucille stood up on the dais as her ladies in waiting helped her unveil her veil and then everyone saw her pretty face which was soft to the touch, she was very young and beautiful around twenty five years old, long black hair that parted in the middle, that curled on both sides down to the left side of the neckline. The Cardinal Hemlock came forwards and his servant handed him the crown on a violet purple velvet cushion which was made out of ermine royal purple velvet fur around the bottom of the crown for an easy comfort, solid gold with pearls, diamonds and with a jewel encrusted panther's eye on top, he held it above Lucille's head as the Cardinal spoke the coronation oath and the Queen repeated it in a French accent “I Lucille La Morte Queen of the Kingdom of La Mortis Great Grand daughter of Geneviève the Great, do solemnly swear to uphold the laws, to bring peace and to condemn those who do wrong, I vow it on this day and the many days to come” “Then I pronounce you Queen Lucille of the Kingdom of La Mortis, long may you reign” and the Cardinal placed the crown on her head and she was given a gold and jewel sceptre and orb, the crown felt heavy on her head, she then sat on the solid gold throne which was imperial cushioned for comfort on a high platform. The cardinal stood back and took a look at his new Queen and bowed “Long Live the Queen” he shouted “Long live the Queen” her royal subjects chanted. “Lucille smiled and stood up from her throne “This is glorious day, one that should be cherished, now I am fully stated as your Queen I will begin rebuilding this Kingdom into what it once was in my great grand mother's time, but first we shall feast join me at my family Château, where there will be a Banquet and there will be a month celebrations to follow” then she walked out very much a queen head held high with a cheeky smile, her royal subjects stood up and let her pass. The crowds outside cheered for their new queen as she got into her chariot and they screamed as the chariot drove away, as Lucille sat in her chariot on her way back to her family Château she looked in her violet purple hand miroir which had panther designs all around the frame. She thought about how she had got to this day and the miroir shimmered a bright purple glow and the mirror showed her flashes of images of the past memories, for it was a magic miroir that showed either the past, present or future and in the miroir it showed Lucille about eighteen years old she had just graduated from Wizitch School of the magic Arts, when she got a letter from her acquaintance Alessandro,who wrote that her parents had been arrested for treason on the charges that they conspired with Witches of Wizitch to kill the King of Oakencrest. So Lucille pleaded the help of The Radiant White Queen of Wizitch of that light witches and wizards but they refused so she turned her back on them and left for villamorte, where she learns that her mother and father were burnt at the stake. She was too late but before they died they asked the Mayor to give Lucille a letter which explianed the truth of her birth parents, so she went to go find her birth parents who didn't want her and ended up at Villamorte Château where she was reunited with her father Monsieur Henri le Duc la Chavalier, but at first he was not happy to see her and it caused Lucille to shed a tear as she watched her memories of the past through her miroir. Hénri Lucille’s father was far from pleased to see her, but he let her in his grand halls and told her why he gave her up, his wife Madame Hélène la Duchesse la Mortis had died giving birth to her and he could not face seeing the person responsible for her death and he blamed Lucille, but he let her stay there with him and over time he came to love her, but it was too late as her father grew ill from a fever and she did everything she could to care for him, but there was nothing that the physicians could do not even her magic could save him. On the last day they had with each other, Lucille was now twenty three and they have had a few years together, but on his death bed he told her two things one that she is descended from a line of kings and queens and she must promise him to take back her birthright and secondly there was a curse on Lucille's mother side that caused the women of that line to die in child birth. He spoke in the French tounge “Promise me to take back your rightful place for our house” she heard him say echoed in her mind, she replied “I will take back what was ours for you and mama and the house of la Mortis, I will make you proud papa” “I know you will these past few years have been great je t'aime1 little Princesse, You will Al..... eek her father chokes and spurts’ blood all over himself then he just laid still as a board with his eyes wide open, Lucille screams and calls for a physician. Lucille came back to the real world and puts her miroir in her black panther fur handbag, and the chariot screeches to a halt outside the Villamorte Château, which was in the middle of a beautiful sparkling lake with a beautiful summer garden with lots of purple flowers, panther statues and fountains in the shape of a panthers. The Château was very grand produced out of stone, glass windows with panther designs, there was about a hundred rooms that housed the nobility when they came to the royal court. The Château was first built in the late 1300s of the fourteenth century. It was first ocuipied by lucille's great-great grand-mother Geneviève the first Queen of La Mortis, until Lucille's great grand father Marcel and his wife Annora were butchered and lost the crown to the King of Terra Fortis who had himself proclaimed king of all of Oakencrest. Thier only hope for future was thier daughter Astrid With the help of her italian husband Signor Erik da Duca he spied for her and they plotted to take back her throne, which started