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Stargate meets X men |
Summer Storms are quickly over By Toni L. James “Off world activity! This is not a drill! Security to the Gateroom”. The unfamiliar words were shouted over the tannoy system and penetrated even Daniel’s immersion in yet another artefact from one of their travels. He looked up at the red lights flashing within his room, put down the delicate piece from another world, and got to his feet. He was reluctant to rush outside and act the part of Jack, who was, after all, due back on the base any time now, but he knew his expertise at Gating could come in handy, perhaps even saving lives. He began to run towards the Control room. As he entered, he could see the technicians futily attempting to close the iris, but each time the steel covering was forced back, by some unimaginable force. “What’s wrong?” He shouted at one of them. “We don’t know, it won’t close!” Daniel felt helpless as others rushed from one terminal to the other, desperately tapping in commands, but nothing seemed to work. He turned to watch the gate, feeling as though he could shut the iris through sheer will power, and was therefore the first in the control room to see a figure step through the watery shimmer. The guards below moved forward, weapons raised, blood imminently about to be shed. The next moment, they were flung against the wall. Daniel stared in amazement, convinced he was hallucinating, but he had indeed seen what he thought he had. An invisible force, seemingly directed by the figure to judge from its outflung hand, had picked up the guards bodily. Daniel examined the figure more closely. From what he could see, it appeared to be a woman, dressed in black. She had lowered her hand, and was glancing around her. Suddenly she spotted him watching her open-mouthed, and her eyes flashed in the old, familiar manner. Then, unexpectedly, his mind was seized in a vice-like grip. *Who are you?* Came the question directed into his brain. *Where am I?* “Can’t…Won’t….” Daniel forced out, meaning to defy her but he was driven to his knees by a mysterious weight in his mind. He found his thoughts being…rifled through, and beyond his will to stop her, the woman took the memories of the SGC from him. More besides. He found himself remembering the missions, from start to finish, every detail about SG1, but at a speed that was incomprehensible to him. He tried to release himself, but he had no method of fighting the attack. Just when he thought with relief that he would pass out anyway, she let him go, and he sensed her satisfaction with what she had found. He collapsed, thankfully sliding towards unconsciousness…… “Daniel? Hey, Danny-boy, wake up!” He found himself lying on his back, Jack kneeling beside him. Dr Fraiser was already hurrying to his side. He allowed himself to be examined by her whilst putting questions to Jack. No, Jack had seen no one. No, Jack was not affected by whatever had hit Daniel. No Jack had no idea what was going on, nor who the woman was. Yes, they did. Daniel re-wound for a moment. “Yes?” Jack looked at him quizzically. “Yes, we have the co-ordinates of the planet she went to. Yes, we’ll follow. Happy? Sam’s working on it now.” Daniel sat up, and looked over the computer where his blond-haired companion was studying the screen. When she saw he was awake, she came over to him. “How do you feel?” “Fine.” He dropped his gaze from the confrontation of hers and amended his story. “A headache.” “So you’ll be ready to leap through our next destination then.” She went back to the screen she had been studying. Intrigued, Daniel wobbled to his feet and came to stand behind her, not even noticing Fraiser’s comments about ‘her redundancy’ behind him. Jack and Teal’C came to join them, and together they observed what little footage there had been of the woman. They were as stunned as Daniel to see what had happened to the guards. “A new kind of ribbon device power? Oh, wait, she’s not wearing one. Telekinesis?” Carter postulated. “And telepathy,” Said Daniel ruefully, rubbing his head. Jack glanced at him. “What do you mean?” “She…went through my mind. I think. I felt something in my head, like someone….looking for something, wanting to know everything about the base and who we are.” He could sense Jack’s disbelief, but the practical soldier was obviously going to let it go this time. As usual they were going to disagree about the existence of telepathy, as they seemed to disagree on