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I plan on rewriting it. I just need to know if people would like it. |
“Lizzy, Lizzy, wake up honey wake up.” Lizzy opened her eyes and realized that she fell asleep in class. “Lizzy, you missed the announcements. Did you stay up reading again?” “No.” “Sorta.” she mumbled. Lizzy began to feel guilty. “You know your sister fell asleep too. But I doubt that she stayed up reading. Did she do her homework or watch YouTube?” asked Ms. Jwalker. “Both. But I'm sure the reason why she's asleep is because of anime.” Lizzy explained. Her sister is obsessed with anime. One time she rushed through her homework to watch it. Lizzy was never able to understand the way her sister’s mind worked. ‘Anime this.’ ‘Anime that.’ That's all she ever heard at home when she proved Lola wrong. It's always all about anime with Lola. Always anime. All of a sudden, the bell rings and she started to gather her things to go to the next class. “You won't be needing your things you can leave them here you need to meet Ms. Frank in the office.” said Ms. Jwalker . She started toward the office. It felt weird for her to be walking in a different direction as everyone else. It reminded her of a book she read once. It was called, Counting by 7’s. She remembered that on the cover under title was one of her favorite quotes. “If you're lost, you might have to swim against the tide”. For her, every thing happening is just so, peculiar. She hardly ever falls asleep in class, she rarely ever goes to the office for anything, and why wouldn't she need her stuff? It wasn't like she was going on a field trip or anything. She had so many questions, she felt like her mind was going to explode.⛈ When she got there, Lola was there too. “Turns out you two have been chosen for the testing.This is a big honor for our school. Only three kids in each country gets to be in the testing. The third kid lives in Flint, Michigan. His name is Owen. The three of you will be dropped off today at D.C. They will be leaving you guys at a house, that is where you will be living for the next week. Try to maintain. Remember, the way to do well, is to work together. Your bus is outside now. Good luck. Follow Ms. Sherbert out to the bus. She will be driving you.” After Ms. Frank’s speech, they went on the bus. Not long after, they both fell asleep. When they woke up, Owen was getting on board the bus. They were in Flint, Michigan! No wonder it was so cold. Lizzy thought. Owen sat down next to Lola. Soon, Lizzy was asleep again. Not long after that, Lola was asleep too. Owen almost fell into the aisle a couple times when the bus turned. Lola was laying her head on his shoulder and her back was up against his side. They were dropped off at a house was high tech. They all woke up when the bus stopped and flung them forward. They got off and went inside. Turns out the president was there. “Good luck. Though I doubt you'll need it. I hear you kids are very smart. But remember, you will always get help in D.C. only if you ask for it.” the president told them. He stepped out of the way to show the girls’ parents and an old man that resembles St. Nicholas. Their parents hugged them, and and told them, that the first task was to try and open the door. “But don't cheat honey. It doesn't start until tomorrow. You'll be spending the night here to get comfortable with the situation.” Lizzy’s mom gave her a piece of paper. “Those are some of my recipes from home. There's also cookbooks and food already in the house.” “Thanks mom. And Merry Christmas.” she said. She felt bound and determined to ace this test. Then her mom turned to Lola. “Honey, I know that this is going to be hard for you to do, but if you want to ace this test, you're going to have to bear with them and-just listen to your sister ok?” “Oh. That sounds pretty hard Mom.” said Lola. “Hilarius. But I'm ready to hit my pillow.” Lizzy replied The next morning, Lizzy got up around noon. Though, she didn't want to get up. Turns out the reason why she woke up, was because her sister was trying to pull her out of bed. “Go away.” she moaned. “But Lizzy, I'm hungry! I don't know how to cook. You're probably the only person here who knows how. We have a gourmet kitchen here. Gourmet! I don't know how to use a stove. You're the one you taught me how to use a microwave!” Lola complained. “Funny thing is, the last part is true. But don't forget, I also taught you how to use a toaster.” said Lizzy. It really was true. “Lizzy. Please!” Lola was begging now. “Fine. What do you want for breakfast?” Lizzy said annoyed. But she then added, “Oh. Wait. I’m making breakfast so I get to choose.” Lizzy loved doing that. It was fun to make sisters angry. But then Lizzy started to wonder, ‘Where’s the kitchen?’ Lola waited impatiently as Lizzy made a whole buffet of bacon, eggs, french toast, butter bread, and a whole cereal display in the middle of the table. Lizzy told her that she was going to check and see if Owen was awake yet and that it's not polite to eat before others and that she also had to wait until they say grace. But she didn't care. Lizzy left and Lola wanted to eat so much but she didn't touch a bite. She knew Lizzy would be disappointed and since Lizzy was the responsible one, she has been a motherly figure since she was five. Even though Lizzy was two years younger and a foot shorter. Lizzy knew what she had to do. She found envelopes in the mail slot and, turns out, they had to open the door, and pay the bills too. She needed to find a job. And fast. “Lola. We are in serious trouble.They expect us to pay the bills for the house to. I sure hope you're up for babysitting, cause I've never failed a test in my life and I'm not gonna start now. You said this was a high technology house right?” Lizzy asked. “Yeah. Why?” Lola replied. “Follow me.” Lizzy insisted. She walked to the front door. ‘There must be a voice sensor around here somewhere. If this is as high technology house I suspected, then there must be a button on the wall to activate a voice sensor that activates the automatic open and close system clearly seen on the door.’ she thought. Turns out the button was the door mat. “Unlock door.” she demanded. She then heard the loud chink of the door when it unlocked. “Now, open door.” she demanded. The door started to slowly swing open. This is how they were going to go to work, and pay the bills, and go on to the next task. “We opened the door, now what's the next task?” asked Lola. “Getting jobs and paying the bills Let's eat. I'm starving.” she said. “Me too.” Lola agreed. “For the last seven hours!” The next morning, Lizzy got up early. She heated up some stuff from breakfast yesterday, and made some calls. She found a family perfect for Lola to babysit. She starts her job today. Lizzy also found a job at a store nearby for child entertaining. He starts today. She found some money stashed away in one of the drawers of the kitchen the day before, and she was planning on using it on buying craft supplies and tables. She's gonna start an art class program.Every day, each class is two hours long. Lizzy made some eggs for Lola and Owen so Lola wouldn’t gripe about not being able to cook. She went in the bedroom to tell them that breakfast was ready and that they better get up soon, and when she did, Owen got up walked into the hallway. “I need a glass of water.” he said, and he passed out right in the middle of the hallway. Lizzy didn't know that until she came back with his glass of water though. “Wake up sleeping beauty. We’ve got a big day ahead of us.” said Lizzy as she dumped the glass of water on him. He woke up once the water hit him. “Follow me. It’s time to eat. I made breakfast. Do you like eggs?” she said. He followed her into the kitchen and sat down. He ate almost all the eggs, nine pieces of bacon, two pieces of butter bread, five pieces of french toast, and a bowl of cereal. “Not surprised. You never woke up yesterday.” said Lizzy. “You need any water?” “No I'm fine. But, what do you mean I never woke up?” Owen said surprised. “You were sleeping all day yesterday.” she said. “Oh yeah. How are you with kids?” “Fine, I guess. Why?” he asked. “You now have a job at WAL-MART to dress up as Santa and entertain kids while their parents are shopping. You start today, and your shift is in two hours.” Lizzy explained. ‘I hope he does well.’ she thought. ‘Cause, I do not want to fail this test.’ Lola walked in and got herself some chocolate milk. Lizzy explained to Lola about the job and everything. Then they all took showers. They all left for work and at the end of the day, they all came back with a bunch of money. Lizzy made spaghetti that night for dinner. While they were eating, Lizzy said, ‘You know, if tomorrow and the day after that, is as good as today, we’ll have enough money to pay the bills, buy a Christmas tree, buy stalkings, buy some Christmas lights, buy any other decorations to Christmasfy the house, buy presents for each other, buy a turkey for Christmas dinner, and buy a couple Christmas specials to watch on the fifty inch, flat screen, blu ray, smart tv in the front room. Think I'm gonna have the kids painting ornaments tomorrow.” The next two days, same thing happened. Except, one little girl wanted to paint a butterfly it was time to put the paints away. When they all got home from work, they payed the bills then they all went shopping for Christmas decorations. Lizzy got a present for Lola and a present for Owen. She was so excited. