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A sixteen year old boy gets arrested for hitting his mother. |
1 The Breaking point. His face contorted in an all-consuming anger. His nostrils flared, his eyes flashed and closed into slits. Then clear out of the blue; she never even saw it coming, he decked her right in the arm. "And you better not tell anybody about this Bitch or I'll punch you again ,” he said. He ran upstairs into his room and slammed his door. Wendy was shocked. She went upstairs into her bedroom. She removed her pink cardigan and saw a faint grayish purple fist shaped bruise starting to appear . Great another one how will I explain this one to George? She thought. What am I saying ? Here we go again I am trying to cover for him. But why, I don't deserve this. This was not my fault. She kind of just flopped on the floor beside her bed leaning on the side of it. she brought her legs up and rested her arms on her knees. But what if I had just said he could go to the party then this would've never happened. Stop, stop this was not my fault and I'm the parent and he is the child. I have had it; it’s now or never this needs to stop. She put her head in her lap and began to sob ever so quietly. After a few minutes she composed herself. I can sit here and feel sorry for myself or do something about it, she thought. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and began to dial. As she heard the first ring she started twirling her long Brown hair around her index finger on her left hand. After the second ring, she hung up do to fear and embarrassment. she was a grown lady and she let her sixteen year old son walk all over her and verbally, and physically abuse her. She thought it was silly to be afraid of her sixteen year old son. It’s not like he spent a lot of time at a gym, or had mad karate skills; in fact the apposite was true. He was more of the couch potato kind. He was short and kind of chubby. And he probably wouldn’t even know how to fight his way out of a paper sack. she couldn't do this she believed It was her fault, that she was too controlling and that she should have just let him go to the party. She always was a people pleaser never wanting to cause a confrontation. Wait a minute what am I doing? I'm the parent and he is the child. I am the one with All the bruises , how long can I let this go on , until he puts me in the hospital? Until he accidentally kills me? she thought. She picked up her phone and pushed redial. This time she stayed on the line and a man answered. "Hello Sparta Police Department Sgt. Parker Johnson speaking, how may I help you?" "Hello, hi I am calling about my son; I'm at my wits end with him, and sometimes he frightens me. The bottom line is he needs help; he hit me a few times, and I do not mean just a little hit; I mean he literally punched me giving me a pretty good size bruise on my right arm he is out of control!" "Okay, Ms. what is your name?" The officer asked. "My name is Wendy Hendrickson." "You wouldn't happen to be related to officer Hendrickson?" "Yes, I would, I am his wife." "What is your son's name?" "Ricky." "Well, has Ricky ever been in trouble with the law before?" Wendy tapped her freshly manicured nails on the floor. "Nope," she said. "How old is Ricky?" "He is sixteen, Sir." "I believe he needs help. What he has done is wrong and illegal. He has committed a crime; domestic battery." "So, my son should be arrested?" "Now, I did not say that precisely. Police need to come speak with him. Set him straight, scare him a little. You know most kids are scared when police want to talk to them about something they have done wrong. You know Ricky could get arrested. That could be what the boy needs. Is he home right now?" "Yes." "Is he bothering you right now? Or do you need E M S?" “What?” Do you need E M S, an ambulance ? "No. I don't think so, I am okay." "We will send someone out there, but it might be a while; like a couple hours; because technically this is not an emergency and we have a lot of calls to clear. Where do you live?" " on 3564 squirrel Rd." "okay." "Okay thank you very much," Wendy said. She hung up the phone. She went into the kitchen to get a drink. She hoped she had not made a mistake by calling the police. This could be a good thing finally he will see there are consequences for his actions he will not just get away with everything. He could get arrested? But he won't I won't let him, Wendy thought. George Wendy's husband of fourteen years arrived home. he came into the kitchen. Wendy said hi to him and gave him a kiss. "How was golf with Ted?" "Good, I’m a slight bit Rusty though. Where's Ricky?" "His room, I think he is playing video games." "Oh, I was just wondering he seems so quiet." George settled into the family room to read his latest issue of nine one one Magazine. Wendy put a pizza in the oven for dinner. "Dad Chow time!, Ricky screamed as he had a seat at the table. George came and sat at the table. “There was no need for you to scream for me Ricky, Anyways it’s your turn to say grace.”