Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2120430-Class-10-Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2120430
Tanker's first battle was not what he was expecting.
The next chapter of my Class #10 series. Hope you all enjoy!

As dawn broke through the clouds, the mercs in red base were preparing for another long day in battle. Everyone was preparing in there own way. The Sniper was polishing his gun and scope quietly in the corner, the Demoman was downing his 3rd bottle of porter that morning, Heavy, Scout and Spy were at the table conversing, Engineer and Tanker were enjoying cups of coffee and bacon while listening to Pyro muffle and grunt about something. Soldier was... well being Soldier.

"Alright Maggots! Listen up!"

Everyone turned to the Soldier.

"Men, we cannot let the enemy be us! We must win, that way we will be winners! Not losers!"

With that he promptly left the room.


Everyone was in the spawn as the Administrator's voice cracked over the intercom, " 30 sec before the battle starts."

Tanker walked over to the tank that was shown to him last night and patted it.

"I think I'll call ya Mac. You remind me a lot of that hero from long ago."

As Tanker was climbing inside, he saw a helmet in the cab and put in on. Turning the key on the controls, Mac's engine roared to life. Tanker gripped the two toggle switches on either side of him. He was nervous, not knowing the landscape and the fear of failing his team made him edgy. He took a deep breath, and popped the hatch above him to stick his head out to see. Just then the Administrator started the count down. 5...4...3...2...1... Capture the control points!

Yelling, the Red team rushed out ready to kill. Tanker throttled Mac, lurching the tank forward and easing its way towards the enemy. Besides the yelling, it was quiet. But then all hell broke loose. Bullets and bombs went of and ricocheted off the tanks armor. Startled, Tanker quickly shut the hatch above him and peered out his peephole to see what was happening. Seeing Blue uniforms come around a corner, Tanker took aim with his gun and fired. The aim was true, and blew three blues to hell. The other blues looked in shock at the new monstrosity that they would have to fight.

The blues, try as they might, could not seem to stop the machine. That was until a blue soldier took his RPG and took a shot at the oncoming monster. The rocket hit the tracks on the left, stopping the vehicle. Tanker tried the controls to get the tank to move. Nothing happened. Tanker's heart sunk. He was a sitting duck out there and worst of all, he would have to get out of the tank. Carefully, he tried opening the double doors, which resulted in a hailstorm of bullets raining down on him. Tanker realized he was stuck. His first battle and he was already needing help. Luckily, Engineer had installed a radio inside the tank to communicate with him.

Tanker turned the knobs on the radio. "Hello?! Hello?! Engineer!? I need assistan-"
The whole tank shook and threw Tanker into the controls. Getting up, Tanker saw that there was now a big dent in the side of Mac. It was no use to call for help now, he had to get out of there. Taking his pistol out of his boot and tightening his helmet, He kicked the doors open and threw himself to the ground. Crawling as quickly as he could, he got behind the tank and got his bearings. He could see base B, where his teammates were mixed with blues, fighting it out. Knowing it was now or never, he made a break for a nearby building. He could hear bullets whipping by him, which made him run even faster! Finally he made it.

Sitting against the building, breathing heavy and trying to settle his nerves, he started to laugh at the fact that he was still alive. But then he saw it. The glistening of a Sniper scope. No time to think he lurched forward as the Sniper pulled the trigger. The bullet was so close that Tanker could feel its heat against his ear. Running up the stairs in front of him. "This will surely lead me to that cheating bastard!"

At the top, the place where the sniper was is now empty. Pistol ready, Tanker proceeded cautiously, looking around to see where the fiend could have gone. The attack came from above. Tanker was thrown to the ground on his back, looking up at the business end of a machete. Moving his head quickly, the blade missed. Aiming his pistol he fired a round at the Sniper, blowing his head off. Tanker let out a huge breath. He was scared. He hadn't killed a man since the war. He wanted to make sure he had killed him, but Tanker just couldn't bring himself to look at the bloody mess he had made. As the guns went off around him, he want to the corner of the sniper's nest and huddled there to contemplate why he was there in the first place.

I know this is a short chapter but Im still trying to work out a lot of the story plot. If you have some suggestions feel free to mention them!
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