Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/209774-Land-of-Enchantment
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Fantasy · #209774
An ordinary girl steps through a portal and suddenly, nothing is ordinary any more.

Land of Enchantment

"Let's go! You're going to be late!" Sari was sitting in front of her mirror, studying her face and wondering why her mother had to use that phrase every morning
"Coming mother!" she answered and went back to studying her face. 'I hate my face!' she thought to herself. Everyone told her she was beautiful, but she didn't believe them. She thought she was pretty average looking. Jet black hair, small oval face, almond shaped dark brown eyes, her skin was a tan yellow (because of her Japanese heritage), and lips not to thin but not very full. Her hair was straight and actually pretty healthy, but it seemed to just lay there. She could never do anything with it. She had seriously considered perming it or dyeing it, but her mother said she was too young. Besides it would ruin her hair, dry it out. Her eyes were almost black and she had received lots of compliments on how pretty they were. Sari just thought they were boring and they didn't really match the rest of her face. Her self-bashing and studying was interrupted by her mother's voice.
"Sari, let's go, now! If you're not down those stairs in two minutes, I'm coming up there!"
"All right, all right, I'm coming!" Sari was the eldest of the two children in the Prima family. She had been an only child, up until two years ago, when her little brother was born. Matthew took over everything, her room, her house, and most of all, her parents. Ever since he was born, all their parents' attention went to Matthew, or so it seemed. The truth was, both her parents tried to give Sari the attention she needed, but the new child had become so time consuming, and Sari had become so rebellious. Now it was time for Sari to et her daily lecture on being a responsible young woman. She listened, letting it go in one ear and out the other, while she got ready for her doctor appointment. She reached the table to find nothing but a bowl of oatmeal, the consistency of paste, that tasted worse than it looked.
When her mother had her back to her, Sari dumped the paste into the garbage disposal and made some toast. 'My mother the health nut' Sari thought to herself. she could never figure out, in the twelve years she'd known her mother, why she’d been such a fanatic for health food. Sari nodded her head to the jumble of words her mother had been spilling out. 'What's the point?' she thought to herself, 'I just can't seem to figure out why I bother myself with this whole mess. I like writing, my mother wants me to be a "responsible business woman". I mean, I'm smart, at twelve years of age, I've already written several poems and two novels. Novels! I can hardly believe it myself, and I'm working on a third. A responsible business woman, go figure.
After dinner, Sari went straight to her room, as usual, to work on her latest novel. She walked into her room, looked around, and headed straight for her desk across the room. She sat herself in the shiny solid oak chair and got comfortable. She pulled out her note book of loose leaf paper and began writing. She had always been so concentrated on her writing. Even more so with this one. She was writing about this girl who found this whole other world full of beautiful landscape, and even more beautiful creatures. Unicorns, fairies, elves, brook-jallas, and dragons. She had lost all sense of time while writing. She started to get little sleepy, so she decided to go down to the kitchen and get a cup of hot cocoa. She walked out of her room to find the house frighteningly dark and quiet. She was surprised, she hadn't heard anyone say goodnight. It was so cold. Winter this year was terrible. She looked down the hall to her left, she saw her parent's room at the end closed tight. The night-light in the bathroom glowing bright like a full moon in the black of night. Right in front of her was her brother's room, which used to be hers and she got resentful, just looking at it. She looked to her right and headed for the stairs. Sari stumbled down the stairs, jumping at every squeak and crackle she heard.