. "Do I have to?" "Yes" said Wendy." "Fine! rub a dub, dub go God! Let's eat! I'm starving" Ricky said, really fast as he grabbed a piece of pizza. He steam shoveled it into his mouth, nearly choking on it. "Ricky!" Wendy shouted as she glared at him. "What woman!" Ricky shouted back with a mouthful. "Don't talk to your mother like that and you know what." “Okay all right, I get the picture. In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, bless us o Lord and these our gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen." That was the only formal dinner prayer he knew. "People are you happy now?" Ricky said. Neither George nor Wend responded to Ricky. In fact they had a rather quiet dinner. No one said much of anything at all. This was nothing out of the ordinary for this family. Wendy always tried to make it a priority for them to have nightly dinners together. But she wonder if they all were really together. Yes they were all sitting together at one table but were they really together? They were all in their own separate worlds. George was still reading his Magazine . Ricky was texting on his phone . and Wendy, well she was lost in her own thoughts just daydreaming mostly about Ricky and how her arm was still really hurting her. After Ricky was done eating he ran off and went to his room. A few moments later George looked at his watch. He got up and got ready for work. When it was time to go, he said goodbye to Ricky and his wife. He had no idea what his wife and Ricky had done. Or that he would be back before his shift was over. 2 Official police business. Once George got to work, Detective Greevy asked to speak with him. "This may be hard to hear, we got a call from your wife. Alleging your son hit her. You know we have to take this stuff serious. I have to go investigate and I would like you as my backup”. "You want me to arrest my son?" "Just talk to them first, and see what is up. I talked it over with the chief and we think it would be good for the boy, if his own father were to come out there." "Do I have a choice, or is this in order?" "No, you don't have a choice,” the chief said; as he poked his head out of his office. "Okay then let's go", said George. So, they went off to George's house, George was not too pleased with having to go to his own house for his kid. But he did agree that maybe him coming out there could make Ricky behave better. Back at home Ricky came down stairs and was just about to leave out the front door. Wendy grabbed him and said “where in the world do you think you are going young man? I told you your were not going to no party tonight especially at some kid’s house I don’t know.” “get off me bitch I am going to that party tonight and will be back when ever”, said Ricky. I don’t think so young man . You march your butt right up stairs.” “No bitch your not the boss of me”, said Ricky. He punched her right in the eye. He was just about to walk out the door when he saw a cop car pulling up. He ducked back inside and ran up stairs to his room. Wendy was stunned. She could not believe that Ricky just decked her in the eye. It was the first time he had hit her in the face. How in the world am I going to hide a black eye, she thought. What will George think? What will anybody think? She thought. She went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror her eye was already turning purple. the doorbell rang. Wendy wondered who it could be. She went to answer the door and found a tall husky man in a suit and tie and one chubby policeman. "Good evening Ms. I'm Detective Greevy and this here is officer Hendrickson, Sparta police; we got a call earlier, something about your son hitting you. Can you please tell us what happened?" They just stared at her. Especially George he was not expecting to see such a black eye. "Did your son do that?" asked Detective Greevy . Wendy was in such a daze from her son hitting her she just stood there. She just realized that the cop standing there was her husband. Out of all the cops in Sparta he has to come? The probability of that is crazy. Well maybe not that crazy, she thought. "Did Ricky give you that black eye Wen?” when did this happen? Asked George with a confused look on his face. " yes he did in fact he just punched me in the eye a few minutes ago, but this whole mess really started this morning. He asked me if he could go to a party at a friend’s house tonight. I told him no because I did not know this kid. I did not feel comfortable letting him go. He got mad and just punched me right in my arm. He said I am going to go to the party whether you like it or not! You're not the boss