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Luna is taken by Celestia to Canterlot where she faces humiliations galore. ABDL content. |
Chapter 1: Luna returns “Luna.” Celestia said approching her younger sister, nightmare moon purged from her tiny frame. “You haven’t aged at all have you” Luna sat up, her legs wobbling with fatigue. The fight with the holders of the elements of harmony had drained her and now, without the evil clouding her vision, she was able to think clearly for the first time in ages. “And yet it’s been a thousand years.” She said softly to herself. Regret and sorrow filled her mind but if her sister was as she remembered, it would be less than ideal for her to break down in front of her. Still her eyes had watered a bit and her face blushed with shame. “Let us return home young one.” Celestia broke into Luna’s thoughts, a small yet unusual smile creeping over her face. “We have much to discuss “ Luna followed her sister onto the chariot which she had arrived on and looked at the other ponies as they took off into the distance. She turned to her sister then. “I’m sorry Celestia, for everything that happened before...” she said trailing off, her head drooping. Celestia made no response and the rest of the trip remained silent. ~~~~~~~~~ When the two arrived at the castle in Canterlot, Celestia took the lead and directed Luna through the winding halls. Thankfully for Luna, Celestia seemed to know the way, as she was sure she had gotten lost long ago. Finally the two reached a dark blue door adorned with Luna’s cutie mark. Celestia opened it and led Luna in, locking the door behind her. She thought it was strange to lock the door behind them but she chalked it up to her sister not wanting to be disturbed. It was then that Luna looked around the room, it was completely empty except for a small black dresser. However, it was painted with her in mind. The walls and ceiling were painted a dark blue and had constellations and galaxies all around. Luna smiled with joy, the room was everything she could have dreamed and more. She turned to her sister and almost gave her a hug before stopping herself, knowing her much stricter sister wouldn’t appreciate it. “It’s beautiful,” she said softly trying not to give away how happy it made her. “I’m glad you think so little sister. Now, it’s time to discuss the terms of your punishment” Celestia said standing over her sister who had by then sat down. Luna took a pause and looked up at her sister. The smile Celestia had been wearing was wider now and Luna became uneasy. “I spent a thousand years on the moon sister, was that not enough?” She asked incredulously. “No” Celestia responded matter-of-factly. “Your crimes were so heinous that a thousand years on the moon was only the first half of your punishment. The council now long gone decreed that upon your return you should have an additional punishment and that I would be responsible for enforcing it. The purpose of the second half of your punishment is to ensure that you remain obedient so we will never repeat these terrible string of events.” She continued, beginning to pace circles around Luna. “It took me quite a while to figure out what kind of punishment would be fitting, but finally I settled on this. I’ve decided that because you’ve acted like a filly during our fight, after being banished and even upon your return, then clearly you’d like to be a filly, and if I oblige you we shouldn’t ever have another problem.” She finished. her gaze seemed to be a strange mix of happiness, smugness, and justice. Luna sat with her jaw nearly agape. She wished she could say that it didn’t seem like her sister although she knew for certain that it was. “What do you mean, treat me like a filly...” she asked quietly. “Well for one you’ll be wearing diapers from now on.” Celestia said after some thought. “In fact, Now would probably be the time to get you all diapered.” She injected, and Celestia began to conjure a spell. Luna sat shocked. “A diaper?” She must be joking. Although the sinking feeling in her chest meant that she didn’t totally believe that. “Sister you can’t be serious, I’m not a filly anymore!” Celestia's grin grew ever so slightly. “You’d have fooled me little one, what with the temper tantrum you’re throwing.” She said taking a step towards Luna. “If you cooperate, this will be much easier,” She said closing her eyes and summoning a large thick diaper, dark blue and covered in stars. She opened them again and looked at Luna, obvious joy found in their depths. “I'm not a filly!” Luna stood up and shouted, however, the irony of her tone was not lost on her. She did sound just like a petulant child. Luna frowned and her ears turned back, and when the diaper revealed itself she took a step back. Luna began glancing around for an exit, however, she was unfamiliar with the building and it seemed like the only way out was the door she saw her sister lock only moments ago. “Please don’t do anything brash sister, I’m perfectly fine going to the bathroom” Celestia laughed and looked at her sister. “I can tell you’re going to be trouble so I think we’ll just deal with that right now,” she said, and without much more than a flicker of light, a magic blocker appeared around the base of Luna’s horn, and her wings