everything. Carter spoke up. “I have the co-ordinates of where she went, all we need is General Hammond’s permission to go.” “I’ll get it.” And Jack turned to speak to him, when the red lights and the sirens began again, and Stargate shivered its watery-like surface into being. “Close that damn iris!” barked Hammond. The technician obeyed with mad typing and the iris snapped shut. However, they could do nothing but watch as first one, and then more people stepped onto the ramp through the iris, one at a time. The first figure had remained by the iris, touching it until the last had stepped through. Then, they heard the wormhole de-stabilise. “OK, we don’t need the alarm now!” said Jack absently, and the sound ceased. Below them, the defence teams had already taken up their positions, but nobody moved. General Hammond took a decision and made his way down to the gate room, SG1 following behind. The groups stared at one another from across the room crowded with guns and soldiers but no one said anything. He started to move forward to get a better look at the group who waited so patiently for him, but Jack gently urged him back. Jack climbed the ramp instead and finally got a close look at the people. He could not believe his eyes. All of them were dressed in tight-fitting uniforms, all marked with an ‘X’ on the shoulder. With a slight change in colour schemes, most of them could have been mistaken for an SG team. What caught his eye was the man standing at the back. He would have turned heads in any crowd, being blond, blue-eyed, six foot and handsome, but he also had the advantage of a twelve foot wingspan. Jack stepped a little closer to look, convinced that they must be stuck on, but as the man drew back slightly, his gaze darting to the woman at the head of the group, the wings shifted exactly like two natural appendages. “Amazing. Jack, you ever see anything like this?” Daniel had been unable to control his curiosity as usual and had come forward. He missed Jack’s slightly incredulous look at him No, Daniel, have you? and launched straight into the welcoming committee bit. “Hi. I’m Daniel Jackson.” The woman smiled, although there was concern in her eyes, as she supported the weight of a young girl who had entered first through the gate. SG1 stared at another of the group, who was crouched low to the floor. He was a blue furred man with a long pointed tail, for all the world a devil incarnate. He bowed and then gestured back to the woman. She took the initiative. “My name is Or – Storm.” She corrected hastily. Jack wasn’t buying it. “Or?” He prompted, turning it into a threat. “Ororo.” The woman finished calmly, her blue eyes flashing. Daniel found himself checking for contact lenses, for although blue eyes were not uncommon, the woman appeared to be coloured. He was uncertain, as her features and the cascade of rippling white hair down her back suggested otherwise. His mind interrupted itself. “Ororo. That means….’Beauty’, doesn’t it?” She acknowledged the truth with a faint smile. “You done starin’?” Another one of the group shouldered his way through to the front. Daniel drew back instinctively. The man suggested a fighter with every inch of his diminutive stature. Even with his height advantage, Jack looked defenceless against this man. Teal’C, sensing the threat, moved in. “Wait!” Commanded the woman. The fighter froze, with his hands outstretched as though in a martial arts position, but fisted. Storm continued. “We did not come here to fight. We came to seek your assistance on a matter that concerns us greatly. Firstly, I must have confirmation of something before I say another word.” She bent her head in a silent agreement with one of the group, a tall purple haired woman. Carter, coming up to look a little closer, felt something inside her head. It was like a whisper, a caress, a ruffle of her hair and she almost dismissed it, but it came back a little stronger than before. For some reason, she found herself thinking of Jolinar. She remembered Daniel’s earlier experience. “Daniel?” She whispered. “Did it feel something like that?” He nodded. Then the feeling vanished, but the woman looked satisfied, as though Carter and the others had passed some sort of test. She and Storm looked at one another and a curious light flashed around their eyes. Then Storm relaxed also, and turned to smile at General Hammond. “General. I would like to present my group. We are known as the X-Men. We would like to discuss with you matters concerning