She walked into the kitchen and the very first thing she did was stop at the thermostat right next to the window and turned it up to seventy degrees. She looked out the window. The window almost completely covered with frost from the below freezing temperatures outside. She'd been so into her writing about the summer of this world in her story, that she was almost disoriented to see the thick blanket of snow covering the lawn of her Western New York home. Her yard was pretty big to begin with, but it looked overwhelming when it was wrapped in it's white security blanket. Sari made her hot chocolate as quick as she could. She was eager to get back to her warm cozy room and her book. Sari turned around to go back to her room and was so surprised by what she saw next, that she dropped her hot chocolate. Her legs felt like jello underneath of her. She had this strange dreamy feeling as she stood there frozen, shaky, and staring in awe at what she was seeing. It was a portal. It was a beautiful, bright, white light. The kind of light that was said to be seen before you enter the gates of heaven. There were various other colors deep within the whiteness of the light that consumed half the kitchen, and who knows how much more. Sari began to feel strangely drawn to the light. She wanted to run away, to stay as far away from the strange light as possible, but she couldn't. Someone or something wasn't going to let her. She drew closer and closer, to spite the fear she held deep within her quivering body. As she drew closer, Sari saw what was inside the portal. The images were a bit distorted, because the portal was like water flowing from her ceiling to her floor like a waterfall. Still, all the same, she saw what she needed to see to decide whether or not to get closer. She saw a beautiful valley with the most colorful trees she'd ever seen surrounding it. As she drew closer to get better look, she found herself in the middle of it all. One second Sari was in her home in Western New York in the midst of winter, the next, she was in this whole other world in the midst of summer. Sari was so in awe over this fabulous place that she fell to her knees like an infant just learning to crawl. She rolled around in the grass. It was as soft as silk and as green as emeralds. There were beautiful flowers That Sari had never before seen until now. With colors there were no names for and scents that were absolutely intoxicating.
Sari never actually knew just how long she'd been rolling in the grass, becoming physiologically connected with the almost divine existence of the new found nature. It put her under a spell of fantasy, the kind of spell she was put under while writing her books. How ever long she had been under the spell, it was broken by the sound of the silky grass under someone's feet. She jumped so high she swore she touched the sky, that she'd just noticed, was the deepest blue she had ever seen. When her heart slowed down and she wasn't so scared any more Sari looked up to see a young child standing next to her. The child was staring her straight in her eyes. Even though the child was seemingly harmless, the stare was actually uncomfortable, at first. The child was obviously a girl. She was a beautiful young girl. She had a slim figure, with a heart shaped face to match. Her face was wider at the hairline and got more narrow at the chin. Her eyes were a deep blue that reminded her distinctly of the sky above them. Her silky blonde hair was curled. She was about three feet tall. She looked to be a short thirteen year old. She wore a skirt and vest made of the leaves that grow in the beautiful colors on the trees of her world. The only thing that seemed strange about the girl was that she had pointed ears, and that was when it hit her. The child standing next t her, wasn't a child at all, she was an elf. She held a small flute made of wood in her tiny hands. Finally she spoke. Her voice was small, soft, but confident.
"Hello, Outworlder. I am Sheltina, daughter of Melintina, mother of Feltina. Welcome to the Land of Enchantment. Tell me, where are you from?" Sari was so surprised and speechless by the sound of the Sheltina's voice that she just sat there for a while, jaw-to-ground staring at her. Finally, Sari found her voice, but it was shrill and fragile.
"My name is Sari Rau Prima, daughter of Makato, and I'm not the mother of anyone. I am from Brockport, New York. How did I get here?"
"Well Sari Rau Prima, you must have been just lucky enough to find the border between our world and Enchantment."
"Enchantment." Sari softly repeated the word over and over again to no one in particular. "But how did I find it?" She asked.
"About very ten years, the portal opens in different spots. The spot depends on the emotions there. The stronger the emotions, the more chance there is that it will open there. And sometimes it opens to those with a mystical power" Sheltina explained.
Sari didn't know what else to say. Sheltina was very patient with Sari's blankness. She was such a gentle, loving creature. When Sari read books with elves in it they were usually the gentlest, most helpful beings. "I've read about people like you. You're an elf, right?" Sari finally spoke again.
"That's right. I've read those stories, too. Other Outworlders like you have brought me books. I must say that I am very fascinated by your views of 'elves' . The Outworlders' views are not all true. For instance, here we are not elves, we are tinas, second, we do not make homes out of trees, as many of your books insinuate. We build homes out of nature's materials. Yes, wood is one of those materials, but we do not live inside of trees." Sheltina went on to explain several things that the Outworlders had perceived wrongly about their kind. "Come now," Sheltina said, "We must go now to see Milcont. He is expecting us." Sari got up and followed Sheltina reluctantly at first. It wasn't too long before Sari got used to her new friend and the new surroundings. Being in the presence of Sheltina was so calming to Sari she was more relaxed there with her than she had ever been. Sari began to tell her about her family. How her mother and father didn't understand her. Even about her brother and how he took her parents away from her. Sheltina seemed to understand what Sari was going through.
'Maybe she's been through the same thing' Sari said to herself.