of me. Then I went into my room I was ashamed and didn't want anyone to find out, but I changed my mind and called y’all. just not to log ago Ricky was trying to leave and go to that party I suppose. When I asked hem were he was going He said he was going to a party and he would be back whenever. so I tried to stop him and he decked me in my eye and here we are." “Well, I want to talk to him right now! Is he upstairs? Ricardo Emanuel Hendreckson you get your ass down here now! I need a word with you,”shouted George. “George calm down it is all right I’ll get him” “ No, it’s not all right Honey, Ricky does not have a right to place his hands on you. What Ricky did is wrong and a crime”. At first glance Ricky would seem like an average teenager. He certainly did not look like a punk or the kind of kid that would go around beating up his mother. But of course, looks can be quite deceiving. Ricky was up stairs in his room he was very angry about the cops being there. when the door bell rang he became infuriated. Why the hell did she call the cops for I didn’t do nothing, he thought. He quickly took a small baggie full of a white powdery substance out from his pocket and stuffed it deep into his shoe. And he came out to see what all the commotion was about. "Come down here boy these very nice gentlemen want to talk to you,” said Wendy. "No go to hell Fucker. Oh my gosh, how dare you talk to your mother like that. thought George. he just stood there for a few seconds. "Don't you talk to your mother like that, and why are you beating her up? You don’t have the right to put your hands on anyone." He said. Ricky did a double take, couldn't believe what he just heard. No way, that cop sounded just like my dad, but it couldn't be, could it? Thought Ricky. Ricky stood on the top step and brushed his light brown hair away from his blue eyes to get a better look. "Are you okay boy it looks like you just saw a ghost," said George. Ricky cracked his knuckles. ""What the hell? Why are you here dad?" "I'm conducting official police business." Ma’am can I please talk to you in the other room?" Detective Greevy asked Wendy. "Sure," replied Wendy. So, Detective Greevy and Wendy went into the kitchen to talk; leaving George to talk with Ricky. "Ricky hit you today?" Asked Detective Greevy . "yes, I'm quite sick of him using me as a punching bag!" "Was anybody else here that could have seen him hit you." "No I was home alone with him." "Would you like to press charges ma’am ." "Press charges? You mean I have my son arrested. I was really hoping he would not have to get arrested. I was hoping by having you come here he would learn a lesson." "Personally, I feel like just our presents here is not enough to get through to your son. But there is one thing. This program called straighten up, it is specifically for at risk youth. Your son is a prime candidate for it. Is this something you would be interested in?" "Like I said I really don't want my son taken. Know what I wish I'd never called. My son is not a bad person, replied Wendy.” you and everyone else will think I'm a bad mother if my kid ends up in jail and I'm certainly not a bad mother., thought Wendy. " Okay; Well we are going to talk with your son anyways and see what is going on. Now I won't lie to you there’s a good chance he may be arrested tonight. Oh, Really but why? If I don’t want to press charges. ” she said as she felt a tear running down her cheek. “Well for starters, because of your black eye I have probable cause to believe that a crime was committed; domestic battery. You told me yourself that your son hit you; also I noticed that you have a bruise on your arm that looks like it was made by a fist. I highly doubt you punched yourself in the face and the arm ma’am. Please don’t take me for a fool. As a sworn officer of the law I have a duty to up hold the law. It is illegal for your son or anybody for that matter to hit or punch you hard enough to leave a mark. Her nonchalant attitude was starting to piss off Detective Greevy . Ricky was still standing at the top of the stairs with his hands on his hips and head cocked to the right; wishing his dad at the bottom would go away. " are you going to talk to me or not son cause I am not leaving here until we have a little chat" said George as he stood at the bottom of the stairs with his back straight, arms crossed, and feet wide. “Yo you on crack! What if I don't want to talk to a fucking Dick like you?" "Then we will have problems." "Dad, please go away! I don’t want to talk to you. I have nothing to say about mom except she's crazy." Ricky was hoping he could convince his dad to sweep this whole mess under the rug. He had no such luck. George could have cared less that Ricky was his son right then. He had already decided to treat him like any other kid he could encounter on a call like