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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Drama · #2133113
The next section of Eudoxia Brandenburg's story
Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning to my usual alarm. I was surprised I even set it, as it was one of those nights where I barely remembered sleeping. I got up, got showered, dressed, and did my makeup like normal. I felt the normal hatred I had for mornings creep up (don’t start me…even in the summer I hate mornings), and the normal dread for the upcoming school day. One down…

“Morning, Doshi,” my brother said as I came downstairs.
“Morning kid,” I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee.
“You taking me to school or do I need to get the bus?”
“I can take you,” I said, “but I pick the music.”
“Fine,” he groaned. I smiled a bit.
“You can pick Friday, ok?”
“Deal,” he said.

We finished up our breakfast and piled into the car. We made small talk until we got to school. As soon as the car was parked, Sean went for his friends, I went for mine.
I only found Alice that morning. She was sitting on the stairs leading up to the auditorium lobby.
“Morning Sunshine,” I said. She looked up and smiled.
“Morning you,” she said.
“Where are the other girls?”
“Bathroom. Something about experimenting with new makeup.”
“Fair enough,” I said. Alice smiled a bit.
“So…” she said.
“So…” I answered.

There was still a big huge elephant in the room with us. I wasn’t quite sure how to handle anything. Not like my parents entertained the idea they might have a bisexual daughter, and how she should navigate dating from that angle. Fuck it…

“The other day…”
“Yeah about that…”
“I, um…that was…”
“It was…I don’t know…”
“I liked it,” I blurted out.
“Y-you did?” Alice asked. I nodded.
“I did,” I answered. “Unexpected, yes, but…not unwelcomed.”

Alice smiled and blushed a bit

“I liked it too,” she replied. I smiled back.
“I um…I don’t know what’s next…I mean…”
“I know, Liam the other day…”
“Yeah that’s its own loop-de-loop,” I said.
“Trust me, I know,” she said.
“You won’t kill me if I say I want to play this by ear and see what happens next, will you?”
“Right now? No. I think that’s probably best. Just one day at a time. Because we have the band to think of too.”
“This is true. Not too sure the Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal formula works for everyone.”
“They definitely are a one in a million.”
“They are,” I said, “I…I’m glad we were able to talk that out.”
“I am too,” Alice said.

The bell rang as we finished out conversation. We got up to head to class.

“See you at lunch?” she said.
“Just like yesterday,” I said.
“Looking forward to it.”
“See you then.”
“See you then!” She said, waving as we walked off to separate sides of the building.

And that was the tone for the rest of the week. Either I was with Liam or the girls after school, avoided bickering with mom, asked dad for advice, and played Twisted Metal with my brother. I guess most days, I was a pretty average teenager. But the weekends? That’s when it changed.

Friday afternoon, the final bell rand and everyone bolted for the doors. By 4, the girls were at my house for band practice.

The band officially formed Sophomore year. It was innocent at first. We just jammed together and had fun. Then, last year, we started learning other songs, Rose and I started to collaborate, and we were getting to a point where we could perform. Or, at least, we played songs for my brother and dad. We decided over the summer to start writing and performing our own music. We hadn’t set a timeline for ourselves, but we wanted to be performing gigs this school year. We all even planned to try and go to college in the same city at least (most likely, Chicago) to keep up with the band. It didn’t even have to be the same school, or same major, just so we could stay together. We really wanted to make this happen. We were damn determined to make it happen. No boring 9-5 for us.

We were all set up in my parent’s basement after school, ready to go and much to my brother’s dismay (no Playstation). I was excited. We took the week off to readjust to school. I hadn’t even practiced much this week. Between the drama, homework, and just life, I let it go by the wayside. But, I think, for a week, I’m gonna be ok. I mean, I played in band class, so that counts, right? I’d like to think so.

I counted us off into our first song. It was a bit rough, but I expected it to be. We were getting into the groove of things again.

It took us probably 2 more songs before we started meshing again. We finally started loosening up, and finding our flow. It was a nice feeling. I liked finding my groove again. The sticks always felt good in my hand; the worn down wood fit just so. The nylon tip hit the snare making a pleasing “pop” sound, followed by the sizzle of the hi-hat, the thud of the toms, and the splash of any of my assorted cymbals. The flow of rhythm floated from my finger tips to the sticks, to my instrument. It was a liberating feeling. It was like all of the world’s bullshit was melting away.

We kept going until 7, which was the latest time my parents and I agreed on for practice time. My wrists and forearms were feeling it, but I was sure over the course of the next week, I’d get back into shape. We all packed up, and the girls headed home for the night. I went up to my room to try and tackle homework. I skipped dinner that night. I wasn’t hungry, and I had to work all weekend (oh yeah…there’s that party tonight). I didn’t want my homework hanging over my head. Sometimes, I can be responsible.