were securely tied to her frame. “Now are you going to cooperate or am I going to have to make this even more difficult?” Luna saw a flash and when it faded she felt tight and to her dismay, her wings wouldn’t budge. When she tried to summon a spell to remove the restraints, she realized with a second wave of fear that she couldn’t use her magic. Luna looked at Celestia with anger and humiliation, now all but defenseless. “This has been enough! I am no filly sister, please treat me like a mare as I justly deserve.” Celestia rolled her eyes, however, it was clear that she was glad Luna had continued to fight her, “Difficult it is then.” She said, and with a second flickered light, Luna's legs were bound together in the front and her back hooves were separated by a spreader bar. Luna felt her vision clear again and she felt unstable, barely staying standing. “That’s much better,” Celestia said another grin creeping up. “Now let’s get you changed.” She said pushing a hoof into Luna’s flank shoving her off balance. Luna felt herself falling and tried to keep her balance, it was a futile effort. Her body collided with the ground hard, and she let out a small oof and a wince of pain. Her eyes filled with stars and widened as her sister came into view, standing over her. The happiness in Celestia's eyes was upsetting in itself and it was clear that she had been waiting a long time to do this. “Please don’t do this! I promise I’ll behave, you’ll never have to worry about me again! Nightmare moon is gone!!” Luna cried out, trying to shake off her restraints panic urging her to beg, however she was tied in tight and Celestia showed no signs of giving in. She did, however, conjure up an oversized blue pacifier which she strapped to Luna’s muzzle muffling her protests. Celestia then grabbed the spreader bar with her magic and lifted up Luna’s Flanks, laying the ridiculously thick diaper underneath her. Luna felt something slip into her bottom and she was then powdered up and taped onto the gigantic foal’s nighttime diaper. Celestia stood her sister up again releasing her. “That’s much better now.” She said with a sickly sweet tone. “Now is my little filly ready for nap time?” Celestia asked walking to the nearest wall and pulling down a discreet black lever. Luna looked on as all around her platforms opened up revealing the missing furniture, a crib, a high chair, a rocking chair, and even a changing table, all much larger than any filly would make use of. While she gazed around, she felt her sister’s magic take hold of her and she fought as Celestia lifted her up and into the crib securing the top with a solid lock, and smiling down. “Goodnight Lulu, I’ll be back in a while.” Chapter 2: Reading the Terms and Conditions Author's Note: Thank you guys for the feedback! I’m going to try and be more detailed with this story and further chapters, slowing the pace down and giving the characters more opportunities to show how they’re feeling. if you guys have more feedback or if you have suggestions feel free to comment or PM me! It was only a few minutes after Celestia left that Luna became bored. She stood up in the crib and began to pace. She had to get out and reason with her sister. The mattress’ plastic cover crinkled alongside her fluffy diaper and it disgusted her. She pressed her hooves into the lid of the crib and it held firm. Luna bent down and gave it a hard kick, which not only failed to move the structure but also sent waves of pain down her back left hoof. Luna sat back up and cradled her sore hoof and snorted in frustration. “Well, if I have to stay in this humiliating crib the least I can do is take this stupid thing off” Luna said to herself as she began to try and rip off the tapes of the diaper that Celestia had forced upon her, however the longer she tried she began to realize she couldn’t grab them properly. Panic began to rise up in her throat but she held it down, deciding to try to just slide it down. Pressing her hooves to the top of her diaper she began to push it, however, her hooves just slid off ineffective. It was then that she realized that the diaper must be enchanted and with a low wail of defeat she collapsed on the mattress with a sob. Why was this happening to her? She had been on the Moon all alone with Nightmare Moon, taking her beatings and cruel torment for a thousand years, so why when she returned and when she thought maybe her sister would show her some much-needed kindness did she have to be subjected to more injustices? Luna buried her head in her hooves and cried hard, hiccups echoing throughout the room as she lay. After only a few more minutes, Luna had cried herself to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~ Celestia shut the door to Luna’s room and trotted down the winding halls. “She’ll see the good in it eventually,” she said to herself. “Besides, this is what she gets for acting like a child all these years." She continued her steps getting louder the longer she worked herself up. "if she didn't always act up when we were younger if she learned how to be a proper princess maybe none of this would've happened." Celestia snorted and continued her stomping until she reached her own quarters. Opening the doors to the room, Celestia began to cool off. She let out a