Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2120383-Class-10-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2120383
The red team is introduced to the newest member of their team, Tanker.
My first work so please be gentle!---- Writer Unknown

In the red base, the team surrounded their newest member. He was tall and stout, clenched fists and tattoos covered his arms. The brown haired boy stood their silently, not making eye contact but rather looking at the ground. Spy was the first to speak up.

"Ahem- I assume your za new recruit?"

Without looking up, the man replied with a nod.

Spy continued,"I see. What is your call sign?"

This time, the man looked up, showing a scar across the forehead and another down the cheek.
The man said," They call me 'Tanker' sir."

Spy, taken aback by the scars, quickly regained composer. "Ah, and why do zey call you zat?"

Showing a toothy grin, Tanker explained.
"Because I drive tanks sir."

A couple of the other mercs chuckled at the obviousness of the joke, while spy gave Tanker a glare.
"I hope you are as good at driving tanks as you are making jokes," said spy as he leaned in towards Tanker. "Because I would hate to zee you become one."

With that the spy left the room.

Tanker turned to observe his other teammates. He noticed a big fellow eat a sandwich. "Hi!" he said to the big man. "How ya?"

The big man looked down at Tanker and his outstretched hand, then back at Tanker. Taking the last bite of his sandwich, he mumbled,"Heavy." and walked off.

Tanker felt a tap on his shoulder, turning to see who tapped, he met a young man, a little shorter than him with a goofy grin. He shoved his hand out at Tanker, saying "Hey there, names Scout!" Tanker grabbed his hand and shook it. "Tanker. What accent is that by the way?"

The young man's grin got even bigger at the mention of his accent. "I see ya noticed the voice, girls eat it up. It's Bostonian, where I from. I better get goin'. See ya!" With that, he sped off.

As the introductions went on, Tanker was amazed at all the different people that were there. It was almost like the freak show at a carnival. The final person he met sounded like a cowboy, whom's name was Engineer. "Glad to meet ya son." He said with a smile. "Aye, same here." replied Tanker.

"You must be the fella whose's gonna use my latest creation."

"You bet!"

"Well let's not waste anymore time and get to showing you the basics."

Engineer led Tanker into the garage/workshop of the base, where a huge mass of something was covered by tarp. Engineer went over and pulled the tarp off with dramatic effect. Tanker almost died when he saw it. It was relatively small, but big enough for one man to operate. A huge barrel stuck out of the front of it on a turrent. Painted in swamp camo, it was the mosr beautiful tank Tanker ever seen.

Engineer patted the gun. "Ain't she a beauty?"

Tanker could only nod as he walked towards the beast in awe.

"Heh heh, well let me show you the controls." Engineer went to the front of the tank where two handles sat side by side. He pulled them revealing the main control's of the tank. Tanker took in every detail as Engineer explained the controls and different features.

"And lastly, the armor. It's strong enough to stop bullets and sniper fire, but it can only withstand a few direct hits from rocket launchers or gernades. Got it?"

Tanker nodded and replied," Aye sir. Stay away from rockets and gernades."

Engineer nodded and smiled. "Well, we better get some shut eye, got a fight tomorrow.

As Tanker and Engineer left, Engineer said one final thing before Tanker was shown to his room.

"Don't blow the tank to hell. This stuff's expensive."

Hope you all enjoyed! Let me know what could be done better, or if you want to see a chapter 2!
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