The fervent sounds of
combat filled the autumn air, as the two young women clashed. Sudden
thrusts and elegant sweeps followed one another in almost flawless
harmony. The ringing of steel set itself up as music; every twirl,
lunge and swing another piece of a beautiful puzzle. It was like
watching a ballet. The middle aged woman smiled at her daughters from
the patio, she was so proud of their progress. Their instructor
didn't feel the same way, his thick Irish accent only seeming to
further underline his distain.
"No, no, no! Did I
nae teach you a thing? Stop tryin' ta swing that staff like a bat, ye
look like a drunkard. And you! Hold it firmly and do nae let your
wrists go slack. Ye can nae treat the Guan Dao like a fucking
broomstick.... I do nae no why I even try with you two."
Shoulders sagging from
exhaustion, the girls looked up at him in disgust, twin sets of
orange eyes glaring at him as though he was the fly in their soup.
Their mother watched them adjust their grips and square off again,
intent on taking their displeasure out on each other. She looked upon
her daughters, their deep dark green hair matted with sweat, piercing
orange eyes; one set wide and wild, the other narrowed in
concentration, their small forms quivering with anticipation. Her
girls were physically identical in every way 17 years had done
nothing to make telling them apart any easier for her... and she was
their mother.
Suddenly both girls came
to a grinding halt, turning their attention to their mother instead.
Their instructor looked
her way as well.
"I think dinner may
be a wee bit later than expected, Talitha. How 'bout some take out
Talitha looked at the
three of them in confusion until the smell of burning food reached
her nose. Her eyes widened and she turned on her heels frantically
running to the kitchen.
After watching her
retreating form disappear into the house the twins turned back to one
another, worry reflecting in their eyes.
"She was giving us
that look again."
"The one where she's
afraid I might take your head off?" The younger one questioned.
"No the other one;
like she's afraid that someone is going to hope the fence and whisk
us away."
They both scoffed at the
very idea of someone spiriting them away.
"Still it would be
nice to know which one of us it was they wanted. Learning what they
Their cousin's voice cut
through their musings.
"If you ladies are
done speaking your gibberish, I would like to get back to watching
the two of you butcher the art of combat."
Muttering profanities
under their breath, the twins went back to practicing.
In the kitchen,
bitterness clung to the air as she entered suffocating with its heavy
odor. Cursing, Talitha hurried around the room, dashing this way and
that, trying to find what she'd burned this time. When she pulled the
top off of her casserole she knew her cousin was right. Dinner was
going to be very late. She sighed, she hated these new pans; they
were absolute shit when it came to retaining heat and worse at
cooking things evenly. She salvaged what she could and then threw the
offending pan in the garbage with enough force to hear the tell-tale
ringing of the metal that meant she'd broken it.
She knew she needed
better cookware, but she just couldn't risk it. Not when it would
mean that one of her daughters would get hurt. She grabbed up her
knife and began viciously hacking away at vegetables trying and
failing miserably to focus her mind on something else. Her mind
wandered, as it often did, back to that night.
Even with the wind
howling and the thunder crashing outside, she'd slept peacefully.
Giving birth had been far harder than anyone had warned her it would
be and sleep had taken her soon after they'd handed her babe to her.
No it had been the tiniest droplets of rain that found their way
through the open window that finally woke Talitha. Groggily she
opened her eyes, now that she was awake she was eager to see her baby
again. She sat up and looked over at the crib only for it to be
empty. Panic welled up inside of her and she whirled around to her
right ready to pull the IV from her arm when she saw it.
At first she was startled
by its presence then she was disturbed by its alien beauty, intense
even for her imaginings. Then her eyes zeroed in on the bundle in her
arms. Her baby struggled and fussed, little fists clenching and
unclenching in discomfort. Her baby... Babies? The odd woman held two
infants in her arms; they were indistinguishable from one another.
Confusion seeped in past the haze that staring at the creature gave
"Put my child down
The creature just stared
at her completely still. Not even the rise and fall of her breast to
show that she was breathing. Talitha clenched her fists and steeled
her nerves.
"I can still you.
Put my baby down and leave!"
As if brought to life by
her yelling; the creature glared at her and hissed, barring an almost
endless collection of razor sharp teeth at her.
"I will return to
collect what is rightfully mine."
It dropped both children
onto the bed and disappeared, leaving no trace that she'd ever stood
there. Talitha scrambled to the end of the bed where the babies lay
screaming, completely unamused by the rough handling. She frantically
examined both children, but she couldn't find anything that she could
use to tell them apart. They were mirrors of one another. Their wails
called the nurses into the room. When they arrived they were just as
confused as her. Then they tried accusing her of stealing another
baby. So she told them about what she had seen. Now they thought she
was crazy and a thief. They took both children from the room and
called the orderlies in to sedate her.
