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Beginning draft of a timeline for a Sci-Fi setting I'm working on. updated 19/08/16 |
Jumpspace Time-line: 2052 European union collapses into economic chaos following massive DOS attacks on the banking and government networks - Marshall law declared in some areas due to panic and civil unrest. Blame is pointed towards the US following investigation shows American servers seemed to be the source of the attack. America blames Russia and China South Korea invades North Korea with US backing - First recorded instance of orbital weapon deployment as mass drivers used to destroy Pyongyang - Incident is decried by the UN as a war crime as weapon of mass destruction used against civilian target. US claims that satellite was hacked. China lands first manned Mars mission 2053: China, Japan, India and some of the former French Indo-china countries form Sino-Asian alliance to boost trade relations. Chinese border controls loosened between member countries Former European union countries work on economic recovery UN resolution passed to force American troops to withdraw all military presence from Japanese territory 2056 Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland announce formation of Scandinavian union. 2058 First automated Orbital factories launched in joint UK,Russia, Sino alliance effort 2059 Scandinavian union announces launch of first orbital solar power station in geosynchronous orbit beaming power down to land based receiving centre 2060 California, Oregon and Washington state vote to secede from the union as per their right under the constitution, forming the Western states - They are recognised by Russia, Sino-Asian alliance, Scandinavian union, united Kingdom, France and Germany 2061 UK/Canadian collaboration create first unstable wormhole between two points on surface of planet. It collapses after 3 minutes - long enough for a small drone to pass through though it is heavily damaged. Massive drought in America Midwest causes widespread famine and civil unrest - Famine alleviated by European and Russian grain - Extremist elements blame Russia and Europe, claiming a bio-engineered virus was used to destroy the grain Genetically engineered wheat/grain developed in Australia that can thrive on 1/50th the water of current grain crops. this massively increases the amount of land that can be used for food production 2062 Hawaii and Alaska announce secession and begin talks to join with the Western States 2nd US Civil war starts - invasion of Western states by US forces. UN troops deployed - Mainly Canadian with some Australian, New Zealand and Japanese troops. Reports of Chemical and biological weapons being deployed in Alaska 2064 - First commercial Mass algae/plankton farms developed by Japan and New Zealand First electromagnetic accelerator orbital launch facility deployed in joint UK/Canadian effort massively decreases cost for orbital insertion of satellites UK scientists propose terraforming of Mars by crashing ice comets into the surface. Joint Sino-Asian/Russian/UK/Canada/UN mission sets up large scale orbital habitat as first step towards further exploration- this is dubbed Hawkins-Laika Station 2069 Dirty bombs detonated in Mecca, Birmingham, and Marseilles - Far right terrorist group claims responsibility United states launches automated mission to the asteroid belt for stated reasons of prospecting for resources 2073: 2nd Mexican war United States-Mexico war - Intended Nuclear strike on Mexico city malfunctions, resulting in detonation in launch facility - This is denied by the US government at the time, but Chinese, Russian and European satellites all detect the blast and record it. The revelations of this result in considerable civil unrest among the population. 2074: United Nations voted to be allowed an independent military force. Initially funded by all member nations First large scale deployment of energy weapon (Plasma/rail gun offshoot) equipped vehicles by us in 2nd Mexican war. First Orbit-Surface wormhole established between Hawkins-Laika station and surface. Surface wormhole destabilises while orbital end maintains coherency. The experiment is not deemed a failure as gravitational theory is advanced. UN establishes an orbital station. First none governmental orbital habitat established by Corporate interests 2075 First instance of McGregor disease are recorded in North America with a recorded 80% fatality rate. It is through to be bio-engineered virus/bio warfare. US government blames Mexico - further escalation in the ground war. 2076 McGregor disease spreads across southern states - Civil unrest on east coast - Marshal Law declared by US government 2077 Errant asteroid detected by Hawkins-Laika station and UN Station - Planned drone missions to investigate as asteroid appears to be making course corrections fuel theories of First contact. US government announces it’s “Hand of God” weapons program to the world, revealing that the incoming asteroid is under their control - Ultimatum issued to Mexican and Western states governments to surrender/renounce secession of face the “Ultimate Weapon” Planned nuclear strike under aegis of the UN from Sino-Asian Alliance, Canada, Russia, UK and Australia fails to destroy incoming asteroid UN sanctions imposed on US Further Civil unrest on east coast - New York state, New England states announce secession and request aid from UN, Boston proclaimed capital of Anglian states. Canada and Uk troops deployed alongside UN troops in aid of Anglian states Hacker data released to the world indicating at least half a dozen more asteroids are inbound 2078 Mass driver/railgun orbital strike against New York city destroys UN facilities and large portions of the city. First orbital war starts: US Kill satellites destroy manned mission to UN station. US declared “Rogue state” by UN with backing of majority of world governments. Russians deploy manned Gagarin-class surface to orbit fighters in joint action with UN troops to identify and destroy US kill satellites US troops fire on refugee convoys trying to flee the fighting. Scene is found by Canadian Troops. Canadian economy collapses following information strike by US hackers US military crippled with major Corporate sponsored Hacker attack and neutralisation of US military satellites by Un/Russian/Sino-Asian alliance. Last ditch nuclear launch intercepted by combined UN, UK, Canadian, Sino-Asian, Russian and European state defence satellites. US announces that the Hand of God asteroids have independent control systems and unless Mexico, Canada, Western states and Anglian states surrender then the communications protocols and commands would be destroyed, leaving the incoming asteroids with no control. Civil war erupts among remaining US military and states. 2079 Scandinavian Union announces development of room temperature superconductor Washington DC destroyed following nuclear explosion - Rebel US forces take credit UN troops launch invasion of US states to track down and locate remaining US government factions, as Rebels request aid. 5 other Hand of God asteroids are detected, impact time estimated between 1-10 years depending on size of asteroid (largest = slowest) 2080 First Hand of God asteroid strikes central Africa. Death-toll is in the millions. Dust cloud grounds all air travel for 6 months - Near Nuclear winter predicted. Live Broadcast by US President Hammond announcing the event as the judgement of the righteous upon the unbeliever. Broadcast descends into a seemingly madness fuelled rant as he declares that US forces are advancing on all fronts and final victory is within their grasp. Hammond is assassinated by members of his own bodyguard. Remaining US forces begin surrender talks with UN representatives. World community demand total unconditional surrender. 2081 Formal surrender of remaining US forces. Former “Rebel” states take control. Surrender conditions include the splitting of the remaining US states - this is referred to as the Tsang-White accord after the Sino-Asian and UK negotiators that developed the plan All-out war erupts between India and Pakistan. Rapidly spreading to Afghanistan, Bhangladesh And Tibet. Sino Alliance forces stationed along borders to prevent further expansion 2082 First commercial scale cold fusion generator developed by Join UK, Scandinavian alliance and Corporate scientists Texan confederacy and Northern alliance founded as part of the Tsang-White accords. Remaining states retain the United States Moniker. 2087: First artificial gravity generator invented. |