sigh and flopped onto her bed and reflected on their situation. "Luna, if only you could see things the way I do." After about 20 minutes Celestia was relaxed again and she stood up. A knock on the door gathered her attention. "Come in." She called outside her room. Two guards entered Celestia's room peaking her interest. "We are to believe Luna maybe attempting an escape." They said it matter-of-factly. Celestia couldn't say she was surprised but she also couldn't say was unprepared. "That is to be expected. Let her be undisturbed." She said dismissing them. When the guards were gone, she thought back to before Luna was sent to the moon. "You never cared about me!" Luna shouted, practically spitting venom at her sister. "I always cared for you! You just always rejected my love!" Celestia spat in return, summoning her magic. "I rejected you because you treated me like you're play-thing! In all this time I tried to reach out, tried to gain your love, and you ignored me!" Luna shouted tearing up. She slammed the doors on older sister locking herself inside Celestia shook herself and sighed. "This time it will right sister. I can show you love like I never did before and also remedy your poor behavior." When she was finished, Celestia moved to her desk and began to write, preparing for her sisters awakening. ~~~~~~~~~~ When Luna awoke, it was in the magical grip of Celestia, lifting her out of her crib. She began to come to her senses and tried to struggle, but stopped as soon as she felt the nagging pain in her bladder and bowels. She stared at her sister, her eyes pleading. "Good morning little one," Celestia said cheerily removing the pacifier from Luna's muzzle, instead opting to tie it around her neck as one would wear a necklace. "Today we're going to be taking a tour of the castle grounds, and I'm going to be explaining the entirety of the rest of your punishment." She said gently petting Luna's head. The anger and malice which had originally followed Celestia like a dark cloud had seemed to wane and Luna began to think maybe her sister was going to start making more sense. "As your older sister, it is my duty to make sure you grow up and be a responsible mare. I failed my job once before, and I don't intend to fail it now. You once accused me of not caring for you, and I want you to know that is not true, from now on I have made it my job to love you, care for you and help us get past our past and complete this punishment of yours" Luna's heart dropped like a rock. She was serious. Celestia was really serious about her being her foal. Luna started to fidget, frustration, dread, and fear nagged at her mind, but also her bladder screamed for attention. She needed to use the restroom and quickly. She glanced around trying not to clue Celestia in on her need. Celestia didn't seem to notice her sister's change in behavior, "Now Luna, its time to set the rules for the duration of your punishment" She said, breaking into Luna's thoughts. "If you like I can explain them to you, or I can leave you them for you to examine." "I'll take the list," Luna said quickly. Now was her chance. Celestia sighed and handed over a small scroll. "Fine. Come to the courtroom when you've finished your examination," she said curtly, almost disappointed, and left trotting away down the winding halls. Luna waited for her sister to leave and for her hoof-steps to fade away before bolting out of her room. Her bladder pulsed and burned desperately seeking release. It was only after reaching the halls that she realized she might be seen. she only paused a moment though, reasoning that it would be worse to have somepony see her in a wet diaper than a dry one. Luna opened each door frantically one after another, not fully closing most of them in her search for a bathroom. When she finally did manage to find one, Luna was in dire straits, she darted inside and locked the door. she reached for the waistband of the diaper and pushed and tugged but it wouldn't budge. She became more frantic, trying to squeeze her hind legs together, to her horror it only sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine as the diaper made forceful contact with her marehood. She tried to continue to remove the diaper but ultimately stopped to contain her bladder. The battle was lost in a matter of minutes though, as Luna lost control with a tiny spurt of pee, then another, and finally, she flooded her diaper, relief but also humiliation filled her body as she let go into its wanting material. The diaper around her waist was now much thicker and when she moved it squished its warm contents against her, sending the occasional jolt of pleasure up her spine, only further humiliating her. When Luna finally composed herself she exited the bathroom, her gait more of a waddle. She could still feel her bowels groaning and she hoped that her sister might have mercy on her after she read the rules. She skittered back to her room following the trail of open doors to find two guard ponies outside it. They didn't make a comment as she blushed and walked past them to her room. She snatched up the list cheeks red, knowing what the stallions must be thinking of her. safe in her room she began to read... 1. You will call me either Tia or Mommy no exceptions 2. You are a filly