When they finally reached Milcont's place, Sari was speechless. It was huge! The house was made out of wood and leaves of the world. The leaves seemed to shine with the mornings dew. It all seemed so magical. Like it wasn't even there. Although Sari knew that wasn't possible because it was standing right there in front of her!
"Yes, it is real." Sheltina said as if she read her thoughts.
No sooner than they arrived, a creature came out of the mansion. He had a gray beard that went to his feet, and matching hair half the length. Sari decided he must be a wizard of some sort.
"You must be Sari." He said. His voice seemed old and wise, yet soft and gentle.
"Yes." She answered not knowing what else to say.
"My name's Milcont. I am one of the most powerful wizards in the Land of Enchantment." He explained. "Please. come inside and make yourselves at home."
Sari was hesitant about going in. She doesn't even know this guy! Not to mention she is in a whole other realm. The only reason she did go in was because Sheltina didn't seem the slightest bit worried. And they were the only people that she did know.
"Wow." Were the only words that Sari said once she got inside.
It was much larger then it appeared to be from the outside.
"I know, it's not much, but..." He started.
"No! I...it's beautiful." Sari interrupted. She immediately blushed. She hadn't meant to be rude or anything.
"Why, thank you my dear." He said not seeming to be the slightest bit mad.
He turned back to a book shelf and began looking. He turned to Sari with a large book in his hands.
"I suppose that you are wondering why the portal to our realm appeared to you. Am I right?" He asked.
"Well, I guess I am curious as to why it appeared to me of all people." She answered as if the thought had just occurred to her.
"Well, you see, you posses a great gift. Just as your mother did." He said.
"A gift? My mother? Did she come here to?" She asked.
"Yes. Your gift is a power called witchcraft. I was to tell you about it then send you to Valenta who shall train you to be a most powerful witch." He said seeming to become excited. "And Sheltina was appointed as your guide." He added.
"I shall help you and get you anything you need or want." She said gracefully bowing.
“Umm, thank you. Please, tell me, why did you bow to me?” Sari asked.
“Huh? Oh! I’m just being courteous, that’s all.” Sheltina replied.
She seemed to be hiding something, but Sari paid little heed to it. She couldn’t believe that she was a witch! It was like a dream come true. As if she was living inside of a fairytale! Like the book she was writing.
“When do I start my training?” She asked becoming more and more excited.
“As soon as Valenta says so.” He said with a laugh. “Now, off you go.” As Sheltina and Sari were leaving, Milcont whispered something to Sheltina who nodded in response.
“Where does Valenta live?” Sari asked curiously.
“She lives in the castle over there.” She replied gesturing to a large castle just beyond a fairly small river. The castle seemed to be a shade of gray. It probably had a draw bridge and everything! As she got closer to the river where she could see the castle better, she saw that it looked like the pictures of the Windsor Castle in England! It was immense!
"I...is that were Valenta lives?" Sari inquired.
“Yes. And, while in training, where you shall be living as well.” She answered. “Well come on, shall we cross?” “How?” Sari didn’t see any way to cross.
“Like this.” She said as she took a flute out of her belt. She held it to her lips and played a mesmerizing tune. Next thing Sari heard was a whoosh over her head. She looked up and screamed. A giant object was flying just inches above her! When it landed she saw that it was a dragon.
“Come on. This is our ride.” Sheltina said moving towards the dragon.
“Is that thing safe?” She asked, her voice coming out in a shrill.
“Yes, it’s perfectly safe.” She said with an amused smile on her face.
“Well...” She said still uncertain.
“Just think. You will be the only one of your friends back home that could honestly say that you have ridden a real dragon.” She said with a smile.
That seemed to cheer Sari up. With out thinking, she ran over to the dragon and hoped up. “That’s better.” Sheltina said as she mounted the puffing dragon. “To the castle!” She said, and the dragon took off with a thunderous roar that seemed to make the ground shake with fear. As the dragon ascended into the sky, Sari seemed to suddenly realize what she was doing. She gasped with fear as she quickly wrapped her arms around Sheltina’s waist to keep herself from falling.
Sari was grateful once the dragon finally landed. She tried to jump off the dragon but instead ended up falling off. She screamed as she plummeted to the ground.
“Ohhh, my head!” She said groggily.