war which lasted for decades it ended when Alessandro became King of Oakencrest. The Queen was ushered out of her chariot by her usher, then she walked to the great doors and they opened magically for it was not any Château Lucille had used magic enchantments and turned it into a fairytale Château. As soon as she was through the front doors she was welcomed by her mistress of robes Madame Dupont who was a French dress maker and the mistress of robes to the queen. She curtiesed before the queen “Votre grâce welcome home, I am to take you to your chambers ” “Oh please you flatter me Madame, but I don’t swing that way” smiled the Queen amusingly. Madame Dupont turned bright red “Oh votre grâce that is not what I was implying, what I meant to say was that I am to take you to your chambers so that we could get you out of your coronation robes and into something more comfortable for the coronation Banquet” “Oh yes your quite right, do you have anything new I can wear” “Well actually I been working on something you may like, come to the ward-robe and tell me what you think” “Oh so you been holding out on me” “Not at all votre grâce, well maybe a little I wanted it to be a surprise” “You cheeky minx, I am sure I will love it lead the way”. They walked up the grand staircase to the third floor where they turned right into a wardrobe closet, which was more of a room than a wardrobe, it was where Madame Dupont also slept and worked. They walked into the grand wardrobe it was beautiful to behold there were all sorts of magnificent dresses for balls and spiceial occasions also for causal wear, there were fabric materials draped over a oak table and sewing equipment was left out, but in the middle of the room was a mannequin with a dress over it. “What do you think votre grâce” “I think I should try it on will you help me into it” “If it pleases you votre grâce”. Lucille stood in front of the great argent mirror as Madam Dupont helped her into her purple velvet gown, Lucille watched the grey hair woman fix the folds of her skirts, she was a tiny woman almost childlike and nervous, every so often she would let out a small chuckle as she whirled around Making Lucille a little edgy. “What do you think votre grâce?” “Wow it’s so beautiful, thank you your are a life saver” “just doing my job votre grâce” “Is everything setup for the Banquet” “yes votre grâce the guests should be arriving as we speak” “then I must make an appearance, meet me down there when you are ready I wish to speak to you about adding some magic to my gowns? “But your gr...” “I said we will speak about it when you come down” “yes votre grâce” and she curtsied as the Queen left the wardrobe. Outside the wardrobe the Queen waved her magic wand which carved out out of oak with panther carvings and imbedded in the wand was a amethyst crysal which was the source of the wand's power, she over the wand over her dress as her dark brown eyes glowed purple as herwand beamed with a bright purple light over her dress, the dress then sparkled magnificently, she then took out her purple hand mirror and took a glance at her own reflection, she smiled I am ready to do this she thought to herself then she gathered up her gowns and went down the grand staircase. In the grand Banquet hall the Queen sat on her gold framed and purple velvet cushioned throne, as the guests arrived. Great lords and ladies came from all over Oakencrest to pay fealty to their new la Morte Queen. The Banquet hall was really grand as the lords and ladies walked the grand halls they could feel the black and white patterned panther design marble floors under their feet and from the ceiling hung purple crystallised chandeliers with purple flamed candles lit which was the Queen’s magic flame it was beautiful to see the Purple lit hall. There were long tables with food laid out for guests and there was a chocolate fountain even a champagne fountain it was really spectacular. The first to arrive was the Queen’s Lord Secretary Tobias Becca who was a oldish man with a grey beard and hair, he wore the chain of his office around his neck as he kneeled at the feet of the Queen. “Votre Altesse2, it is such an honour to serve you, you will do great things I am sure” and he kissed the ring of her finger on her left hand. As The Night drew On More Guests Arrived, the Queen kept scanning the room to find a certain someone but they still hadn’t arrived and she was getting frustrated, her ladies in waiting were dancing to the finest tunes especially played by her finest of musicians. “votre grâce” “huh? Pardon?” the Queen snapped out of her trance as she saw who spoke to her. “Madame Dupont” “Votre grâce you wished to speakto me” “Oh yes, I remember now” Votre grâce are you quite well” “Very well I was just expecting, but never mind I wish to discuss the matter of enhancing magic to my gowns” Dupont face expression went pale, she did not look too pleased “But votre grâce you know the dangers of this for one you could blow up the Château or set fire to your dress not to mention there are witch hunters all over La Mortis and what happens if someone falls under your spell” “You make very good points but as it happens I have made magic adjustments to this dress” “Oh my your right it does look different do a twirl for me votre grâce” the Queen stood up from her throne, gave a little twirl and as she did it sparkled and was really beautiful to behold and lords that saw her twirl fell in love with her at once and they all asked her for a dance and she did not know what to say she was taken back with all the lords crowding her. votre grâce I warned you this would happen we must get you back to your quarters I will cover for you” “Let me take her” spoken by a familiar voice “Who said that asked Madame Dupont” “Me Alessandro Maledizion da fortiz ,the Queen’s closet acquaintance and the High King of Oakencrest” The