and fillies are diapered, you will be diapered 24/7 and will be expected to use them for their intended purposes 3. I am the only pony who is allowed to change and dress you, and you must ask for me to change you 4. If you leave the castle you must be fully dressed 5. Bedtime is 9 pm sharp 6. You may not be anywhere except your room without an escort, or me 7. If you fail to follow these rules you will be punished 8. I reserve the right to add additional rules as I see fit Luna snorted in disgust. It's as if her sister really thought she was a foal! She frowned and opened the doors to the hall, her wet diaper making her immediately feel more self-conscious. she glanced at it to see the once bright stars had turned into light blue raindrops. she exited her room and looked to one of the guards, trying to keep some semblance of dignity. "Will you please escort me to Celestia in the courtroom?" She asked, trying to seem more regal in posture. The guard on her left shifted uncomfortably, and the one on her right began, "Unfortunately...little one... we don't know who you're talking about...." he said clearly not wanting to be the one to break the news "Do you mean you want to see..... mommy....?" Luna felt her heart sink and she deflated. Of course, Celestia would tell the staff about her rules, and instruct them on how to operate. She held her head low and stared at the ground she mumbled a 'yes' to the guards and they escorted her through the hallways. As she walked she felt her stomach cramp up harder and she hoped that she would be able to hold it until she could speak with Celestia. Chapter 3: Order in the Court Author's Note: Greetings friends! Today's chapter is a bit long. I wanted to break it into two but I wasn't quite sure where to make that gap. I've been working to make the story more cohesive and with all the help from you guys, especially Detrail and SunnyBunny for their help with technical and plot points. Like always, if you have suggestions or feedback, please feel free to hmu in the comments or in my pms! The guards flanked Luna, one on either side of her tiny frame as they made their way to the courtroom. Though they were close to her, Luna could sense how uncomfortable the situation was for them. She sighed, there wouldn’t be any slipping by them, at least not quite yet. Luna felt a cramp in her stomach and before she knew what was happening she had stopped, legs shaking and her forehead beginning to sweat, the strain of keeping herself clean was both painful and humiliating. She felt a small shove from the guard on her right followed by an angry grunt, “Keep moving”. Luna tried to ignore his comment but sent him a vicious glare. Why couldn’t he see that she was struggling? It took Luna another minute of staying still, and to the guards' relief, she finally began down the hall once again. As they walked, the small party walked past groups, mostly staff and Luna could hear them whispering. She knew it was about her and she grew red with shame. Her ears drew back and she tried not to make eye contact with anypony. When Luna felt another cramp begin to form she was glad to see they were stopping in front of two large sets of doors. Feeling the gut-wrenching pain and pressure in her bowel, Luna sat down quickly in front of the door, making her wince as she felt her now cold and squishy diaper press into her flanks. She hated the feeling but knew that it was the best way to keep her bowels in check. She glanced at her escorts not wanting to make eye-contact but still wanting to try and commit their faces to memory. The guards too looked at Luna briefly, but in their eyes, she saw pity and a bit of irritation, and she looked quickly away, wishing she hadn’t seen it in the first place. The guard on her left gave her a small nudge. “Little one… you don’t want to keep her waiting…” he said, a note of urgency in his voice. Luna frowned and began to stand, however it only took one movement before she realized with fear and horror that if she didn’t stay seated she would lose control. Luna sat back down, the squish of her wet diaper reminding her again of her previous accident, and filling her with additional determination to keep ahold of herself. her sister had made her piss herself, but she would NOT mess herself too if she could help it. She was not a foal, and she was determined to prove it. The guard on her left gave her a second nudge, harder this time, and filled with more urgency. "Please, Luna.” He said quietly, “Just get up, it's not that far.” Luna wanted to snap at him, tell him that it wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t move, but that would be admitting to her condition and she didn’t think that she could do that without another harsh sting to her pride. It was one thing to be in her situation, but something completely different to have to tell your escort that you were about to mess yourself then and there. Luna was just about to try and explain in the least explicit way she could that she couldn’t stand up, when the guard on her right moved behind her and gave her a hard shove, moving her flanks high into the air. The unexpected shove caught Luna off guard and her forehooves slipped, her face smashing into the tile floor. She tried to right herself, to stop what she could feel