“I think the first thing you should do once we get to the castle is lay down.” Sheltina said as she gracefully landed (on her feet).
As they approached the castle, Sari became more and more nervous. She thought that they might have some trouble getting in. Sure enough, the guards stopped them.
“Halt!” One of them said. He had a deep voice that fit his face. He was slightly plump, with a scowl.
“I am lady Sheltina. We have come to see King Whimsic.” Sheltina said as if she had done this a million times before. The other guard stepped in. He was much taller and lean then the other guard. He also seemed more friendly.
“And who is this?” He asked nodding towards Sari. Sheltina stepped up to them and whispered in their ear. The two guards nodded.
“You may pass.” They said bowing to Sari as she walked pass them. Once inside, Sari grabbed Sheltina’s arm causing her to stop.
“Why is everyone bowing to me as if I am royalty or something?” She asked. But Sheltina laughed in response.
“You shall find out all in good time my dear. Just be patient. I guarantee you it will be worth it.” She answered as she began walking off. Sari ran too catch up with her.
When they walked into an enormous room, the first thing Sari noticed were the thrones at the far center. Sitting on the throne on the left was a woman no more then 35 years old. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Sari thought she was beautiful. And on the right throne, was a man about the same age. He had black hair with brown eyes. He looked so much like her that he could have been her father. Standing next to him was a young girl who seemed 13 years old. She had black hair and brown eyes. And on the opposite side was another girl. She had blonde hair and intense emerald green eyes. They were both ravishing.
As they approached the thrones, Sheltina bowed. Sari had no idea what to do, so she bowed as well. The man (Obviously the king) stood.
“Arise.” His voice seemed gently just like his features. “Is this Sari?” He asked.
“Yes your highness.” Sheltina answered.
“My, my, my. I haven’t seen you since you were an infant!” He exclaimed.
“Huh? Do I know you?” Sari was extremely confused.
“I take it your mother never told you? Figures. Leave it to her to not reveal her daughters true father or heritage.” He said shaking his head. “Celesta, Micaya. Please, be a dear and take Sari up to her room to change.” He said motioning for the two girls to come forward.
“Yes father.” The said simultaneously. Sari looked at how she was dressed. She saw nothing wrong with her outfit. She was wearing a pair on jeans and a shirt that showed some of her midriff. Then she looked at the two girls. They were both dressed in elegant dresses. With a tiara placed neatly above their hair.
“Do not worry Sari. I shall explain everything once you are changed.” He said as they were leaving. The two girls lead her up a winding staircase. The only thing that Sari could think about was the fact that her had kept this from her all of her life. She was so mad at her!
The girls led her into a room that was smaller then the throne room but still large.
“This is where you shall be sleeping.” The girl with blonde hair said. “By the way, I’m Celesta, and this Micaya. We, as you’ve probably figured out, are your sisters. Well, Micaya is your sister, I’m just your half sister.” She added.
“Nice to meet you. My name is Sari.” Sari said trying to be polite.
“We have been prepared for your arrival.” Micaya said walking to the closet. “So we took the liberty of filling your closet with elegant clothing.” She added taking a dress out of the closet. “Ahhh. Here we are. This dress will be perfect. If you have any questions on what should be worn. Then feel free to ask us. We’ll be more then happy to assist you.” She added with a smile.
“Umm, thank you.” Sari said as she took the dress from Micaya. “Trust me, I will more then likely ask for assistance from one of you.” She added gratefully.
The two girls headed towards the door. “We’ll be right outside if you need us!” One of them called. The door shut behind them. Sari set the dress on her bed and walked to a set of French doors. She opened them and walked out to a balcony that over looked the kingdom. It was breath taking! She could see everything from there. She walked back inside and closed the door. As she was walking to the bed, she began to undress. She held the dress in front of her.
‘This is something I’ve only worn in dreams. I never thought I’d be wearing this kind of thing in real life!’ She thought to herself. She unzipped it and stepped in. Once she had it on, she realized she couldn’t reach the zipper!
“Oh, no!” She groaned. She walked over to the door and opened it. “Umm, could one of you two help me zip my dress up? I can’t reach the zipper.” She said embarrassed.
“Sure.” Celesta said as they both walked into the room. She easily zipped it up. After it was zipped she walked back to the closet and brought out a pair of slippers. Sari was starting to feel like Cinderella. As she put the slippers on she was feeling as if she truly belonged there. That she was suppose to have been there all of her life instead of with her mother.
