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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2120630
This is Day Three of the Promptly Potter challenge. It's another SpaceWizards Mystery.
(Another SpaceWizards Action/Adventure Mystery)

What is a SpaceWizard? I know that most of you, if not all of you, think that every wizard from another planet is a SpaceWizards. At least those of you who believe in other Races besides our own. But you are wrong. There are only a few hundred thousand SpaceWizards. And there about five thousand times that many wizards in the universe. It’s very hard to become a SpaceWizard. Only the best of the best can become one. Most of them come from Wizard Worlds. But not all of them. This is one of them.

“The Very Secret Diary”

A Short Story

Remembered By


     After mumbling something, a square glass looking that could barely be seen around its edges, appeared around Jacci only a few seconds before a Fire Ball struck it and exploded. Jacci floated a few feet above and mumbled something else. A second or two later that square became a box.

     Jacci started walking forward. Her box frame walked with her. She looked like a see-through robot when a planet first started creating them as started walking through the mob in front of her.

     Pacill was looking up at Horrald as he fired two more Fire Balls out of his palms. One headed his way. The other for Angoria. Pacill mumbled something and a second or two later his Fire Ball hit hers and exploded. A few flame spears struck him. He shook a little as he mumbled something and they disappeared.

     Angoria looked over at Pacill and nodded yes sharply, aka Thanks, as she mumbled something. Her flame shards disappeared too. She followed the Fire Ball from Pacill as it struck Horrald and exploded.

     Horrald wasn’t even shaken by it. He just fired two more Fire Balls at the SpaceWizards. But they weren’t headed for Pacill and Angoria. These two were targeted at Shavon and Yena. After Horrald had shotted those last two Fire Balls, he floated back down to a young female floating a couple of feet in the air. She appeared to be asleep.

     Shavon shot an electrical string through the Fire Ball heading his way. When it passed through it, the Fire Ball exploded. Yena clapped her hands together as she mumbled something. The Fire Ball headed for her suddenly became flat, but oblong just before it exploded.

     Mairon swept his hand across his neck and beyond as he mumbled something. Fifteen individuals dead advantaging on him got their neck sliced through one After another. Their heads hovered about an inch above their bodies for a few seconds before they fell to the ground. And their bodies joined them a second or two later.

     Borrele pushed the air in front of her as she mumbled something. The dead male in front of her stepped back a few steps as a small hole in the middle of his hollow stomach appeared. He had a shocked look on this face as he fell to the ground and turned to dust seconds before it disappeared.

     Jacci continued through the mod slicing and punching her way through it. Glancing around, she saw that her fellow SpaceWizards were doing the same thing. She was ahead of them by a few rows. So, she got through the section of the mob first. But the others one at a time came through a few seconds later.

     Horrald looked at them smiling. “You are too late, again.” He reached into the chest of the young female about Angoria's age. Jacci couldn’t see it when he pulled out a SpaceGem. “This makes the sixth one. I only need four more from these humans.”

     Why is he doing this? And why is he doing it here on the planet of Ronte? everyone was thinking the same thing. But it was Jacci who thought it as Horrald disappeared again.


     Jacci held a Mini Monitor in her hands. She placed against a wood looking box and looked at the box. The screen now showed the contents of that box. “It’s not in this one either.”

     “I know it’s in one of these.” Jacci went to the next box and did the same thing. It was the fourth box from the bottom. “Not in here either.”

     “I’m just not sure which one it is.” Jacci went to the fifth box. She had to stretch up a little to scan it. Then she had to tilt it downward slightly to see what was in it. “It’s not in here.”

     Jacci stepped to the next stack of boxes. She sat on the floor to scan the bottom two boxes. The stood up to scan the other three. “It not in any of these either.”

     “I know the very secret diary is in here somewhere. But where is it?” Jacci turned to go to the next stack and sighed. She was Staring at twenty more stacks of boxes. After a few seconds, she glanced over her shoulder at twenty more stacks.

     “There must be at least ten thousand boxes in here. And not counting this row I have only scanned five rows of them. I’m never going to find it.”

     “Find what?” Borrele asked as she walked up to Jacci. “What are you looking. Maybe I know where it is. If not, I can help you find it.”

     A few seconds later Borrele continued. “Is this where you have been hiding when we haven’t been trying to stop Horrald?”

     “I haven’t been hiding. But, yes, this is where I have been for the last couple of months. I’m looking for my diary.”

     Borrele looked shocked. “What diary? I didn’t know you had one.”

     “No one did, until now. But I’m getting desperate. I have to find it. And I can’t do it alone anymore. If I do more children will become part of Horrald's army.”

     “I will help you to find it? I’m sure the others will too. What are we looking for?