the Goa’uld.” “One moment.” Hammond turned to his group and lowered his voice. “At a brief glance, I would say we may have found potential allies. How strong and how useful, I don’t know, but they used something to get past our iris, which was a good start.” “The purple haired woman is a telepath.” Carter said. Daniel flicked his eyes over Jack’s face. It gave nothing away. For his own part, Jack was feeling unsettled. He was quick to dismiss Daniel’s sometimes ‘out there’ theories, but…what he had felt… “I concur, General. I felt a presence in my mind, something I have never experienced before. My larva grew most agitated but it seemed..distant from me.” Teal’C looked as impassive as ever, but Jack felt certain he shared his concern. Hammond grew decisive. “I need to know more about their powers. Who knows, they may be as powerful as the woman before.” Hammond turned back to Storm. “I’d like you to pass through our infirmary before we adjourn to a more comfortable area to talk.” “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with me!” Growled the fighter. “Wolverine, please abide by their wishes.” Storm met his stare, and surprisingly he grinned. They meekly followed the tongue-tied soldier who guided them to the infirmary. “So, doc, what news?” “We have some surprising visitors. I haven’t checked out what all their abilities are, it began to feel a bit like I was studying them, but I’ve established their names. Storm and Wolverine you already know. She manipulates the weather and Wolverine…well, he doesn’t need my help, he has regenerative qualities to rival a sarcophagus. Angel didn’t want to answer any questions, so I can only assume his abilities. Psylocke was a little stand offish, but she is definitely a telepath. Nightcrawler is an acrobat and he can teleport. And Shadowcat is the one who beat the iris. She can ‘phase’ through solid matter. She obviously can extend that ability to objects, in that she ‘phased’ the whole iris.” “So she phased first, and stayed that way, keeping the iris phased also. Wonder what the event horizon did to her molecules? No wonder she was exhausted. Interesting. I wonder how they knew about the iris?” Sam’s mind was off and racing. Jack coughed and drew the rest of the group back into the discussion. “Let’s get them in here, and find out what’s going on.” Janet gestured towards the door. The solider on guard nodded, and opened it. He poked his head outside for a moment, and then backed away a little as the group entered. They sat down around the table, and Storm stayed at the head. “Firstly,” She said in her melodious voice, “I wish you to know we mean no harm to you, or to anyone on your planet.” “That’s nice.” Muttered Jack. Storm paused for a moment, and then carried on. “We are seeking one of our own. A woman by the name of Jean Gray. She was attacked on….on our earth, and then disappeared through the portal.” “On your earth?” Prompted Daniel. Storm shrugged. “This is not our world. We suspected as much when we came here, and what we have observed so far would indicate this place is far different from our world.” She smiled. “But we are used to travelling to other dimensions, other times, other planets, not only through the Stargates, but also from being flung from one side of the universe to the other by beings like ourselves.” Carter leaned forward. “So what exactly are you?” Kitty answered her. “We are mutants. The next stage along in man’s evolution, some would say. Sometimes, I’m not sure.” “Leibchen.” Nightcrawler spoke for the first time, his German accent sounding harsh against the tenderness in his voice. “We are all God’s work, whether another stage or not.” “Some of you maybe.” Wolverine’s bitterness was evident, but he refrained from saying more. Storm took up the reins of diplomat again. “Our powers come from various sources. Either we were born with them, in which case they usually evidence themselves at puberty. Some are from magical devices, radiation, science, wizardry……So many things.” “And you’re here to fight the Goa’ulds.” “Yes. They came to our planet six months ago. We first heard of them when they attempted to take over a telepath but they had problems. The mind of the Goa’uld was unable to subdue the host quickly enough, and once Jean knew, it was a simple matter to oust it.” “So what went wrong this time?” Daniel was puzzled. Storm sighed, and it was Psylocke who answered. “Jean was recovering from a fight with another mutant and was obviously too weak to