was happening, but it was too late and the floor was too slick. To Luna’s dismay without the additional pressure of the floor, her tail lifted on its own accord and she felt herself instinctively push her mess into the back of her diaper. The relief was overwhelming and Luna almost didn’t notice the doors opening as she filled her diaper to the brim. She must’ve been quite the sight to see, bottom in the air, face down and filling her diapers like a small filly. Luna gave a small moan of relief and humiliation, looking up to see her sister standing directly in front of her and witnessing her most recent achievement. The guards at her side stood at attention immediately, and Luna stood up on shaky legs. She could feel her hot mess pressing against her inside the tight and squishy diaper, and it only caused her already cherry red face to brighten more. She expected Celestia to give some snide remark, maybe change her in front of her new guards/escorts, but nothing of the sort happened. “Ah, little one! I see you’ve made it to the courtroom safely, guards you’re dismissed.” Celestia smiled, her tone surprisingly comforting, as her gaze panned over Luna’s body. The guards took off in opposite directions as if a gunshot had rung out beside them, leaving Luna all alone with her sister. Luna stayed very still, her mess becoming incredibly uncomfortable very quickly. she felt just like a naughty filly who had messed her new clothes and had to do the walk of shame to the bathroom to get cleaned up, only there was no cleanup, not yet. What was she waiting for, Luna thought to herself almost irritated, when she remembered the rules. Celestia was going to make her ask for a change. No way. She thought, she would never. Celestia was just going to have to guess. “Please, follow me!” Celestia said cheerily walking around the outside of the courtroom breaking into Luna’s thoughts. Luna followed her, still wanting to get a tour, but grimacing at the disgusting feeling in her diaper. Every movement pushed more of her mess onto her flanks and she wondered if any amount of cleaning would be able to get it out of her fur. Luna was surprised however, the smell seemed almost entirely contained as Luna only smelled it faintly once in a while. This was going to be a long afternoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An hour into their tour and Luna was both terribly bored and unfathomably uncomfortable, and she considered for just a moment that maybe it would be better to just ask Celestia for a change. She felt cold and clammy, and the diaper felt heavy on her hips and itchy on her flanks. Celestia, however, seemed to be having the time of her life, pointing out where specific diplomats stayed and what each room was. By the time the tour was over Luna’s flanks were burning and aching like she’d never felt before. She paused trying to give herself some relief from the pain and the friction which immediately caught Celestia’s attention. Luna met her sister’s inquisitive gaze, and it seemed like she was expecting something. I'm not going to ask. Luna thought, although her bravado had waned and it seemed more like she was trying to convince herself rather than actually asserting any particular decision. Luna began to walk again, holding back a squeak of pain. Celestia shrugged and continued onward towards the kitchen where they had previously visited. When they entered, they were greeted by a light blue stallion with a blonde mane. "Princess, good to see you again, are we all ready for supper?” He asked with a smile and gesturing to the dining room. “That depends, is everything as I instructed?” Celestia asked the stallion, a hint of warning in her voice. Luna paused and focused more closely on the two, wondering what her sister had in store for her. “Of course your majesty!” he said taking a bow in Celestia’s direction, seemingly ignoring Luna right beside her. Luna looked him over, “What's for-“ she began before getting cut off to her great irritation. “You’ll see when it is given to you little one,” Celestia said curtly before walking her to the dining room entrance. The stopping had been nice and when they began to walk again, Luna felt the intense fire rise up again from her tender and raw flanks. She almost asked Celestia to change her then, when she was distracted by what she saw at the table. Next to where Celestia normally sat was a mare sized high chair, emblazoned on the back was her cutie mark. Luna stopped in her tracks, anger, and frustration alongside the pain, tiredness, and hunger that she had been feeling coalesced in what she knew was going to end up as a tantrum. She planted her hooves into the ground firmly, sending death glares at her sister. No longer hearing her hoofsteps, Celestia turned around to see Luna and her anger filled gaze. “Come on Lulu, its time for dinner.” She said with impatience. Luna had been such a pushover this whole time Celestia had thought to herself, that this wouldn’t be a big deal. Luna stood her ground, however, and with a more intense glare, she said, “NO.” it wasn’t quite a shout, but it was firm and loud, very much like a petulant toddler to a parent. Luna’s emotions were on a rollercoaster, each one of many fighting for dominance, pain anger frustration, indignation and