Queen looked surprised the very person she was expecting stood before her ready to save her life, he stood tall and proud he was very handsome, he had short brown cropped hair and brown sweet eyes and he wore royal blue brocade doublet with gold buttons and breeches and on his head he wore a blue and gold embroidered hat with a red feather sticking out. “Where the hell have you been, your late” screamed the Queen a she started hitting him in the face, so that he had to cover his face okay, okay I see your pleased to see me laughed Alessandro as she stopped hitting him, she shot him an annoyed glare“Haha I am laughing so hard I can hardly hear myself think, NOW WHY ARE YOU LATE” “does it matter I’m here now aren’t I” “barley” as the two friends started bickering they hadn’t noticed that more gentlemen started coming closer to the Queen. “I am pardon vos majestiés but, there is no time for this we must go now” they both stopped arguing and looked around. “Madame Dupont is right we must get you to safety and get that gown off you” the Queen choked “excuse me what” Alessandro laughed “the look on your face is priceless, I am not trying to get you into bed but that dress is causing them to be obsessed with you so we must take it off” “can we discuss what’s to be done once we get out of here replied the Queen, “yes let’s go before something bad happens” So they ran for the great doors to the grand staircase and up three flights of stairs it was so exhausting but they had to get away from the noble gentlemen, they had to keep stopping to get their breaths back ,as they Stopped On The Second Floor “can I ask you something Alex ” “I don’t think now is the time do you Lucile” “But I need to know something” Alessandro sighed “make it quick” “why aren’t you effected by my dress” “What do you mean” “Your not under the spell like all the other gentlemen” “I...I...I”“discuss this later but now we got to get going they are coming ” “Oh right, yeah” so they carried on running up the stairs Alessandro and Madame Dupont helped the Queen up the stairs as her dress lagged behind her. They finally got to the Queen’s chambers and they gasped for air “finally at last” said the Queen as she collapsed on her velvet covered Queen size bed, as Alessandro and Madame Dupont came behind her also out of breath “think we lost them” sighed Madame Dupont “are you sure?” asked Alessandro “not at all, but someone’s got to stay positive” “Bar the doors, we can’t let them get in here” ordered Alessandro . So they both did their best to bar the door with whatever they could find, then they approached the Queen who was still laid on the bed. “Votre grâce let me help you get out of that dress” asked Madame Dupont, the Queen nodded she was too exhausted to speak so they went round toher changing area, the room divider which was made out of a velvet purple curtain held up by a pole. As Madam Dupont helped the Queen out of her dress Alessandro spoke to the Queen on the other side of the divider, he paced as he asked the question in which she asked earlier “so earlier you asked why I wasn’t under the spell like other men” “yes, you never did tell me the answer” replied the Queen from behind the curtain. Alessandro sighed “to be honest I don’t know why I wasn’t effected by your spell, maybe I am immune to your spell” “or maybe you already are in love with her” replied Madame Dupont “THAT'S ABSURD” they both shouted, things started to get awkward there was silence for few minutes until Madame Dupont spoke again “Very well as you say, well all done, take the dress and burn it” she told Alessandro “WHAT NO” screamed the Queen as she ran out as Alessandro took the dress from Madame Dupont she wore her under garmets now royal blue silk. “Lucile we must destroy the dress, as long as it survives so does the spell” the Queen frowned “But I love the dress there must be another way to break the spell without destroying the gown” “I know how you feel it was my master piece but there is no other way we must destroy it, don’t worry I make you a new one a better one, but this time don’t put any enchantments on it” I won’t I’ve learnt my lesson, do what you must” so Alessandro hrew the dress into the fireplace whooshed as the orange flmes turned to purple in so inventing Lucille purple Fire they watched it burn as it did both women started to cry. “God women” thought Alessandro to himself. “Well I must take my leave my usher is proberly waiting outside for me” said Alessandro “must you go so soon, we didn’t get chance to catch up” Alessandro frowned “I know but I must get back to running my Kingdom, we will meet again until then this is goodbye” Lucille started to cry but this time it wasn’t because of the dress “don’t cry Votre grâce I am sure you see him soon” said Madame Dupont. “can’t you at least stay the night we have plenty of room” “I am pardon but I can’t I have urgent business, but You will do well as Queen I know it” then he kneeled and kissed her left hand and took his leave. Then the Queen was left alone with her dress maker “call for my maids for me will you I need them to get me ready for bed” “Votre grâce I could help you if it pleases you” “But that’s not your job” I will do it all the same, no need to bother your ladies in this” “Very well you can help me, But only just this once” so Madame Dupont helped her out of her dress and into her night gown and then the Queen sat at her dressing table as her dress maker brushed her lovely silk black hair. “Thank you that will be all and her dress maker left the Queen to her thoughts. “Well here we are finally Queen as I promised my papa, I hope he would be proud mama too”. She waved her hand over the candles that were lit on her bedside table and the flame went out and she was in complete darkness as she got in bed and went straight to sleep and had dreams as Witches all have of possible futures. |