this. "What you know about your mother having a black eye?" Ricky shoved his hands into his pockets. "Nothing! I didn't do it." George instinctively put his hand on his weapon. "So, you know nothing of why we are here tonight. It is obvious that something happened; your mother has a pretty good purple shiner on her right eye, and you are saying nothing is going on. How did she get it? She did not give it to herself. Did she?" "I don't know; she fell down and hit her face." "She is claiming you gave it to her. And you know what I believe her; this is not my first rodeo son. Come here and please take your hands out of your pockets!" "Why? You're not the boss of me!" "I asked you to and you may have weapons." Ricky rolled his eyes. “Yeah sure I got a glock thirty-two handgun in my pocket okay whatever,” Ricky mumbled under his breath. He took his hands out of his pockets. Ricky never saw his father at work and act like this; he found it kind of creepy. Ricky thought he could make a run for it and just leave out the front door. He did not believe his father would do anything. Detective Greevy and Wendy were standing in the doorway observing everything that was taking place. what they observed next caught Wendy by surprise. Ricky turned towards the door but George grabbed him by the arm and said "where you think you're going?" When he wouldn’t go with him on the first tug; the next thing Ricky knew was that his very own father was behind him and he grabbed both of his wrists firmly and pulled his hands behind his back. George steered him over to the wall by the front door and pushed his face up against it. Not roughly but firmly; he had his knee between his legs so he had nowhere to go. "I guess I am the boss of you," said George. Then he ordered Ricky to step back. Ricky was protesting while this was going on asking, "why are you doing this to me dad?" George did not answer; he just ordered Ricky to step back again; pinching and pulling his hands a little bit at the same time; Not abusively, just making his point. Although he wasn't yelling there was a no-nonsense kind of bite to George's voice. This scared Ricky and he complied. George tapped Ricky’s foot with his foot and said "spread your feet." Ricky also complied with that too. Ricky was off balance; his chest was leaning against the wall and his feet were spread; Ricky was feeling pretty helpless. He begged his father to stop and let him go, but his father just ignored him and said "keep your hands behind your back." He let go of his left arm for a moment and of course Ricky tried pulling it away. George practically expecting that; caught it almost immediately, but this time Ricky felt something more than just his hand; he felt something cold and hard. He finally figured out what was coming but he was to scared and shocked to resist. Using his left-hand George brought the cuff down on his right wrist; Ricky felt a momentary sharp pain as the cuff rotated around his wrist bone and caught. George then seized Ricky's left hand with his left hand and applied the other cuff to his left wrist. By this time, Ricky was in tears; not sobbing uncontrollably, but crying. Wendy couldn't believe what she had just witnessed; she could not believe what happened was real. Did her husband really just put handcuffs on their son and treat him like a criminal? She really wanted to go over there and pull her husband off him and tell him to let her baby go; that this was all a big misunderstanding and a mistake, their son was not a criminal. But she decided that it would not be too smart to interfere with an official police officer on duty. she did nothing but cry. Ricky kind of wondered what would've happened if he had tried to fight his dad. He was pretty sure that the cuffing part would have come out the same way if he had fought back; only that his dad would have probably used force and he could have accidentally injured him. Being an avid watcher of the TV series cops; Ricky had an idea of what it can look like when you fight the police and It certainly did not look fun. He did not want to be charged with resisting arrest. Ricky felt George tighten up the cuffs; not too tight to cause injury, but tight enough that Ricky could not turn his wrist around in them. After George had Ricky secure he did a pat down search on him. "You don't have anything on you that will cut, stick, or poke me in any way Kid" "Nope." Ricky started laughing. Ricky had no idea why he started laughing. He knew this was not a laughing matter. The only thing he could think of was that when he gets nervous he sometimes laughs and he sure was nervous. "This is no joke boy; I don't know why you're laughing. Because if I get stuck with anything I will not be too happy, and neither will you." "I'm sure; I have nothing." "Oh, gosh yuck disgusting; why you have a rotten sandwich in