more, causing her to feel both certain and the complete opposite of what she had just done. Celestia took a moment to process what she had just heard. Luna had defied her, and not only that, she had defied her like she would expect a naughty child rather than her frustrated younger sister. Celestia frowned. If that’s where she wants to take this… She thought to herself standing. Luna knew immediately that she had made a mistake when Celestia stood up, her face cold and calculating as she approached. She did, however, stand her ground, though her legs began to shake with fear. “What did you just say to me, little girl?” Celestia asked her voice sickly sweet, giving Luna one final chance to back down. Luna stood in place terrified, but also not wanting to back down. She knew she was right, Celestia shouldn’t be making her do this. But her confidence had seeped away so quickly that all she could do was stay put, realizing how vulnerable her position was. “I see we’re going to have to have some behavioral correction before dinner,” Celestia said darkly, and before Luna had a chance to run off, Celestia grabbed her in her magic and whipped around in the air, exposing her diapered rump. A paddle appeared behind Luna, her cutie mark painted on each side of the paddle. Luna’s eyes grew wide and her already sore bottom ached at the movement. When she saw the paddle she nearly broke down, “Please Celestia don’t do it! I’ll sit in the high chair and do whatever you want, just please don’t spank me!” she pleaded, tears of desperation already forming in her eyes. She regretted her defiance already, wishing she’d just done as she’d been asked, she struggled against her sisters magic but couldn’t even manage a solid budge. “It’s Mommy to you,” Celestia said firmly, before bringing down the paddle hard onto Luna’s diapered rump. The paddle connected hard with a thwap! Luna let out a scream of pain. Celestia summoned up a pacifier and placed it in Luna’s open mouth, gagging her. The pain Luna felt on her flanks was unbearable, and she thought that without the diaper she may have fainted from the pain. “One.” The paddle came down a second time, and Luna bit down on, tears streaming down her face as she whimpered behind her pacifier. “Two.” The third time Celestia brought the paddle down, she put an extra oomph into it, connecting quite a bit harder than the previous two. Luna began to let out long hard shaking sobs and she begged Celestia to stop, apologizing for defying her, however, she could behind her pacifier. The paddle disappeared quickly and Celestia brought her sister into her arms and on her lap in an embrace. Luna sobbed into Celestia’s fur holding her close as the pain slowly began to dissipate. The two sat on the floor of the dining room like this for a good five minutes, Celestia rocking her sister gently as her sobs turned to hiccups which turned to sniffles. The two were silent, and when Luna calmed down to only a few sniffles, Celestia lifted her up again and set her in the high chair. Behind them, The blue pony arrived again with stray, setting a plate of cut up zap apple jam and peanut butter sandwiches in front of Luna and a bowl of vegetable soup for Celestia. They ate quietly, and when they were done, Celestia let out a chuckle looking at her sister. Luna looked up perplexed when she realized what a mess she had made. the jam which had been falling out of the sandwiches was everywhere. Luna blushed with shame, not even able to manage to keep herself clean. Celestia took a wet washcloth and wiped it over Luna's chest hooves and face, cleaning her up. Luna looked up at her sister, expecting a smirk, but what she got instead was a smile and a loving look. Luna’s flanks still throbbed under her diaper and with defeat muttered, “Cele-…mommy… will you please…change me…” she said, a final humiliation to end the day. To her surprise, however, Celestia didn’t laugh or mock her, she just nodded and lifted Luna out of the High chair before teleporting them back to Luna’s room. Luna looked at her sister in surprise but said nothing as she was carefully laid down and cleaned up. Her flanks, unsurprisingly, were red and raw from diaper rash and her spanking, and Celestia was careful to clean off every bit of her sister, before adding some diaper rash cream, and foal powder and diapering her back up. If she had been less exhausted both emotionally and physically, Luna might have fought Celestia putting a new diaper on her, shame and humiliation still burning her cheeks red, however, the day had worn her out and she sat complacently instead, opting to deal with the rest in the morning. Luna was hoisted up and set in her crib, and as Celestia went to shut the lid, Luna asked desperately, “please leave it open…”. Celestia looked at Luna and thought about saying no. She didn’t need her running off. However looking into Luna’s sad exhausted eyes, her heart melted. “alright little one.” Luna smiled, and her eyes began to droop. Her body slumped to the bottom of the crib and she drifted off to Celestia singing quietly, There's a wee babymoon, Laying on it’s back, With its funny little toes in the air, And its’s all alone, In the big blue sky, But the wee baby moon doesn’t care, Babymoon, Keep shinin’ on me babymoon To Be Continued... |