Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2097364-Decline-of-the-American-President
Rated: E · Critique · Political · #2097364
My feelings on today's political situation
1960 John F. Kennedy (Mass.) – Lyndon B. Johnson (Tex.) Richard Nixon (Calif.) – Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (Mass.)
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson (Tex.) – Hubert Humphrey (Minn.) Barry Goldwater (Ariz.) – William E. Miller (N.Y.)
1968 Hubert Humphrey (Minn.) – Edmund Muskie (Maine) Richard Nixon (Calif.) – Spiro Agnew (Md.)
1972 George McGovern (S.D.) – Sargent Shriver (Md.) Richard Nixon (Calif.) – Spiro Agnew (Md.)
1976 Jimmy Carter (Ga.) – Walter Mondale (Minn.) Gerald Ford (Mich.) – Bob Dole (Kans.)
1980 Jimmy Carter (Ga.) – Walter Mondale (Minn.) Ronald Reagan (Calif.) – George H. W. Bush (Tex.)
1984 Walter Mondale (Minn.) – Geraldine Ferraro (N.Y.) Ronald Reagan (Calif.) – George H. W. Bush (Tex.) David
1988 Michael Dukakis (Mass.) – Lloyd Bentsen (Tex.) George H. W. Bush (Tex.) – Dan Quayle (Ind.)
1992 Bill Clinton (Ark.) – Al Gore (Tenn.) George H. W. Bush (Tex.) – Dan Quayle (Ind.)
1996 Bill Clinton (Ark.) – Al Gore (Tenn.) Bob Dole (Kans.) – Jack Kemp (N.Y.)
2000 Al Gore (Tenn.) – Joe Lieberman (Conn.) George W. Bush (Tex.) – Dick Cheney (Wyo.)
2004 John Kerry (Mass.) – John Edwards (N.C.) George W. Bush (Tex.) – Dick Cheney (Wyo.)
2008 Barack Obama (Ill.) – Joseph Biden (Del.) John McCain (Ariz.) – Sarah Palin (Alaska)
2012 Barack Obama (Ill.) – Joseph Biden (Del.) Mitt Romney (Mass.) – Paul Ryan (Wis.)
2016 Hillary Clinton (N.Y.) - Tim Kaine (Va.) Donald Trump (N.Y.) – Mike Pence (Ind.)

1963 - President Kennedy Assassinated
1974 - President Nixon Impeached due to Watergate scandal
1980 - Actor Ronald Reagan elected President
1996 - Clinton-Lewinsky scandal

Since the turn of the year 2000 presidential candidates have become more representations of the extremes of their parties and less of a qualified upcoming politician with a plan,vision and direction to take the country in. The process to which presidential candidates are nominated has seem to gone from bringing qualified politicians, seemingly meant for this very specific role in office to, today, where it's not the most qualified that's given the potential to become president, but instead the candidate who's simply able to hold our attention in this overly abundant digital information age. Noteworthy presidents since the new millennium can be characterized as "Son of former President", "Former Vice President Environmentalist", " "First Black President", "First Female President", "Self-funded Business Entrepreneur".
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