your hoodie pocket; that smells like I don't even know; It just stinks man." "Oh, that was my lunch three days ago; I forgot that was in there. I think it is or was tuna fish." "First a rotten sandwich now a banana peel; come on, you one strange kid indeed." George also found a cookie with a bite in it, some Swedish fish, a comb, a used tissue and a cell phone in Ricky’s pockets. He put it all down on the small table by the front door. "Well I will have to say this is the first time I've ever pulled a rotten sandwich and a banana peel from someone’s pocket," said George. Detective Greevy came over to them. "Ricky, could you have a seat on the couch for me; me and officer Hendrickson need to talk," he said.” Ricky had a seat on the couch, as a feeling of dread crept up from the pit of his stomach. His legs were shaking uncontrollably, and his heart started beating a mile a minute; the thought of going to jail terrified him to death. But of course, he would never admit it. He wished they would talk louder so he could hear what they were talking about, but unfortunately, they never did and he was unable to make anything out. "Wendy did not want to press charges,” said Detective Greevy . “In fact, she decided she doesn't want our help anymore; now no offense to your wife but people like her drive me mad. No one was home during the assault so no witness, but do to her injuries I could arrest Ricky for assault; domestic, and let the courts take care of it. Or I could place him in the straighten up program over in Chickasaw, but I need parental permission and your wife is not being very cooperative. I'm asking you this as a parent not as a policeman." "Just arrest him,” if Wendy doesn't want our help, said George. “Besides from what I've seen here tonight Ricky needs a serious dose of reality; I truly believe he thinks everything is a joke; but let's see who's laughing when he has to go before judge and answer to assault charges." "Okay George, but are you absolutely sure; cause once charges are filed they can't be undone. " "Absolutely; this is for his own good." "Okay let's go Ricky; you're coming with us; you are under arrest for assault on your mother," said Detective Greevy , as he grabbed Ricky’s arm and pulled him to his feet. Ricky’s whole body went numb. I've got to be dreaming; Wake up Ricky, please wake up. How could this happen to me. I never thought this would happen to me, that's the problem I don't think I never think before I act. Nothing I can do about it now I'll just have to deal, thought Ricky. He looked up and saw his mother standing in the doorway. "Why are you doing this to me; you bitch; I never did anything to your fat ass,” Ricky screamed at his mother. "This is not what I wanted; this is all just a big mistake," said Wendy. A mistake? So, you call the police and report that your son has basically assaulted you, and you don't think there is a huge possibility of him getting arrested; how naive are you; have you ever even seen cops; they take assault Seriously; especially with injuries, Ricky thought. The more he thought about how stupid his mother's statement sounded the angrier he became, and he tried to pull away from Detective Greevy ; who was holding his arm pretty tightly. But that turned out to be a big mistake; because Detective Greevy took Ricky’s cuffed hands and pull them straight up into the air; causing Ricky to have to bend way over at the waist; only being able to look at the ground. This position was very uncomfortable and awkward for Ricky. Detective Greevy steered Ricky straight up against the wall. Ricky kicked the wall; he did not want to go to jail. "Chill out boy, and relax; because once you get to jail this kind of behavior will not be tolerated," said Detective Greevy . Ricky really did not care about about anything he said. He was just angry about everything that had happened to him today . "Get off me; let me go; I'm not going to jail," shouted Ricky as he started kicking at Detective Greevy . George came and grabbed his leg. "You're making this far worse for you," George said. " Pardon me but you have mistaken me for someone who gives a dam." "Ricky; you have the right to remain silent so why don't you use it," said Detective Greevy . They had to practically drag Ricky; who was stomping his feet the whole way; to the police car out front. When they finally got him to sit in the car; it seemed Ricky lost his mind he went bananas. He clenched his finger behind his back so hard he cracked the knuckle. Then not thinking clearly; just thinking about how he did not want to go to jail; Ricky kicked out the car window. George came racing over to the car he couldn’t believe what he saw. "What is wrong with you?" "Nothing!" "You need to take a chill pill boy. You know; by you doing all of this nonsense and being a knot head; you now have more