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and she had never had Christmas without her parents. But, there’s a first time for everything. It took about two hours to get it done but, it was totally worth it. It was hard for her to sleep that night because, she fell off of a chair trying to put the star on top of the tree. The next day, she woke up around noon. She went to the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal. Lola and Owen already got the TV set up for watching Christmas specials. “Did you check the mail yet?” she asked. “No.” said Lola. Lizzy went to the mailslot and grabbed the mail. There was a Christmas card from her parents, a Christmas card from Owen’s Grandpa Clause, and a Christmas card from the president! She gave Lola and Owen their Christmas cards. She ran into the front room. “Check this out guys! We got a Christmas card from the president!” Owen turned around. “Really? What’s it say?” Then Lola turned around. “Yeah. Read it!” Lizzy read it out loud. . Dear kids, I am amazed at how you've done on this test. You three are by far, the fastest at acing the test. How on earth did you open the door so quickly? You opened it within 24 hours of the test. Normally it would take at three days for them to figure it out. I'm surprised you took the hint for the second task, working and paying the bills. Usually they think ‘Huh. I guess who ever owns this place hasn't payed the bills yet.’ and they leave the paper on the counter. That's where almost everyone else fails. Nice job. You guys passed without knowing what the third task was. The third task was to make it real. If you live in a house, you would get it ready for Christmas. You did that by your selves. Amazing. You guys are the first to pass this test since I passed it over 40 years ago. Since you passed it so quickly, we’re letting you go home early to spend Christmas with your families. Keep up the good work, and one of you just might take my place some day. For I would be honored to to work for any of you. For once, instead of America having a First Lady, America might have a chance of having a First Man. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all of you. President Barack Obama “Hey! My Grandpa Claus is comin to town tonight. Maybe, we could hitch a ride to your house and surprise your parents!” said Owen. “Yeah! According to our Christmas card, Mom and Dad don't know we are coming home early!” Lola agreed. “So who is your Grandpa Clause anyway?” Lizzy asked. “You wouldn't believe me if I told you. My whole school thinks I'm a lunatic because one kid asked the very same thing.” Owen mumbled. “We won't think you're a lunatic. Your talented. Your the reason why we were able to pass the second task Owen. All that money you got from parents giving you tips for acting so good on top of your original salary.” said Lola. “Well, let's just say, you'll find out when he gets here.” he replied. “Ok. We’ll just wait. And in the meantime, which movie are we watching first?” she said. A few hours later, an overweight man with a long beard, a big sack,and a red coat with a matching hat. “It took you took long enough to get here.” “Sorry Owen. But, the sun hasn't set yet so I had to do invisible mode, and I had no idea what button I was pushing. So I'm here to send you guys as gifts to your parents because that's what they wanted for Christmas and they happen to be on the nice list. So, let's get ye into your packagin’ so we can leave.” “Don't worry. I'll get the packaging grandpa.” Owen ran into the kitchen and came back with three huge boxes with matching lid hats. “I've been planning this all week! These are our costumes. We don't have to put them on until we get there, though.” All night, they were Santa’s helpers. Because there were three of them, plus Santa, they got it done three times faster than normal. They went to Lizzy’s house last, so everyone could get ready for the surprise. The parents came in and, the lights went off blue lights came on, and elves and Santa, and the kids in an awesome music number about Christmas and surprises. Lizzy and Lola popped out of their packaging and said, “Merry Christmas.” Then Owen popped out of his and said, “And Happy Hanukkah.” The End |