I’ll tell you more about work later. I only work 2 days a week, but it was enough for now. It gave me a bit of freedom from my parents.
I finally finished my homework, somewhat late that night. When I was sure everyone was in their rooms, I picked up the phone in my room, and called Alice.
“Hello?” She said, answering quietly.
“Hey, it’s me,” I said.
“Doshi! You’re gonna get me in trouble!”
“Just say it was a wrong number,” I answered, “Still up for that party tonight?”
“Hell yeah!” she said.
“Call the girls,” I said, “meet in my front yard. I’ll drive.”
“Awesome! See you soon!”
“See you soon!” I said, and we hung up the phone.

Chapter 7

The girls all managed to meet in my front yard around 11. We all lived within a few blocks of each other, so it was doable. I was pretty sure my parents were asleep, but we were still quiet as we could manage to get in the car and get on the road.

The party was in the next neighborhood over, so it was easy to get there. Finding a place to park was another story. I was surprised no one had called the police already, to be entirely honest. But I was glad they didn’t. I needed to blow off some steam after this week.
We walked up to the door, and walked right in. It was already crazy in there, with the music blaring, and people shouting and laughing. But it was a party…I’m sure someone’s older brother or sister or something bought a keg or two. We were set for the night.

It looked like everyone was here too: the preps, the jocks, the National Honors Society kids, the punk and goth kids (that was the group I usually ended up in), the burnouts, a bunch of band kids made it…everyone made it. I think I even saw a few nerdy kids hanging together playing Magic the Gathering or something like that.

It was rare that a party was this diverse. Preps hardly ever wanted to be seen with anyone but other preps. They were usually little more than spoiled rich kids with mom and dad’s money. They didn’t have much in the way of intellectual capacity, and the ones who did were what I called the NHS kids. Those kids were smart, sure, and did well in classes, but they couldn’t think critically for a damn. Challenge or question their ideas, and I swear their brain functions shut down.

The jocks were another off shoot, but they were a bit more diverse comparatively. But, the way high school society functions, they were slightly below gods in the eyes of most. They could get away with murder and still be heroes. Most of them made me want to gag, but there were one or 2 football players I knew that were sort of friends.

The band kids…well that’s a story in and of itself. I’d been one of them for a few years, but I never fit in. I didn’t worship Broadway and concert band music, even though I probably had a more diverse musical catalog than most of the people I hung around. I mean, yeah I was still in concert band, but it was different when you weren’t worshipping at the holy altar that was marching band (and jazz band, and orchestra, and pep band). I stuck with it to get a foot in the door in college music programs; otherwise I just didn’t get the hype. It was almost like they didn’t have a life outside of band. I guess I just had a different set of goals.

If I had classes where I wasn’t with the girls, I usually ended up with the geeks and nerds. And it was a lot of fun. Of course, they were usually really smart, but they were a lot cooler than everyone gave them credit for. I mean I couldn’t always keep up with their conversations, but they made you think. That was the best part. Hell, conversations with them made me think more than anything in class ever did.
The burnouts, the punks, and the goths all kind of overlapped. That was my normal crowd. We all liked freaking awesome music, and I thought we all wore awesome clothes. We all bonded over the fact that we generally rejected what everyone else did, and really didn’t want to fall in line with society, whether just in school, or on a larger level. But it was a paradox, at least for me, because we were all rejecting a society that gave us the privileges and perks we had. So because we were supported by it, we rejected it, but in rejecting it fully, we’d lose the support systems. I dunno…a conundrum and a half. I’ll worry about that later. Right now, I just wanted to party.

The girls and I looked for the kitchen, figuring there were a few kegs at a place like this. Someone has an older brother or sister who did us all the favor in exchange for something or other. No one asked. But hey, beer is good. Especially when it was free. We found said keg, and all helped ourselves.
We decided to just lay low for a minute, and see how the night would unfold. These parties were either killer, with dancing and craziness and fun, or they were super lame, and just turned into a bunch of jokers getting drunk and not being able to function. On the rare occasion, they turned into makeout parties.
After a few minutes, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It startled me at first, but when I turned around, I saw a familiar face. Liam.
“Liam, hey!” I said, reaching out to give him a hug. After the other day, there was no need to be coy. He hugged me back, and even kissed my cheek.
“Hey Doshi,” he said, and then pulled away to greet the girls, “Hey Alice…Valentina…Rose.”
“Hey,” they all said.
“How’s it going?”
“It goes,” I said, “You know…that awkward settling into the party moment, when you haven’t had enough to drink yet?”
“I feel you,” he said, smiling, then looked at the girls, “mind if I steal Eudoxia for a bit?”
“Go for it,”” Alice said, “She is our ride though.”
“Ah you get to be the DDD?” Liam joked
“DDD?” I asked as we walked off.
“The designated drunk driver.”
“Liam!” I said, laughing and playfully swatting at him.