charges; for vandalizing a police car, and you need to wipe that smirk off your face," said George. "I'm fucking sorry," said Ricky; as he proceeded to spit in his dad’s face. The next thing Ricky knew was he was on the ground face first with a knee in his back. “You okay George ? asked detective Qumby. “ I am fine Mike , don’t worry I got this.” “Okay you just holler if you need me. I’ll sit this one out.” “That’s fine,”George replied. " Now Ricky, I don't think your sorry I really don't know why you think everything is a freaking joke; you need to learn you can't just do whatever you want, there are consequences for your actions; well you are definitely going to find that out the hard way." "Shut up dad I don't want to hear your god dam lecture. Can I get up now?” Ricky was getting sick of lying on the ground with his father’s knee in his back; he'd only been lying there for a few minutes but to him it felt like hours. "No you just stay on the ground and chill out," Said George. "Can you at least remove your god damn knee off my back?" "Nope, you just lay there and be quiet. I have another unit coming to transport you to jail, cause I can't use my car cause you decided you wanted to be a knot head, and brake out my back window." "Why are you doing this to me? You're an ass; that’s why you did this to me." "You did this to yourself Ricky you dictated everything that wen…" "Oh please, take your god damn speeches and shove them where the sun don’t shine, I don't care," said Ricky. George could not believe what he was hearing and seeing; he never thought his son would act this way. He thought he raised him better than that. He was now certain he made the right decision to have Ricky arrested and not just sent to the straighten up program. "Now Ricky; are you going to follow my instructions?" "Yeah sure." "Yes or no? Are you going to listen to me?" "Yes, I'll do whatever you want; if it means you take your stupid knee off my back and I can sit up." “Okay then I'll take your word for It, and you can sit up, but remember if you go back on your word, then I go back on mine and we’ll be right back where we started.” George removed his knee from Ricky's back and told Ricky to roll over onto his side and he helped him sit up on his butt. He had Ricky scoot back and lean up against his patrol car, and kick his legs out in front of him and cross his feet. Ricky complied with no problems. Ricky was so glad he was not lying on the ground with his father's knee in his back anymore. Another car arrived on scene to transport Ricky, the officer got out of the car and went over and talked to George briefly, and then came over where Ricky was sitting. Ricky was surprised at how young this officer looked. "You must be Ricky, he said. "Yes, what's it to you!" "I'm officer pancake.” Ricky busted out laughing.“I know but really that is my last name; officer Ronald pancake. so get over it and move on kid," . I'm here to transport you to jail; I heard you were not doing everything that was asked of you. well you're going to do everything I ask right?" pancake said. "Yes officer pancake Ricky said as ” he chuckled and smirked. "Okay first off you can cut the sarcastic crap; we all know my last name is pancake get over it son. Now I came here to do a job and I can do that job the easy way or the hard way. Now I believe I'm a nice guy; so here's what I'll do, I'll let you pick; easy way or hard way." Ricky was startled; he was not expecting this baby-faced cop with the name pancake to present himself this way. "Tick tock,” said officer Pancake as he looked at his watch; “times up, I'll choose and I choose hard way,” he said, when Ricky did not respond. "Hey officer Hendrickson I need some assistance over here," officer pancake said looking back at George. Ricky looked up at Officer Pancake "Wait! I choose, and I choose easy, I will follow every order you give me," he was not about to find out what he meant by the hard way; especially if he was going to need the assistance of another cop. Two against one; never a good thing. "So, you finally decided to choose, and you pick easy, why thank you; you want to make my job easier tonight. Never mind officer Hendrickson; I've got this all under control.” "Good for you,” said George as he looked over just to make sure everything was really alright. "Okay Ricky I'm going to help you stand up; bring your legs up to your chest and push up as I pull, said Officer Pancake, as he pulled Ricky up; this made Ricky happy for he was tired of sitting on the ground. He had Ricky sit in the back of his squad car and buckled him in. Ricky was very tired and felt very broken. Ricky had never been to jail before and not knowing what to expect was making him worry; so much he was starting to get a stomach ache; he tried not to think about it, but that was a lot easier said than done. |