Days later the hospital
director himself came to offer her an apology for the mix up. They'd
run DNA tests on both children and they'd both come back saying the
babies were hers. She told him what she'd told the nurses; she'd
only given birth to one child. He fitted her with a sympathetic smile
and told her that sometimes stressful events changed the way we
remembered things. Her turbulent delivery and then the altercation
with the nurse was a lot to handle. She left his office completely
enraged, storming through the halls. The whispers of nosy hospital
staff followed behind her, half of them believing that she was crazy
and the other half thought she was trying to weasel her way out of
mother hood. By the time she reached her room she was livid. She
flung herself on to the bed and screamed her frustrations into a
Hours later they finally
allowed her to see her baby again. Well hers and the other one. She
didn't know what that thing was. But the longer she was with them,
the more unable she was to tell them apart. What was worse was their
cooing and crying. In the end she couldn't ignore either of them and
she could no longer convince herself that either of them could be
evil, instead she vowed to love them both no matter what came of it.
The afternoon before her
release, a man entered her room. He was grizzled in a way no one
should be in this day and age, deep frown lines and dark circles
under his only eye only added to his frightening vestige. He greeted
her with a gruff, husky voice, it was like concrete in a metal
"Hello Miss Locke, I
heard you've been the victim of a terrible event. I think I can help
She rolled her eyes and
kissed her teeth.
"You here to mock me
as well? Here to see the crazy woman in room 704?"
He pulled a seat up to
the side of her bed, making himself comfortable before removing his
eye patch. A sparkling swirl of colors greeted her, not scarred
socket or a false eye. She screamed and shimmed as far away from him
as the bed allowed.
"W-what the fuck are
you! What do you want?"
He smiled at her, his
scarred lips not at all friendly.
"I mean you no harm
Miss Locke. I simply want to help you understand what happened."
She glared at him but
listened intently, she had no other choice.
"Thank you. The
creature you met was a fairy."
"Excuse me? You're
telling me that Tinkerbell tried to steal my baby?"
"Why is it that when
I say fairy all you people seem to hear Disney? No child, I mean
cold, ruthless immortal monsters with no love in their hearts for
humanity. But I saw the security tapes and unlike the rest of this
mindless sheep I can see those damned-able fey. The one you met was a
Seelie Sidhe (Shee)
by the name of Eibhleann (Ayv-len).
She has nasty habit of making people disappear whenever she feels
like it. So you should count yourself lucky."
Shivers ran down her
spine as she looked for some sign of a joke on his face. She found
"What am I supposed
to do?"
He shifted in his seat
and leaned in close, the atmosphere around him quickly becoming
"Give me the
changeling she left behind and I can promise she won't come after
He words shook the fear
and uncertainty from her mind. She sat straight up and leaned towards
"Get. Out."
Malice dripped from her
voice like a virulent poison. The man sat back visibly startled.
"You will only find
regret in your future if you go through with this. Let me take the
creature, it's isn't even your real child."
"I said leave!
Before I call for nurses."
She held the emergency
cord tightly in her hands and glared at him. After an intense staring
contest, the man sighed and rose from the seat. He shook his head at
her and left the room.
"You will regret
this Miss Locke, and when you do, I come find you." He whispered
ominously before disappearing out the door and down the hall.
She was gone only a few
hours later, demanding that they let her leave early. She wielded the
twin weapons of pure belligerence and threats of lawsuits until they
released her and her newborns. She'd been running ever since, dodging
both the terrifying stranger and Eibhleann. Moving from house to
house, finding other people more than understanding of her plight and
just as welcoming. But no one could tell her which of her daughters
the changeling was. Both of her children had been fey-touched that
night. In her travels she met many different types of fey but none of
them would risk Eibhleann wrath, not even to tell her which of the
children was theirs.
The ringing of the timer
brought her back to the present. She turned off all of the oven and
the stove she began plating dinner. Just as she was putting the
finishing touches on the last plate her daughters came running into
the room.
"Whoot! Mom saved
"Good, I wasn't
really feeling take out tonight."
Over taken by a sudden
urge, Talitha rushed over to her daughters and gathered them into a
crushing hug.
"You know I love you
both dearly, yes?"
Behind their mother's
head they looked at each other, exasperation clear on their faces.
"Yes mom, we know.
And we love you too. You don't ever have to worry that. Now, what's
for eating?"
laughed at their eagerness, and then she cried, holding them close to
her heart. They wiped away her tears and lead her to the table where
their cousin sat half asleep. They ran back to the kitchen and
grabbed dinner, serving everyone at the table. After dinner the
helped their mom into bed and then split up, each one taking a
different side of the house. They made sure that all of the windows,
doors and other entrances were properly salted before meeting back in
their room, snuggling up with one another and falling into a deep
Across the street a
barefooted woman stepped out of the shadows, cruel but triumphant
smile on her face.
"Found you."