Once they were downstairs, her father had her come and sit by the throne.
“You see,” He started. “Your mother and I both lived here. When she got pregnant, she wanted our children to grow up in a normal environment. But I thought that we were fine where we were. So your mother took you back to the mortal realm and I kept your twin sister here in the Land of Enchantment.” He explained.
“So that guy is only my step-father, the baby is only my half brother, and I have a twin? Could this day get any better?” She said. It was obvious that she wasn’t upset about it.
“I am relieved that you are not mad about being kept in the dark.” He said relieved. As soon as he was finished speaking an elderly woman came in. King Whimsic stood up. “Ahh Valenta. How good it is to see you. How have you been?” He asked as he had a guard get her a chair. “King Whimsic!” She laughed. “I have been just great, and you?”
“Just fine. I suppose you are here to meet Sari?” He asked as Valenta took a seat.
“Yes. Where is the dear?” She asked looking at the girls.
“Right here.” He answered as Sari stepped forward.
“Come here child.” She said beckoning her to move closer. “Let me get a good look at you.” Sari obediently walked over to Valenta. She motioned for Sari to turn.
“Ahh, looks just like her parents.” She said.
“You knew my mother too?” She asked.
“Yes, Makato was a beautiful woman.” She said. “Just a little misguided” She added in a whisper. Sari giggled. Valenta smiled. “A sense of humor. That’s good.” She added.
“Can I ask you a question?” Sari asked as she stood there in front of her.
“Of course my dear! Ask away.” She replied nodding her head.
“When would we be able to start my training?” “I have some important matters to attend to, so I’d say, tomorrow.” She replied pleased with Sari’s enthusiasm. “Well, I’m afraid I must go now. “ She said backing towards the door.
“All right, thank you very much. It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Valenta.” She said as Valenta was leaving. She stopped at the door.
“It was a pleasure meeting you to. And please, just call me Valenta. Ms. Valenta is to formal!” She said with a shudder. Once she left her father came up to her.
“Well, well, well. It seems you will have a very busy day tomorrow.” He said with a slight chuckle.
“Yes father. I guess I do.” She said with the same jovial tone.
“You don’t realize how good it is to hear you call me father.” He said with a sigh.
“Please, excuse us father, but we really must get to bed.” Micaya said as she took her Sari by the arm
“Yes, of course. Good night. I’ll see you three in the morning.” He said kissing the three girls on the cheek.
“Good night daddy.” They said in unison. As they were walking up the steps they were silent until Celesta spoke.
“My bedroom is the one on your left, and Micaya’s is on the right.” She explained. “If you need anything then feel free to knock on one of our doors.” “Thank you. Both of you. You’ve all been so nice to me since I arrived. You just took me in as a part of your family.”
“That is because you are a part of our family.” Micaya said with a warm smile. “Well, here we are. Good night Celesta. Good night Sari.” she said once they reached their bedroom doors.
“Good night Micaya. Good night Celesta.” Sari said joining in.
“Good night Sari. Good night Micaya.” Celesta said as they were going into their bedrooms.
Sari couldn’t sleep that night. She was too anxious for the next morning to come. She was also a little upset because her mom never told her about any of this. She didn’t even try to make a fairy tale about it! She decided to go out on to the balcony. It was enchanting at night time. The sky was a midnight blue that seemed so close that she could touch it. She imagined that it would be as soft as velvet. The sky was perfectly clear with billions of stars shining through like tiny little fairies. As she was staring out over the distance, a tune filled the air. She looked down. There, at the river, was a mermaid playing a harp! And faeries were dancing all around her. She wish she could go down there. But there were guards at the entrance to the castle. So she decided to just watch.
She stood there listening to the soothing music. Suddenly, the music stopped bringing Sari out of her trance. She looked down. The mermaid had spotted her!
‘Maybe if I am nice she’ll continue.’ She thought to herself. She waved to her. But it was to late. The mermaid had already dove into the water and disappeared. Along with the faeries.
Sari walked back into her room a little disappointed. She had really wanted to go down there. She went to her bed pulled back the covers and started to crawl in. Half way in, she paused. She thought she heard something. She listened hearing silence. She shrugged and got the rest of the way into bed.

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