stop the Goa’uld from taking over. As my abilities are considerably less than hers, I don’t know what we are going to do when we catch up with her. We hoped that maybe you….?” She trailed off questioningly. “I’m afraid our success ratio is rather less than yours.” Said Hammond. “We have had at least three people taken over and so far one is dead and the others would like to kill us.” The X-men looked dejected. Angel got to his feet. “We’re wasting our time, Ororo. They can’t help.” “Hold on!” Daniel said. “We may have experience to offer you.” He couldn’t bear the thought of Storm leaving so quickly. The alien, confident leader fascinated him, her eyes the colour of a summer sky, her hair suggesting snow in winter. Even Sha’re had faded to the back of his mind with a living presence before him. “Yeah!” Agreed Jack, not really agreeing with Daniel’s suggestion but wanting to put the winged upstart in his place. “Why don’t we try finding this Jean first, then worry about how we’re going to put her back the way she was?” Storm looked at the others. One by one they acknowledged their agreement. “Very well,” she said softly. “Where do we go?” “We’ll show you. No, I know what’s better. We’ll come with you.” Jack got to his feet. He glanced down the table to ‘Shadowcat’. “We’ll leave the youngster though.” “You will not, mister.” She had bounced to her feet, and tried to look impressive, although she could only manage to come level with his chin. “I don’t know what you can do, apart from ‘not be there’, but I can’t be looking after you. No offence.” His words were cut off by an unfamiliar noise, and he found himself admiring three blades protruding from Wolverine’s fisted hand. “None taken.” Psylocke laughed. “I think you will find colonel, that Kitty will come with us, whether you like it or not. And you might have to go through Wolverine if you wish to say no.” Jack looked down at the blades again, and sighed. “What the heck. Gear up, and we’ll leave in ten minutes.” Their wishes had been anticipated. The MAPL had already been sent through, and had pronounced the air breathable, the temperature balmy. They waited by the ring as the co-ordinates were dialled up. Then, one by one they stepped through. The other side was a pleasant shock. For all the readings, they were always prepared for the planet to be too cold, or too hot, or too….well, anything except comfortable. This time however, it was like a summer’s day in winter, warm with a cooling breeze. They were uncertain of the season or even if the sun was shining as the sky was covered by a curious cloud-cover. Wolverine sniffed the air. “Jean’s here….and something with her.” Psylocke tipped back her head, and a strange power signature appeared around her eyes. Jack leaned closer to Storm. “Would he be able to smell a creature….inside Jean?” He thought he had spoken quietly, buWolverine heard him none the less. “Yeah, I get the same scent around him.” He gestured at Teal’C. They had explained his presence to the team, but were unsure that the X-Men would trust him at face value. Nightcrawler spoke up. “I am concerned, Storm, about a cure for Jean.” “I’ll find one.” Wolverine brandished his claws for emphasis. “That may not be a good idea. Unless you want to slice her up too.” Wolverine growled in frustration. Daniel got the impression he was feeling more than simply concern for a team member. Storm defused the situation. “Let’s find her first. Angel, take to the air. Scout ahead. Keep your eyes peeled for danger, and we’ll follow Wolverine.” “You are ignoring the question,” Nightcrawler said softly. “And I will continue to do so. I don’t know the answer, Kurt. I can only hope that we will prevail but we can’t even begin the fight without capturing Jean first. Angel, please, do as I ask.” SG1 watched in awe and wonder as the huge white wings spread out and caught the air. He was swept upwards on a slight breeze, using every tiny thermal within the air to gain height and soon he was fifty feet in the air. Wolverine had not even glanced after him, but had started off across the grass. Daniel followed him, and eventually everyone was moving in a general pattern northward, following their guide. Storm also took to the air, but stayed close to the group. “How good are his tracking skills?” Jack asked Psylocke. “As good as the best sniffer dog. And then some.” Daniel walked slightly behind Wolverine. He did not particularly want to catch up with the man, but he was fascinated by him. “Got