We took it easy for a bit, just talking and strolling around the backyard. They even had a pool, with people already skinny dipping. I was amused.
“Bet you’d be fun to skinny dip with,” Liam said, breaking my train of thought.
“And what makes you think that?”
“You already look good dressed,” he said, “I bet undressed you look even better.”
“You perv,” I said, laughing. That was one thing that hasn’t happened yet. I blame it on the up and down nature of the relationship. We’ve gotten handsy, but never…that.
“Well, it’s true,” he said.
“If anything like that happens, definitely not in front of this many people.”
“That’s fair,” Liam said, “besides, I’d want to have you all to myself. Can’t go making everyone jealous.”
“Oh bullshit,” I said, “who’d be jealous of me?”

Whatever my relationship with Liam was, I doubted that anyone would be jealous of me. Have you seen the girls in these rich kid districts? They’re gorgeous; slim and tanned and well…perfect. Then, there was me…with curly brown hair, and a belly that jiggled. Who’d want that? Most days I felt like I should leave the house with a bag over my head.

“Don’t be like that, Doshi,” he said, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him, “You know I think you’re hot.”
“I know you do,” I said, feeling his lips brush against my neck. I shivered, trying to contain myself. He knew what that did to me.
“I say we should go somewhere else more…private?” He whispered in my ear.
“Lead the way,” I answered. He took my hand, and we headed back inside.

We made our way upstairs, and check all the rooms. Taken. Some, we didn’t even have to go in and check. They were quite loud enough. There was a closet under the stairs a group of half-drunk kids were crowded around, trying to get people to go in and make out.
“Should we give them what they want?” Liam said.
“Why the hell not?”

Liam and I stepped up and “volunteered” to go in. Of course, under the agreement that we could be timed, just for sport. I didn’t see why not. This game had always been fun before.
As soon as the door clicked shut, Liam grabbed me and pulled me into a heated kiss. I melted into his arms and pressed my hips against his.
Anytime Liam did anything to me, he turned me into a quivering mess. Every kiss, every caress, I felt my self-control give way. He backed me up to the door and pinned me down with his weight. Feeling ‘trapped’ was exciting, and feeling his hands creep under my shirt only intensified it. I locked one of my legs around his hips, and he quickly broke the kiss.
“Are you ready for that?” he asked.
“I mean…maybe…I…damn…not without a condom. I’m not getting knocked up tonight.”
“No…I didn’t plan on anything like…this.”
“Well fuck,” I said, “no pun intended.” Liam laughed.
“You know…I could try something else,” he said. I think I knew what he was getting at.
“Go for it,” I said. Liam unbuttoned my jeans, and tugged at the zipper.
I would say I made sure I was loud enough, but I didn’t even have to try. When Liam finished me off, I heard people cheering outside. I laughed, satisfied. Both with Liam and myself. Liam seemed proud of himself, as I pulled my jeans back on.
“Enjoy yourself?” he asked.
“I did,” I said, “Maybe I should return the favor?”
“I wouldn’t tell you no,” he said. I smiled as I crouched down in front of him.

I have to say, it’s nowhere near as bad as everyone made it sound. I think I actually enjoyed myself as much as Liam did. Listening to the sounds he made when he finished was just as exciting as how I had sounded not long before.
“I think you definitely enjoyed yourself this time, too,” Liam said. His eyes were glassy as he relaxed.
“Not as much as you, though,” I said.
“True,” he replied, before kissing me.

I tasted both of us on our lips, which was an added thrill. I’d never…ventured this far before, but I enjoyed every second of it. We sorted ourselves out, and when we were ready, left the closet. We were greeted by cheers and hollering, and I was both embarrassed and proud. Liam I think was just proud.

That’s right, girls have fun too.

“Eudoxia!” I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Alice and Valentina. “There you are! We gotta go! Rose over did it! She’s passed out in a bathtub!”
Had we been here that long already?
“Ok, I’ll be up to help!” I said, and looked at Liam. “Guess the party is over.”
“I get it,” Liam said, “see you Monday?”
“Definitely,” I said, and gave him a kiss goodbye.
“See you Doshi.”
“See you, Liam,” I said, and ventured upstairs to help Rose.

We got her downstairs, and out to the car, but not before she puked one more time in the bushes. I’d laugh, if I wasn’t so worried about her. We had to get her inside, too. This was going to be an adventur.

We dropped Rose off first, and miraculously made it inside, without waking her parents. Valentina was sober enough she could climb back up to her room, and Alice was able to walk quietly through the front door. I got home and managed to do the exact same.
Once the excitement of the evening calmed down, and my normal thoughts returned, I became more aware of what I had done. I couldn’t believe myself. I mean, I didn’t regret it, but I wasn’t normally one to go out on a limb like that. I was a bit embarrassed, but it had been fun. I felt like I had turned a leaf tonight. I was excited, and nervous, and proud, and felt a little…slutty maybe? But I liked it. I wasn’t letting myself stay boxed in. And…well…Liam wasn’t bad at all at what he did.
I fell asleep in a decent mood that night. And that wasn’t something that happened often. Now…whether mom and dad would figure out what I did or not remained to be seen.
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