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It takes a lot of energy to hate someone. Try the suggested steps to cleanse your heart. |
I am carrying a heavy burden on my heart and soul. The burden is so immense that it is crushing my soul. The flight of my soul is ceased, the wings are chained. I have cluttered my heart with the garbage of grudges. The list of enemies is increasing with every passing day, mounting more loads on feeble soul. The list of enemies, we all maintain very meticulously and hold on to very steadfastly. The grudges we hold against other are harming us, not the perpetrators. It is of utmost important to let go and lighten your soul for spiritual well-being. The process of letting go is not easy at first, having said that, nothing is easy in the beginning. We need persistent actions and a strong will to train our heart. We all see our enemies as demons, evil incarnated, always looking for opportunities to hit on us. The objective of this activity is to dismantle the image of demon and view other people as humans. Following are the steps one should follow to get rid of enemies: Step 1 Close your eyes and think about the names in your list, your arch enemies. The vision that comes into your mind is a bitter memory imparted by your enemy, it's painful whenever you revisit that accursed moment. Step 2 Now, close your eyes again and try to think of instances when the same people, your alleged enemy, a wicked demon, were kind to you or anyone else you know. The person in question might not have even one instance to be kind with you; but he might have done acts of kindness towards other people. The memory of such instance will help you in dismantling image of demon and will help you in considering the person as human. A human full of errors, forgetful at times, purposefully wicked at times; but still a mix of good and evil. I encourage you to perform this activity for the first time in quiet place, where you are alone. The first attempt is most difficult, you might be holding so much bitterness and malic in your heart that your mind might find it difficult to register even once instance of kindness related to that person. You should try as hard as you can. Keep on reminding yourself that this activity is aimed for the salvation of your soul. I bet that you will succeed, if not in first session than in second or third. Every session of mediation will help you de-clutter your heart a bit. Words of caution, kindly don't set high goals to disappoint you. Remember, we ought to take small steps like child learning to walk for the first time. Step 3 Once we have established a positive instance or set of instances in our mind, no matter how many sessions of mediation it takes, we are off to a good start. Now all we need is to re-iterate the image of the positive events in our mind. Slowly but surely the name will be deleted from your enemy list. If you follow the process determinedly your enemy list will cease to exist. What Happens Next? The older the grudges, more tenacious they are, and in turn more difficult to eradicate. Hence, once you are done erasing enemy list, you should ensure than the list don't start filling up again. Now the process might seem easier than before. The rule of thumb is swipe the bitterness from your heart within first three days. It's like nip the evil in the bud. The time will surely come, when you will remember a person who has wronged you and can recall a positive memory attached to him. All it take consistency on your part; the result of your efforts are gigantic. Your soul with be lightened and your heart will be cleansed from bitterness and hatred. It takes a lot of energy to hate someone. The process will help you vanish your enemies but will not necessarily increase the list of your friends. A person deleted from enemy list will not be automatically transferred to friends list. Let's be honest, world don't work this way. But if you make effort to cleanse your heart from bitterness of animosity, you're so-called enemies will lose power to inflict pain on you. Remember, you give your enemy dominion over you, the power to hurt you. The usual suspects will not be able to deter you; they will simply not exist for you. Your brain has power to vanish a person even sitting right next to you. You need to train your brain to focus on positive things. You need to see other person as human forgetful and full of mistakes. The world around you is not black and white, it's in fact grey. One last thing, don't try to analyse intentions of other person. You tarnish a positive act of a person; by supposedly reading between the lines and judging their intention. This habit of yours ensures that your enemy will remain enemy. You are human powerless to read minds and know intentions, so take positive actions on the face of it. Please stop over-analysing others. I hope this post will help you in erasing your list of enemy. |