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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2148596
Erika Vigdis is given a mission.

         Erika Vigdis woke from her slumber and stretched across her bed in the dormitory she shared with fifteen other women. She hadn't planned a big sleep, just a short slumber in her free time. Just a usual routine for her. She pushed the blanket off, rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed, yawning and wiping her eyes.
She ran a hand through the tangle of long blonde hair, removed the band holding her ponytail in place, smoothed her hair out and retied the ponytail back in place. Finally awake she stood up, put some loose-fitting clothing on and headed out to the mess hall to find something to eat. She wasn't due on patrol for another two hours, although it was only going to be a short shift tonight. She always started her shifts after having some rest and some food.
The servants bustled down the hallways as she walked, back straight as she had been taught, eyes constantly scanning. Not that she needed to be alert for danger here, but after five years in the military some habits were hard to break. She walked with large strides and dodged aside as one servant almost walked into her.
"Steady there Anderson." She said as she sidestepped him. He was rushing and although his eyes faced forward he was clearly distracted by something. He jerked slightly and blushed as she looked up at her.
"Erik.... Lieutenant Vigdis!" He quickly corrected himself. She laughed.
"It's alright, I'm not on duty now."
"Major-General Farstrider said I should always show respect to the guards, no matter who they are."
She laughed. " 'Major-General?' " She mocked his tone. "You wait till I see 'Major-General Asshole'. I'll tell him what respect means." Her laughed increased as she saw Anderson's face turn white in horror.
"Please, no." He pleaded. She patted him on the head.
"Don't worry. I'll be gentle with him." She laughed as she continued on her way. Her stomach rumbled, it knew the routine.

         The mess hall was fairly quiet at this time of day. Erika took a plate of food and sat down at a table on her own, her back against the wall. She was still laughing inside at the thought of poor Anderson. She loved teasing that poor kid. Her eyes scanned the room automatically. She recognised almost everyone in here and knew many of them by name. Servants, guards, recruits, as well as other members of the staff and retainers. There were a few faces she couldn't place. Possibly staff of a visiting guest enjoying the hospitality King Turil lays on for people.
There was a blonde girl sitting on her own a few tables away who Erika couldn't place. Usually visiting staff stayed together, so to see a stranger on their own was odd. She looked nervous, her head was down, and she wasn't eating just moving the food around the plate. Every now and then her eyes flicked up and looked at a few people, then back to her food. Although she was doing nothing wrong, Erika's senses screamed at her to keep an eye on this girl.
Erika was nearly finished with her food when she heard the distant clanking that she knew so well. She turned towards the door just as Louis walked in, followed a few steps behind by his older brother. Louis's eye looked around as he walked into the room, then stopped on her and he moved towards her. He reached her table and leaned heavily on his stick.
"Lieutenant. Please report to my office once you are finished here."
The use of her rank told her this was official business, and possibly something serious. She gave a quick salute, realising already she was late in giving one. She kept looking at her superior officer, rather than the hulk of a man behind him.
"Yes, sir." She said. "I'm almost finished now."
He smiled slightly. "Ten minutes?" he asked. She nodded.
"Yes, sir. Your office in ten minutes."
He nodded and turned, moving to sit down at a table. Sometimes he would sit with her, but clearly not right now. She didn't know Louis as well as his older brothers, but she knew enough to know he was separating work and pleasure. Tiberius had stomped off to get a plate of food, while Louis sat down at the table with the blonde girl. That was interesting. She was smiling now, looking happier, although Erika could see she kept turning her head to look over to Tiberius. Very interesting.
Tiberius clanked his way to their table, passing Erika's table and giving her one of his smiles. Damn the man. He knew what that did to her.
She started to clear her plate, her attention still caught by the blonde girl who was now talking with Louis and Tiberius. Erika didn't want to listen in to the conversation and besides it was too noisy in the room as it was, but she could see Tiberius smiling very slightly. She knew him well enough to recognise the look on his face. And he was actually talking to her! Who was this girl?

         She finished clearing her table and walked out the mess hall. Should she put her full uniform on to see the General? She was debating it when the Archduke appeared from around a corner, accompanied by a woman. She was tall and thin, yet Erika could see a certain athletic physique to her. Her hair was brown and hung straight down over her ears before falling behind her shoulders. Her eyes were a vibrant green. She wore plain clothes which were practical yet functional. Knee high boots, trousers with enough tightness to show off her thighs yet loose enough to allow movement. A plain white shirt open at the top few buttons and leather vambraces on her arms. Possibly an archer, Erika guessed. Her eyes had distracted Erika slightly. Something at the back of her mind was trying to be remembered. She made a note to go and see Vimo after talking to the General, if she had time.
"Archduke" Erika nodded in greeting. "My Lady." That was the best greeting she could give to this woman. She may be a noble from one of the cities, or possibly from another kingdom. The archduke nodded in return and didn't slow his step.
"Lieutenant Vigdis." He said simply. Erika had always respected the archdukes' ability to know all of the people in the Keep. She also noted he failed to introduce his companion.
They passed each other, and Erika wondered if there was any connection between these two new guests. This wondering kept her entertained as she prepared herself for the meeting.

         Precisely ten minutes after agreeing to meet the General, she knocked on his door. She stood to attention outside the large wooden door. She heard the general call her in and stepped inside.
Louis was alone inside which wasn't unexpected to Erika. She closed the door behind her and the General motioned to her to sit down in a chair.
"I will get straight to the point," he started as she sat down. "As always, anything said here is in the strictest of confidence and will not be discussed with anyone outside of this room."
She nodded her understanding but remained silent; she knew how he worked.
"There is a situation in Alverbrook." The General began. "We're not sure what exactly has happened, but we have not had any contact with the city for several months."
She had some questions, but remained silent, listening intently to him. He was leaning on his desk, elbows rested on the surface and his one palm resting on the stump of his other arm.
"I have dispatched several experienced people already, but they have also failed to report back. The last information I received was from a contact of mine who scouted the outside of the city. I am told they have raised the walls and increased guard presence at the main gates." He paused for a moment to let this sink in.
"Sir," Erika finally spoke. "You are the General of the military. Can you not go and demand an explanation?"
"I could, however my contact has reported that the guards are not wearing regulation uniforms. The description he gave me of the guards he saw are unfamiliar to me. I have a feeling - and the Archduke agrees - that the city has decided to break away from the kingdom. Obviously, the Archduke wishes for this situation to be resolved before the King returns and has requested I deal with this situation."
"Should this really be a military matter though, Sir? I would have thought it would be easier for the Archduke to send an emissary on behalf of the King."
"He has." The General's voice was heavy. "Yesterday morning we received an unmarked package. Inside was a tongue and a note which simply said 'Liar'."
She leaned back in the chair, her mind whirling at this news. The General also leaned back giving her time.
"Sir, what do you wish of me?" She finally asked, already fearing the answer. This whole situation was far more dangerous than anything she had dealt with before. And more experienced people had gone and never returned? What was he going to ask of her? She took a deep breath ready for the answer.
"We are planning an operation to the city, and I want you to be part of it. It's a small, three-person infiltration. Your role in the team is provide back up and extraction if things go wrong."
She gave a small, involuntary sigh which she hoped wasn't loud. "Why me?" She knew there were far more experienced fighters around. Sure, she knew she was good and could hold her own against most people, but in sparring there were still guards who could beat her.
The General leaned forward once again.
"I need someone I can totally trust. Someone dependable, reliable..." He paused, and Erika wondered if he was about to say 'Expendable'.
"I also need someone with your unique talents," he continued. "Because the team will be going in totally unarmed."

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