somethin’ on your mind, boy?” “Yeah. I was wondering if there were many of you?” “Many of me, or many mutants?” Daniel caught an undercurrent of anxious belligerence and fashioned his next sentence carefully. “More people with incredible gifts like yours.” “Ha! You may see ‘em as gifts, but there’s many who would like to be rid of ‘em. Just to have a normal life. See these?” And he barely stopped in his stride to flash the claws at the archaeologist. “Someone gave these to me. Because I had a healin’ factor they thought they would turn me into a soldier too. Became more like an animal for a while after.” “But you are more than an animal. You’ve fought past that and succeeded.” It was more a statement than a question. “You know that by lookin’ at me? I don’t think so. But yes, I fought it. And succeeded partly. But there are times…..” “Times when your animal side was useful, Logan.” The use of another name, and the affection with which it was rendered startled Daniel. Shadowcat had obviously made a friend of the other X-Man. “Yeah, Punkin’ but I still prefer thinkin’ for myself instead of using instinct. Hold up. Jeanie’s scent’s gettin’ stronger.” They had approached a forest, and without hesitation Wolverine had plunged into it. “You should be flattered, mister.” Daniel glanced at the teenager. She shrugged. “Wolverine doesn’t usually open up so quickly to strangers, you must have made an impact.” She seemed to have no more to say, and stood eyeing the trees in front of them. Daniel looked back in time to see Angel alight delicately on the grass, and then begin picking his way through the trees. The others followed, Storm quickly joining Daniel. “Logan?” she called. Wolverine re-appeared, and stopped, peering ahead. “Just ahead, ‘Ro.” Daniel was about to walk on, but Storm restrained him. “Wait. Let Wolverine and Shadowcat.” True to her name, the girl became one with the shadows, flitting with ease through the trees. As for Wolverine, he had vanished seemingly. Jack, Sam and Teal’C crept up to stand with Daniel although they seemed as elephants in comparison. Moments later, Psylocke’s power signature flashed again, and she turned to Storm. “There’s some kind of structure up ahead. Wolverine says Jean’s scent ends there. Kitty is going to try to get inside.” They waited, watching Psylocke as she listened to the inner dialogue with her team-mate.“It’s dark, but she can make out Egyptian relics. And….” She broke off with a cry. “Psylocke!” Cried Storm. “Jean….she’s there, she’s fighting me.” And her body gave a lurch and she fell to the ground unconscious. “Elizabeth!” Nightcrawler knelt, and tried to revive her but with no success. He looked up to Storm. “Ororo? What do we do? Go back?” She shook her head. “Every moment is precious, we must find Jean. We must stop her, one way or another.” Jack motioned to Teal’C, who obligingly bent, and picked up Psylocke. Jack unlimbered his weapon. “All right people, let’s move in.” They moved as one, and came to the building Kitty described. There they were balked, as there appeared to be no visible entrance. Shadowcat slipped out to join them, and was about to phase them through one at a time but suddenly Wolverine was with them. He went without hesitation round the building and found a concealed entrance. Daniel ran his hands over the various symbols around the doorframe. He found a snake symbol and, praying it was similar to the ship they had encountered, pushed it. The X-Men watched impressed as the door grated open. The darkness inside was not inviting and Storm created a ball of lightning which cast eerie shadows on the walls as they moved on. From what little they could see, they were moving along a narrow, low-ceilinged coridoor. As the walked, Jack worried about his team. They had no weapons against Jean’s telepathy, and Psylocke remained unconscious. He hoped that Jean would not be able to take on more than one person at a time. He glanced over at Angel, thinking that within the confined space, his wings would be no help at all. The other caught his glance, and returned one of smug superiority. Jack wondered if it was a cover for his feelings of inadequacy. Suddenly, they could see light ahead. Storm dismissed her lightning, and motioned Wolverine forward with her. Their eyes had time to get used to the light and they could see into the huge chamber. Jean was standing before two huge statues of Anubis and Horus. She was talking to a tall figure whose face was covered by a dog-shaped mask. |