     “It’s called the very secret diary. And I started it back when we started battling Horrald thirty thousand years ago.”

     Borrele started to open her mouth, but Jacci continued before she said anything. “And before you ask I call it that because girls Angoria's keep a diary on millions of planets. But adults didn’t. Especially on my home planet of Errock. And they definitely didn’t do it for individuals like us.


     What exactly are we looking for again? Mairon asked as he scanned a box. I mean I know it’s a diary. But what does it look like?

     You can’t miss if you see it. The front and back are red with the siding being blue. And it has the words ‘My Diary’ in yellow on the front of it.

     I’m surprised it’s still readable.. Angoria thought as she finished scanning one box and went to the next one. You did say you wrote it when we battled Horrald the first time.

     It did because I put a spell on it. I knew that we would need it sooner or later when Horrald returned. I’m just surprised he came back so soon.

     Why is it that we need to find it so bad now? Can’t we wait until we stop Horrald from killing any more children? Pacill thought as he looked down the row at Angoria who was three stacks behind him. Then he went back to scanning the top two stacks he stood in front of.

     That’s why we need to find it know. If we can, then we can stop Horrald now and anytime he does something else. Except for creating his army, he’s doing what he did before.

     A few seconds later Jacci continued. Remember a couple of months ago we went to the planet of Poppus. That planet was exactly like the one I lived on. They didn’t believe in magic or wizardry. If you were one, you had to keep it a secret. That’s when I remembered my diary.

     Jacci took a deep breath. So, I started looking for it. I knew it was on our spaceship somewhere because I remember putting in a box. When we got all our stuff out of storage, I knew it was here. I just did remember which box it was in.

     It was a couple of weeks later that Horrald starting latest plan. Jacci continued a few seconds later. What he’s doing now looked so familiar. Then I remember he had to do something like this before. That’s why we need to find my diary so that we can see how we stopped him before. We might even be able to use it to stop him once and for all too.


     “I think I found it.” Stavon thought as he looked at the screen on his Mini Monitor that showed a bunch of bound papers. And one of them did appear to be Jacci’s diary. Only the blue could be seen clearly. But a little bit of the front of it could be seen too. Enough of it that the ‘Di’ could be seen and the edge of the ‘M’ too.

     Jacci smiled then sighed. Where are you at, Stavon.

     I’m in row thirty-six. Stavon closed his eyes and mumbled something. A couple of seconds later the top three boxes rose a few inches above the bottom two. Then the top two stayed together but rose another few inches so that the third one could float out and land on the floor softly.

     I’ll be right there, Stavon. Jacci was already on the run. You going to need me to do my counter-spell before we can open it.

     It’s about time someone found it. Yena thought sarcastically. Except for eating or sleeping we have been here trying to find it for the last week. I’m surprised that Horrald hasn’t shown up since again.

     I was wondering about Horrald too. Mairon was on the run too. He did say that he had four more SpaceGems to get before he had what he needed.

     Maybe he’s having trouble finding the others. Angoria ran down the side of the rows only a few rows behind Pacill. For being so young and small, Angoria could run almost as fast as the adults. What do you think he wants with them?

     The first one I’m sure is for his true love, Tonnie. Borrele glanced one row and saw Mairon as she ran past it on the other side of the rows. I have no idea what he wants to do with the other nine.

     Mairon rounded a row and suddenly stopped. He was the last one to get there. The others were hovering, not literally, around Jacci as she started reading through her diary. Mairon joined the others. “How long is it going to take you to find what you are looking for?”

     “I don’t know. It could take a few minutes, several hours, a day or more, or a week. It’s hard to say. We had a lot of battle with Horrald back then.”

     Just then an alarm sounded, and the room started pulsating red. “I hope it’s a few minutes or hours because Horrald is back.” Mairon got up and started running toward the side of the rows. The others, except for Jacci, were right behind him.

     “You all go on ahead. I’ll be there as soon as I find it.”


     A couple of hours later Jacci came floating into a raging battle. Fire Balls, electrical strings, slices and pushes were happening everywhere. The other SpaceWiards were only about halfway through the dead on their way to stop Horrald. And Horrald was about to pull out a SpaceGem from another young girl. That one appeared to be a few years younger than Angoria.

     Jacci mumbled something then threw an electrical string right at the SpaceGem. It shattered that SpaceGem into a million pieces. Those pieces floated down onto the young girl who suddenly woke up then sat up. Horrald shouted, “NO.” A few seconds later the other six SpaceGems appeared floating around Horrald’s head. They shattered too. Their pieces floated off in all directions.

     You’re not going to be killing any more children on this planet. In fact, you’re not even going to be killing these children. Jacci smiled. The other SpaceWizards looked up at her and smiled back.

Word Count = 1,938

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